H12230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 21, 2003 of the joint resolution, H.J. Res. 79, on Menendez Putnam Solis the rule we are about to take up for the which the yeas and nays are ordered. Mica Quinn Souder underlying bill, H.R. 1, is a rule that is Michaud Rahall Spratt The Clerk read the title of the joint Millender- Ramstad Stearns pursuant to a conference and a con- resolution. McDonald Rangel Stenholm ference report where Democratic con- Miller (FL) Regula Strickland ferees were not even allowed into the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Miller (MI) Rehberg Stupak room and where the Committee on question is on the passage of the joint Miller (NC) Renzi Sullivan resolution. Miller, Gary Reyes Sweeney Rules did not address the elimination The vote was taken by electronic de- Mollohan Reynolds Tancredo or the lack of acknowledgment of the Moore Rodriguez Tanner vice, and there were—yeas 407, nays 16, Moran (KS) Rogers (AL) participation of the Democratic con- Tauscher ferees? Is this H.R. 1 that we are about not voting 11, as follows: Moran (VA) Rogers (KY) Taylor (MS) Murphy Rogers (MI) to take up? And is there any way for [Roll No. 664] Taylor (NC) Murtha Rohrabacher Terry the points of order to be in order so Musgrave Ros-Lehtinen YEAS—407 Thomas Myrick Ross that we could address that question on Thompson (CA) Abercrombie Davis (AL) Holt Nadler Rothman the floor of the House? Thompson (MS) Ackerman Davis (CA) Honda Napolitano Roybal-Allard Thornberry The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Aderholt Davis (FL) Hooley (OR) Neal (MA) Royce Tiahrt Akin Davis (IL) Hostettler Nethercutt Rush chair is about to recognize a member Tiberi Alexander Davis (TN) Houghton Neugebauer Ryan (OH) from the Committee on Rules to call Toomey Allen Davis, Jo Ann Hoyer Ney Ryan (WI) up the rule, which will be read to the Andrews Davis, Tom Hulshof Towns Northup Ryun (KS) House. Baca Deal (GA) Hunter Norwood Sabo Turner (OH) Turner (TX) Bachus DeGette Hyde Nunes Sanchez, Linda f Baird Delahunt Inslee Nussle T. Udall (CO) Baker DeLauro Isakson Oberstar Sanchez, Loretta Udall (NM) WAIVING POINTS OF ORDER Baldwin DeLay Israel Obey Sanders Upton AGAINST CONFERENCE REPORT Ballance Deutsch Issa Van Hollen Ortiz Sandlin ON H.R. 1, MEDICARE PRESCRIP- Ballenger Diaz-Balart, L. Istook Osborne Saxton Velazquez Barrett (SC) Diaz-Balart, M. Jackson (IL) Ose Schakowsky Visclosky TION DRUG, IMPROVEMENT, AND Bartlett (MD) Dicks Janklow Otter Schiff Vitter MODERNIZATION ACT OF 2003 Barton (TX) Doggett Jefferson Owens Schrock Walden (OR) Bass Dooley (CA) Jenkins Oxley Scott (GA) Walsh Ms. PRYCE of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, by Beauprez Doolittle John Pallone Scott (VA) Wamp direction of the Committee on Rules, I Bell Doyle Johnson (CT) Pascrell Sensenbrenner Waters call up House Resolution 463 and ask Bereuter Dreier Johnson (IL) Pastor Serrano Watson Berkley Duncan Johnson, E. B. Payne Sessions Waxman for its immediate consideration. Berman Dunn Johnson, Sam Pearce Shadegg Weiner The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Berry Edwards Jones (NC) Pelosi Shaw Weldon (FL) lows: Biggert Ehlers Jones (OH) Pence Shays Weldon (PA) Bilirakis Emanuel Kanjorski Peterson (MN) Sherwood Weller H. RES. 463 Bishop (GA) Emerson Kaptur Peterson (PA) Shimkus Wexler Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- Bishop (NY) Engel Keller Petri Shuster Whitfield lution it shall be in order to consider the Bishop (UT) English Kelly Pickering Simmons Wicker Blackburn Eshoo Kennedy (MN) conference report to accompany the bill Pitts Simpson Wilson (NM) (H.R. 1) to amend title XVIII of the Social Blumenauer Etheridge Kennedy (RI) Platts Skelton Wilson (SC) Blunt Evans Kildee Pombo Slaughter Wolf Security Act to provide for a voluntary pro- Boehlert Everett Kilpatrick Pomeroy Smith (MI) Woolsey gram for prescription drug coverage under Boehner Farr Kind Porter Smith (NJ) Wu the Medicare Program, to modernize the Bonilla Fattah King (IA) Portman Smith (TX) Wynn Medicare Program, to amend the Internal Bonner Feeney King (NY) Price (NC) Smith (WA) Young (AK) Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a deduction to Bono Ferguson Kingston Pryce (OH) Snyder Young (FL) Boozman Flake Kirk individuals for amounts contributed to Boswell Foley Kleczka NAYS—16 health savings security accounts and health savings accounts, to provide for the disposi- Boucher Forbes Kline Becerra Ford Olver Boyd Fossella Knollenberg tion of unused health benefits in cafeteria Capuano Jackson-Lee Sherman Bradley (NH) Frank (MA) Kolbe Conyers (TX) Stark plans and flexible spending arrangements, Brady (PA) Franks (AZ) LaHood DeFazio Kucinich and for other purposes. All points of order Brady (TX) Frelinghuysen Lampson Tierney Dingell McDermott Watt against the conference report and against its Brown (OH) Frost Langevin Filner Miller, George Brown (SC) Gallegly Lantos consideration are waived. The conference re- Brown, Corrine Garrett (NJ) Larsen (WA) NOT VOTING—11 port shall be considered as read. Brown-Waite, Gerlach Larson (CT) Clay Gephardt Radanovich The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Ginny Gibbons Latham Costello Lewis (KY) Burgess Gilchrest LaTourette Ruppersberger tlewoman from Ohio (Ms. PRYCE) is DeMint Marshall Burns Gillmor Leach Tauzin recognized for 1 hour. Fletcher Paul Burr Gingrey Lee Ms. PRYCE of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, for Burton (IN) Gonzalez Levin ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE the purpose of debate only, I yield the Buyer Goode Lewis (CA) Calvert Goodlatte Lewis (GA) The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. customary 30 minutes to my colleague Camp Gordon Linder SHIMKUS) (during the vote). Two min- and friend, the gentlewoman from New Cannon Goss Lipinski utes remain in this vote. York (Ms. SLAUGHTER), pending which I Cantor Granger LoBiondo yield myself such time as I may con- Capito Graves Lofgren b 2137 Capps Green (TX) Lowey sume. During consideration of this res- Cardin Green (WI) Lucas (KY) Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California olution, all time yielded is for the pur- Cardoza Greenwood Lucas (OK) changed his vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ pose of debate only. Carson (IN) Grijalva Lynch So the joint resolution was passed. Carson (OK) Gutierrez Majette Mr. Speaker, H. Res. 463 is a standard Carter Gutknecht Maloney The result of the vote was announced rule waiving all points of order against Case Hall Manzullo as above recorded. the conference report to accompany Castle Harman Markey A motion to reconsider was laid on Chabot Harris Matheson H.R. 1, the Prescription Drug and Medi- Chocola Hart Matsui the table. care Modernization Act of 2003. The Clyburn Hastings (FL) McCarthy (MO) f rule also waives all points of order Coble Hastings (WA) McCarthy (NY) against its consideration. Cole Hayes McCollum PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY Collins Hayworth McCotter Mr. Speaker, I rise today in full sup- Cooper Hefley McCrery Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. port of the rule and of the underlying Cox Hensarling McGovern Speaker, I have a parliamentary in- bill. I would like to thank Chairman Cramer Herger McHugh Crane Hill McInnis quiry. THOMAS and Chairman TAUZIN for their Crenshaw Hinchey McIntyre The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. outstanding coordination, their re- Crowley Hinojosa McKeon LAHOOD). The gentlewoman will state markable leadership, and the inspiring Cubin Hobson McNulty it. vision that they have provided on this Culberson Hoeffel Meehan Cummings Hoekstra Meek (FL) Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. critical legislation. The conferees have Cunningham Holden Meeks (NY) Speaker, is it my understanding that all worked extraordinarily hard to VerDate jul 14 2003 05:03 Nov 23, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00126 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21NO7.202 H21PT1 November 21, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H12231 produce the most sweeping Medicare Society of Anesthesiologists; American care for these low-income families and bill in generations. Physical Therapy Association; patholo- seniors. Since 1965, Medicare has provided a gists; nurse practitioners. The list goes In addition to its strong commitment guarantee of health care coverage for on and on. It includes hundreds and to our lower-income seniors in general, most all Americans. Stability, lon- hundreds of supporters. They back this the plan is particularly good news for gevity, and integrity have been the plan because they know how important women. Since women make up a major- hallmarks of this program, offering the and long overdue it is, plain and sim- ity of Medicare beneficiaries and tend promise of a secure retirement. But a ple. to suffer more from chronic illnesses, lot has changed since 1965. Our invest- There are many reasons to vote for this landmark improvement in the ment in research and medicine has this package, but I want to call atten- Medicare system will radically change yielded us advanced medications, tion to a few that are significant. First their lives for better. Half of the senior therapies, and technology that have of all, this prescription drug plan is women who are under Medicare will re- paved the way for our seniors to live voluntary, universal, and guaranteed. ceive complete drug coverage, an ex- longer, healthier lives. Unfortunately, Period. If you are over 65 and you qual- traordinary step forward for these Medicare has not changed with these ify for Medicare, you qualify for this women who are suffering unnecessarily medical advancements. The most obvi- benefit. If you want it, you can have it. high drug cost burdens even as we ous shortcoming is the lack of prescrip- If you do not, you do not have to take speak. The disease management aspect tion drug coverage, the best tool medi- it. With this benefit, 40 million seniors of this bill will help prevent the pro- cine has to offer. will begin receiving significant savings gression of the chronic illnesses from Before us today is an opportunity to on their medications. which a majority of senior women suf- pass landmark legislation that address- fer.
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