S608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 7, 2011 Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I yield not happy. We know what the Amer- you reach a certain income level, you the floor. ican people want. I know what the peo- are eligible for Medicaid services to be The PRESIDING OFFICER. It is the ple of Wyoming want in terms of administered by the States. But, quite Presiding Officer’s pleasure to recog- health care. They want the care they frankly, the flexibility the States have nize the Senator from West Virginia. need from the doctor they want at a is very limited, and this bill, the f cost they can afford. That was the goal Obama health care bill, expands Med- many of us had over a year ago when icaid eligibility to the point that 29 UNANIMOUS-CONSENT we started this discussion and debate percent of the people in South Carolina AGREEMENT—S. 223 on the Senate floor. What ultimately would be Medicaid eligible. Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I got passed—and many people believe Our State has an $850 million short- ask unanimous consent that at 10:20 crammed down the throats of the fall in our budget. I think Wyoming is a.m., the Senate proceed to the consid- American people—is now a health care in pretty good shape, but I think we eration of the pending Nelson of Flor- law where people are at risk of losing are probably closer to the average ida amendment No. 34; that there be 10 what they want and what they have. State. We have had a dramatic de- minutes of debate equally divided be- The promises made by the President crease in revenues, and the cost of complying with the Medicaid expan- tween Senator NELSON of Florida and are such that they have turned to be, sion in this bill would be $1 billion to a Senator HUTCHISON or their designees; in many ways, unfulfilled. The Presi- that upon the use or yielding back of dent said this would actually drive State that cannot afford it. I am sure time, the Senate proceed to a vote in down the cost of care—the health care West Virginia is very similar. So here is my commitment to the relation to the amendment, with no in- law—that insurance rates would go body. I would like to give the States an tervening action or debate; that there down $2,500 per family. What people opportunity to speak as to whether be no amendments, motions, or points have seen all across the country is the they want the individual mandate, the of order to the amendment prior to the cost of their health care insurance rates going up instead of down. The Medicaid expansion, and employer vote; and that the motion to reconsider mandate that I think adds a lot of cost be considered made and laid upon the President said: If you like the care you have, you can keep it. Now we know to businesses that will decrease job op- table. portunities at a time when South Caro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there that a majority of people who get their health insurance through their work lina needs every job it can get. objection? But one thing we could do by passing are not going to be able to keep the Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Yes, from me. this legislation is get this debate out of coverage they have liked. Yes, it is at 10:20 a.m. on Tuesday. I Washington, where everybody has kind So I come to the floor with my col- ask unanimous consent that it be at of dug in their heels, and listen to the league, Senator GRAHAM, because we 10:20 a.m. on Tuesday, February 8, that people. That is the one thing we have have introduced a bill, S. 244, the State the Senate proceed to it and then the not been able to do. rest of the request be the order. Health Care Choice Act, which allows This bill passed under the cover of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there States to make a decision to say: Is darkness on Christmas Eve in a process objection? this something we want in our State? that is not reflective of the hope and Without objection, it is so ordered. I will turn to my colleague from change we all would like to have. It South Carolina before getting into the f was the worst of Washington. It is not specifics. I know the Senator has vis- as if the Republican Party has never, MORNING BUSINESS ited with his Governor about the con- behind closed doors, passed bills on a Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I cerns his Governor has, a newly elected party line. But we are all trying to ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Governor who has concerns and actu- break that formula. And this bill ate proceed to a period of morning ally addressed those concerns with the passed on a party-line vote on Christ- business, with Senators permitted to President about the health care law mas Eve. To get the 60th vote, quite speak for up to 10 minutes each. and the mandates on the people of frankly, was unseemly. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without South Carolina. So what I am hearing from my Gov- So I would ask my friend and col- objection, it is so ordered. ernor is, please give me some relief league, are there things we as a body The Senator from Wyoming. from a Medicaid Program that is ought to be considering to make life drowning my State. f easier for the people of his home State So after this opportunity comes to ORDER OF PROCEDURE of South Carolina? And I can talk take the debate to the State level, I about things for Wyoming as well. would like to join with Senator Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I ask Mr. GRAHAM. Yes. If I may, Mr. BARRASSO and the Presiding Officer unanimous consent to enter into a col- President. and anyone else in this body who wants loquy with my colleague, the Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- to come up with a way to fix Medicaid from South Carolina, Mr. GRAHAM. ator from South Carolina. before it bankrupts all the States. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. GRAHAM. No. 1, Senator So this opt-out approach I think objection, it is so ordered. BARRASSO, who is an orthopedic sur- would make the debate more meaning- f geon, has been a great addition to the ful. It is not just about what people in Republican conference and to the Sen- A SECOND OPINION Washington think; it is about what ate as a whole. He is a doctor and has America wants and what Americans Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I practiced medicine longer than he has think. The best way to get their opin- come today to the Senate floor as a been in politics, I am sure, and he sees ion is to allow them to speak at the physician who has practiced medicine this problem from the physician’s point State level. in Wyoming for a quarter of a century, of view, from the patient’s point of So if my colleagues on the other side taking care of the families of Wyo- view. And our Presiding Officer was re- believe this is a great bill, then give ming, and to do what I have done cently a Governor. other people a chance to validate what throughout the past year—provide a Here is what my Governor is telling you think. We may be wrong. Senator doctor’s second opinion on this health me: that Medicaid is a program that BARRASSO and I may be wrong. We may care law people across the country are needs to be reformed, not expanded the be hearing criticism from this bill that now coming to grips with as they fi- way we are doing it. The second largest is very limited and unique to Wyoming nally are realizing what is in the bill expense to the State budget in South and South Carolina. I don’t think so, or, as the former Speaker of the House, Carolina is Medicaid matching money. but we will never know if we don’t give NANCY PELOSI, once said: First you For those who are home who may be people the chance to speak. have to pass it before you get to find watching, Medicaid is a program for That is what this bill does. It allows out what is in it. low-income Americans. It is a Federal States, if they choose, to opt out of the People are finding out what is in it, program and a State program, but it is individual mandate and the employer and people all across the country are a Federal Government mandate that if mandate of Medicaid expansion. VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:52 Aug 19, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD11\RECFILES\S07FE1.REC S07FE1 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 7, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S609 What is my colleague from Wyoming percent of the waivers, yet union mem- elected—or I am sure all of them are hearing about the effect of this bill on bers are only 7 percent of the work- elected—would be bringing a lawsuit to the State of Wyoming, and where do force. So it seems a disproportionate challenge the constitutionality if they you think we should go as a nation? number of these waivers have been believed their constituents were really Mr.
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