apVendPymt Vendor Payments Page: 1 03/05/2021 9:46AM Clay County Payments made between 1/1/2017 and 12/31/2017 Total Payments between $0.00 and $1,000,000,000.00 Check # Date Status Cleared Date Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 0000016 JACKSON CO MEDICAL EXAMINER Bank code: com 100003529206/19/2017 C 08/08/2017 17-clay 06/07/2017 2017 MEDICAL EXAMINER SERVICES 138,026.40 138,026.40 100003604707/18/2017 C 08/25/2017 17-clay1 07/01/2017 2017 MEDICAL EXAMINER SERVICES 76,507.20 76,507.20 100003867610/30/2017 C 12/15/2017 17-Clay2 10/09/2017 2017 MEDICAL EXAMINER SERVICES 76,507.20 76,507.20 Total Payments Bank Code:com 291,040.80 Total Payments Vendor:0000016 291,040.80 0000035 AIMEE AGDERIAN Bank code: com 100003172302/01/2017 C 02/06/2017 66775439 12/09/2017 Reimbursement for hotel A.Agderian 93.20 93.20 100003248902/22/2017 C 03/20/2017 12142016 01/30/2017 Cell Phone Reimbursement~ 20.00 20.00 100003391804/25/2017 C 06/05/2017 cell jan mar 2017 04/17/2017 Cell Phone Reimbursement~ 40.00 40.00 100003460105/22/2017 C 06/05/2017 mar apr 2017 04/14/2017 Cell Phone Reimbursement~ 20.00 20.00 100003687108/22/2017 C 08/30/2017 7182017 07/18/2017 Cell Phone Reimbursement~ 60.00 60.00 100003758709/19/2017 C 10/06/2017 8222017 08/22/2017 Cell Phone Reimbursement~ 20.00 20.00 100004000112/18/2017 C 12/21/2017 nov dec 2017 12/11/2017 12/6/2017 Expense Statement Attached 84.70 84.70 Total Payments Bank Code:com 337.90 Total Payments Vendor:0000035 337.90 0000045 THIS END UP FURNITURE Bank code: com 100003133601/11/2017 C 01/20/2017 22406 12/19/2016 REPLACEMENT SOFA CUSHIONS ~ 628.11 628.11 Total Payments Bank Code:com 628.11 Total Payments Vendor:0000045 628.11 0000053 & SUPPLY CO INC ROAD BUILDERS MACHINERY Bank code: com 100003146401/18/2017 C 01/23/2017 P60364 12/15/2016 Gasket Kit~ 280.09 280.09 100003296803/14/2017 C 03/17/2017 P64399 02/21/2017 Carbid Tooth/O Ring~ 424.93 424.93 Total Payments Bank Code:com 705.02 Total Payments Vendor:0000053 705.02 0000058 CLAY CO GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S OFFICE, Bank code: com 100003154801/25/2017 C 01/26/2017 949/902787 01/24/2017 POSTAGE 4TH QTR 2016 43.71 43.71 100003209102/09/2017 C 02/14/2017 dec 2016 01/30/2017 DECEMBER 2016 POSTAGE 76.70 76.70 100003253202/22/2017 C 03/02/2017 jan 2017 02/14/2017 JANUARY 2017 POSTAGE 109.48 109.48 100003317503/22/2017 C 03/30/2017 feb 2017 03/13/2017 FEBRUARY 2017 DEPT POSTAGE 95.47 95.47 100003389304/20/2017 C 04/26/2017 mar 2017 03/31/2017 MARCH DEPT POSTAGE 11.78 11.78 100003464305/22/2017 C 05/24/2017 postage apr 2017 05/15/2017 APRIL DEPT POSTAGE 1,127.89 1,127.89 apVendPymt Vendor Payments Page: 2 03/05/2021 9:46AM Clay County Payments made between 1/1/2017 and 12/31/2017 Total Payments between $0.00 and $1,000,000,000.00 Check # Date Status Cleared Date Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 0000058 CLAY CO GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S OFFICE, Bank code: com 100003475505/23/2017 C 05/24/2017 949/902890 05/23/2017 1ST QTR POSTAGE FOR INVOICES 42.30 42.30 100003551806/26/2017 C 06/29/2017 may 2017 06/12/2017 MAY 2017 DEPT POSTAGE 274.76 274.76 100003620107/24/2017 C 07/26/2017 june 2017 07/17/2017 JUNE 2017 DEPT POSTAGE 45.30 45.30 100003697808/23/2017 C 08/24/2017 949/17-327 08/23/2017 INV#902985, POSTAGE 48.88 48.88 100003781309/26/2017 C 09/29/2017 aug pstg 08/31/2017 AUGUST DEPT POSTAGE 13.15 13.15 100003829110/11/2017 C 10/13/2017 073117 07/31/2017 JULY2017 DEPT POSTAGE 132.73 132.73 100003864810/24/2017 C 10/26/2017 POSTAGE 9/2017 09/30/2017 SEPT 2017 DEPT POSTAGE 7.95 7.95 100003871710/31/2017 C 10/31/2017 949/903055 10/31/2017 3RD QTR POSTAGE 55.46 55.46 100003972612/11/2017 C 12/13/2017 10/31/17 12/04/2017 OCTOBER DEPT POSTAGE 149.49 149.49 100004003012/18/2017 C 12/21/2017 nov 2017 12/11/2017 NOVEMBER 2017 DEPT POSTAGE 11.32 11.32 Total Payments Bank Code:com 2,246.37 Total Payments Vendor:0000058 2,246.37 0000063 MADDEN MEDIA Bank code: com 100003357904/06/2017 C 04/12/2017 201700898 02/28/2017 32017 Web-MMSolar Silver Package~ 5,000.00 5,000.00 100003461605/22/2017 C 05/30/2017 201702000 04/26/2017 KC Spring Direct Mail Campaign 2017~ 3,701.00 05/22/2017 05/30/2017 201702413 03/31/2017 MARKETING MATCH GRANT - MO DIV OF TOURSIM 1,502.06 05/22/2017 05/30/2017 201702414 04/30/2017 MARKETING MATCH GRANT - MO DIV OF TOURSIM 592.44 5,795.50 100003760009/19/2017 C 09/26/2017 201703471 06/30/2017 Search Engine Marketing Agreement~ 510.01 09/19/2017 09/26/2017 201702860 05/31/2017 Search Engine Marketing Agreement~ 395.12 09/19/2017 09/26/2017 201703850 07/31/2017 Search Engine Marketing Agreement~ 14.99 920.12 100003801209/29/2017 C 10/10/2017 c55524 09/18/2017 Encumbrance~ 12,850.53 09/29/2017 10/10/2017 c55727 09/11/2017 ENCUMBRANCE~ 4,620.00 17,470.53 100003910611/16/2017 C 11/22/2017 201704836 10/06/2017 MARKETING MATCH GRANT - MO DIV OF TOURSIM 90.79 90.79 100003998412/18/2017 C 12/29/2017 201706220 11/29/2017 HIGHLIGHTED LISTING KC VISITORS GUIDE 808.42 808.42 Total Payments Bank Code:com 30,085.36 Total Payments Vendor:0000063 30,085.36 0000090 TOMMY ST. JOHN Bank code: com 100003119401/06/2017 C 01/18/2017 266717002 01/06/2017 PA WT 17002 575.00 575.00 100003183502/01/2017 C 02/10/2017 nov 2016 12/19/2016 11/21/2016 Meal reimbursement from 25.48 25.48 100003387604/20/2017 C 04/25/2017 089732 03/20/2017 3/19/17 - Receipt McKeevers Price 38.16 04/20/2017 04/25/2017 876983 03/19/2017 3/19/17 - Receipt McKeevers Price 23.40 04/20/2017 04/25/2017 09147c312217 03/22/2017 3/19/17 - Receipt McKeevers Price 19.38 04/20/2017 04/25/2017 6800 03/19/2017 3/19/17 - Receipt McKeevers Price 17.97 04/20/2017 04/25/2017 3778540 03/21/2017 3/19/17 - Receipt McKeevers Price 12.40 111.31 100003462705/22/2017 C 05/26/2017 1866 04/29/2017 RECEIPT 4-29-17 ~ 30.00 apVendPymt Vendor Payments Page: 3 03/05/2021 9:46AM Clay County Payments made between 1/1/2017 and 12/31/2017 Total Payments between $0.00 and $1,000,000,000.00 Check # Date Status Cleared Date Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 0000090 TOMMY ST. JOHN Bank code: com 100003462705/22/2017 05/26/2017 10111 04/28/2017 RECEIPT- SMOKEHOUSE BBQ~ 19.47 49.47 100003670308/15/2017 C 08/21/2017 meals 072417 07/24/2017 Reimbursement for T St. John for meals 18.68 18.68 100003700508/28/2017 C 09/05/2017 266/17157 08/28/2017 PA WT 17157 90.00 90.00 Total Payments Bank Code:com 869.94 Total Payments Vendor:0000090 869.94 0000092 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI Bank code: com 100003337503/27/2017 C 03/30/2017 ext0011221 03/01/2017 03/01/2017 Inv # EXT0011221~ 1,485.00 1,485.00 100003356704/06/2017 C 04/24/2017 32317aw 03/23/2017 REGISTRATION FEE FOR ANNA WHOLF TO 275.00 04/06/2017 04/24/2017 32317ks 03/23/2017 MEETING & CONV.~ 275.00 04/06/2017 04/24/2017 32317db 03/23/2017 Registration for Missouri Association 275.00 825.00 100003829710/13/2017 C 10/17/2017 ext0011660 08/16/2017 Training Request-A. Propst & L. Veto 250.00 250.00 100003918811/20/2017 C 11/22/2017 ext0011991 11/08/2017 Training Request for G. Zimmerman 495.00 11/20/2017 11/22/2017 ext0011991a 11/08/2017 Training request P. Coffer attending 495.00 990.00 Total Payments Bank Code:com 3,550.00 Total Payments Vendor:0000092 3,550.00 0000111 SHAFER, KLINE & WARREN INC Bank code: com 100003917611/20/2017 C 11/27/2017 130233-020-12 08/31/2017 REOPEN 2016 PO (16-01481) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TASK ORDER #2 1,053.30NE 188TH ST BRIDGE 1,053.30 Total Payments Bank Code:com 1,053.30 Total Payments Vendor:0000111 1,053.30 0000159 CHAD WILDERDYKE Bank code: com 100003883311/06/2017 C 11/16/2017 july 2017 10/23/2017 Reimbursment for Chad Wilderdyke from 81.44 81.44 Total Payments Bank Code:com 81.44 Total Payments Vendor:0000159 81.44 0000172 CONCILIATION COURTS AFCC/ASSN FAMILY & Bank code: com 100003189902/03/2017 C 02/09/2017 55143 01/17/2017 MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR 2017~ 445.00 445.00 100003583507/13/2017 C 07/24/2017 60492 10/01/2018 Member#8434 Inv#60492 Inv date 06/23/17 190.00 190.00 Total Payments Bank Code:com 635.00 Total Payments Vendor:0000172 635.00 0000192 LEXISNEXIS MATTHEW BENDER Bank code: com 100003135901/11/2017 C 01/18/2017 1618320-20161130 11/30/2016 07-08-16 Encumbrance~ 135.50 135.50 apVendPymt Vendor Payments Page: 4 03/05/2021 9:46AM Clay County Payments made between 1/1/2017 and 12/31/2017 Total Payments between $0.00 and $1,000,000,000.00 Check # Date Status Cleared Date Invoice Inv.
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