U.S.~ NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Phone 945247 Date Friday, June 12, 1970 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Israeli Forces Hit Northern End Of Suez Canal TEL AVIV (AP/AFRTS) -- Isra - Another Israeli strike force el forces have raided Egyptian is said to have attacked Egyp- lines at the northern end of tian positions near Ras Ghar- the Suez Canal. A spokesman ib on the Gulf of Suez. The in Tel Aviv says the Israelis Tel Aviv military official took a strip of Egyptian fort- said the Israelis took control ifications just over a mile of the bunkers on the Suez long, killing about 20 Egyp -Canal north of El Qantara and tian soldiers in the fighting *destroyed them. He added an Four Israeli soldiers were unknown number of Egyptians reported killed in the attac] kc were buried in the destroyed and 15 wounded. fortifications. King Hussein Of Jordan Tries To, Pacify Guerrillas S JORDAN (AP/AFRTS) -- Kin,g 500 persons killed or wounded.- Hussein of Jordan has announc - Arab guerrillas leaders in ed concessions in the hope o f Jordan charged that-both the pacifying Arab guerrillas whio *king's cousin and uncle were Sunday Is Flag Day have been battling his troop s trying to destroy their move- in and around Amman this week *ment, on orders from.the Unit- The 34-year-old monarch dis. -ed States Central Intelligen- missed his uncle as commander. -ce Agency. German Envoy Nabbe d in-chief of the army and hi;s in his radio -address last Cousin as head of Jordan': s night , King Husse.Ln saiLd tnau- RIO DE JANEIRO (AP/AFRTS) - - Third Armored Division. both the, army commander The West German Embassy and in Rio One explanation for the out. - the head of the Third Armored de Janeiro says the ambassado r break of hostilities is thait Division acted only on person- has been kidnapped by five te r- the cousin became angered wheiai al orders from him. Hussein rorists. The envoy is Ehren - 'his sister was killed by a said he dismissed them in ord- fried Von Holleben. stray bullet and ordered hii3 er to carry out a cease-fire Police report four men and a artillery to shell the refuge43 agreement made on Tuesday with woman blocked Holleben's car camps. The king took over a:B Al Fatah Guerrilla with a jeep. The ambassado leader Yas- r commander himself. sar Arafat. was forced at gunpoint to get Hussein made his appeal foi SStill battling Jordanian into another car in which he peace after five days o.-E troops in all parts of Amman fighting that left at leasi :is a radical Marxist group. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, June 12, 1970 WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--The House has re- jected a new effort to halt construction for the safeguard anti-missile system. Democrat News Gazetteer Sidney Yates of Illinois proposed that they kill $350 million for construction of three safeguard sites. The House voted it down 98-26. GERMAN ENVOY KIDNAPPED (Cont'd from pg. 1)- BRUSSELS (APAFRTS)--The North Atlantic was driven away. The terrorists opened fire Treaty allies are moving toward a rearrange- on a security car which had been following ment of the burden of European defense. The the ambassador . likely result will call for European members A Brazilian federal policeman was wounded. to assume more of the cost from the U.S. Last April the West German ambassador to NATO ministers were prodded at the latest Guatemala, Count Karl Von Spreti, was kidnap- meeting here by U.S. Secretary of Defense Mel- ped and killed by terrorists. The terror- vin Laird. He said the U.S. can not promise ists has tried to use the envoy to back up to keep all its 300,000 troops now in Eurcpe a demand that the government release 22 jail- beyond the middle of next year. ed members of a terrorist organization called Lair-d spoke of pressure in Congress for a the "Rebel Armed Forces." reduction in military spending. He added that budget decisions must be made this fall NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)--In the biggest round- that will affect the stationing of troops up of its kind since 1957, 31 underworld fi- next year. gures were taken into custody here yesterday. All the allies agreed and approved of the They were among the 46 men being sought replanning projects except France, which do- in a massive dragnet. The reputed mobsters es not actively join in military planning. included several linked with the Cosa Nostra. WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--Senators in the thick of the debate over Indochina policy Weatherscope say they expect the Senate will pass the Austin, Tex. 90 Key West 85 Norfolk 82 Cooper-Church amendment. This is the measure Boise,Idaho 36* Little Rock 85 Phila. 91 designed to curb both U.S. military action Columbus,Ohio 83 Memphis 87 Wash.DC 92 and aid to Cambodia after July 1. Ft. Wayne,Ind. 88 New Haven 92 Wheeling 88 The attitude of the Senate was shown yes- *snow terday when it defeated the Byrd amendment by a vote of 52-47. It would have author- The high temperature here today is expected to ized the President ,to take whatever steps he be 87 with a low tonight of 75. deemed necessary to protect U.S. troops in South Vietnam. HIGH Tides LOW Sunrise Sunset 0317 1623 0952 2158 0620 1940 ALIQUIPPA, PENN. (AP/AFRTS)--Police and an estimated 250 whites clashed here yester- day in this Pennsylvania steel town. .Police said that the crowd gathered at the police station-to demand release of four white youths arrested in racial disorders dur- ing the day. At least 30 shots rang out and Guantanamo Gazette ComnNavBase. Radm J. tear gas clouded a block-long area. At least one man was injured in the incident. Public Affairs Officer Lt D. S Earlier in the day, 11 students from a junior high school were treated for cuts and bruises after an outbreak of racial fighting. Pages Missing or Unavailable Friday June 12, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette P age 7 Birth of a Flag "This flag, which we honor and under which we serve, Bits is the emblem of our unity, our power, our thought, and purpose as a nation." and These were the words of President Woodrow Wilson on Flag Day, June 14, 1917, as he ex- Pieces pressed the importance of national flags. Early flags bore little resemblance to most of the flags in use today. Among the first were solid standards, often bearing Just took my first R&R trip since I've been parts of a suit of armor and topped by an here, and it was quite an enjoyable experience eagle or an animal. Later attachments to the . except for getting up at the ungodly hour standard became common and were of various of----to catch the plane. Went to Haiti, shapes and often richly colored and pattern- mostly to get the fabulous carved wood, but ed. Those having squares or rectangles of also to just have a ball. That's a trip ev- cloth attached to the side of the staff were eryone should take if they get the chance. more similar to our modern flags. It's a ball wandering through the shops look- O ing for good buys, bartering with all the peop- le,both in the stores and out, and seeing some great sights. The best of the sights was the view from the "booze place" high atop one of the mountains overlooking Port Au Prince, especially after sampling 411 the different Avze ) types of boozel I left Haiti with both a sat- isfied and unsatisfied feeling.satisfied be- cause I felt the things I bought were good, and unsatisfied because I saw so much I wanted to get! At any rate, it was a day well spent, and it was a tired, happy bunch that climbed The first truly American flags appeared in aboard the aircraft for home. As one gal re- the early 1700's. Their development was en- marked, "Gitmo never looked so good." .Is- couraged through colonial pride, commercial n't it great to drive on that newly-paved sec- shipping needs, military purposes, and other tion of Sherman? Now. all they have to do is factors. However, the first national flag keep going all the way out to Nob Hill!. was raised at Cambridge, Massachusetts, Jan- This is the prettiest time of the year in Git- uary 1, 1776 by Gen. George Washington and m. the red blossoms on the trees along with was known.as the Grand Union. the poincianas are strikingly beautiful, and Almost a year after declaring the indepen- there's been just enough rain to make most of dence of the new nation, the Continental Con- Guantanamo green.Isn't it great to walk gress, on June 14, 1777, "Resolved, that the from the Commissary to the Exchange past that flag of the 13 United States be 13 stripes, driveway and be almost- bowled over by the aro- alternate red and wbite; that the union be mas from.those dumpsters? It's especially 13 stars, white on a blue field, representing nice when the wind is right, blowing the a new constellation." Thus was born our Flag smell right up that driveway.Understand as we know it today. the Dependent's Lounge at the Leeward Termi- Dedicated Americans have followed this fla( nal is really nice now. .with paneled walls, through hails of arrows, musket fire, cannon new false ceiling and fresh coffee.
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