MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOUME 2. PORTLAND, MAY 15, 1881. Ng. 16. Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, MASONRY IN MAINE. exhibition of work by Deering Lodge, of No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. Deering. The third degree was given in an Annual Meetings. Twelve cts. per year in advance. Or* Postage admirable manner by W. M. Schlotterbeck prepaid. GRAND LODGE. and his officers. Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for The Grand Lodge of Maine met May 3d, Thursday Morning. half an inch for one year. at 9 A. m., Charles I. Collamore of Bangor, The Grand Lodge met at 9 o’clock. The No advertisement received unless the advertiser, or some member of the linn, is a Freemason in Grand Master, presiding. reports of various committees were received, good standing. Tbe committee of credentials reported 170 and the officers installed, the following ap- out of 182 lodges represented. The following poem was published in the Au­ poiutments being made: gusta Age, December 30, 1831, and I have not Grand Master Collamore made an able and DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. met with it since, nor been able to find it in any interesting report, referring especially to the John F. Dyer, Presque Isle. 1 edition of Mr. Hervey’s works that I have met deaths of P. G. Officers F. Loring Talbot of Stephen D. Morrell, Calais. 2 with. I think it worth preserving. i. b. Henry R. Taylor, Machias. 8 Machias, Peleg Sprague of Boston, and E. B. 8iti»za» Written in a Cathedral. A. W. Cushman, Ellsworth. 4 French of Washington, D. C., who had died Lambert Sands, Sebec. 5 BY T. K. HERVEY. during the year. Peleg Sprague was the last Thomas W. Burr, Bangor. 6 How loud, amid these silent aisles, survivor of the original members of the Gustavus H. Cargill, Liberty. 7 My quiet footstep falls— • Robert W. Perry, Lincolnville. 8 Where words, like ancient chronicles, Grand Lodge in 1820. He reported the fra- Nathan Wiggin, Rockland. 9 Are scattered o’er the walls; ternity in good condition, but recommended T. Carlton Dole, Aina. 10 A thousand phantoms seem to rise Beneath my lightest tread, that few new lodges be chartered until the James J. Jones, Hallowell. 11 And echoes bring me back replies H. Owen Nickerson, Readfield. 12 From homes that hold the dead. old lodges are strengthened. Ben Moore, North Anson. 13 The report on returns shows 19,321 mem- W. Scott Shorty, Bath. 14 Death’s harvests of a thousand years mcviiauivraiis. XU The laborer was Sin.: The initiates are 595, against 614 last year, Albert W. Larrabee, New Gloucester, 17 The loftiest passions and the least but as two lodges have not made their returns Charles C. O’Brion, Cornish. 18 Lie sleeping side by side, Geo. II. Wakefield, South Berwick. 19 And Love hath reared its staff of rest the number may be very nearly the same. Beside the grave of Pride! Cor. Gr. Sec.—Geo. W. Deering, Portland. The deaths are 230, against 185 last year, Grand Chaplains—Revs. Charles C. Mason, Alike o’er each, alike o’er all, Kent’s Hill; Charles C. Vinal, Kennebunk; Their lone memorials wave; being a little over one per cent. The banner o’er the sculptured wall, The report of the G. Secretary showed that Edwin F. Small, Saco; Julian K. Smyth, The thistle o’er the grave— Portland; W. J. Murphy, Cape Elizabeth ; Each, herald-like, proclaims the style he had held the office a quarter of a century, W. G. Haskell, Lewiston; J. Kiley Bowler, And bearings of its dead; Rockland; Webster Woodbury, Skowhegan; But hangs one moral, all the while, since which time the lodges have increased Simon Goodenough, Belfast; William E. Above each slumbering head. from 70 to 182 and the membership from Gibbs, Portland; John Gibson, North Au­ And the breeze, like an ancient Bard, comes by, 3,211 to 19,321. And touches the solemn chords burn. Of the harp winch Death has hung on high, Routine business occupied the time until Grand Marshal—Geo. R. Shaw, Portland. And Fancy weaves the words; 11:20, when the Grand Lodge called off until S. G. Deacon—A. B. Marston, Bangor. Songs that have one unvaried tone, J. G. Deacon—H. II. Burbank, Saco. Though they sing of many an age,— 2 P M. And tales, to which each graven stone Grand Stewards—Rotheus E. Paine, Cam- Is but the title-page. den ; Edward M. Fuller, Bath ; Charles W. • Tuesday Afternoon. Haney, Belfast; Arthur W. Greeley, Ells­ The warrior hero hath sheathed his sword, worth. The poet crushed his lyre, Met at 2 o’clock. Routine business occu­ The miser left his counted hoard, G. Sword Bearer—Turner Buswell, Solon. The chemist quenched his fire. pied the hour until 3 o’clock, the time as- G. St. Bearer—Wm. H. Smith, Portland. The maiden never more steals forth To hear her lover’s lute; signed for-election of officers, when the fol- Gr. Pursuivants—Thomas W. Porter, Bur- And all the trumpets of the earth lowing officers were chosen : lington ; Howard D. Smith, Norway. In the soldier’s ear are mute. Grand Lecturer—T. J. Murray, Portland. G. Master—Marquis F. King, Portland. Here the pilgrim of the hoary head Gr. Organist—George M. Howe, Portland. Has flung his crutch aside, 1). G. .Master—W. R. G. Estes, Skowhegan. Grand Tyler—Warren Phillips, Portland. And the young man gained the bridal bed , S. G. W.—John B. Redman, Ellsworth. Where death is the young man’s bride: J. G. W.—Fessenden I. Day, Lewiston. In the Connecticut-New York matter, the The mother is here, whom a weary track G. Treasurer—William O. Fox, Portland. Grand Lodge affirmed the right of G. Lodges Led sorrowing to the tomb,— And the babe, whose path from heaven, back, G. Secretary—Ira Berry, Portland. to make any masons members of their lodges Was but its mother’s womb. Finance Committee—Oliver Gerrish, W. by including them in the charter, but denied II. Smith and Albro E. Chase, all of Portland. The Moonlight sits, with her sad sweet smile, O’er the heedless painter’s rest; Trustees of the Charity Fund for three that such action could sever membership in And the organ rings through the vaulted aisle, years—Charles I. Collamore, Bangor, Au- a lodge of another jurisdiction. But it stirs not the minstrel’s breast; gustus Bailey, Bangor. The mariner has no wish to roam No charters granted, and the Committee on From his safe an I silent shore,— At 5 o’clock the Grand Lodge called off un- And the woeping in tHe mourner’s home Dispensations and Cliarters felicitated the Is hushed for evermore. til 2 p. m. Wednesday. Grand Lodge that the old lodges were being • •••♦• My heart is as an infant’s still, strengthened without losing by the drafts for Though mine eyes are dim with tears; Wednesday A fternoon. new lodges. I have this hour no fear of ill 1 No grief for vanished years! The Grand Lodge met at 2 o’clock. Some A vote of thanks to retiring Grand Mas­ Once more for this wild world I set My solitary bark; reports of committees were received, and then ter Collamore was passed, and the Grand But like those sleepers, I shall yet the remainder of the day was devoted to an Lodge closed at 12.20. Go up into that "Ark.” 122 MASONIC TOKEN, MAY 15, 1881. • GRAND CHAPTER. public interest was the ratification of the Con­ Eureka, 84, St. George. James M Smith, stitution of the General Grand Council, m ; Charles G Crocker, sw ; Joseph A Studly, The Grand Royal Arch Chapter met at 7 jw ; Sewel A Wheeler, sec. formed last year, by which this Grand Coun- o’clock, Tuesday evening, Joseph M. Hayes, Jefferson, 100, Bryant’s Pond. Albion P Grand High Priest, presiding. Forty-two cil becomes its constituent. Bowker, m; William Day, sw; A Mont. out of forty-four Chapters were represented. The following officers were elected and Chase, jw ; Alden Chase, sec. The following Grand Officers were elected: installed: Crescent, 78, Pembroke. John Mincher, in; James Little, sw; B A Campbell, jw ; G. H. Priest—Joseph A. Locke, Portland. G. Master—A B. Marston, Bangor. John C Campbell, sec. D. G. H. P.—Frank E. Sleeper, Sabattus. D. G. Master—Marquis F. King, Portland. Grand King—Manly G. Trask, Bangor. Grand P. C.—Horace LI. Burbank, Saco. Ionic, 136, Gardiner. Loring C Ballard, m ; G. Scribe—James M. Nevens, Bucksport. G. Treas.—Leander W. Fobes, Portland. Clarence S Jackson, sw ; Ansyl B Booker, G. Treasurer—Rufus H. Hinkley, Portland. G. Recorder—Ira Berry, Portland. jw ; Oliver B Clason, sec. Grand Secretary—Ira Berry, Portland. G. Chaplain—William E. Gibbs, Portland. Mariners’, 68, Searsport. Albert B Fergu­ Finance Committee — J. H. Drummond, G. M. of Cer.—C. C. Hayes, Portland. son, m; Marlboro’ Packard, sw ; Enoch W Portland, Oliver Gerrish, Portland, Nathan G. Capt. Guards—C. W. Haney, Belfast. Robbins, jw ; Chas E Adams, sec. Woodbury, Lewiston. G. Conductor—Wm. A. Barker, Rockland. G. Steward—Albert M. Penley, Auburn. Pythagorean, 11, Fryeburg. Tobias L The Grand Chapter then called off until 9 G- Sentinel—Warren Phillips, Portland. Eastman, m ; Seth W Fife, sw ; B W Mc- A. m. Wednesday. Keen, jw; Frank Y Bradley, sec. Messalonskee, 113, West Waterville. J Wednesday Morning. Wesley Gilman, m ; O E Crowell, sw ; Albert S Young, jw; William T Haines, sec. The Grand Chapter met at 9 A.
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