March 27, 1951 PRESCOTT, JR MULTIPLE CHISEL STRUCTURE FOR DISINTEGRATING AND REMOWING2,546,700 INCRUSTATIONS FROM INTERIOR WALLS OF RECEPTACLES Original Filled Sept. 2, 1944 2. Sheets-Sheet INVENTOR. 6A74azas/7 A2asco 77/2, 2 ATTORNEY. March 27, 1951 c. H. PREscoTT, JR 2,546,700 MULTIPLE CHISEL STRUCTURE FOR DISINTEGRATING AND REMOWING INCRUSTATIONS FROM INTERIOR WALLS OF RECEPTACLES Original Filled Sept. 2, l944 2. Sheets-Sheet 2 -/03 136 2 2 A?/ x-42W12 E -54 S a3 A76.5 S. 3 2 R R 2 /46 /44 /74 /64 /4O s% 3 s &a /42, 2:/72 Š&24ze N i S s 76 f 5.s s s 3:y a NN SN 24/32 %io Ave. 7 INVENTOR. Gaezais /7. A2a56O77. /e. BY ATTORNEY. Patented Mar. 27, 1951 2,546,700 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,546,700 MULTIPLE CHISEL STRUCTURE FOR DIS INTEGRATING AND REMOVING INCRUS TATIONS FROM INTERIOR, WALLS OF RECEPTACLES Charles H. Prescott, Jr., Berkeley, Calif., assignor to the United States of America as represented by the United States Atomic Energy Commis sion Original application September 2, 1944, Serial No. 552,556. Divided and this application Novem ber 2, 1945, Serial No. 626,388 4 Claims. (CI, 15-104.16) This invention relates to apparatus for use in aging the hygroscopic uranium compound com connection with packaging and/or closing, in the prises a subliming chamber, a condensing cham absence of air, receptacles containing material ber joined thereto, a storage receptacle and a that is rapidly decomposed or otherwise affected conduit connecting the condensing chamber and deleteriously when exposed to atmospheric con storage receptacle, means for maintaining a vacu ditions. More particularly, it appertains to cer um in the apparatus, means for heating the Sub tain implements useful in connection with vacu liming chamber whereby the uranium compound um apparatus adapted for the purification of is sublimed into the condensing chamber Where cheminical compounds such as uranium chlorides it is condensed, means for moving the Sublimed that must be handled in the absence, or substan 10 and condensed uranium compound into the con tial absence, of air. This application is a division duit and the storage receptacle, and means for of my prior copending application Serial No. hermetically sealing the charged storage recep 552,556, filed September 2, 1944, and contains tacle. The present application is concerned more claims directed to certain adjuvant apparatus particularly with certain adjuvant apparatus ele elements that have proved to be particularly 15 ments that have been found to be particularly useful in conjunction with the method and ap well adapted for assisting in maintaining the paratus forming the subject matter of the prior proper movement of Solid material, comprising application. the uranium or other compound, through the The invention has for an object the provision apparatus, and particularly through the sublim of adjuvant apparatus elements useful in con 20 ing and/or condensing chamber. nection with the vacuum packaging of a hygro It has been found that under the thermal con Scopic material such as hygroscopic uranium ditions obtaining in the subliming and/or con compounds. Other objects are to provide certain densing chambers, the uranium or other con apparatus elements useful in conjunction with pound forming the charge material and/or the apparatus for purifying and packaging uranium 25 uranium or other compound forming the Sub compounds under vacuuin conditions, and to seal lined and purified product frequently tends to hernetically vacuum containers charged with adhere tightly to the wall of the subliming uranium compounds. Additional objects are to and/or condensing chambers. Moreover, the provide certain apparatus elements useful in uranium or other compound, particularly that conjunction with apparatus adapted to isolate a 30 comprising the purified product, is sometimes uranium chloride in a vacuum, to sublime a present in the apparatus in the form of lumps uranium chloride in a vacuum, to purify a ura or granules and/or conglomerated masses that nium chloride in a vacuum, and to store a ura require to be broken up if the broad objects of nium chloride in a vacuum. A general advance the apparatus are to be attained in the most in the art and other objects that will appear 35 preferred manner. Furthermore, it appears that hereinafter are also contemplated. the charge material itself that is introduced into In accordance with this invention, an appa the subliming chamber sometimes tends to con ratuS has been originated for packaging a vola glomerate, due to the thermal conditions obtain tile, hygroScopic compound, such as a volatile, ing within the subliming chamber and/or poS hygroscopic uranium compound, comprising sub 40 sibly in some cases due in part to a slight residual liming a hygroscopic uranium compound, con moisture content in the charge material. densing the Sublimed compound, charging a con Accordingly, certain adjuvant apparatus ele tainer with the sublimed compound, and her ments have been fabricated particularly with a Inetically sealing the container, all of the opera view toward the more efficient handling of the tions being conducted without exposing the hy 45 material undergoing processing in the Subliming groscopic uranium compound to the atmosphere. and/or condensing chamber of the receptacle Uranium coin pounds that are Suitable for treat charging apparatus forming the subject matter ment in this manner are uranium hexachloride, of the above-mentioned copending application uranium tetrachloride, and the like. Serial No. 552,556. As will appear more fully An apparatus suitable for purifying and pack SO hereinafter, these adjuvant apparatus elements 2,546,700 3 4. are materials-handling elements so arranged and has two downwardly extending delivery ducts or employed in connection with the apparatus that tubes 34 and 38. The sublimed and purified ma they are operable from outside the apparatus terial is transmitted to a storage receptacle 38 through appropriate Wilson seals, thereby per through the tube 38, and unsublimed material is mitting them to be operated at will from without 5 moved through the tube 34 to a receptacle 40 the apparatus at the convenience of the operator, connected thereto at 62. The container 30 also without at the same time making it necessary has tubular extensions 44, i. 6 and 48 constituting to break the relatively high vacuum that is main portals for the devices that manipulate materials stained in the interior of the apparatus. being processed, as well as two ducts 58 and 52, HoW the foregoing objects and related ends it) located exteriorly of the path of material as it is are accomplished will be apparent from the foll proceSSed, for connections to apparatus capable lowing description including the principle, the of producing a vacuum of at least 104 mm. Hg. organization and various embodiments of the in A gaStight joint 5 is provided to facilitate assen vention, and the best node contemplated for bling and cleaning the apparatus. carrying out the same. This: description is am Near its center the horizontally disposed con plified by the accompanying drawings, in Which: tainer 3 has a Subliming Zone Surrounded by a Figure 1 is a fragmentary side VieW, in eleva furnace 33. his furnace consists of two Semi tion, of the combined charge purifying and re cylindrical electical resistance heaterS 58 and 60, ceptacle filling and sealing apparatus embodying capable of raising the mass of material being the features of the invention. 20 proceSSed to its volatilization and/or decomposi Fig. 2 is a fragmentary view, in plan, of the tion temperature. The temperature commonly end of the material moving device employed in empioyed in Subliming uranium hexachloride in the condensing end of the apparatus of Fig. 1. this apparatus is about 150° to 180° C., or even Fig. 3 is a side view, in elevation, Of the de as high as 210° C. The heaters have individual vice of Fig. 2. electrical connections 62 and 84 for a source of Fig. 4 is an end view, in elevation, of the device heating current. The heater Sections are con of Fig. 2. - structed to provide space for a thermocouple well Fig. 5 is a fragmentary view, in plan, of the 66. The thermocouple therein (not shown) is end of the material moving device employed in connected by conductors 68 and it to an indicat the feeder end of the apparatus of Fig. 1. ing and/or recording instrument 2, such as a Fig. 6 is a side view, in elevation, of the device potentiometer or voltmeter, which may be suit of Fig. 5. ably calibrated to indicate and/or record directly Fig. 7 is an end view, in elevation, of the de in terms of the tenperature prevailing Within the vice of Fig. 5. Subliming Zone. Fig. 8 is an enlarged fragmentary view, partly 35 For moving material inside the vessel 38 at the in section, of a portion of the apparatus of Fig. feeder end thereof, an implement comprising a l, illustrating the closing hood and a storage rod 4 carrying a chisel 76 and a hoe 3 is pro receptacle secured thereto, as Well as a typical Wided, to insure adequate rigidity, this rod Wilson seal arrangement by which the material should be about one-quarter inch in diameter. moving devices may be manipulated from with 40 The rod 4 extends through a conventional Wil Out the apparatus Without at the same time Son Seal 85 in the tubular extension 44, and breaking the vacuum existing within. carries On its external end a handwheel 82 by Referring now to FigS. 1 to 8 of the drawings, which the implement is manipulated. The chisel there is illustrated a purifying and packaging 76 and hoe 78 are ordinarily made of stainless apparatus constructed largely of glass and con Steel.
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