TRACES OF MIGRATION: THREE SPATIAL REFLECTION OF POPULATION EXCHANGE IN AEGEAN REGION A Thesis Submitted to The Graduate School of Engineering and Sciences of Izmir Institute of Technology in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Architecture by Beste TÜRKMENOĞLU March 2020 İZMİR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I would like to thank my thesis advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr Tonguç Akış who helped and supported me. I am grateful to him for his support, guidance and trust in me. I have learnt a lot from him. I would like to thank my parents Aylin and Erhan Türkmenoğlu for moral and material support. They trusted me from the beginning to the end of my study. I would like to thank my sister Ece Türkmenoğlu for support and technical opinion. She has been always there for me. I would like to thank dear Can Özçiftci for his encouragement, support and endless trust. I would like to thank author Kemal Yalçın for his valuable knowledge, recommendations, and his guidance through my field studies. Lastly, I would like to thank my friend Muzaffer Kasaba who has motivated in every way of my study and I would like to thank my friend Cihan Ziyan for hospitality and moral support, and I would like to thank my friend Ezgi Topal Salı for support and opinions. ii ABSTRACT TRACES OF MIGRATION: THREE SPATIAL REFLECTION OF POPULATION EXCHANGE IN AEGEAN REGION This academic study focuses on the spatial traces in the three villages in Aegean region, namely, Denizli/Honaz, Aydın/Mursallı, and Izmir/Küçükbahçe. These physical modifications done to the pre-existing buildings by their new users who arrived during the migratory movements stemmed from the developments of Population Exchange as agreed upon in the Lausanne Peace Treaty in 1923. This thesis is aiming to record the effects of spaces, memories, and spatial traces in these three settlements in the Aegean Region referring to the migration. The purpose of thesis is to examine, understand and discuss the effects of migration and population exchanges while considering the spatiality and the architecture influenced by these phenomena, today. Besides, inhabiting the politics of administration for replacement of migrants and the people who directly come due to those mandatory exchange regulations between Turks and Greeks communities are tried to be examined. Social and spatial conditions caused by forced migration are explained. A local and particular link is established between this social conditions and spatiality. Temporary and permanent accommodation methods are explored and examined for immigrants arriving due to the forced migration. The remaining structures serve as a helpful tool for the immigrants to reconstruct their identity and belonging that they have left behind. The relationship between the reproduction of space and culture is investigated and it is associated and analysed with remaining spatial traces. With the support of the previous academic studies, this research aims to determine these traces from past that remains into the present at the local level in three specific settlements. This modest investigation is supported and enhanced with the interviews with few remaining local witnesses. Keywords: Population Exchange, Concept of Migration, Built Environment, Spatial Traces, Identity. iii ÖZET GÖÇÜN İZLERİ: EGE BÖLGESİNDEKİ NÜFUS MÜBADELESİNİN ÜÇ MEKANSAL YANSIMASI Bu akademik çalışma Ege bölgesinde bulunan üç köy olan Denizli/Honaz, Aydın/Mursallı ve İzmir/Küçükbahçe'deki mekansal izlere odaklanmaktadır. Bu fiziksel değişiklikler, 1923'te Lozan Barış Antlaşması sonucunda kabul edilen nüfus mübadelesi sonucu gerçekleşen zorunlu göç hareketi nedeniyle gelen yeni kullanıcılar tarafından, önceden varolan yapılar üzerindeki fiziksel değişimlerdir. Bu tez Ege Bölgesin’deki bu üç yerleşim yerinde göçe atıfta bulunan mekanların, hafızanın ve mekansal izlerin etkilerini kaydetmeyi hedefler. Tezin amacı, göç ve nüfus mübadelesinin etkilerini incelemek, anlamak ve tartışmak, ayıca günümüzde bu kavramlardan etkilenen mekansallığı ve mimariyi değerlendirmektir. Ayrıca, Türk ve Yunan toplulukları arasında gerçekleştirilen zorunlu göç düzenlemeleri nedeniyle, göç edenlerin yerine, yeni gelenlerin yerleştirilmesi ile ilgili iskan yönetimi politikaları incelenmeye çalışılmıştır ve zorunlu göçün neden olduğu toplumsal gerçeklikler anlatılmıştır. Bu toplumsal gerçeklik ve mekansallık arasında, yerel ve özel bir bağ kurulmuştur. Zorunlu göç nedeniyle gelen göçmenler için geçici ve kalıcı barınma yöntemleri araştırılıp incelenmiştir Geride kalan yapılar, göçmenlerin mecburen geride bıraktıkları kimliklerini ve aidiyetliklerinin köylerde yeniden inşaa etmelerinde yardımcı bir araç görevi üstlenmektedir. Bu yapılar sayesinde mekanın yeniden üretiminin kültürle ilişkisi araştırılıp, kalan mekansal izlerle ilişkilendirilip ve analiz edilmiştir. Önceki araştırmaların desteği ile bu tez, geçmişteki akademik çalışmaların yerel düzeyde taranmasıyla, üç özel yerleşim yerinde geçmişten günümüze gelen mekansal izlerin kalıntılarını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu araştırma, az sayıda kalmış yerli insanlarla yapılmış olan röportajlarla desteklenmiştir ve pekiştirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Nüfus Mübadelesi, Göç Kavramı, Yapılı Çevre, Mekansal İzler, Kimlik. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………vii LIST OF TABLES..……………………………………………………………………..x CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.……………………………………………………….1 1.1 Aim ................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Scope of The Study .......................................................................................... .3 1.3 Research Question ........................................................................................... .6 1.4 Methodology .................................................................................................... .7 CHAPTER 2. MIGRATION, IDENTITY, SPATIALITY ........................................... 10 2.1 Definition and Concepts ................................................................................. 10 2.2 Types of Migration and Mobility ................................................................... 14 2.3 Mass Migration ............................................................................................... 18 2.3.1 Pre-Migration ..................................................................................... 19 2.3.2 Population Exchange ......................................................................... 20 2.3.3 Post Migration ................................................................................... 22 CHAPTER 3. TRACING THE SPATIAL EFFECTS OF POPULATION EXCHANGE IN 1923………………………………….…………………………25 3.1 Spatial Analysis of Population Exchange in the Lausanne Treaty Items ....... 25 3.2 Temporary Solution to Population Exchange: Refugee Village ..................... 32 CHAPTER 4. SPATIAL TRACES OF MIGRATION .................................................. 36 4.1 Spatial Traces of Migration Living with Erased Remains: Denizli/Honaz .... 38 4.2 Spatial Traces of Migration Living with Concrete Remains: ............................. v Aydın/Mursallı……………….………………………………………………60 4.3 Spatial Traces of Migration Living with Ruins: İzmir/Küçükbahçe .............. 74 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION ....................................................................................... 92 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 96 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Figure 1.1. Map of Aegean Region .................................................................................. 4 Figure 2.1. İzmir, Urla settlement map ........................................................................... 22 Figure 3.1. View of ‘reed house’ (huğ) ......................................................................... 29 Figure 3.2. Project of ‘economical house’ ...................................................................... 29 Figure 3.3. Construction conditions of ‘economical house’ ........................................... 30 Figure 3.4. 1917 Sample refugee villages; ‘odetails of door and window sections.’ ..... 33 Figure 3.5. View of profile, façade and plan of refugee house ...................................... 34 Figure 4.1. View of spatial traces of villages houses ..................................................... 38 Figure 4.2. Map of Honaz ............................................................................................... 40 Figure 4.3. Location of Silver Spring ............................................................................. 40 Figure 4.4. The view of Silver Spring ............................................................................ 41 Figure 4.5. Map of Colossae ........................................................................................... 42 Figure 4.6. View of Colossae ......................................................................................... 42 Figure 4.7. Inside and outside views of the vestibule on the Caravan Road .................. 49 Figure 4.8. View of the exterior of an abndoned house from Rums. ............................. 51 Figure 4.9. View of abandoned house and materials ...................................................... 52 Figure 4.10. View of the building, that was built instead of house from exchange ........... period. Most of the present structures were built on the foundations of the… houses built by the former Greeks………….……………………………...53
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