1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 11983 Mr. BOGGS. Monday, July 10, is One of these great patriots is Dr. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES District day, and there are four District Anthony Zukowsky. who is president of bills that will be called up: the North Dakota bl"anch of the Ukrain­ THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1961 H.R. 3222, to confer jurisdiction on ian Congress Committee of America, Inc. The House met at 12 o'clock noon and counterclaims and cross-claims; He is. most interested in the issuance of was called to order by the Speaker pro H.R. '7265, to determine marital prop­ a postal stamp commemorating Taras tempore, Mr. ALBERT. erty rights; Shevchenko. I wish to insert in the H.R. 5143, relating to the mandatory RECORD a copy of Dr. Zukowsky's letter to death sentence; and the President petitioning him to approve H.R. 6798, regarding a home for issuance of such a stamp in the "cham­ DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO foundlings. pions of liberty" postage stamp series. TEMPORE Also scheduled for the same day are The issuance of such a stamp would The SPEAKER pro tempore laid before the Consent Calendar and the Private bring a moral support to the Ukrainians the House the following communication Calendar, as well as five suspensions. and many other nations behind the Iron from the Speaker: They are: Curtain, and would also please many JULY 6, 1961. H.R. 187, regarding review of orders American citizens to whom Taras Shev­ I hereby designate the Honorable CARL for deportation; chenko is such an inspiring symbol. I ALBERT to act as Speaker pro tempore today. SAM RA YBUR.N, S. '196, relating to the use by States wish to add my approval to the request Speaker of the HoU3e of surplus property; of Dr. Zukowsky for issuance of this spe­ of Representatives. H.R. 5786, regarding the Cape Cod cial stamp. National Seashore; The letter follows: S. 576, concerning the status of the JUNE 24, 1961. PRAYER faculty at the U.S. Merchant Marine Hon. JoHN F. KENNEDY, President of the United States, The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Academy; and KR. '7391, regarding the conservation The White HoU3e, D.D., offered the following prayer: Washington, D.C. of migratory waterfowl DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I am taking the lib­ Philippians 4: 19: My God shall supply On Tuesday there is a primary elec­ erty of writing to you in regards to including all your needs according to His riches in tion in Virginia. Taras Shevchenko in the "champions of lib­ glory by Christ Jesus. On ·Tuesday the bill HR. 6141, to erty" postage stamp series, which Is being Almighty God, who art acquainted amend the Hiss Act, will be taken up. issued by the U.S. Government in honor of with our many needs, may we encourage On Wednesday the session will open outstanding fighters for freedom in the and assure ourselves that Thou art will­ with an address by His Excellency the world.. ing and able to do for us exceeding abun­ President of the Republic of Pakistan. On May 18, 1961, I wrote to the Honor­ dantly above all that we can ask or able J. Edward Day, Postmaster General, in Then for Wednesday and the balance regards to that matter, and I received his think. · of the week there will be the District reply stating that the Citizens' Stamp Ad­ Grant that as we go forth into the of Columbia appropriation bill, 1962, visory Committee advised him not to include hours of the new day we may feel our and H.R. 7576, the atomic energy au­ a recommendation for issuance of such a hearts kindled with an eager desire to do thorization bill. stamp in the 1961 program. good and to serve our generation accord­ A.B you no doubt know, the U.S. Senate and Conference reports, as usual, may be the U.S. House of Representatives, last sum­ ing to Thy holy will. brought up at any time. Any further We penitently acknowledge that all mer, unanimously voted for the blll author­ program will be announced later. izing the erection in Washington, D.C., of a the plans and proposals, which we have Mr. SMITH of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, statue of Taras Shevchenko, Ukraine's for enacting the right kind of legislation, greatest poet and world humanitarian, in wl.n be futile and inadequate unless we will the gentleman yield? Mr. IDESTAND. I yield. commemoration of the tOOth anniversary of have Thy guiding wisdom. his death in 1961. This bill was signed into May we yield ourselves humbly and Mr. SMITH of Virginia. Will the law by the President of the United States. I heroically to the leading of Thy spirit gentleman from Louisiana announce am very glad to recall that the House of Rep­ and gain the mastery over all the ob­ that, as customary, owing to the pri­ resentatives issued a House document on stacles which impede our progress in mary in Virginia on Tuesday, any roll­ Taras Shevchenko entitled "Europe's Free­ estal:llishing the kingdom of brotherhood call votes will go over until Wednesday? dom Fighter: Taras Shevchenko, 1814-61." Mr. BOGGS. The majority leader We have been advised that the Ukrainian and good will among men. Congress Committee of America, Inc., which Hear our prayer in the name of our will do that on Monday. represents over 2 million American citi­ blessed Lord ·who proclaimed that if we zens of Ukrainian descent, submitted to refuse to be the brothers of men we can­ POSTAL STAMP COMMEMORATING Postmaster General Day a proposal to ln.­ not be the sons of God. Amen. elude Taras Shevchenko in the "champions TARAS SHEVCHENKO of liberty" postage stamp series. Our State Mr. HIESTAND. Mr. Speaker, I ask organization strongly and fully endorses the issuance of such a stamp. THE JOURNAL unanimous consent that the gentleman from North Dakota [Mr. NYGAARD] may Taras Shevchenko was not only a great The Journal of the proceedings of Ukrainian poet and national prophet, but extend his remarks at this point in the also was an outstanding humanitarian and Monday, July 3, 1961, was read and RECORD and include a letter. fighter for freedom for all nations and races. approved. The SPEAKER ~ro tempore. Is there In 1857, more than a century ago, Shev­ objection to the request of the gentleman chenko advocated a Ukrainian George Wash­ ington in a belief that the Ukrainian peo­ LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM FOR WEEK from California? There was no objection. ple, then under the despotic rule of czarist BEGINNING JULY 10, 1961 Russia, would achieve their national free­ Mr. NYGAARD. Mr. Speaker, this dom and emancipation under such a leader Mr. IDESTAND. Mr. Speaker, I ask year, Ukrainians all over the world are as was George Washington, Father of our unanimous consent to address the House commemorating the 100th anniversary Country. Shevchenko remains to this day for 1 minute. of the death of Taras Shevchenko, who a beacon of national aspirations and a sym­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there was not only a great Ukrainian poet and bol of freedom and independence for the objection to the request of the gentleman national prophet, tut also an outstand":" 45 million Ukrainian people now in bondage from California? of Communist empire. The Soviet Gov­ ing humanitarian and fighter for free­ ment, knowing how deeply Shevchenko is There was no objection. dom for all nations and races. In North revered by the Ukrainian people, has been Mr. IDESTAND. Mr. Speaker, I do Dakota we have some 25,000 Americans trying unsuccessfully to slant his poetry so this for the purpose of inquiring from of Ukrainian descent, who are among the as to suit its political propaganda, and to the acting majority leader as to the most outstanding and loyal citizens in make him a "proletarian and anti-imperial­ schedule for next week. our State. ist" poet. 11984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE July 6 But for the Ukrainians in their homeland Therefore the U.S. Government would con­ should be applied to this proposal. First, and for those American citizens who come tribute greatly toward the cause of freedom will it promote equity among different from Ukrainian ancestry, Taras Shevchenko not only in the Ukraine but elsewhere in the classes of taxpayers? Second, will it stimu­ remains an inspiring symbol of freedom and world, by recognizing the great influence late economic growth and provide more jobs? humanity and especially to those American that th6 issuance of a stamp commemorat­ On the question of equity, the first thing pioneers of Ukrainian descent living in North ing the 100th anniversary of the death of to remember is that dividends are taxed Dakota, who came here from the neighboring Taras Shevchenko, the great freedom fighter twice, once to the corporation and a second towns where Taras Shevchenko was born. of Europe, would have on Ukrainians and time to the stockholders because corpora­ In their family tradition, father or mother other nations now oppressed by Communist tions, in determining their taxable income, personally knowing our great poet, they have slavery and tyranny. can deduct interest, wages, and rent, but urged me to write to you. In behalf of the 25,000 Americans of cannot deduct dividends. Thus, although At this time I would like to notify you Ukrainian descent living in North Dakota, I the dividend credit partially eliminates this that the initiative to celebrate and com­ earnestly urge you, Mr. President, to reverse double taxation, stockholders are discrimi­ memorate the 100th anniversary of the death the decision of the Citizens• Stamp Advisory nated against even under our present tax of Taras Shevchenko came from Ukrainians Committee "of the Post Office Department, law.
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