Position: linke obere Papierkante, Größe 100% General Anthroposophical Society Anthroposophy Worldwide 5/15 ■ Anthroposophical society General Anthroposophical Society: 2015 Annual General Meeting Pneumatic anthroposophy The present is very volatile and seems so endangered – and yet: this ‘now’ is becoming a place where anthroposophy finds a new home and where it unfolds its diverse qualities. 24 April 2015 hen I was sixteen, I was standing in most important because it is the bringer of Anthroposophy Worldwide Wfront of Rudolf Steiner’s complete life. Valuing anthroposophy means think- 5/2015 works in premises of the Hanover branch. ing of its source and its mouth, its origin I will never forget the sense of awe I felt and its promise; and, as with all doctrines The Anthroposophical Society as I looked at the spines of all those books. of revelation, the human soul responds 1 Pneumatic Anthroposophy Anthroposophy is devoted to the spirit but with feelings of hope and apprehension. 2 General Secretaries’ Meeting rooted in matter. The How relieved I was 3 2015 Annual General Meeting curved shapes and when – inspired by a 6 Virginia Sease [hier bitte Titel von forms of the Goethea- presentation by Robin Douglas Millers Übersetzung num and hundreds of Schmidt – I realized that einsetzen! other buildings every- there is a third way of 8 Constanza Kaliks introduces where in the world looking at this: anthro- herself are the foundation of posophy seen as a spirit of 9 South Africa: new country repre- anthroposophical life; the air is the anthroposo- sentative Wilfried Bohm the complete works phy that is happening 14 Obituary: Siegrun A. Price everywhere are its now, in the present. This 14 Obituary: Ruth Mosimann quarry. Awareness Qualities of anthroposophy: “pneumatic” anthroposo- 15 Membership News solid, fluid, pneumatic of this “foundation phy is not just “there”, but Goetheanum stone” is, for good reasons, part of anthro- it can emerge anywhere and at any time. In 2 Goetheanum Stage: Simultaneous posophical life. this view, we, the human beings, are most readings of “Faust” in other If we are too protective of this gift, important because we are creating the languages however, we underestimate the richness anthroposophy of today. Hope becomes Anthroposophy Worldwide that has flown out of these “matters” of awareness, apprehension turns into com- 10 Chile: Waldorf project ‹Entorno the spirit into the fields of life: in schools, mitment. Water is related to space, air to Educador› hospitals and on farms. Anthroposophy time. With water there is an inside and an 12 Czech Republic: graduation of part-time became “movement” and water the meta- outside, with air there is a “now” and a “not eurythmy training ‹Eurythmea› phor for describing its life. Anthroposophy now”. Water-like anthroposophy is exclu- streams into the fields of life and fertilizes sive, pneumatic anthroposophy inclusive. The School of Spiritual Science them; it can now become “diluted”. We can Ron Dunselman described how some- 11 General Anthroposophical Section: be in the stream or stand beside it; we can thing Manfred Schmidt-Brabant said Class work in Sekem be inside or outside; this is the high price awakened him to the fact that medita- 13 Social Sciences Section: Newsletter anthroposophy is paying for this “water tion should form the centre of his work in and professional development power”. the Netherlands. I noticed how important this turning point had been for Bodo von Forum Hope becomes awareness Plato. A whole field of life has grown out 14 The right relationship between At the Annual General Meeting Con- of a single moment. Cultivating such mo- monetary problems and global stanza Kaliks reminded us that the way we ments and harvesting the fruit of such questions see and perceive the world depends on our working together – this is what charac- Feature concepts. Relating anthroposophy to the terizes a pneumatic anthroposophy. And 16 ‹Aenigma› - an exhibition to cel- spirit of water means seeing it as being it seems to become as important to us as ebrate a hundred years of an- ‘there’ but with the potential of running the anthroposophy of solids and water. | throposophical art dry. It means that anthroposophy itself is Wolfgang Held 2 | Anthroposophy Worldwide No. 5/15 ■ goetheanum ■ Anthroposophical Society Goetheanum Stage Meeting of General Secretaries Faust: simultaneous Getting more involved reading After the meeting of general secretaries and country representatives from 23 to 26 March, Marjetta van Boeschoten (GB), Helmut Goldmann (AT), Kristina Lucia Parmen- haping “spaces” rather than building tier (BE), Jaap Sijmons (NL) as well as Bodo von Plato and Paul Mackay came together Sstage sets – is how Christian Peter to discuss the developments within the Anthroposophical Society. summarized the work of the Faust En- semble at the Annual General Meeting in he way anthroposophy lives in a coun- Society news Dornach. In order to allow as many people Ttry and the attitude people bring to it A process was begun in recent years as possible to experience these spaces, in- vary greatly. Anežka Janátová (CZ) thinks that aims at bringing more clarity into dividual performances of Faust I and II at that people should not live according to the membership situation. Members the Goetheanum will be simultaneously the epitaph “Rest in Peace” – seeing that who are no longer in contact or can no read in other languages. This method has this was not even appropriate for the so- longer be contacted have been taken proven successful with Rudolf Steiner’s called ‘dead’. They should be spiritually off the register. According to Bodo von Mystery Dramas, which were read out si- active instead! Mats-Ola Ohlsson (SE) saw Plato this clearing process has now multaneously in English, Finnish, French, the anthroposophical work in relation with come to a conclusion and a reliable ba- Japanese, Swedish and Spanish. inner aspects of Rudolf Steiner’s work: no sis has been established. In Germany, one can be happy as long as someone else for instance, the number of members Making a start with English and Italian is unhappy. Encounter is for him a spiritual is growing, if only very modestly. Ac- From 24 to 26 July 2015 the new pro- place, and thinking can be a threshold ex- tive involvement in the professional duction of Faust I will premiere at the perience. This, he said, would ultimately fields has led to greater awareness Goetheanum, with lectures by Maria lead to the Point-Circle Meditation given of anthroposophy: farmers in Nepal, Franca Frola, Michaela Glöckler and Wolf- in the Curative Education Course (GA 317). for instance, joined the society after Heinrich Klünker. The play will be in Ger- Michael Mösch spoke about the tasks of Hans van Florenstein Mulder worked man, but English and Italian readings are our time based on his country, Brazil: how with them on questions of biodynamic available via headphones. The individual the drought leads people to question their farming. acts of Faust II will follow starting from approach to resources, and how, socio- Bodo von Plato sees the tendency the autumn of 2015. Exact dates of these politically, ways of dealing with the enor- among group leaders in the Anthropo- preliminary showings, the premiere of the mous growth of corruption needed to be sophical Society to notice more strongly complete drama at Easter 2016 and per- found: while the levels of corruption used than before what is going on and that formances with simultaneous readings in to be in the millions they were now worth they ask people who show initiative other languages will be published in the tens of billions. Seven qualities could be whether they would like help. autumn. | Sebastian Jüngel helpful: interest, solidarity, unbiasedness, Jaap Sijmons carries the annual trust in life, joy, courage and initiative. theme more strongly than before into the work of the Anthroposophical Soci- Anthroposophy Worldwide appears ten Needs of the younger generation ety in the Netherlands. He sees this as a times a year, is distributed by the national A second central question was that basis for becoming more active on be- Anthroposophical Societies, and appears as of the younger generation whose needs half of the Anthroposophical Society as a supplement to the weekly Das Goethea- need to be met. Jaap Sijmons thought a world society. num • Publisher: General Anthroposophical Society, represented by Justus Wittich • Ed- that the Anthroposophical Society is open The reports reveal that the meetings itors: Sebastian Jüngel (responsible for this to young people, but that they needed to of the general secretaries are increas- edition), Michael Kranawetvogl (responsible be made welcome so that they could see ingly evolving into meetings for mutual for the Spanish edition), Margot M. Saar (re- it as their place. consultation. Looking back on her 31 sponsible for this English edition). A eurythmy demonstration from Jan years at the Goetheanum Virginia Sease Address: Wochenschrift ‹Das Goetheanum›, Postfach, 4143 Dornach, Switzerland, Fax Baker Finch, general secretary of Australia, felt that the members of this circle are +41 61 706 44 65, [email protected] was related to the same question. Baker more committed now. Coordinating • Correspondents/news agency: Jürgen Vater Finch does not only perform eurythmy forty-three country representatives and (Schweden), News Network Anthroposophy on stage but also in nature or in a shop- general secretaries with their different (NNA). • We expressly wish for active sup- ping centre. She works with projections languages and cultural backgrounds, as port and collaboration. • Subscriptions: To receive ‹Anthroposophy Worldwide› please onto her eurythmy dress and includes the well as the section leaders and members apply to the Anthroposophical Society in your elements in form of rain and sand. Unex- of the Executive Council at the Goethe- country.
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