JiaA -f-i- ? ks --1 THE WASHINGTON TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1914. PAYING TRIBUTE TO MEMORY OF POPE LONDON LEARNS OF What War Moves Mean By J. W. T. MASON. ITSARMYSLOCATION SEW YORK. Aug. 24. An au- A stupendous victory Is the stake dacious German attempt to squeeze for which Germany now Is playing, and against It she is risking- In the allies out of Belgium and throw south Belgium the danger of a -- LONDON, Aug. The exact loca- - spm hr -: - 24. them against a German force lined "forces W" rsr11kkwk" a WkB.VB& 'i'- .' JB .. ..- V check that will send her a t BBMaKVBMW. ition of the British over.seas expedition along the Belgium border in broken mass back into the Ar- iS2KMiB dennes and Luxemburg. rHBiH: was mvcAici uy 111c wa. uixilc muay France is undoubtedly the meaning ! troops now pro- which admitted that these have of the triple struggle Russia Is beginning an important I been in battle since Sunday. The an- ceeding from Luxemburg almost driving movement in east Prussia nouncement said: to the western coast line. which seems, at present to have for nimaL object & con- I "The British expeditionary forces The most important part of the Its the bottling of strategy to siderable part of Germany's east- - liave been engaged with the enemy in German is drive her ern field forces in the military cen- A. USNER Daily Hours 8:15 to 5 G STREET- thf neighborhood of Mons, Belgium, forces through southern Belgium ters of Koenlgsburg, Allenstein. since early on Sunday. The British into France. If this effort suc- Thorn, and Graudenz. progress b lines ere holding." ceeds, the Germans will be able Russian ought to to concentrate In gaps between rapid, for even with only a part STATIONERY: Highland Linen, m colors, ..gold No statement of casualties was frontier strongholds at of the Czar's army ready for In- the French Germany's 1 given. Lille, Valenciennes, and Maubeuge. vasion, active field forca edge; Silver Pique, white with silver edges; Chester Eawn, . Mm.J-'Vs;- Once in these positions, the Ger- In the east Is numerically far In- xjrmmmo.'mimmci man double movement pivoting on ferior to It. plain white. Each" box contains 24 sheets of paper and Special Requiem Masses Brussels and acting like a great The Russlaa. advance Is following 24 envelopes. Regular , DjC '-- price 50c , : ,.?W vice gradually narrowing, will at- roughly a parallel to the Vistula box. V Kl VKK-i(- Will Be Held for Pope tempt to push the allies back- river, but from thirty to sixty VmLHV4 ward. If the plan succeeds the al- miles north of that stream, so as lies will Save to take refuge at to permit the Czar's army to morn o. l Lamenting the death of Pope Pius X. through i throughout Lille, Valenciennes, and Maubeuge, German territory. lK the Catholic churches the divided and surrounded, or they About seventy-fiv- e miles west of city are preparing to hold special serv- must fight between the armies Russia's advance, the Visutla en- ices. driving them from Belgium and ters Germany and turns Its course i A requiem mass for the Italian Cath- Once try . olics of "Washington will be celebrated the German forces on the French northward. the Russians The New pass Men's to this heavily guarded bar- Shop by the Rev. Father N. De Carlo at the side of the frontier. Holy Rosary Chapel. Third I Until the Germans break through rier, the seriousness of the Slav and south Belgium, the rest of the threat against Berlin can be bet- streets northwest, tomorrow. Under the Judged. ,G Two - direction of the Rev. F. Zumbush. the movement must wait. This explains ter Street Poor East of Eleventh , vl ;:bVJHBbsbbbbh boys' choir of St. Margaret's Church will the concentration of the present appropriate hymns. fighting from Mons to Luxemburg. KIHBWm chant The importance of the battle going Denies Garros Martyr. Requiem mass was celebrated at the morn- on along this line Is indicated by THE HAGUE. Aug. 24. A friend of shrine of the Sacred Heart this presence treops. Garros, in a Dutch paper, says ing at 9 o'clock. The Rev. Father Gavan the of the British Roland 25c De Luxe Collars 12ic was the celebrant. Special services will If the Germans are check'ed here he has learned definitely that the noted be celebrated at the Franciscan Monas- the rest of their plan can end only aviator Is alive and well). This dis- tery. Brookland. Wednesday morning in a doubtful victory at best, for counts the story of Garros' sacrificing Made by Cluett, Peabody Sc Co. at 3 o'clock, and at St. Augustine's the way of the allies retirement hi life by driving his aeroplane into out of Belgium will be unbroken. a Zeppelin and wrecking Church tomorrow at 7 o'clock. it The famous collars are standard at 25c now included in this V New ShopV clearing sale at half price, 2 for 25c. Choice of the J plain linen .and white stripe.madras "De Luxe," in sizes 13J2 to 17. HONOR IHORY OF t'J.i Ah 1 IPIlPllEPIIIB 8 This Bed Room Suite $87.50 'THE fo I rturLt 5 riirt ? Mill tmtmmMmmmwmMNHraH Don't Worry About War Prices Solemn requiem high mass in nem- - Newspaper talk about war prices on food products is i of Pope Pius X was celebrated this very much overdrawn. It is true that sugar, flour, and -- ning at St Matthew's Catholic gin ji urch, Rhode Island avenue, near Con-- i some meats are higher than they were a few weeks ago. 'ticut avenue northwest The cele- - I On hand is equally true that poultry, fruit of ant was the apostolic delegate. Arch- the other it bishop Giovanni Bonzano. Members of all kinds, and some vegetables are lower than they were .'; t e Diplomatic Corps, numerous Cath- - time, while prices on the general grocery line have ' c clergy and an audience that filled Ww at that t spacious edifice Joined in paying changed but slightly. bute to the Pontiff. The sermon, a "Pope Trade conditions were badly upset the first few days of the war, and depr Jtiful tribute to the of the v 1 pie." was given by the Rev. "Walter im-eifil MMXwm sions and advances in prices were radical. Now business conditions are daily The Mahogany dustproof , lott, C S. P., rector of the Apostolic Suite construction is standard at cere-- proving and the tendency of prices excepting on import articles is to get back to ssion House, at Brookland. The r Si 43.00. The August Sale began with one dozen of theseJSuites 'nies began at 10:30 o'clock and did normal. - ' conclude until 12:30. today begin the last week, with only one Suite Among the members of official Wash- - to offer. rtoii who participated in the services Other Suites at $69.50 to $200.00 some, at 50 per cent less arre Ambassador Cbinda. ol J?i-an- : A tbassador Riano. of Spain. Senor than standard prices. "ancourt. minister from Colombia; SPECIALS TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY on Menos. minister from Haiti: Joa- - ruln Calvo, former minister from Costa T -- a. Madame de Cameron, wue or me it secretary of the Cuban legation, Delllield per Holland Bella jp - d Nelson O'Shaughnessy, of the State BUTTER Choics , 32c BUTTER 34c BUTTER Extra Fancy S( Cut Glass $1 Department staff. Creamery LD. ! Creamery, per lb. On Tables Many Assist In Service. ''' Values up to $2.50 Assisting Archbishop Bonzano in the Smoked Picnics, lb 15c Shoulder Spring Lamb, lb 16c Lean Pork Chops, lb 20c celebration, of the solemn services In BarciunBaseaent were theRev. C. M.Bart, of St Ter-'- t, Smoked Hams, lb 21c Hamburger Steak, lb 15c Loin Fresh Pork, lb 20c Anacostia, and the Rev. Joseph f assldy. of St Stephen's, subdeacon. ' LIVE POULTRY. " (m?m? Four Seconds By Rev P. C. Gavan, of Sacred Heart i d the Rev. M. J. Riordan. of the Four Elevators ( urch of the Immaculate Conception. SPRING CHICKENS, per lb., 23c FANCY FOWLS, lb. 20c Each piece a perfect speci- t rved as deacons of honor to the men of cut glass warranted c lebrant and vesting officers of the Or' By r elate The Rev. George Dougherty. HOME DRESSED POULTRY. free of defect. Clfiice of ch uirs re rector of the Catholic University, Dishes, i as the assistant priest in singing Bowls, Back 15 TVaih Dresses, white e mass, and the Rev. John Cooper, v'BBjBBBBBBB ESS. FANCY FOWLS, Comports, Sugars and Creams, and colored voiles, dotted swiss sslstant at St Matthew's served as BBBBH SPRING CHICKENS, lb., 24c lb., . 21c lawn; some vel- aster of ceremonies. The four ab-- f Handle Nappies, Mustard Jars, vet .button trimmed; sizes 3i r 38 oycQ. living priests were Mgrs. Thomas S Bon-Bo- n to Spoon Trays, Trays, F Lee. James Mackin. W. T. Russell, iiHaEHMawa Corned Shoulder, lb. .15c Shoulder Lamb Chops, lb.20c Pure Lard, lb 12V2 a d John Fenlon. S. S. REV. WAL'iER ELLIOTT, C. S. P., Kectcr Apostolic Mission House in Knife Rests, Oil Jugs, Water Rack 25 Wash Dresses, black and Kntering the church from the east Brookland. white cross-barre- d lawn; lace-trimm- I Pitchers, Decanters, etc. f - risty. the apostolic delegate led the Sirloin Steak, lb 26c Veal Chops, lb 22c Compound GKute)lb.l0c collar; sizes 34 to Q-- A j ocession o fnearly fifty priests wio Basement Floor 1 Elevators.
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