ATTENDEES | WASTEMINZ CONFERENCE 2018 Mark Abbot Smart Environmental Sei Brown Auckland Council Pete Abernethy Tonkin + Taylor Mark Brumby Rotaform Neal Absalom WSP Opus Tony Bryce Tonkin + Taylor Vaughan Adam EnviroNZ Dave Bull HAIL Environmental Anna Ainsworth Tonkin + Taylor Jan Burbery Brent Aitken Taupo District Council Regan Burke Daniel Allen Ruapehu District Council Trudy Burrows New Brighton Community Fridge Steve Alloway Loadrite NZ & Pantry Grant Alsop Whangarei District Council Donna Burt Waitomo District Council Arthur Amputch Riley Consultants Katherine Buttar Kapiti Coast District Council Simon Andrew Agrecovery Toni Bye 3R Group Allison Arthur-Young Russell McVeagh Miles Calder Pattle Delamore Partners Hedwig Aschl Aschl Management Systems Jonathan Caldwell Waikato Regional Council Joseph Aschl Aschl Management Systems Helen Caley Aurecon Karen Ashby Global Composting Solutions Shanti Campbell Christchurch City Council Angela Atkins Hastings District Council Gary Cardoza Impact Plastics Chris Aughton EnviroNZ Urzila Carlsson Leon Austin Christchurch City Council Emma Carpenter Smart Environmental Luke Austin Ladra Anna Carter AECOM New Zealand Guy Avery NZ Trucks Jenny Carter Kapiti Coast District Council Hinemoa Awatere Ministry for the Environment Rachael Casey Analytica Laboratories Isabel Axio JustWASTE Consulting Kyle Cattermoul OCS Enviromental Rachel Baggs Marlborough District Council Jo Cavanagh Landcare Research Margaret Bailey Margaret Enterprises Daniel Chapman Sims Pacific Metals Kate Baird Christchurch City Council Adrienne Chappell Waste Management NZ Mike Baker New Plymouth District Council Mai Chen Chen Palmer Nick Baker Visy Recycling Hugh Cherrill Tonkin + Taylor Sean Barnes Kilmarnock Enterprises Jenny Chilcott Auckland Council Samuel Barr EQC Grahame Christian Smart Environmental Brent Barrett Palmerston North City Council WasteMINZ Board Rodney Barriball Smart Environmental Patrick Clancy Waste Management NZ Richard Barter Cycling Action Network STR Campaign Sarah Clare 3R Group Michael Bates AMCS Group Tania Clark Christchurch City Council Abby Baylis Glass Packaging Forum Nigel Clarke Whakatane District Council Annabel Beachen Waste Management NZ Nigel Clarke Ministry for the Environment Simon Beardmore Otago Regional Council Ruth Clarke Timaru District Council Sandy Beath-Croft Hutt City Council Steve Clarke Clutha District Council Gregory Beck Thomas Consultants Colleen Clearwater Chatham Island Council Mike Bedson Eco Maintenance Lynda Close Atrax Group NZ Paul Beesley ECP Ray Close Atrax Group NZ Michelle Begbie Waikato Regional Council Jonathan Coakley Tonkin + Taylor Megan Bell Dunedin City Council Kylie Cochrane Aurecon (Australia) Trevor Best Project Lyttelton John Cocks JCL Ngahihi o t era Bidois International Keynote Lincoln Coe Dunedin City Council and winner of world speaker of the year Terry Coe Auckland Council Bis Bisson Wastebusters Stuart Cole WasteMINZ Lewis Black Tonkin + Taylor Terry Cooney Analytica Laboratories Ryan Black Manco Environmental Deema Cooray OfficeMax Jack Blunden Hawkes Bay Regional Council Alan Copsey Envirofert Scott Boness OCS Enviromental Alan Corbett Smart Environmental Jo Bootten Hamilton City Council Martin Cory Civic Contractors Stefan Borowy Smart Environmental Hamish Cottle SmartShelters Niki Bould Ahika Consulting James Court BP Oil NZ Shaun Bowler Jess Court Selwyn District Council Andrew Boyd Selwyn District Council Mark Courtney ELB Equipment Roderick Boys Wellington City Council Sue Coutts Wastebusters Jim Bradley Stantec New Zealand Daniel Cox Waimakariri District Council Timothy Brake Waste Management NZ Jason Crawford Christchurch City Council Rupinder Brar EnviroNZ Ed Cromwell Pattle Delamore Partners Jessica Braun MRA Consulting Group Patricia Cronin Waikato District Council Jack Bright Envirocon/Interbloc Bruce Croucher Ministry for the Environment Mike Brixton MASTEC NZ Cedric Crow Waipa District Council Rowan Brooks The Kiwi Bottle Drive David Curgenven AIM Services Bob Brown Rotorua Lakes Council Tony Cussins Tonkin + Taylor Scott Brown Smart Environmental David Dangerfield EHS-Support Mark Davies SEE John Grant ELB Equipment Alex Davies-Colley Tonkin + Taylor Peter Gratwick Eurofins Nicky Davis WasteNet Southland Andrea Gregor Ministry for the Environment Melany Davy Easy Earth Wayne Grieve Croxley Recycling Peter Dawson Environmental Protection Authority Blair Griffiths Smart Environmental Ben Day Smart Environmental Lisa Hack SLR Consulting Steve de Laborde Hauraki Distric Council Jay Hadfield Ministry for the Environment Jo Dean Carterton District Council Cara Hall Amare Safety Greg Dearsly First 4 Safety Paul Harrey Global Composting Solutions Timothy Dee Aurecon NZ Kerry Harrison Smart Environmental Peter DeGoldi Chris Hartshorne Plasback Adrian de Laborde Hauraki District Council Jason Harvey Smart Environmental Philippa Delany-Lott Soil & Rock Consultants Nick Hawkins Gino di Cecca Eco Maintenance Margaret Hawthorne Ruapehu District Council Laurence Dolan EnviroNZ Mel Hayman Christchurch City Council CJ Dooner WasteMINZ Colin Heeney biOx international Craig Downie EcoCentral Donna Hellens The Packaging Forum Karen Driver Envision NZ Siggi Henry Hamilton City Council Tim Driver Geotechnics Isla Hepburn Environment Canterbury Paul du Mez Bond Contracts Marcus Herrmann Riley Consultants Lucy Duffus Pattle Delamore Partners Paul Heveldt Stantec New Zealand David Duncan Aurecon NZ Mark Hickling Smart Environmental/Maui Capital Sally Dymond New Zealand Defence Force Natasha Hickmott Palmerston North City Council Phil Earl Agrivert Kay Higginbotham Pattle Delamore Partners Jon Earnshaw Easi Recycling NZ Brenda Hill Amare Safety Kevin Edgar EnviroNZ Jonno Hill Hill Laboratories Kim Edwards Zero Waste Education Steven Hill Leach & Co Rob Edwards International Keynote and author Chris Hillman Tonkin + Taylor Simonne Eldridge Tonkin + Taylor Eilidh Hilson WasteMINZ WasteMINZ Board Deputy Chair Katie Hine Waipa District Council Michelle Elford Aurecon NZ Lucy Hine Tonkin + Taylor Jennifer Elliott Foodstuff NZ Wayne Hocking EcoCentral Rod Enoka Mil-tek NZ Tim Hodgson Smart Environmental Julie Evans Tetra Pak Oceania Marty Hoffart Chairman, Zero Waste Network Paul Evans WasteMINZ Gina Hogarth Buller District Council Lisa Eve Eunomia Research & Consulting Raewyn Holden WasteMINZ Bruce Farquhar PLAST-AX Ross Holden WasteMINZ Freddy Farquhar PLAST-AX Robert Hon Wellington City Council Graeme Ferreira biOx international Darren Hoskins Wellington City Council Joanne Ferry Tonkin + Taylor Richard Howard Separate Phase George Fietje Auckland Council David Howie Waste Management NZ Simon Fogarty Waste Management NZ Steve Howse Analytica Laboratories Jane Foord Christchurch City Council Stephanie Huet Christchurch City Council Bob Foothead Glen Hughes Innovative Waste Kaikoura Jacqui Forbes Para Kore Marae Incorporated Daniel Hummerdal WorkSafe New Zealand Sophia Foschini Tonkin + Taylor Spring Humphreys EnviroNZ Peter Fowler Envirocon/Interbloc Oliver Hunt Medsalc Trent Fowles Hamilton City Council Sami Hutchings Tonkin + Taylor Christopher Fraser Civic Contractors Natalie Issacs 1 Million Women Madonna Fraser Department of Conservation Gareth James Waste Management NZ Regan Fraser Rotorua Lakes Council Leon Jarden Woolworths NZ Sally Fraser Waipa District Council Emily Jasmine Ruapehu District Council Rowan Freeman Environment Canterbury Jennifer Jeffery Eco Maintenance Limited Martin Frinking AMCS Tomas Johnsson Green Gorilla Nick Fry IdealCup Dee Jones Porirua City Council Stephanie Fry IdealCup Glen Jones EnviroNZ Sean Galdermans WTT Australia Peter Jones Trident Plastics Steven Gale Fonterra Tim Jones Kilmarnock Enterprises Stephen Gardner Environment Canterbury Darryn Jonson Vertec Penny Garland O-I Asia Pacific Ben Journee Peter Garvey Eco Maintenance Andrew Kalbarczyk Auckland Council Heather Giles Northland Regional Council Claire Keeling Project Litefoot Russell Gillies Waste Management NZ Danielle Kennedy Auckland Council Grant Gillard Christchurch City Council Mat Kenny EnviroNZ James Gladwin WSP Opus Korina Kirk Scrap Metal Recycling Association of NZ Cath Gledhill Dunedin City Council Murray Kliskey Tauranga City Council Laura Gledhill Queenstown Lakes District Council Luke Knight Wairoa District Council Jason Goomes Chatham Island Council Dean Knoesen Pact Group Laura Gourley Clutha District Council Jas Kohli Ecobagsnz + Ecopack Alice Grace Morrison Low & Associates Tony Kortegast Tonkin + Taylor Kieran Grace Pattle Delamore Partners Sander Kriek Leonie Grace Environment Southland Alex Lagny Veolia Petar Gramov Smart Environmental Phil Landmark Stantec New Zealand Hayden Grant Pact Group Alan Langley AMCS Greer Larsen-Compton Visy Recycling Martyn O’Cain Tasman Environmental Management Rowan Latham Environment Canterbury Daniel O’Carroll Living Earth Brent Lawgun Smart Environmental/Maui Capital Deirdre Oelofse AIM Services Hope Lawsen EERST Lesley Ottey Richard Leckinger Be A Tidy Kiwi Warren Overton TechCollect Elisa Leach Reality Bites & Fools of Desire John Palmer Western Bay of Plenty District Council Karen Lee Nelson City Council Michael Palmer Department of Conservation Matthew Leighton Western Bay of Plenty District Council Vivien Pan Pattle Delamore Partners Kyra Lennon Hill Laboratories Philip Parekalam NALG Ruth Le Pla NZ Local Government Magazine Jane Parfitt Innovative Waste Kaikoura Elodie Letendre Waimakariri District Council Conor Parker Environment Canterbury Shaun Lewis Ministry for the Environment Alan
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