September 20, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 10 14681 ‘‘TAIWAN’S NATIONAL DAY’’ On the morning of May 2, 1968, a 12-man And that’s just the way it is. Special Forces team was inserted in Cam- f HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ bodia to observe a large-scale North Viet- namese troop movement, and they were dis- RECOGNIZING THE ALDEN OF CALIFORNIA FARMERS MARKET IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES covered by the enemy. Most of the team Thursday, September 20, 2012 members were close friends of Roy Benavidez, who was the forward operating of- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. ficer in Loc Ninh, Vietnam. Three helicopters OF NEW YORK Speaker, in celebration of Taiwan’s National were sent to rescue this 12-man team, but IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Day on October 10th, fondly referred to as they were unable to land because of the Thursday, September 20, 2012 Double Ten Day. Since its formation, Taiwan heavy enemy concentration. When a second Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in has rapidly industrialized and now boasts the attempt was made to reach the stranded honor of the Alden Farmers Market, a staple 19th largest economy in the world. team, Benavidez jumped onboard one of the in Western New York since 2003 that brings Taiwan remains important to the United helicopters, armed only with a Bowie knife. As States in its advocacy of fair democratic val- community together over fresh, locally grown the helicopters reached the landing zone, produce every Saturday morning in the sum- ues across the world and its success in sus- Benavidez realized the team members were taining a dynamic multi-party system revealing mer. likely too severely wounded to move to the Open from late May until early October, the its commitment to protecting political rights helicopters. So he ran by himself through farmers market sponsored by the Alden and freedoms. In troubled times such as heavy small arms fire to the wounded soldiers. Chamber of commerce, located in Alden Vil- these, it is also gratifying to know that there He was wounded in the leg, the face, and the lage Plaza allows friends, family and neigh- are countries that continue to put forth efforts head in the process. He reorganized the team bors to enjoy a plentiful variety of fresh vege- that provide constructive solutions for highly and signaled the helicopters to land. But de- tables, fruits, flowers, plants, chickens, beef, divisive issues. spite his injuries, Benavidez was able to carry baked goods, honey, maple syrup, candy, Instead of exacerbating tensions with China, off half of the wounded men to the helicopters. spices, soaps and jellies while learning tech- Taiwan has pursued positive relations with He then collected the classified documents niques of how they were made straight from China by promoting economic trade. Taiwan held by the now dead team leader. As he the merchants and producers themselves. has continued to maintain its own independent completed this task, he was wounded by an This rare level of personal service and and democratic form of government, vibrant exploding grenade in the back and shot in the knowledge, combined with the variety of fresh culture, and booming commerce. stomach. At that moment, the waiting heli- local products is unique to Western New York Once again, I would like to share in Tai- copter’s pilot was also mortally wounded, and and surrounding farms and has become a wan’s celebration on their National Day. that helicopter crashed. He ran to collect the practice that all western New Yorkers take f stunned crash survivors and form a perimeter. pride in. ROY BENAVIDEZ He directed air support, ordered another ex- Mr. Speaker, on Saturday October 6 the traction attempt and was wounded again when Alden Farmers Market will mark the end of its HON. TED POE shot in the thigh. At this point he was losing 10th season. Small closing ceremonies will in- so much blood from his face wounds that his clude musical artist Sara Elizabeth Genco, a OF TEXAS costume and pet parade, and a second raffle IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vision became blocked. Finally, another helicopter landed and as drawing. Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me Thursday, September 20, 2012 Benavidez carried a wounded friend to it, he and all Western New Yorkers in thanking the Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, America is was clubbed in the head with a rifle butt by an Alden Chamber of commerce and all local about people. Who we are and what we are enemy soldier. That soldier bayonetted merchants and farmers who participated in is because of the people who have come to Benavidez twice. this great Saturday morning tradition. America. We have always been and will al- Mr. Speaker, Benavidez was wounded in f ways be a nation of immigrants. They are indi- that one battle 37 times; Seven gunshot CONGRATULATING ROCIO DE viduals who have lived and died and influ- wounds, he had mortar shrapnel in his back, MATEO SMITH enced the rest of us because of their tena- and two bayonet wounds. He was taken for cious spirit and determination. dead and left for dead and zipped up in a Roy Benavidez was one of those Ameri- body bag, but right before they zipped the bag HON. GEORGE MILLER OF CALIFORNIA cans. He was born in South Texas in a small up, he spit in the doctor’s face, letting the doc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES town called Cuero, August 5, 1935. He was tor know he was yet alive. the son of a sharecropper. He was an orphan He later recovered. He received the Distin- Thursday, September 20, 2012 and he had mixed blood of Yaqui Indian and guished Service Cross and then many years Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. Hispanic. He lost his family at a young age later Ronald Reagan presented him with the Speaker, I rise with my colleagues Congress- and dropped out of school in the 7th grade. Congressional Medal of Honor. President woman BARBARA LEE and Congressman JOHN He didn’t see the need for an education at that Reagan stated that if this were a movie, no GARAMENDI; to recognize and congratulate time. He was a migrant farm worker. He one would believe it because of the heroic Rocio de Mateo Smith upon her retirement as worked all over Texas and as far as Colorado deed of Roy Benavidez. Executive Director from the Developmental in the sugar beet fields and the cotton fields. Mr. Speaker, after he retired from the mili- Disabilities Area Board 5. In 1955 he decided to join the United States tary, Roy Benavidez went around America Born and raised in Mexico City, Rocio de Army, and he joined in Houston, Texas. He talking about the importance of an education, Mateo Smith attended Universidad Nacional was in love with his hometown sweetheart, since he only went to the seventh grade. He Autonoma de Mexico, where she received a Lala Coy. While he was away in Germany on talked to young gang members, he talked to B.A. in Mathematics. In the United States, she active duty, he asked a local priest, his grand- youth, telling them to stay in school and get received a B.A. in Psychology from California father and his uncle if they would go to Lala’s an education. He was a remarkable individual. State University, Hayward and an M.S.W. from father and ask permission for Roy to marry A Navy ship has been named after him, the University of California, Berkeley. her and he agreed. While he was in the Army, several elementary schools in Texas have For the past 30 years, Rocio de Mateo however, he was in a lot of trouble, even been named after Roy Benavidez, and even a Smith has worked in the field of develop- though he was a member of the Military Po- toy company has issued a Roy Benavidez GI mental disabilities with a special emphasis in lice. Joe action figure. services to immigrant communities. In her role So he finally joined the Special Forces train- As we prepare to celebrate and honor His- as Executive Director of Area Board 5 on De- ing at Fort Bragg where he reached the rank panic Heritage Month, one of those great His- velopmental Disabilities, Rocio advocated for of staff sergeant and went to Vietnam as a panic Americans was Roy Benavidez, a Texas the service rights of people with develop- Green Beret. But on May 2, 1962, his life hero, an American hero, a war hero that loved mental disabilities of all ages, both at the indi- changed forever. It is a story that is almost un- America and, as he said, got to live the Amer- vidual and systemic levels. Prior to this posi- believable. ican Dream the way that he wanted. tion, she was the Developmental Disabilities VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:07 Jun 14, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E20SE2.000 E20SE2.
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