AUSTRIAEXPORT No. 116 SPRING 2006 EDITED BY THE AUSTRIAN FEDERAL ECONOMIC CHAMBER, AUSTRIAN TRADE Biotech & more 111/20051/2005 www.austriantrade.orgwww.austriantrade.orgaustriantrade.org AUSTRIANTRADE.ORG1 AUSTRIAEXPORT Biotech & more 3 EDITORIAL 4 ENORMOUS POTENTIAL FOR INNOVATIONS 6 AUSTRIA: A PROFITABLE LOCATION 8 BIOTECH MADE IN AUSTRIA 16 AUSTRIAN COMPANIES FOR PHARMACEUTICALS 21 AUSTRIAN COMPANIES FOR DIAGNOSTICS 23 AUSTRIAN COMPANIES FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 33 AUSTRIAN COMPANIES FOR BIOPROCESSING 35 SUPPLIERS 38 LISTING 41 INDEX 42 AUSTRIAN TRADE COMMISSIONS ABROAD Published: according to § 25 Law governing Media: Editor: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, AUSTRIAN TRADE, A-1045 Vienna, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, T. +43/590 900-4822 • Publishing house: New Business Verlag GmbH, A-1060 Vienna, Magdalenenstraße 33, T. +43/1/2351366-0, F. +43/1/2351366-999 • Concept, editorial and pro- duction: PG The Corporate Publishing Group GmbH (CPG) • Chief coordina- tor: Oliver Olbrich (ext. 666) • Marketing editor: Lorin Polak (ext. 300) • Senior editor: Paul Christian Jezek (ext. 400) • Editors: Beyana Maghakian ([email protected]) and Martin Spatz ([email protected]), both Austria Wirtschaftsservice GMBH, LISA • Promotions editor: Gudrun Just • Graphic concept: Gerald Fröhlich (CPG) • Coordinating manager: Gesa Weitzenböck (+43/1/4054640-763) • Cover photo: Archiv AWO • Proofreading: Steve Wilder • Print: AMG MediengmbH, A-1140 Vienna © Archiv AWO 2 austriantrade.org 116/2006 AUSTRIAEXPORT Paul Christian Jezek Senior Editor Biotechnology and Life Sciences Key Technologies in Austria n the 21st century, biotechnology will be one of the most good example being the research and commercialisation of important technologies of all, as it exercises an enormous new medicines. While biotechnology was understood as the Iamount of influence on broad sections of society and manufacture of genetically engineered agents in medicine a offers solutions for a wide range of applications. few years ago, the field now includes clinical tests, practical Through the development of innovative medical pro- applications, accompanying diagnostics, medical technology ducts, therapies and diagnostic means, it also directly affects and even sales of essential biotechnological components. the making of health policy in general. Thanks to new For this reason, the opportunities with regard to deve- opportunities relating to biotechnology in the field of food lopment and added value in the biosciences in Austria have and nutrition, it also influences general prosperity and qua- not yet been fully exploited, and they go beyond the lity of life considerably, in addition to making important borders separating disciplines. Real progress is normally contributions toward the creation of an ecological society. achieved through a transdisciplinary approach: networking The biotech sector in Austria now encompasses more than of specialised knowledge from the fields of biology, micro- 10,000 employees, the majority in the field of human medi- biology, molecular biology, chemistry, and engineering and cine, and it has a turnover of two billion euros per year. The material sciences is decisive for a great many solutions. At general attitude toward "red” biotechnology and products present, technological progress in the relevant disciplines created with the aid of medical research is extremely positi- takes place in parallel within separate methodological sys- ve. Attitudes are also improving toward "grey” biotechnolo- tems. In other words, lateral communication among various gy, which deals with the environment. Applications in indus- areas is decisive for innovation. trial production processes (e.g. food additives such as citric For the purpose of realising this potential in Austria, acid, which is also used for decalcification; detergents; enzy- expanded networking activities, intensified interdisciplinary mes, e.g. for blood and grass stains; thickeners, such as xan- and cross-sector research, and "translational” research as than gum; bioplastics; and pharmaceutical products and well are all being encouraged. In addition to its direct work intermediates) represent Austrian activities in the field of force requirements, biotechnology generates and ensures "white biotechnology.” Biofuels (biodiesel, ethanol) are additional jobs in related fields, especially the chemical and another prospective field being currently developed. The pharmaceutical industries. On the other hand, the mere acceptance of gentle "green” plant biotechnology is still number of jobs is less important than the fact that they being worked on. require a high level of qualification and are accompanied by In contrast to other groundbreaking technologies, prac- considerable economic value. The great significance bio- tical applications are found over the long term. Lead times science has for pharmaceutical research and development between idea and concrete effect sometimes amount to means that biotechnology and the pharmaceuticals industry several years and can result in considerable expense, one will increasingly cooperate in equal partnerships. ❚ 116/2006 austriantrade.org 3 AUSTRIAEXPORT First-rate research is performed at Boehringer-Ingelheim Austria. © Boehringer-Ingelheim Austria © Boehringer-Ingelheim Enormous potential for innovations Austrian biotech companies can look back on an outstanding long tradition and at present make up a dynamically growing scene with such well-known members as Austrianova, igeneon, Intercell, Oridis and Sanochemia. oreign companies and investors are interested in the Boehringer-Ingelheim Austria, located in Vienna, is the gems in Austria’s biotech crown, one good example centre of oncological research and development, at the same Fbeing the 7.5 million dollars of financing provided to time representing one of the two centres for biopharmaceu- Vienna’s Fibrex Medical Research & Development GmbH by tical production, in the international Boehringer-Ingelheim Global Life Science Ventures, Atlas Venture, EMBL Ventures Group. Two block busters currently being marketed are: the and Mulligan BioCapital AG. active ingredients Interferon gamma and tumour necrosis In addition to flows of international capital, the acquisi- factor alpha. Apart from the investments being made in new tion of domestic cancer-research company igeneon by infrastructure, Boehringer-Ingelheim outlays approximately Aphton of the USA is also typical of the current activity. 60 million euros annually for R&D in Austria. The latest Biotechnology firms located in Austria spend up to one- innovation is a new kind of biofermenter for high cell-densi- half billion euros on research each year. At present, vaccines ty fermentation of bacteria and yeasts. and therapeutic proteins, antibiotics and antiinfectives, And there’s more: Boehringer also runs the Research medicines to treat cancer, non-steroid medications for neu- Institute for Molecular Pathology (IMP), which was founded rodermatitis, DNA chips, "recombinant” allergenics, virus in 1988. The most important institute in Austria that works and prion activation, gene-transport systems and biochips with molecular biology performs research on a variety of for diagnostic purposes are being studied, with some pro- subjects, such as the development of cancer cells, and it has ducts already on the market. earned an excellent reputation among international experts Baxter AG, one of the country’s largest and fastest-gro- in the field. Its neighbour, the Institute of Molecular wing biotech companies, develops and manufactures medici- Biotechnology (IMBA), is operated in close cooperation, and nes, in particular vaccines and therapeutic proteins. the Gregor Mendel Institute for Molecular Plant Biology 4 austriantrade.org 116/2006 AUSTRIAEXPORT (GMI) is located in the same building. These two institutes, which belong to the Austrian Academy of Sciences perform basic research. Sandoz GmbH (formerly Biochemie GmbH and a member of the Novartis Group), with development and manufactu- ring operations in Kundl and Schaftenau, has 2,600 employ- ees and is the leading company for pharmaceuticals and generics in Austria. No less than 98% of its sales are made through exports to more than 120 countries. Enzymes, hor- mones and therapeutic proteins are manufactured in Kundl. On January 31, 2006, Nabriva Therapeutics Forschungs GmbH, a biotechnology firm which focuses on antibiotics, opened its doors. This company is a spin-off of Vienna’s © Intercell Antibiotic Research Institute (ABRI), part of the research department of Sandoz GmbH, Kundl. Igeneon – a Novartis spin-off created as one of Austria’s Nabriva concentrates on developing antibiotics for hospi- first biotechnology companies to work on cancer-immunity tal-acquired infections and has an extremely solid pipeline of treatment – develops vaccines designed to prevent or delay antibacterial active agents. At present, three projects are at an the formation of metastases. advanced preclinical stage, and one product will soon be in Austrianova, located at Vienna’s University of Veterinary clinical phase 1. Medicine, is an international pioneer in the research, deve- The Campus Vienna Biocenter (VBC) is the product of a lopment and use of viral gene-transport systems. A method smoothly functioning symbiosis of the private sector and for treating pancreatic cancer is the first and only in Austria both university and non-university research institutes. to be registered as an "orphan medicinal product” by the The Intercell company, founded in 1998
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