CROSSROADS THE MACEDONIAN FOREIGN POLICY JOURNAL December 2006 Cover Story Republic of Macedonia - 15 Years Since the First Democratic Constitution Kiro Gligorov, Nikola Kljusev, Gillian Milovanovic, Doris Pack, Zhelyu Zhelev, Alain Le Roy, Umberto Vattani Interview SÜleyman Demirel Essays Henryk J. Sokalski, Danilo TÜrk, Srgjan Kerim on UN Reform Marc Perrin de Brichambaut on Osce in South Eastern Europe Nikola Dimitrov on NATO Blerim Reka on Sovereignty CROSSROADS THE MACEDONIAN FOREIGN POLICY JOURNAL December 2006, Vol. I, No.1 Editor-in-Chief Pajo AVIROVIK Deputy Editor Ivica BOCEVSKI Editorial Board: Vasko NAUMOVSKI, LLM, MA Darko ANGELOV, MA Maciej KacZoroWski Ljuben TEVDOVSKI Igor POPOVSKI Founded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. Dame Gruev 6, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia www.mfa.gov.mk Published by: Macedonian Information Centre (MIC) Dragan ANTONOV, Director N.N. Borce 73, 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia www.micnews.com.mk CROSSROADSCROSSROADSTHE MACEDONIAN FOREIGN POLICY JOURNAL Skopje, December 2006 C o n t e n t s Antonio MILOSOSKI – INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 5 Cover Story Kiro GLIGOROV – 15 YEARS OF INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA– REFLECTIONS AND PROSPECTS ..................................7 Nikola KLJUSEV – THE ECONOmiC VisiON OF THE FiRST DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA ............................................................11 Gillian MILOVanOVIC: A UNITED STATES PERSPECTivE ON MACEDONIA ...............................................................................................19 Doris PACK: MAZEDONIEN UND DIE NEUE EUROPÄisCHE REALITÄT / MACEDONIA AND THE NEW EUROPEAN REALITY .................................24 Zhelyu ZHELEV: MACEDONIA TODAY AND THE FUTURE OF MACEDONIA ......................................................................31 Alain LE ROY: TÉMOigNAGE SUR UNE PÉRIODE DE TRANsiTION (Octobre 2001 - Novembre 2002) / TESTimONY TO A PERIOD OF TRANsiTION (October 2001 – November 2002) ..........................................................................48 Umberto VaTTanI: MACEDONIA – PAESE IN RAPIDA TRASFORMAZIONE / MACEDONIA – COUNTRY OF RAPID CHANGES ......................................54 Interview Süleyman DEMIREL: MACEDONIA As EU AND NATO MEMBER WiLL CREATE ADDED VALUE FOR THE REgiON .....................................59 - - Essays Henryk J. SOKALSKI: MACEDONIA AND THE UN: FROM A CASE STUDY IN PREVENTivE DiPLOMACY TO AN ACTivE CONTRIBUTOR TO GLOBAL PEACE AND SECURITY ...............71 Danilo TÜRK: UNITED NATIONS IN THE ERA OF REFORM: THE IssUES OF THE UN SECRETARIAT .......................................................85 Srgjan KERIM: UN REFORms: UN SECURITY COUNCIL AND THE RigHT OF INTERVENTION .........................................................97 Marc PERRIN DE BRICHambaUT: THE OsCE AND SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE ...........................................................................................105 Nikola DIMITROV: MACEDONIA AND NATO: EvOLviNG PARTNERSHIP .............................................................................113 Blerim REKA: EU POST-WESTPHALIA DiLEmmA: NATION OR MEMBER-STATE? ......................................................................121 Reviews Pajo AVIROVIK: LE MANIFESTE POUR UNE EUROPE NOUVELE (Guy VERHOFSTadT: “Les Etats-unis D’Europe”) .............................................145 Ivica BOCEVSKI: FOG OF ENLARGEMENT (Olli REHN: “Europe’s Next Frontier”) ............................................................149 Vasko NAUMOVSKI: ENGENEERING THE FOREigN POLICY OF A NEW INDEPENDENT STATE (Dimitar MIRCEV: “The Macedonian Foreign Policy 1991-2006”) .....................151 - - Dear readers, I would like to welcome you on the pages of the new publication of the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Crossroads” – The Macedonian Foreign Policy Journal is projected to be the principal Macedonian periodical and a Macedonian web page in the area of International Affairs, Political Science and the Global Political Economy. This interactive publication is a unique blend of theoretical, academic, analytical and policy papers discussing the foreign policy of the Republic of Macedonia, as well as covering the issues of regional, European and global importance. The journal is also an information and policy hub for all the issues surrounding the foreign policy of the Republic of Macedonia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. This first promotional edition of the “Crossroads” is dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the day when the first democratic Constitution of the independent Macedonian state was adopted. This date inspired us to reflect on the lessons learned during the 15 years of Macedonian statehood and its significance in the regional and wider European perspectives. However, at the same time this Journal aims to provide reflections and to offer visions for steering the future course of the Macedonian foreign policy, especially given its European and Euro-Atlantic dimension, as well as offering solutions for the challenges in the era of globalization. The intellectual debate is critical for the foreign policy of every democratic state. The Macedonian Ministry ofF oreign Affairs with this publication aims at promoting and deepening the debate in the Macedonian public on the issues of its interest, as well as to present the topics of the current global debates and to raise the awareness of the European, Euro-Atlantic and the pressing global issues in the Macedonian society. Therefore, I can only stress that this first edition of this publication was initiated and managed by creative workshop in the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.H owever, the vision is to outsource this product completely to the civil society and the Macedonian academia, once we have a sustainable publication and a real journal of excellence. The first partnership was already achieved with the Macedonian Information Centre, an established Macedonian consultancy and a long-term partner of our MFA. In the next issues we will gradually increase the levels of partnership between the MFA and the Macedonian academic and intellectual community. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the pluralism in the Macedonian think-tank community, regardless of their dominant political paradigms, and we hope that the tipping point for an ownership of this publication by the Macedonian academic - - and think-tank community will come very soon. Furthermore, we would also like to witness the emergence of more specialized, analytical and creative think tanks, consultancies and intellectuals. Only this public-private partnership can assure the sustainability, quality and relevance of this Journal, not only in our national and regional public, but also in the wider European, transatlantic and global political, diplomatic and intellectual community. We live in a time of constant and perpetual changes. The synchronization and integration in the globalized world are necessary for future sustainable and successful progress in this ever-evolving environment. Therefore, C“ rossroads” – The Macedonian Foreign Policy Journal is the critical product for the knowledge management and exposure of the Macedonian debate to the currents of the European and global intellectual exchange. Eventually, this Journal will assist the full synchronization of the Macedonian society within the network of the globalized democracies. Yours truly, Antonio MILOSOSKI - 6 - C o v e r S t o r y 327 (497.7) 15 YEARS OF INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA – REFLECTIONS AND PROSPECTS – Kiro GLIGOROV 15 years of independent Republic of Macedonia, 15 years have passed since the Referendum at which Macedonian citizens spoke for independence of their state, 15 years since the adoption of the new Constitution of sovereign and independent Macedonia. Pondering on these crucial historic evens, I must emphasize the circumstances in which these decisions were made, as well as the ensuing political commitments. Following the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of communism, and after the break up of the three former states - the USSR, Czechoslovakia and the SFRY- the political map of Europe was profoundly changed. Several new European independent states emerged. It is particularly important that for the first time in the history of the European Continent the changes were brought about not as a consequence of wars between states. Instead the changes resulted from the internal reasons of the former communist countries and the expressed will of the majority of their citizens. The second key feature of those times was that the Macedonian nation, all Macedonian citizens did not want to be part of the wars and the blood quenched break up of the former SFRY. After all when establishing their state by the end of the II Word War, the Macedonian nation already paid the price of its statehood, with 24 thousand victims. It would not have been reasonable to again pay the same or even costlier price. At those times, as the President of the Republic of Macedonia I believed and I still hold the same view that the worst possible outcome of the Yugoslav crisis would be a break up of the former state through armed clashes taking victims and causing destruction, or by inciting hatred and severing long established friendships and ties, interrupting the peacetime economic development and cooperation. Unfortunately, this has come to pass. The essential point of my last effort supported by the former President
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