September 10, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1755 remarkable person. He has, in an extraor- and a number of streets and schools named unavoidably detained and was not present to dinary way, made enormous efforts to promote in his honor. The IRWF’s goals for these initia- vote. Had I been present, I would have voted the life and mission of World War II hero tives in honor of Wallenberg and other Holo- ‘‘nay’’ on rollcalls Nos. 476 and 477. Raoul Wallenberg. As a young Swedish dip- caust heroes is to stimulate the educational f lomat, Wallenberg was responsible for saving authorities in dozens of countries to teach not RECOGNIZING THE ARTICLE ‘‘RE- nearly 100,000 Jews in Budapest from the only the stories of the Holocaust, but also the MEMBERING THE AWESOME LES- horror of the Holocaust. This brave man dis- stories of the heroes that emerged from the SONS OF THE HOLOCAUST’’ appeared in 1945, last seen going to meet horrors. By educating future generations about with members of the Soviet army. Though the plight of Holocaust heroes like Wallenberg, many theories regarding his disappearance perhaps they will adopt just a fraction of the HON. J. RANDY FORBES abound, the world continues to wait for an- humanitarian values these brave men and OF VIRGINIA swers regarding Wallenberg’s fate. Mr. women held. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tenenbaum is one of the most visible leaders Mr. Speaker, at the age of 67, Mr. Wednesday, September 10, 2003 in carrying on Raoul Wallenberg’s name. Tenenbaum has never received a salary nor Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I rise to call at- Mr. Speaker, even before Mr. Tenenbaum any other financial compensation for his work. tention to the article ‘‘Remembering the Awe- started to work for Raoul Wallenberg’s cause He covers nearly all IRWF expenses himself some Lessons of the Holocaust’’ written by he had lived an extraordinary life. He was de- and he devotes all his time to the Raoul Rabbi Israel Zoberman. The article appeared voted to supporting the Jewish community in Wallenberg cause. I am honored to pay tribute in the Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger-Star on Argentina and to creating a deeper under- to this extraordinary man and I urge all of my Saturday, June 12, 1993. standing between Jews and Catholics world- colleagues to join me in congratulating Baruch Rabbi Zoberman is spiritual leader of Con- wide. He was the First General Director of the Tenenbaum for his outstanding achievements. gregation Beth Chaverim in Virginia Beach. Argentine-Israeli Cultural Institute and focused This exceptional person is truly an inspiration Born in Chu, Kazakhstan, in 1945, and raised the majority of his efforts on educational en- to us all. Like the man whose legacy he works in Haifa, Israel, he is the son of Polish Holo- deavors. Some of his undertakings included tirelessly to preserve, Mr. Tenenbaum is living caust survivors. founding the Tarbut School and organizing the proof that one man can make a difference. REMEMBERING THE AWESOME LESSONS OF THE first Latin American Bible contest. In addition, f HOLOCAUST he translated Spanish classics and Haskala lit- Visiting the recently dedicated official erature into Hebrew and Yiddish. A TRIBUTE TO EAST SURRY LIT- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum In 1966, together with writer Jorge Lues TLE LEAGUE GIRLS 16 AND is not an ordinary experience, nor should it Borges, Tenenbaum founded the first inter- UNDER FAST PITCH SOFTBALL be one. TEAM Along with fellow Americans, gentiles and confessional organization, Casa Argentina en Jews from all walks of life, I was conscious Jerusalem (Argentine House in Jerusalem). of entering upon sacred space. The resultant This organization has received many distinc- HON. RICHARD BURR education experience, through ingenious tions on behalf of the Vatican for its work in OF NORTH CAROLINA multimedia presentation and architectural promoting ecumenism. Tenenbaum’s out- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES genius, exposes us to the unfolding stages of standing commitment to the Jewish and the Third Reich’s evil, allowing us a closer Wednesday, September 10, 2003 reach to an unfathomable reality. Catholic communities has earned him acco- Mr. BURR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to offer We are led on a journey whose con- lades and honors from Pope Paul VI and from my congratulations to the fine athletes of the sequences of disaster for the Jewish people Monsignor Antonio Caggiano, Cardinal Pri- and for humanity in general become increas- East Surry Little League of Pilot Mountain’s mate of Argentina. ingly evident at each turn. Mr. Tenenbaum and I co-founded the Inter- 16-and-under girls’ fast pitch softball team. Hitler’s early threats were far from idle. national Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) The dedication, talent, and hard work of these What was dismissed as the political rhetoric girls has won them a place in North Carolina’s of a novice was methodically translated into in 1997. Since then, we have worked tirelessly a program of genocide. Failure to stop the to make Raoul Wallenberg’s story known history as the very first North Carolina team to win a Little League World Series Champion- Nazi regime early on yielded the largest har- around the world. Mr. Tenenbaum has person- vest of death in history. ally convinced over 60 heads of states to be- ship. Recognizing that the tragedy’s magnitude After a series of wins, the girls of East Surry come members of IRWF. Some members in- is such that without personalizing it we risk clinched their final victory against Kentucky to clude German Chancellor Gerhard Schro¨der, losing it, we watch a tower of photos depict- claim the title as World Series Champions. ing the life of an entire community that is Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, former Their victory on August 16, 2003 in no more, from family gatherings and chil- U.S. President Gerald Ford, and Nobel Peace Jeffersontown, Kentucky is certain to be re- dren at play to loved ones and pastoral calm. Prize Laureates Dalai Lama and Elie Wiesel. In two days of mass executions, 3,000 Jews, Mr. Speaker, I know you will agree that pre- membered with pride in the hearts and minds young and old, of Elshishok, Lithuania, serving the memory of Raoul Wallenberg is of North Carolinians for many years to come. where Jews had lived for 900 years, were I commend the fine sportsmanship of these very important. Wallenberg is a truly timeless slain. This was one among more than 4,950 girls and wish them a future of successes. I role model for all generations, representing an destroyed communities. am proud of their efforts in placing North Focusing on the shoes of gassed victims, ideal sense of selflessness and caring of all Carolina among the states to hold a Little my eye caught one belonging to a child. Who people. He taught us about the importance of League World Series Championship win. can remain neutral toward a little one’s standing up for the immutable rights of all peo- To Manager Breck Honeycutt, Coaches fate? ple and the need to combat evil when it con- The video (hidden from view of those who Mike Burge and Brent Hull, and players fronts us. Wallenberg will always serve as a could not bear it) of the medical experimen- Samantha Smith, Haley Burge, Kate Jewell, reminder of the tremendous difference just tations on live subjects—gypsies and twins Karlie Love, Beth Hauser, Megan Hull, Sara were favorites—was ample proof of science’s one man can make, and keeping his spirit Bartlett, Catherine Mitchell, Lauren Angel, culpability and academicians’ corruptibility. alive means ensuring and preserving the spirit Brooke Honeycutt, Jessica Hauser, Rachael Yet, the inspiring example of the French vil- of humanity. In carrying on Raoul Brooks, and Ashley Simmons, I assure you lage of Chambon, which saved 5,000 Jews, in- Wallenberg’s name, Mr. Tenenbaum has cluding many children, from round-up and that the people of Surry County, and indeed made a tremendous effort in keeping his spirit deportation, shines through the darkness. all North Carolinians, are very proud of your alive and carrying his message on to future Watching on-screen survivors reminisce il- accomplishments. lustrated the power of witness and the sacred generations. f duty to preserve their essential legacy, as Under the direction of Mr. Tenenbaum, the age diminishes their numbers, for the sake of IRWF has undertaken a number of various en- PERSONAL EXPLANATION those to follow. deavors to further the memories of Holocaust At the tour’s beginning one receives a heroes, including Raoul Wallenberg. There HON. VITO FOSSELLA passport of a person who encountered the have been a number of statues raised and war. Mine was of a man who expired en route OF NEW YORK countless exhibits displayed around the world to the Belzec death camp where many mem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bers of my own extended family perished. as a result of IRWF’s efforts, honoring keepers Wednesday, September 10, 2003 One identity card bears the name of a sur- of humanity during the Holocaust. In addition, viving relative, Gitla Zoberman (now Ger- Wallenberg has been honored throughout the Mr. FOSSELLA. Mr. Speaker, I am not re- trude Kupfer), who lives in Richmond, Vir- world with commemorative postage stamps, corded on rollcalls Nos. 476 and 477. I was ginia. VerDate jul 14 2003 04:55 Sep 11, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10SE8.001 E10PT1 E1756 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 10, 2003 The museum’s honored location in Wash- CONGRATULATING THE LA MI- PERSONAL EXPLANATION ington, DC, near our national shrines, re- RANDA JUNIOR BASEBALL flects the awesome lessons of the Holocaust.
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