E2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 9, 1998 Council of Khalistan to lead their struggle for [From the India-West, August 7, 1998] ton is relieved of 12 grams per trip of volatile independence. Since then, under the leader- INDIA MAY SUFFER SOVIET FATE: PAWAR organic carbon, 14 grams per trip of nitrogen ship of Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, the Council PUNE (PTI)ÐThe leader of opposition in the oxides and 120 grams per trip of carbon mon- has conducted a peaceful, democratic, non- Lok Sabha Sharad Pawar Aug. 2 expressed oxide. violent effort for a free and sovereign the fear that the country might go the erst- Mr. Speaker, this clearly demonstrates that Khalistan. while Soviet Union way unless concerted ef- bicycling expands the recreational opportuni- I believe that the breakup of India is inevi- forts are taken to strengthen its economy in ties for Boston area residents, while contribut- table, despite the brutal campaign of state ter- the wake of international reaction to its car- ing to a more healthful environment by reduc- rying out nuclear tests. ing traffic congestion. rorism which is designed to hold it together by Pawar was speaking at a function to re- force. Even Sharad Pawar, the Leader of the lease a book, ``Hiroshima,'' by noted Marathi f Opposition in the Indian Parliament, recently writer D.B. Kher on the after effects of bomb TRIBUTE TO MRS. JESSIE TRICE said that if India does not get its house in explosion in Japan Aug. 6, 1945. ON THE CELEBRATION OF HER order quickly, it could fall apart like the Soviet Pawar said through the erstwhile USSR was a nuclear power it collapsed, and added RETIREMENT ON OCTOBER 17, Union. He joins Nehru biographer Professor 1998 Stanley Wolpert, Columbia University Profes- that India should not become over-confident after the Pokhran-II tests. sor Ainslee Embree, and Dr. Jack Wheeler of He said India should also be very vigilant the Freedom Research Foundation, who have HON. CARRIE P. MEEK as the economy of Pakistan was in the dol- OF FLORIDA all predicted India's breakup. drums. It might take any dangerous step out IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES India's desperation to keep its multinational of frustration. ``We should not forget the fact state together is showing. Recently the Vishwa that Pakistan had a history of aggression Thursday, October 8, 1998 Hindu Prashad (VHP), a Hindu fundamentalist against India and hence we should be on Mrs. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is in- organization affiliated with the Fascist RSS, guard,'' he said. deed a distinct privilege to rise and pay tribute praised the rape of four Catholic nuns in the f to one of my community's unsung heroines, state of Madhya Pradesh, calling the rapists Mrs. Jessie Trice, Director of Miami's Family ``patriotic youth'' and calling for all foreign mis- CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 4194, Health Center. Her countless friends and ad- sionaries to be expelled from the country. The DEPARTMENTS OF VETERANS mirers are honoring her on October 17, 1998 ruling BJP, which was elected on a Hindu Na- AFFAIRS AND HOUSING AND in recognition of the longevity of her legacy to tionalist platform, is the political wing of the URBAN DEVELOPMENT, AND the poor and underserved families. RSS. So much for Indian secularism! Clearly, INDEPENDENT AGENCIES APPRO- Mrs. Trice truly represents the noblest of my there is no place for Christians in Indian de- PRIATIONS ACT, 1999 community. Having dedicated a major portion mocracy. There is no place for Sikhs, Mus- of her life to making the health care system SPEECH OF lims, aboriginal Dalits, Tamils, Assamese, work on behalf of the less fortunate in Miami- Manipuris, or other ethnic and religious minori- HON. JOSEPH P. KENNEDY II Dade, she was relentless in her development ties either. OF MASSACHUSETTS of innovative family health services program that responded to the crying needs of our Recently, a large group of Sikh and Kash- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES miri protesters showed up at the United Na- community's poor. Hers was indeed a crusade Tuesday, October 6, 1998 tions headquarters to protest the visit of Indian of love and commitment that maximized un- Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. They Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Mr. derstanding and compassion for countless chanted slogans of independence for their Speaker, I want to thank Chairman JERRY destitute families who severely lack the finan- people, and they attempted to inform the pub- LEWIS and Ranking Member LOUIS STOKES, of cial wherewithal to have their health care lic about India's human-rights violations. The the Appropriations Subcommittee on VA, HUD move up through the labyrinth of the bureauc- flyer they circulated read, ``A religiously intoler- and Independent Agencies, for their coopera- racy. ant country can never be democratic.'' tion in awarding federal funds under the Eco- Under her leadership many lives have been Earlier this year in New Delhi, at the largest nomic Development Initiative for two of the saved and countless families have been ren- internal protest against Indian nuclear weap- most heavily-used bike paths in the Boston dered whole because of her dedication to cre- ons tests, demonstrators carried signs that area. ate accessibility to affordable health care serv- ices. She was virtually the lone voice in the read, ``We are Sikhs, not Indians.'' This is a We have received $250,000 for the Arling- wilderness in exposing her righteous indigna- strong expression of the Sikh Nation's demand ton-Boston bike path and $150,000 for the tion over the hopelessness of countless indi- for freedom. Still India continues its efforts to Minuteman Commuter Bikeway. Bicycling is viduals who through the various crises of pov- keep the country together by force. very popular in Boston, and throughout the erty rendered them helpless before obtaining India votes against the United States at the Commonweath of Massachusetts. affordable quality health care. There are many tangible benefits to bicy- United Nations more often than any other Furthermore, she has been forthright and country, except Cuba. It even publicly en- cling. It improves heath and fitness while re- forceful in advocating the early recognition of dorsed the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Ac- ducing traffic congestion, air pollution and the problems of HIV disease which causes cording to published reports, India has also commuting time to work each day. AIDS. Under her tutelage the Family Health provided the raw materials for nuclear devel- The funding awarded for the bike paths Center initiated the first screening and testing opment to Iran and other anti-American coun- through the Economic Development Initiative programs in the community and initiated orga- tries. will enhance these benefits. The funds award- nized educational programs for its patients The Congress should move immediately to ed for the Arlington-Boston bike path will allow long before the crisis was recognized and fed- support freedom and real stability in this trou- construction to proceed on completing a 15- eral, state and local funding became available. bled region. We must maintain the sanctions mile commuter and recreational bike path from Her sensitivity toward those who came to the that have been put in place against India. In Bedford to Boston. Center for counseling knew no bounds, and addition, we should cut off the aid that helped The Arlington-Boston bike path will provide she was likewise untiring in seeking the appro- build India's nuclear weapons. My colleagues a direct connection to the Charles River and to priate health care guidance for them. should also vote to support the Sikhs and the existing Dudley Bike Path to downtown In a September 3, 1998 Miami Times write- Kashmiris in their struggle for freedom by de- Boston along the Watertown Branch of the up, Mrs. Trice was genuinely lauded as a manding a free and fair plebiscite in those Boston and Maine Railroad. health care provider par excellence who ``. states, so that they themselves can determine The funds awarded for the Minuteman Com- has shown courageous leadership, insisting their future in a democratic way. This is the muter Bikeway will provid a rail-trail connect- that high quality services must be provided in only way to make sure that the breakup of ing the existing Minuteman Commuter Bike- the community and be developed with con- India comes about peacefully like the former way in Cambridge with the Charles River Bike- stant community input and collaboration.'' Soviet Union, not violently. Taken together, way in Boston, leading to downtown Boston. The consecration of her life serves as an these steps will ensure that all the people and It is estimated that an automobile emits 62 example of how much difference a committed nations of South Asia can live in freedom, pounds of carbon dioxide a year. It is also es- crusader can truly make in behalf of the less peace, prosperity, and dignity. timated that the average trip length to work in fortunate. Almost singlehandedly she has I am placing the article on Sharad Pawar Boston's Central Business District is 12 miles. championed a career-long commitment to af- into the RECORD for the information of my col- For each person who chooses to ride a bike fordable quality health care services to poor leagues. to work rather than drive a car, the air in Bos- families for nearly two decades. VerDate 11-SEP-98 06:57 Oct 10, 1998 Jkt 069061 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\CRI\E09OC8.REC e09oc1 PsN: e09oc1 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E2001 In her stint as Director of the Family Health Kathleen cared about our Federal Govern- physical and psychological effects of such de- Center, Mrs.
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