( 1 feb 4. 14 r U R E ;K« r HKKt N «ìdilyi '■ *'H Nn \ Hu** U nl‘ . ii-br«, THE OZONA STOCKMAN l'M. ‘ay*: The ¡^J The Only Paper In Crockett County— 3,000 Square Milet Of Livetlock Tenritory " lMi!' ‘»pm m,*r “Ont. In The West, Where The Air Is Pure, The Climate Agreeable, And The People Friendly-The Best Place On Earth To Call Home " r-‘ ulu. a- r:|,’,ur* petti *2.00 Per Year In Texaa-$2.50 Elsewhere OZONA. CROCKETT COUNTY. TEXAS. 5 Cent. Per Copy THURSDAY, FEB 11. 1943 NUMBER 44 ,h* f ¡reali * t'*lwne<| T As Allies Planned for ’43 Offensives • ¡ «-»inj j,| Thrash Point Rationing Pleas Childress 1/1 1 •“««, r»nj Named Chairman Of 23 Candidates "trainìjj, »«>' may rough To Dist. System To Follow Dist. Water Board For Graduation r "ition J Plea* Childress w«* named ir.«J ipionship chairman and Torn C. Harris was r ' Sign-Up Feb. 22 From Ozona High ■,n'l «elected to rm-mU-r-h.p on the r rollici! ir« Place 3 On Firat String Canned Goods Freeze Ixuird to fill the vacancy created 18 Due For Promotion |A1I-Di«tr«cl» One On In Effect Feb. 20; Be­ by resignation of Joe North, for­ From Junior High; 1 *" elad U dt»! Second Tearn gin System March 1 mer chairman, when the Crockett Exercises May 19-20 '"■ni • h:<rEt. I County Water Control and Im­ A,»^ (y l I Bound li y' » nek from their | When Texan* register for War provement District executive Twenty-three boy* and girl* ^ defeat in the chum- j “'" n*l Mirniaifl Lart-tireak.r Book Two for use in point ration­ board met in special tension last of Ozona High School are looking ■ ' urjjicaj ,lper. I , of their own tour-: week. ■ari i ing. each registrant will he given forward with special int«r«-»t to li.iled. tiie season’* second Because of restrictions in the (irirnt and a printed consumer instruction ¿wt a fe» day* later at Iraan. law governing operation «if th<- the coming Spring ami the end « f «th Kin»" Mi Cook’s 1-ion cm*-| *h< *-t, Frank M. Covert, Jr., dis­ water control district, the annual the 1942-43 school year. This num­ , ««rain hit their stride Satur- trict manager of the Office of election, previously announced by ber compose the class of candi­ t in Sonori to w in the district I | P r» c Administration, has an- the huurd as (iiitemplated during date- for graduation from the high i Bounced. L»rd 1 mpionship, place March, can not I»«' held since tbe school this year. of five on the all- ! T! i beets will contain a table irre play » $ » ^ law requires suc'i elections to b«- Graduation ex* rcises have In-en ■am, one on the sec- ; l l j m arranged that every person tun held in January of each year. Kstriit in set for Thursday evening. May 20, team, and then Tuesday night | o*t mate, without difficulty, the Present members of the board, lammed their erstwhile conquer- be»! u *• to make of pointa allowed then, will remain ut their post* or with the baccalaur ite service j,the Iraan Brave*, by the over ¿a under the new system, which will ,,resign, in which case vacancies Sunday, May 16. Senior rings and star* March 1. Prior to the begin- .. minting count of 40 to 21. 4 . ; J « re filled by the remaining mem­ graduation invitations have been In their opener at the Sonora | I rung of'point rationing on that ber* of the board. ordered, diplomas unb red, and umament. the Lion* knocked off Natives of Casablanca line the broad main street of the city as Kreacb date, it has been announced, a | now all that remains between the and L'. S. troops march past the review in* stand in military formation dur I week's fr«-cz«- on sales of canned! vl> f.OVTS K..rvi I-1 " ' , n u ¡ ^ f |! in* Uie historic 10 clay conference by President Roosevelt. Prime Minister group <>f 23 and their sheepskins fruits and vegetables will be en_ ; is nine more week* of classes, ■ir ’ ' ' " l " * , j Churchill and a »core of topflight military leader*, in North Africa. U. 8. 2«>. * Arrange Program al. Eldorado had previously plane* sweep over the parade. At the Casablanca parley total surrender study and examinations. mini Son' ia by a decisive mar- of the Axis was agreed upon. Insets show M’instun Churchill and President Covert asked housewives to start Miss Hazel Kiri lie. high school Roosevelt, the principal figures at the tradition breaking meeting. planning now for “ point budget­ For Scout Court j English teacher, is sponsor of the Oicna an ! Eldorado met for the ing.'' just as they plan their house­ 1943 class, i «imposed of 11 boys kf-i i-on in the final hold finances. Of Honor Tuesday and 12 girls Its memliers include ¡kt-jri'i at Sonora. an«l Crockett Contingent “ Those who do not understand Wayne Babb, Roy Coate*. L. B. Victory Garden the system, or who use their ■ the • me the Lions held Of Inductees Leave Parents And Friends j Cox, 111 Jimrni I'arr. Di«-k Hen- heavy end of the final score, jh ini* carelessly, will not only jdersnn, Charles McDonald. Virgil Of Scouts Urged To ha time 22 to 12 for the district For Abilene Station fail to get the best results for | Oden, Henry Patrick, Jack Saw­ Urged As Wartime the point rationing program, haropionship, A group of Crockett county in­ Be Present At 8 yer. Bland Tandy, Lorain Wyatt, whi'-h is designed primarily to e- Prist ilia Baker, Ixiuise Bean, J«iy Wayne Babb, lengthy center ductees and one transfer from Plans for an interesting pr» id a demon in snatching those Family “ Must” qi.alize food supplier and to give Ciiates, Barbara Joslin, Florence j l»e| Rio left Ozona Tuesday after- gram have ta-en outlined bv |«x'a'. bounds; Roy Coates, fleet for- each family what It should hav«- Luther, Ethel Mayes. Vera Mc- Homemaking Head I mum for the Army induction sta­ — its fair share of wholesome ' leaders for t'»- < our? aard «ho-, dazzling speed is Honor, the first to be held u«i- Caleb, Lottie Jo Owen*. Mary Per- nme'.i ns’ ' •> ate h on the basket­ Gives Timely Talk tion at Abilene for final Army fo.'dIS, Covert explained. ner, Rozelle Pharr. Margaret Bus­ The "freeze" period from Feb- ¡ der the new Scout -et-up undet ball i irt ! Tom Ed Montgom- To Rotary physical examinations and induc­ Rotary sponsorship, -it the ■ ah- sell and Zella Lee Thurman. ri. iry 20 to March 1 will be used A tentative list of those in the , one-handed goal shooting for- tion. The men w ho request it will in next Tuesday evening. Feb to instruct the public, and mer- eighth grade who are candidates irard who i ...ring threat any- Work of the homemaking d< lie given a 7-day furlough after 16, it was announced this week by ahere from ” i i-court in, were the partment* of the public schools in induction to return to their homes cl nts. on details of the system. for graduation from junior high St .rtiug February 22. registra­ Scoutmaster Hubert Baker an«l hr«- Linn- placing on the first promoting better wartime nutri- j before beginning actual army ser- Chairman Lee Wilson of the St-out school to the high school contains PHONE SO tion for War Ration Book Two i th«' names of 18 students. Gradu­ Itring all-dis! riot. And just be- tion and conservation and teach-. vice. ¡committee. The program will open fu«« the selecting committee ing youth modern methods of bet-j Composing the contingent were will ta-gin. Foo«ls to l e rationed ation exercises for this group are will include canned fruü* vege- at 8 pm. Refreshments will L< »uldn't hand the Lions in toto as ¡ ter living was outlined in an in- Simon Gonzales. Nasario San Mi- served by u committee of Sc«>ut scheduled for Wednesday even­ ibv fötals ; Bot­ ing, May 19. Mis* Zelma Scott i* ■district-- first team. Bud Cox teresting and instructive program guei, William Jay Vancy. Jesus 1 1 M-iip-. am mother*. •other hard playing Lion, fast ¡ staged for members of the Rotary | Sanchez. William C. Brock. Jr.. tled juices, soups, catsup and chili i the class sponsor. auce; frozen fruits and vegeta­ A large group >f young Sc >ut 1 determined on offense or de-1 Club— Tuesday hv Mrs. M. A. We*-1 Jesus Aguirre. Johnnie I-eonnrd Eighth graders who are in line bles; dried fruits; and fruits, veg­ who hav«- completed fl»-ir eleni«-n- «• t! ;d.-u «■ on the district terman, head of the homemuking | Armentrout. Jack Herbert Brown- to becom«- high school freshmen etables, soups and juices put up in tarv work in Scouting entitling eond team itabti scored 12 of department of the Ozona High rigg, Vernon Williams, Eluteri" them to receive th«- Tenderf»"! , next year ar«' Sue Beasley, Dale jars. Clendenen. Joy Gay Ik akms. Wil- i tram'« 22 points in the final. School, and two of her pupils, Jo porras and P«»rfirio Garcia am! badge will l»* invested inhi Scout- lia Joyce Dowdy, Mike Friend [ A double t .rpose, to polish Up Nell Coose and Louise Bean. the transfer from l»«l Rio. Rodol­ I ing and several others will r**ceiv«- Bill Hoover, Jo«- Ros- Hufstedler, »irfame ii preparation for com- After outlining th«- scope of w tirk fo Martinez.
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