THE GREAT BOOK OF PENDRAGON TREASURES PEOPLE Two New Round Table Knights Following are two former player characters from an old Pendragon campaign that I ran last year. They were both rather interesting fellows who became Knights of the Round Table very shortly after it was founded. They might make interesting NPCs for other people's Pendragon campaigns. AMLYN TRIADADD, KNIGHT OF THE ROUND TABLE, "THE NEKKID KNIGHT" [517] Name: Amlyn Triadadd Siz: 15 Damage: 5d6 Homeland: Huntington Dex: 13 Healing Rate: 3 Culture: Cymric/Christian Str: 18 Movement Rate: 3 Lord: Earl of Logres Con: 15 Hit Points: 28 Glory: 7382 App: 12 Unconscious: 7 Shield: A gold cross upon a blue background. PERSONALITY TRAITS SKILLS COMBAT SKILLS Chaste 11 / Lustful 9 Awareness 10 Battle 6 Energetic 13 / Lazy 7 Boating 2 Horsemanship 15 Forgiving 16 / Vengeful 4 Chirurgery 1 Sword 17 Generous 12 / Selfish 8 Compose 3 Lance 15 Honest 9 / Deceitful 11 Courtesy 9 Dagger 4 Just 12 / Arbitrary 8 Dancing 2 Spear 5 Merciful 9 / Cruel 11 Faerie Lore 3 Modest 9 / Proud 11 First Aid 10 HORSES Pious 11 / Wordly 9 Flirting 5 Prudent 9 / Reckless 11 Folk Lore 2 Charger Temperate 10 / Indulgent 10 Gaming 9 6d6 Damage Trusting 12 / Suspicious 8 Hawking 3 Valorous 17 / Cowardly 3 Heraldry 2 Hunting 6 Directed: Suspicious Saxons +2 Intrigue 7 Orate 3 PASSIONS Play Harp 18 Amor (Guenever) 12 Read Latin 3 Hate (Saxons) 7 Recognize 5 Honor 10 Religion 6 Hospitality 10 Singing 3 Love (family) 11 Stewardship 2 Loyalty (Earl Robert) 18 Swimming 3 Loyalty (Friends) 10 Tourney 1 Loyalty (King Arthur) 7 EQUIPMENT Reinforced Norman Chain + Helm (12 pts) Sword BACKGROUND & PERSONALITY Amlyn first gained a name for himself when he defended a crone against a knight she had once ensorcelled. He stood bravely against that knight, despite the fact that he had no sword and no armor. Since then, he has often taken to removing his armor when the most serious 1 battles are upon him. Men who recognise Amlyn quake in their boots when they see him taking off his armor, for they know that death or mortal wound are likely soon to follow. Arthur was impressed by Amlyn's reckless bravery, and it was for that that he made him a knight of the round table. MICHRULAN, CHIVALROUS KNIGHT OF THE ROUND TABLE [517] Name: Michrulan Siz: 15 Damage: 5d6 Homeland: Lindsey Dex: 8 Healing Rate: 3 Culture: Cymric/Christian Str: 13 Movement Rate: 2 Lord: Earl of Logres Con: 16 Hit Points: 31 Glory: 5371 App: 14 Unconscious: 8 Distinctive Featuers: Prematurely Gray Beard, Thin Shield: A red backed shield with Chevronels covering the lowering two thirds. The first and third of these bands are silver. Two silver stars lie to the top right and top left of the Chevronels. In the middle bottom of the shield, below the Chevronels, is a flower, gold and silver in color. PERSONALITY TRAITS SKILLS COMBAT SKILLS Chaste 12 / Lustful 8 Awareness 10 Battle 5 Energetic 15 / Lazy 5 Chirurgery 1 Horsemanship 12 Forgiving 10 / Vengeful 10 Courtesy 4 Sword 15 Generous 12 / Selfish 8 Dancing 2 Lance 15 Honest 10 / Deceitful 10 Faerie Lore 1 Dagger 4 Just 11 / Arbitrary 9 First Aid 10 Spear 5 Merciful 14 / Cruel 6 Flirting 4 Modest 13 / Proud 7 Folk Lore 2 HORSES Pious 11 / Worldly 9 Gaming 3 Prudent 11 / Reckless 9 Hawking 3 "Bleucephus" Temperate 10 / Indulgent 10 Heraldry 1 Charger Trusting 12 / Suspicious 8 Hunting 5 6d6 Damage Valorous 16 / Cowardly 4 Intrigue 7 ** CHIVALRY BONUS ** Orate 3 "Bleucephus" Play Harp 3 Charger PASSIONS Read Latin 5 6d6 Damage Recognize 5 Amor (Adwin) 14 Religion 3 Rouncy Honor 15 Romance 1 4d6 Damage Hospitality 15 Singing 2 Love (Family) 6 Stewardship 2 Charger Loyalty (Earl Robert) 18 Swimming 2 6d6 Damage Loyalty (Horse) 16 Tourney 5 Loyalty (King Arthur) 18 EQUIPMENT Reinforced Norman Chainmail and Helm (12 points) Dragon Scale Shield (7 points) Sword, Dagger, 2 Spears Fertility Amulet (+1 to Pregnancy Table) BACKGROUND AND PERSONALITY Michrulan is a valorous knight who was knighted the same year that 2 Arthur was first made King. In his first days as a knight, he served Arthur loyally, fighting in many of Arthur's early battles. From the start, Michrulan was known by all for his two great passions, his loyalty to his horse, Bleucephus, and his amor for the Cymric farming girl, Adwin. Guenevere was impressed by Michrulan's great love for the girl Adwin, despite her low status, and it was for this reason that she convinced Arthur to appoint him to the Round Table. 3 Pendragon Character List The following lists show all the round table knights given in Pendragon supplements that were added before 531. Round table knights such as Lancelot, who were added later, scenario round table knights and others are listed in the Miscellaneous Knight list. Besides the round table knights, the only other people listed are those knights and other characters that have complete stats listed in a Pendragon Supplement. First edition versions have a (1) after their name. Legend: P=Pendragon, BK=Boy King, PF=Perilous Forest, TD=Tournament of Dreams SM=Savage Mountains, BL=Blood & Lust, SK=Spectre King, P1=Pendragon 1st edition, CD=Chaosium Digest Knights of the Round Table to 531: [YJRT is Year Joined Round Table] Knight YJRT Glory Book Page# Current Year Aglovale de Gales 529 Agravaine (1) 518? 1285 P1 1 520 Alain (King) 514 Arthur the Squire 17 BK 124 510 Arthur the Squire (1) 17 P1 1 510 Arthur Pendragon 100,000 P 195 531 Arthur High King (1) 41,680 P1 1 519 Baudwin of Britan 514 Bedivere the Cupbearer 516 Berel 526 Blamore de Ganis 526 Bleoberis de Ganis 526 Bors de Ganis 528 Boso of Oxford 528 Brastias (Duke) (1) 514 4376 P1 2 511 Brastias (Duke) 514 Brown Knight of the Wilds 519 Cador of Cornwall 514 Dodinas le Sauvage 519 Ector 514 Floridas the Pict 528 Gaheris de Orkney 521 Galagers 517 Galegantis of Nohaut 531 Galeholt of the Long Isles(Duke)530 Gawaine de Orkney 517 1267 BK 126 514 Gawaine de Orkney 517 32,000 P 198 531 Gawaine de Orkney (1) 517 8476 P1 3 526 Griflet 517 2670 BK 127 518 Griflet (1) 517 3127 P1 3 518 Hervis de Revel 517 Hoel of Alclud 525 Kay 517 3574 BK 126 522 Kay (1) 517 5265 P1 4 522 Lak (King) 517 Lak (King) (1) 517 6758 P1 4 510 Lamorak de Gales 520 18,000 P 197 531 Lionel de Ganis 528 Lucan the Butler 528 Marhaus de Leinster 523 6893 BK 128 521 4 Marhaus (1) 523 5787 P1 5 521 Moris 526 Pellinore of the Isles (King) 515 8292 BK 130 512 Pellinore (1) 515 5230 P1 6 510 Percivale (1) ? 7824 P1 7 550 Priamus the Saracen 528 Sagremor le Desirous 519 1257 BK 131 516 Tor 517 Tor (1) 517 4728 P1 7 525 Uriens (King) 517 Yvaine, le Chevalier Au Lion 524 9000 P 196 531 Yvaine, le Chevalier Au Lion 524 2647 BK 132 521 Miscellaneous Knights: Knight Glory Book Page# Current Year Aelfric 1789 PF 70 Ailgel 3105 SK 61 Amlyn Triadadd (KotRT) 7382 CD 1.1 Amren 9250 BL 108 Balin le Sauvage 1282 BK 125 512 Balin le Sauvage (1) 4328 P1 2 514 Belinans (pagan king) (1) 4620 TD Beomart 2064 SK 112 Bertelot 4025 BL 21 Bledig the Red Shirted 6800 SM 114 Breuse sans Pitie 13,000 P 198 Breuse sans Pitie (1) 0 P1 2 Briant One-Armed 5024 BL 68 Busulius 2086 SK 120 Cadoc (abbot) (1) 7285 P1 2 550 Carados (1) 6482 P1 3 Colbert 1194 SK 14 Colius 4152 SK 114 Corwin, the Helmed Knight 6670 SK 98 Cuthbert (1) 100 TD Diarmait 2370 BL 48 Dordracole of Malahaut (1) 2400 TD 45 Dorgane of the Fountain (1) 700 TD Edern of Cirencester 2411 SK 31 Eifion of Roestoc (King) 4600 SK 8 Ennor of Roestoc (Prince) 3077 SK 7 Etherem 1444 SK 115 Farion (king) (1) 9300 TD Ferran of Anglehearth 1750 SK 68 Gaius of Lombardy 3426 SK 48 Garavan of the Golden Lance 5500 SM 123 George of Hertford 2192 SK 72 Giles of Cambridge (lord) 3500 SK 83 Grand the Lesser 2075 BL 101 Greek Knight Without Pity 2570 BL 104 Guaire 2356 SK 56 Gwaid (1) 6324 TD Harant l'Hastiludier (KotRT) 9423 SK 46 Jean-Luc of Champagne 4455 SK 47 Jonathon 3453 SK 38 Lancelot du Lac (KotRT) 50,000 P 197 531 Lancelot du Lac (KotRT) (1) 1767 P1 4 528 Lancelot du Lac (KotRT) (1) 38,672 P1 4 540 Larras the Robust 4860 SK 105 5 Librix (1) 1162 TD Lot (King) 8592 BK 128 510 Lot (King) (1) 7872 P1 5 510 Lupin (KotRT) 9955 SK 28 Macwid the Pict (1) 2055 TD Mailcon 4500 BL 70 Maristone of the Caslte (1) 3600 TD 38 Mark (King) (1) 4185 P1 5 544 Marrok 7645 SK 66 Michrulan (KotRT) 5371 CD 1.1 Mordred (KotRT) 967 BK 129 531 Mordred (KotRT) (1) 1748 P1 6 550 Neilyn 2100 SK 102 Patrides of the Tower (1) 6200 TD 35 Perimones, the Red Knight 4375 PF 76 Tathal 1265 SK 58 Tristram (KotRT) (1) 12,727 P1 7 542 Turquine 16,000 P 199 Ulfius (KotRT?) (1) 3745 P1 7 510 Ulf Oswulfson 1125 SK 48 Valet of the Circle of Gold (1) 3300 TD Varnangis (1) 3200 TD Victor (1) 380 TD White Knight 1253 BK 132 517 Wilfrith (Baron) 5560 SK 116 Young Knight of the Orchard of the Shields of Shame (1) 1800 TD 31 Others: Name Glory Book Page# Current Year Ahvielle Alarch ferch Amren 500 BL 20 Alba 375 SK 112 Alice (lady) --- SK 60 Ann of Anglehearth (lady) 105 SK 74 Anselm (Cardinal) 2100 BL 65 Black Hermit --- PF 99 Briant (dame) --- SK 61 Caul ap Paulag the Monk 877 SM 121 Edern, the Blind Squire 132 PF 75 Eleri (lady) 250 SK 103 Elidia the Fair (1) 3200 TD Fridda of Roestoc 545 SK 8 Gahoric (Father) --- SK 15 Ghost Knight --- SK 84 Glesni (lady) --- SK 63 Glimthis (lady) 526 SK 38 Guenever (Queen) 1326 BK 127 514 Guenever (Queen) (1) 12,163 P1 3 519 Hag of the Cave (1) --- TD 41 Indeg (lady) --- SK 57 Kathleen (lady) --- BL 62 Laudine (lady) --- SK 62 Merlin 10,800 BK 129 510 Merlin (1) 37,467 P1 5 510 Mhyrra (lady) --- SK 104 Morgan le Fay 2326 BK 130 521 Morgan le Fay (1) 7010 P1 6 514 Nimue (1) 4621 P1 6 516 Spectre King 21,000 SK 25 6 Tanicus (holy man) (1) 4205 TD Vivianne 6281 BK 131 520 Vortimer the Hermit --- SK 22 Whitrood (Abbot) 1085 SK 20 Yr Hen Wrach (hag) --- BL 61 Ysbereth (lady) 3000 SM 124 7 Hero List List of Pendragon characters' birth and death dates Agravaine -563 Arthur 493-565 Balin 482-515 Elaine -562 Galahad 535-557 Gareth -563 Gawaine 495-564 Griflet 491- Gwenever 497-573 Kay 488-564 Lamorak 494-552 Lancelot 508-573 Lot 470-513 Margawse 487-545 Marhaus 481-529 Merlin 454-522 Mordred 512-565 Morgan le Fay 484- Pellinore 475-522 Sagremor 482- Tristram 501-559 Yvaine 500- 8 Family Trees Some of the Arthurian figures have quite complicated family relationships.
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