I t I I MINUTESOF THE SIXTH MEETING OF NEPAL-INDIAJOINT COMMITTEE oN TNUNDATTONAND FLOOD MANAGEMENT UCTFMI (January16-21,20121 The sixth meetingof Nepal-lndiaJoint Committeeon Inundationand Flood Management(JclFM) was held duringJanuary 16-21, 2012. The lndian delegationwas led by Mr,S. MasoodHusain, Member (coordination), Ganga FloodControl Commissioh (GFCC), Government of lndiaand the Nepalese delegationwas led by Mr, K. P. Regmi,Director General of the Departmentof Waterlnduced Disaster Prevention (DWIDP), Government of Nepal.The Team Leaderof the Nepalesedelegation welcomed the lndiandelegation at Kamala riverembankment site. The meetingof the Committeeat Kathmanduwas precededby jointfield visits to the completed,ongoing and proposedembankments and flood protection '-Fz worksalong the Kamala,Bagmati and Lalbakeyarivers. The listof participants of the meetingis at Annex-\. EXTENSIONOF EMBANKMENTS A) F|ELDVtStT OF ONGOTNG WORKS A-l KamalaRiver The Committeecarried out the fieldvisit of the Kamalariver on January 17,2012.The Committee visited the right bank starting from Ch. 0.00 km to 5.50km fromthe Nepal-lndiaborder and tlren proceeded to the ieft bankfrom the borderto the pointwhere the embankmentmeets the highland(East-West Highway). The Committee concluded the site visit to Kamalaby visiting the rightbank at thepoint where the embarikment isto meetthe highland on that side. rt The Committeeinspected the completediongoing works and the proposedwork locations. The recently carried out emergent works during the 2011floods were also inspected. The main channel flow of the river was seento be flowingalong the rightembankrnent from Ch. 5.50 km to aroundCh. 2.5 km. During the fifth meeting the Committee had desired to directthe mainflow of the riverat thislocation by the appropriateuse of porcupines.The detailsof workdone and utilizationcertificates for this work may be submittedto GFCCfor payment.The Committeedesired thatefforts should be madeto channelizethe mainchannel of the river away from the rightbank. In this regarddetail drawing of the area indicatingthe banklines, layout and design of thepilot channel, location of concreteporcupines, layout of thescheme and details of costestimate shouldbe preparedand submittedto GFCCf<tr vetting/clearance, after whichits implementation at site may be initiated. W The Committeeobserved that the embankmentwas about to reachthe end point near the Nepal-lndiaborder and that properarrangements have to be made by the Governmentof Biharto tie embankmenton the Nepaleseside with the embankmenton the Indianside afterensuring the x stabilityof structureson the river. Besides this, the Committeegave general instructionsregarding the embankmentworks on both banks. First, some ongoing works have taken more time beyond the scheduledtarget for completion.These worksshould be completedas soonas possible.Second, the sideslopes at manylocations of embankmentworks were not found to be as perthe design specification.These should be checkedand broughtto design slope before finalizingthe works of the concernedcontractors. Third, excavationof riverbed materialfor embanknrentconstruction should be done from at least 50 meters away from the toe of the proposed \Jl.r/ embankment.Any suchexcavation sites closer than this shouldbe filleo up to preventsecondary channel formation and all studs/spurs should be properlytagged to the embankment. A-ll BagmatiRiver Thefield visit to Bagmatitook place on January18,2012. The Committee inspectedthe completed/ongoing works and proposedwork locations. The Committeealso inspected locations of emergentworks carried out during2011 floods. The main channel was seen to beflowing close to the right bank embankmentat a numberof places.The Committee suggestedthe appropriateuse of concreteporcupines in the futureto inducesiltation at suchlocations, thereby shifting the flowof riveraway from the embankment.The Committeegave generalinstructions to o"') completeongoing works at the earliest.lt also directedto carryout regularmaintenance of embankmentswhere rain cuts have damaged the embankment.Further, the Committeeexpressed concern over the encroachmentby the local public on theembankment and suggested that immediatesteps may be takento discouragesuch activity. A-lll LalbakeyaRiver Thefield visit to Lalbakeyaembankment works took place on January 18, 2012.The Committeevisited the works ongoing at Ch 23 000km of the rightbank, proceeded downstream, crossed over to the otherside and visitedthe left sideembankment. lt was observedthat severeerosion hadtaken place during 2011 monsoon flood on leftside embankment u- at b Debahi,Ch. 13,500km resultingin the damageof about600 m. lengthof existingembankment. The Committeesuggested that the embankmentat this locationmay be shifted back toward the country side. Concrete porcupinesmaybe used appropriatelyat channeldiversion location. The ,[ Committeeinspected the ongoingworks up to the end of embankment and observedthat these works were satisfactory.Emergent works carried out during 2011 floodswere also inspected.The Committeeinstructed that ongoingworks should be completedas per schedule. DECISIONSOF THE JOINT COMMITTEEON INUNDATION& FLOOD MANAGEMENT(JCTFM) B) ONGOTNGWORKS AND RELEASE OF FUNDS ;ll B-l For Bagmatiriver Ongoing Works The emergentanti erosionworks approved for implementationby the fourthmeeting were observedto be nearingcompletion. As per the Committee'srecommendation, the initial50% of Golcontribution of these worksamounting to NRs.3.483 crore was released.As the utilization certificatesof theseworks have already been submitted to GFCC,Patna for processing,the balance50% amountingto NRs. 3.483 crore is recommendedfor release. The Committeeinspected emergent works carried out on Bagmatiriver duringthe floodsof 2011.Since the utilizationcertificates have already been submittedto GFCC, NRs. 0.680 crore is recommendedfor reimbursement.As the proposalfor the protectionworks on Jhanjriver :Jl' has beenrevised based on the observationsof GFCC.The Committee decidedthat the tenders for Jhanj river put on holdas perthe decision of the fourlhmeeting, should be cancelledand the concernedcontractors be releasedfrom all obligations.lt was furtherdecided that the work packageswould be reformulatedand submitted to GFCC.After approval of thesework packages by GFCC,tenders may be floatedfor the same. Theawarding of contractswill follow usual procedure as in otherprevious works. B-il Work alongthe Lalbakeyariver Ongoing Works The emergentanti erosionworks approved for implementationby the fourthmeeting were observedto be nearingcompletion. As per the W Committee'srecommendation, the initial50% of the Gol contributionof these works amountingto NRs. 2.919 crore was released.As the utilizationcertificates of these works have alreadybeen submittedto GFCC,Patna for processing, /, thebalance 50% amounting to NRs 2.91g croreis recommendedfor release. The committeeinspected the emergentworks carried out on Lalbakeya riverduring the floodsof 2011.Since the utilizationcertificates have alreadybeen submitted to GFCC,NRs. 1.0559 crore is recommendedfor reimbursement. B-lll works to be carried out in Kamala river embankment Ongoing Works -!d\.1 The emergentanti erosion works approved for implementationduring the fourthmeeting of JCIFMwere observedto be nearingcompletion. As per the Committee'srecommendation, the initial50% of the Gol contribution of these works amountingto NRs, 0.584 crore was released.As the utilizationcertificates of these works have already been submittedto GFCC, Patnafor processing,it is recommendedthat the balance50% amountingto NRs.0.584 crore may be released. The Committeeinspected the emergentworks carried out on Kamala river during the floods of 2011. Since the utilizationcertificates have alreadybeen submitted to GFCC,NRs. 1.0491crore is recommendedfor reimbursement. -:rrs' B-lV NewWorks Duringthe fifth meetingof JCIFM,the Committeehad directedthat detailedproject reports (DpRs) of Bagmati,and Lalbakeyarivers be revisedand that of Kamalariver be updatedclearly indicating the remainingworks, works completed and actiorr plan for completionof the remainingworks. lt was decidedthat based on thesereports, the action plan of worksto be takenup in 2012would be decided,after which tendersmay be floatedfor the sameby the competentauthority of the Governmentof Nepal. Accordingly,the updatedDpRs of Kamala,Bagmati, Lalbakeya were submittedto Indianside in August2011 by Nepaleseside. Indian side examinedand gave its observation on the DpRsin November 2011,The replyfrom Govt. of Nepalon the observationof lndianside on the DpRs u--- has beenreceived in January2012 and sameis underexamination in GFCC. Accordingly,the concernedDivision Offices of DWIDPprepared contract workpackages and tenders were floated. Such work packages are 18 in Kamala,'10in Bagmatiand 17 in Lalbakeyarivers. The Nepaleseside 4 informedthat presently the lowestbidders in allthe work packages have beenidentified. However, checking the responsivenessof the contactors was stilltaking place. The final details of contractsfor the differentwork packageswould be readyin aboutten days time and forwarded to GFCC for approvalof the contracts. The Indianside stated that the antierosion works for whichthe tenders havebeen floated may not be necessaryas wasobserved during the site visit,The Committeedecided that the tendered work packages are to be dividedinto two categories.The firstcategory i.e. Category 'A' of work rryv packageswill includethose which do not compriseunnecessary anti
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