Our thanks to Denny Zane for his eye-opening Access Service now has a bilingual message presentation at our August 8th meeting. line with a regularly updated recording on new developments at the agency: Upcoming speakers include: (213) 270-6110. -Michael Biagi of Los Angeles World Air- ports discussing Flyaway on Sept. 12th Pesach Kremen has started a Yahoo group to -Brynn Kernigan of Long Beach Transit on promote transit user equality in San Diego: Oct. 10th http://aroups.yahoo. corn/a roup/ -John Fong of LADOT discussing CityRide on transit user equality November 14th Reminder: the Mobility 21 transportation sum- All presentations start at 1 p.m., with the busi- mit is on Sept. 21st and the Alternative Car ness part of the meeting to follow at 2: 15 p.m. Expo in Santa Monica is on Oct. 2-3. On Sept. 8th Progressive Railroading plans to Rapid Transit Press now has a list of upcoming launch HSRupdates.com, a new Web site de- bus and rail excursions: voted to high-speed rail. http://www.rapidtransit-press.com/ excursions.html ••••••••• Alek Friedman and Ken Ruben attended the Ken Alpern's two part Metro Planning piece July 29th Streetcars Open House for Broadway "Left Hand Knows Not What the Right Hand is in downtown Los Angeles Doing!" and "LA's Extraordinary Transit Fu- th th th ture" appeared in the August 11 and 14 Attending the August 4 Wilshire Corri- issues of CityWatch. ., •• ' ._ • dor Subway meeting were Dana Gabbard, Mike Baron, Jerard Wright, and Joe Dunn. Ken Ruben attended the OCTA event cele- brating the opening of the underpass for pe- Attending the August 5th Wilshire Corrido destrians at the Orange Metrolink Station on Subway meeting were Alek Friedman and August 27th. Nate Zablen. Russ Jones' photo of a mysterious ad for Attending the August 11th Wilshire Corri- Houston Metro's Airport Express that sud- dor Subway meeting in Beverly Hills were denly appeared among the interior overhead Ken Ruben, Bart Reed, and Alex Schaffer. ad cards on Big Blue Bus vehicles illustrated th Attending the August 12 Wilshire Corri- the August 18th la.streetsbloq.orq post dor Subway meeting in Westwood were Kym- "Cartoon Tuesday: Take the Big Blue Bus to berleigh Richards, Nate Zablen, Ken Ruben, the Houston Airport •••••• Iiliil Jerard Wright, Bart Reed and Robert Meinert. We encourage members to regularly check Kymberleigh Richards and Ken Ruben the calendar on our website attended the Metro Westside Sector Govern- th ance Council meeting on August 12 • http://socata.net/calendar.htm Jane Reifer was quoted in the August 10th Orange County Register article "Bus ridership drops 20% after fare increase, service cuts". Transit .Upde,tes Compton Transit Center Line 13 will be extended to Wal-Mart on Pa- In July demolition began on the Martin Luther nama Lane and extended to operate on King Transit Center in Compton. The facility Wible between Planz & White Ln. and White closed in June and was used by the Compton Lane between Wible & Hughes Ln. Eliminate Fire Department for training exercises. A re- operation on Hughes between Planz & White placement transit center will be built on the Ln. and on Planz between Hughes & Wible. site, construction is expected to last one- Line 14 will be combined with Line 18 on Sat- year. Aside from the transit center, several urdays and Sundays as new Line 26 which streets around the center will also be rebuilt. will operate every 45-50 minutes on Satur- days and every 110 minutes on Sundays. The line will be revised to Cal State and operate westbound on Granite Falls from Northwest Promenade, southbound on Main Plaza, and westbound on Rosedale Hwy eliminating op- eration in Target parking lot. Line 15 service after 7:30 pm will be elimi- nated and the line will be extended to service the Comprehensive Blood & Cancer Center on Truxtun Extension Monday through Friday. The line will be combined with Line 12 on Saturdays and Sundays as new Route 25 and Golden Empire Transit (GET) will operate every 90 minutes between GET will be making several changes to their th Southwest Transit Center, Stockdale Village, system on October 4 • Below is a list of Downtown Transit Center, GET Office, and those changes. Westchester. Line 8 eliminate operation through Hillcrest Line 16 eliminated and combined Line 10. Center west of Crestmont. Operation in Hill- crest east of Crestmont will remain. Line 18 will be combine with Line 14 on Sat- urdays and Sundays as new Route 26 and Line 10 eliminate operation on Summerfield will operate every 45-50 minutes on Satur- & Maybrook. Revise to operate on Panama days and 110 minutes on Sundays. The will Ln. to Stine Rd. The line will also be extend also be revised to operate westbound on route to operate to Ridgeview High School Granite Falls from Northwest Promenade to southbound on Stine, eastbound on McKee, Main Plaza and operate southbound on Coffee northbound on Akers, and westbound on Rd. to Rosedale Hwy., westbound on Rose- Panama Ln. dale, and Northbound into Northwest Prome- Line 12 Combine with Rt. 15 on Saturdays nade. and Sundays as new Route 25 to provide ser- vice every 90 minutes between Southwest Transit Center, Stockdale Village, Downtown Transit Center, GET Office, and Westchester. Transit Updates Continued GET continued Line 23 and 24X will be modified to operate Line 25 is a new line that replaces lines 12 & between UCSB to Santa Catalina Hall via EI 15 on Saturday and Sunday. Colegio and will no longer take a circuitous Line 26 is a new line that replaces lines 14 & routing with the creation of the new Isla Vista 18 on Saturday and Sunday. Shuttle. Line 27 will be replaced with the new Isla MTD Vista Shuttle. This service was created with The Metropolitan Transit District (MTD) in the assistance of a CMAQ grant that will fund Santa Barbara made several system changes th 3 years of service. The Isla Vista Shuttle will that took effect on August 24 • Below are a run every 15-30 minutes on weekdays and summary of those changes. will run every 45 minutes on weekends. Line 7 will connect the Fairview area with County Health and La Cumbre. Line 8 will now continue along Calle Real to EI Sueno from Pesetas Lane. At EI Sueno, it will NOlWalk Transit System get on the freeway exit at Turnpike and re- The agency will be making several changes th turn to Santa Barb~ra via Calle Real'& County to thei~ system on Sept~m?er 27 • Health. This change will provide bi-directional Below IS a general description of the changes service on Calle Real between Pesetas Lane & for more details contact Norwalk Transit. EI Sueno Road. Line 3 will have a major route change includ- Line 9 to accommodate requests for bus ser- ing discontinuing service on Pioneer Blvd to vice on Patterson Avenue as well as on Fair- Norwalk Square. Several other portions of view, the Calle Real-Old Town Shuttle will the line in Norwalk will also be discontinued. operate as a one-way (counter-clockwise) A new section of Line 3 will be added on Orr loop every 30 minutes. and Day Rd, Telegraph Road, Carmenita Rd, and Greenleaf Ave to the Whittier Depot. This Line 10 the westbound trip at 1: 55 pm and new alignment will replace a small portion of the 4:55 pm round trip from La Cumbre will canceled Line 9. be eliminated due to low ridership. Line 6 will be discontinued and portions of Line 14 will have reduced service in the late the line will be incorporated into restructured morning and at the end of the day due t low Lines 3 and 7. ridership during those times. Line 7 service east of Whittwood Town Center Line 15X will have limited service in the sum- will be discontinued. The line will also be mer between the end of UCSB's Spring quar- straight lined on Whittier Blvd from Whittier ter & the beginning of SBCC's Fall semester. Quad to Whittwood Town Center. The fre- Line 22 will be modified from 12 roundtrips to quency on Line 7 will also.go from 60 min- 9 round trips and will serve both Orpet Park utes to every 30 minutes. and the Museum of Natural History on all Line 9 will be discontinued due to low rider- trips instead of alternating between the two ship. destinations. 2008 Day After Thanksgiving Trip by Dana Gabbard Continued from last month ... late which was understandable considering the traffic we encountered). 3 riders had to be At 11:42 a.m. a Van Hool C2045L (#63206) persuaded to get off because they had ex- pulled up for the Coastal Express and 7 pected to continue North to Goleta, but the boarded plus us--at that point it had 21 pas- Coastal Express only runs there during rush- sengers. As we left it was learned three 20ish hour. types who had been hanging around the Tran- sit Center were asking people which bus they The delay cut into our time for lunch and some needed to catch to get to Oakland. As you can of us made do with snacks from the vending imagine, this created great amazement at machines at the Center. We also explored all how clueless they were (and seemingly un- the amenities therein--pay phones, restrooms, aware they needed to be in Oxnard to get Am- a waiting room, information booth, machine trak or Greyhound). that sells bus passes and a change machine.
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