TOWN OF GRIMSBY Public Works Agenda Wednesday, April 12, 2017 4:30 p.m. Town Hall Lakeside Room Page 1. Call to Order The Public Works Committee meeting will be called to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Disclosure of Interest To be determined. 3. Delegations a) Kim Smith - Main Street West (RR#81)/Gibson Street/Elm Street Intersection 4. Reports 3 - 4 a) DPW17-15 - Release Holdbacks - Hot Mix Paving 2016 5 - 8 b) DPW17-16 - Sale of Eastern Portion of Concord Place Road Allowance 5. Correspondence 9 - 12 a) QEW/Casablanca Boulevard Interchange Improvements 13 - 22 b) Jerry's Peachbud, Niagara Triathlon and Irongirl Triathlon Races Page 1 of 30 Public Works Committee Agenda April 12, 2017 Page 6. DIA Minutes 23 - 25 a) GDIA meeting minutes Feb 21, 2017 7. Other Business 27 - 30 a) Grimsby Active Transportation Advisory - Terms of Reference b) Downtown Waste Collection Change of Pick up Day - Verbal 8. Next Meeting The next scheduled Public Works Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. in the Town Hall offices, Lakeside Room. 9. Adjournment If you require any accommodations for a disability in order to attend or participate in meetings or events, please contact the Accessibility Advisory Administrator at 905 309-2003 or [email protected] Page 2 of 30 Agenda item a) DPW17-1 5 C06-PWC-PWR March 16,2017 TO ALDERMAN S. BERRY, CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE DATE: March 16,2017 SUBJECT: RELEASE OF HOLDBACKS . PWC16.02.320002 2016 Hot Mix Paving Program Recommendation RESOLVED, That Report DPW17-15 dated March 16,2017 regarding the Release of the 10% Construction Lien Holdback and the 2% One-Year Maintenance Holdback - Contract PWC16-02-320002 - 2016 Hot Mix Paving Program be received, and that the Director be authorized to release the 10% Construction Lien Holdback in the amount of $82,680.46 and further, release the 2o/o One-Year Maintenance Holdback in the amount of $16,536.09 when December 14,2017 to Associated Paving and Materials Ltd. Oriqin At their meeting on May 16,2016, Council awarded PWC16-02-320002 - 2016 Hot Mix Paving Program to Associated Paving and Materials Ltd. Backqround This contract was substantially completed on December 14,2016. The 45-day construction lien period expired on January 28,2017 and the 10% construction lien holdback in the amount of $82,680.46 is due and payable to Associated Paving and Materials Ltd. The 2o/o One-Year Maintenance Holdback for the amount of $16,536.09 is further due and payable on December 14,2017. Financial lmplications Work performed under the 2016 Hot Mix Paving Program was distributed between three separate accounts: 1. 02-320002 - Hot Mix Program 2. 02-320032 - Bridge and Drainage Culverts - Rehabilitation 3. 02-320101 - West End Trail - Phase 2 Page 3 of 30 Agenda item a) DPW17-15 C06-PWC-PWR March 16,2017 Below is a financial breakdown of each account 02-320002 - Hot Mix Proqram Total Budgeted Amount ............$s08,000.00 Total Contract Value as per Tender ............ $940,565.00 Estimated Total Contract Payment at Completion $347,282.00 TotalAmount under Budgeted Amount ., $160,7'18.00 Funds transferred to 20'16 Cold Mix & Surface Treatment Program $(112,410.93) Total Amount under Budgeted Amount. $48,307.07 The 2016 Hot Mix Paving Program was over the tendered amount at the end of December by approximately $6,700, but under the budgeted amount by $160,718.00. As reported in DPW16-56 - 2016 Cold Mix & Surface Treatment - Release of Holdback, $112,410.93 from the 20'16 Hot Mix Program budget was used to cover the overrun from the 2016 Cold Mix & Surface Treatment Program. 02-320032 - Bridqe and Drainaqe Culverts- Rehabilitation Total Budgeted Amount ..$60,000.00 Total Contract Value as per Tender..... ..$30,000.00 Total Contract Payment at Completion.......... ..$23,875.00 Total Amount under Budgeted Amount. $36,125.00 02-320101 - West End Trail- Phase 2 Total Budgeted Amount $540,000.00 Total Contract Value as per Tender.... $542,387.00 Estimated Total Contract Payment at Completion $523,269.00 Total Amount under Budgeted Amount. $16,731.00 Submitted by, Reviewed by: r L Ashley McCallum, C.E.T. R. Nesbitt, C.E.T. CMMlll R P. Eng Eng ineering Tech nolog ist Assistant Director of Director of Public Works Public Works Page 4 of 30 Agenda item b) DPW17-16 C06-PWC-PWR April 5, 2017 TO: ALDERMAN S. BERRY, CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE DATE: April 5,2017 SUBJECT Sale of Eastern Portion of Goncord Place Road Allowance Recommendation Resolved that the Public Works Committee recommends approval of Report DPW17-16 dated April 5, 2017, regarding the Sale of the Eastern Portion of Concord Place and that the $750,000 per acre offer for approximately 0.38 acres (to be based on actual area sold) of Concord Place by Homes by DeSantis be approved and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Road Closure By-law and the Purchase of Sale and necessary documents. Oriqin DeSantis Homes has submitted an offer to purchase approximately 0.38 acres of Concord Place Road Allowance at the Council approved land value of $750,000 per acre (per DPW16-53, Nov 24, 2016). The offer includes full price for the 14-metre MTO setback land. The actual acreage and final price will be based on the final area of land to be closed and sold as part of the Site Plan approval process for the Aqua Zul development. The Schedule 'A' Conditions of sale are attached for information. Backqround The Concord Place lands to be purchased as per the attached plan are to become part of the Aqua Zul Site Plan development. Under the Municipal Act, we are not required to advertise a road closure especially as in this case where there are no affected parties other than DeSantis Homes and the Town's roads. Page 5 of 30 Agenda item b) DPW17-16 C06-PWC-PWR April 5, 2017 The offer is good until the 30th of April 2017 and will close within 30 days after the Aqua Zul Site plan approval date. The offer is conditional upon final site plan approval of the Aqua Zul development. Subm by Le x, P. Eng Director of Public Works Attachments Page 6 of 30 Agenda item b) SCHEDULE I'A'' AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE - COMMERCI.AL This Schedule is attached to and forms part of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between: BUYER. HOMES BY D ESANTIS ILAKE) INC. SELLER. THE CCIRPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GRIMSBY Dated the 3rd day of April, 2017 1. The Property is legally described as: PART OF THE ORIGINAL ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION AND CONCESSION 1; GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF NORTH GRIMSBY; TOWN OF GRIMSBY; REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARA (being part of PIN 46007-0053 (LT)); 2. The Froperty is currently defined and shown as Part 1 on the draft Reference Plan attached hereto as Schedule "8" and comprised of 0.3755 acres, further provided however, that Part 1 on the draft Plan shown at Schedule "8" is subject to change as a result of Site Plan approval conditions or requirements with respect to the Buyer's pending Site Plan Application relating to its development project known as "AquaZul". 3. The Purchase Price shall be Seven Hundred and Fitty Thousand ($750,000.00) Dollars per acre. For greater certainty, the acreage shall be based on the actual lands transferred and shall be certified by a land surveyor. 4. The Buyer agrees to pay the balance of the purchase price, subject to adjustments, to the Seller on completion of this transaction by rnay of certified cheque or bank draft. 5. This Agreement of Purchase and Sale shall be conditional in favour of the Buyer upon final Site Plan Approvalfor its development project known as "AquaZul" until no later than June 30th, 2017. This condition is for the sole benefit of the Buyer and may be waived by it in writing within the aforementioned time period, failing which this Agreement shall be null and void and any deposits shall be returned without interest or deduction. 6. The Closing Date shall be thirty (30) days following waiver of the Site Plan Approval Condition by the Buyer. 7. The Requisition Date shall be fifteen (15) days prior to the Closing Date 8. Where there is any conflict between the provisions of this Schedule "4" and the provisions in the body of this Agreement, the provisions of this Schedule "4" shall govern. rNrTrALs oF BUYER(S) TNTTALS OF SELLER(s): Page 7 of 30 Agenda item b) tL il 0f ER\€Y SCHEDULE ñJrfl 62 R-- IHg ORIGIIIAL ROAD AI.LOWANCE EII¡EET LocAllof,t P.t.N. 8R0Kg{ FRONT CONC€SSlot'l AllD Co.,¡CÊs€orl 1 æpæ I 10s¡Ê¡lp oP NñtH cRtrsaY Ù 4Or-@ ßt) ild TOr}¡ OF GRI¡G¡BY REdOt^L ¡¡UÑtCtPAUlY Cf NtAC^nA rËffiffÉMF* SCALE 11500 lFmlc æ0i@ffiws oe ¡t*t { 67 !rD. l&l¡lEÍ, o.LE - ¿û? Ål.Surú rè- {¿4 Þ ! 0a ¡ffi.0,F \ LC'T i'!. Bilt'¡:ã¡i Í.i?i.,¡: i Cí-¡r.i(:i S 5i i-'l'¡ Páí'(i i:; (i;_:ìj.i..r_ þLAI,i :I.: ,L'a,1 '--*'----.'PrÈ 46007 - 0054 (Ll) ) ..., li\t1 c ?¡rÐt J --\ -- - --L-,, cot{coßD @emÆeøæruffi$ NÛIMMNc T \ (r4ffiftr{!s ¡¡ Ptx 46007 0053 (LT) û ¿r\.-\ u !r _r.¿iiÌ ,J. 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