The Womaa's BsBaflt Asaedatton Frank B. Slmpaon, o f ths “Naw There were twelve toblea of ----- it from New York Qty, wtn held Its rMpilar monthly meet' Haven” railroad police force, ad' whlat played « t the home o f Mrs 'atorbury, Hartford oad MaaehM- AYKRAOK DAILT OlRCCLAnoN i o O t r o w i P Irg'at S o’eloek tomorrow night at draeaed the pupils of the Robntaon W. C. Hills o f Wapping, aponaored AUGUST SMONSEN ter. She received ipaay beaiitiful for the tnmth of Btay, 1988 TUB WBATHBB Odd fallows HaU. school thia morning about ateldent by the Pythian Slaters Saturday gifts. WIPINGS Foreenat at D. S. •VeaMer Mtoa m a o M Murplqr. tfaughtw prevention and treapaaslng^yen rail­ night. Mrs. Jajperson waa winner Dtirlng the evening, a mock mar­ aa itfore aad Mn. frank Murpiv ^ The Junior pupils of Miss LUIlan road property. for the women and John Phelpa for T0RE1MSEPT.1 riage was performed. Mra. Nello Cone-Moorehouse 5 , 5 1 9 V ««" atraat, was gradtiatM, Gertrude Grant held a rehearsal at the men. Mra. J. McDonald was Rldolfi as the bride made quite Mias union Elizabeth Moore- SEE STATE PRISON second high for women and Horace Member of the Audit iiiSSlioB ot, from W :*^®** her Hartford Studio of Ehtpresslon The regular meeting of Sunset hit with the guests, C. NeuvUle _ house, daughter of Hr. and Mrs. Fhir tonight; Sunday hilr; elowly \ J ta l Behoel of Nuratnc. Qradiiatlon Saturday afternoon In preparation Peckham for men. The conaolatton Borena of Olrcnlatloiis iJIattrfirBtrr S iif tting Council. No. 45, Degree of Pocahon­ the bridegroom. Hr. and Mrs. Lewis Jonathan 'foorehouae of 99 Proe- rlelag tempeintum la tba Interior. / 'STairlifii wara bald May 39 ta Hart- for the radtal to be given with the tas, will be held tonight in Tinker prizes were awarded to Hra. Iva Hilllgan aa beat roan and maid of Ingraham and Fred Trowbridge. Veteran Mail Carrier to Qoit pect street, waa married to Sher,- •tori. pupils of Mrs. Marlon J, Seeleit, hall. AH members are urged to be honor. Arthur Dancosse gave quite wood Z. Cone of 34 Footer atreet CoL W. C. Chtiiey h fite s which will take place Monday eve­ present as there will be a rehearsal a performance aa the minister. The VOL. LIV- NO. 207. A aetback party for the benefit of Saturday In MiUerton. N. Y. The (deaalSed Advarttolag on Pago to.) Uautanant Raymond f . Tylar of ning. June 17, at the Center Con­ for the pageant to be presented later As He Reaches 65th bride carried a shower bouquet of couple will reside in Manchester fol­ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, iUNE I, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTU tka U. 8. Naval air aUtlon at gregational church ptu-ish house. for Temple Chapter, No. 53, Order the Highland <Park baseball team clothespins, which she Uter pre­ Club; Will Ha?e Luncheon will be held at the clubhouse in lowing a wedding trip to Niagara Lakehurat N. J., waa tha waak-and of the Eastern Star. sented to the future bride, Fane, N. Y., and Canada. n a a t of Mra. Marion R. Eddy of The Center Congregational church Highland Park tonight. Play will Refreshmenta were served and start at 8:30 and transportation There Monday Sn South Main atraat. Uautanant choir will hold Its rehearsal and The final standing la the Man- dancing was enjoyed by all. Music Tylar pQotad the Navy dirigible K-X social this Wednesday evening In­ will be furnished from Main and cheater Memorial hospital drive, as Charter Oak streets. wtiM fumUhed by Joseph Mllardo’s STATE LIQUOR BILL BUSINESS KEEN OB Ita flight over Mahchaater three stead of tomorrow night as previ­ reported by the Mancheater Trust AufiuMt u | ^ t H. Simonaen of 958 Main orchestra. An enjoyable evening HOSPITAL NOTES waa spent by all. A t the close of his talk before Kidnaped Boy waaka ago. ously scheduled. street, veteran mall carrier, will Company, treasurer, today la f ll,- A son, Peter Herbert, has been 530.45. Approximately |3S0 has be retired from the post office serv­ MUa Battaglia, daughter of the Kiwanis Club this noon. Colonel PRESIDENT TO OPPOSE bom to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lean- Tha mambera of Mancheatar A rehearsal of the' Sunset Re- been received and applied to the ice September 1, the beginning of Joseph Battaglia of Ansonla, U to Robert Williams of 30 Hudson William C. Cheney, chairman o f the TO HOLD GAINS Camp, Rc^al Nelghbora, will meat der Carlson of Cobbleskill, N. Y. Mr. bekah Lodge drill team will be held fund since the close of the cam­ the month following his sixty-fifth be married to Thomas J. Kearns, son street was admitted and Edward IS BACK IN SENATE Carlson formerly lived In Manches­ Board of Pardons of the state at the home of Hra. R. J. Holland of at the East Side Rec at 6:30 o’clock paign May IS. birthday. HU retirement papers, In of Mr. and Mra. Thomas Kearns of High atraat at 7:45 o’clock tonlgot, ter and is widely known here. Mna accordance with a post office de­ 46 Strickland street on June 17 at Buacalia of Coventry, George prison at Wethersfield, invited the Reported Free; tonight. AS C q ^ FALL Ih e recorder aaks that all dues be Carlson was formerly Doris Bushnell partment requirement that they be St. Bridget’s church. Ganseman of 567 Parker atreet. local club members to ' visit the All Manchester veterans are in­ Tuttle of McConnellsviile, N. Y. Mrs. Helen McMenamin of 89 Henry STOPGAP NRA PLANS paid by the last of each month as Members of Sunset Rebekah vited to attond a mass mecUng presented three months In advance, prison next Monday and the tnvlu- reports must be sent In by the tenth have been prepared and forwarded street and Mrs. Jacog Miller and In­ CAILLAUXGErS Lodge are asked to meet at the East Wednesday night in the state armo­ of tha month. Final plans for the The P u t Matrons’ association of to Washington. fant SOD of 311 South Main street tlon waa accepted with thanks. Many Units Had Figured On cemetery gate at 7 o’clock tonight ry for the purpose of launching a TALCOTTVULE MAN were discharged Saturday. Judging by the Vote taken, the ma­ food sale to be held at Hale's tblsj for the memorial aervlce which will community wrelfare program which Temple Chapter will hold an outing Active In local and state Odd Fel­ allows Bars in Hotels, Ransom Paid Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor of Vernon Saturday morning at 10 o’clock will be held at the grave of Mrs. Leonora has been approved by the Man­ Thursday at the cottage of .Mrs. low circles. Mr. Slmonsen Is a past jority of the members with make FINANCE HELM Chief Exeinitive to Await Na­ be discussed at tonight’s meeting Elsie Knight, Past Matron, instead Grand Patriarch of that organiza­ and Mrs. Martha Heyn of 85 Walnut the trip. Failure of NRA Renewal; Bidwell. Members are urged to chester Veterans association and ATTACKED, ROBBED street were admitted and Mrs. Ellen Clubs and Restaurants and Opinions, Pro and Con bring or send flowers if possible and which will be opened on June 8. It Is of at the home of Mrs. Harold Bid- tion. During recent years he has The Klwanlans will be served Tacoma, June 1,— (A P )— A BMclBl meeting of Division No. well. The cottage of Mrs. Knight is trudged the pavements of Center Comet of 35 Mt. Nebo Place, Doris Acting Police Captain Harolii tion’s Reaction to Supreme those who have flowers but would expected that there will be several Aaptnwall of 55 Summer street, luncheon at the prison.on the Invi­ TO SAVE FRANC Wage Cuts, Longer Honrs 1. A. O. H.. will be held at St. located at Coventcy Lake. Cars will street and adjoining streets with Complains to New Britain Po­ tation of Warden Charles Reed con like to have them called for are well known speakers at the meet­ Phyllis Anderson of 350 Center Make Other Changes. Thornburg, announced today James’s school hall at 8:30 o’clock asked to notify Noble Grand Marlon ing and an active campaign organi­ leave at 1 o’clock in the afternoon his leather satchel of letters. He es­ veyod through Mr. Cheney. It w. On Roosevelt *s Views Court’s Ruling; Opposing lice That He Was Assaulted street, Stephen Mozzer of 20 Ash­ that a man had called him from tonight to take action on the death Straughan. zation will be formed to carry out and those desiring transportation ar£ timates that he walks 18 miles a be the first time that many of U Disturb Labor Leaders. of Michael O’Brien. requested to communicate with Mrs. day during the performances of his and $8 Taken from Him. worth street and Edward Walters, Issaquah, Wash., and said he the welfare program. Major John members have ‘visited the prir 'ord, June 1.— (AP) — ita Bouisson, New Head of the Knight or Mrs. Bidwell. duties. 307 East Middle Turnpike were dis­ Forces Are Already Lining A special meeting of the quarter­ G, Mahoney, chairman of the Man­ charged Sunday. The visit will be so arranged found kidnaped George Weyer­ Washington, June 1.— (A P )—-T Senator Vandenberg (R., Mich.)— ' A rehearsal for the Children's Day chester Veterans association will A month later George E. Smith Followed through a yard In the undone by the House, the ly conference of the North Method­ rear of a New Britain tavern, after it will take no longer than a re,' haeuser, 9, on the road and was New York, June 1— (AP) — Sud­ Here le some comment, pro and con, j ”I don’t think President Roosevelt i axerclsea at the Center Congrega­ Mervin C.
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