% n’t W»Km St talking of Records Why Be Honest? . Battle of Radios ' Fifty years of betog k midwife wflsjtoe record recently cele-.. M?s.-Uarle L.-Llna, o f 1612 Platon place, and more tffinr Vai^y^Nd364- HILLS1DB, N. -lnr\THU RSDAY; AUGU$-T-3,-1939 PRICE- FIVE JCENTS-. i jiundteaTiW^as afid B^Wivte ' jOiracHa honoftng her a t * testi­ monial dinner m 1 1 1 1 1 '■ -w Althpugfi Mrs. Lind laseventy-two years olds, toe Is very active NEWARK EMPLOYE R. TICHENOR SR. ~s? mill lteenjttfert eves tolBB Jrdai heK- face. Her half Is white, her MUST LIVE THERE Sjvity belies tor. years. Sire has Jived to Hillside-lor fifteen years. Delay In Veteran Committeeman IS STILL CONFINED Big Rush She looks back on a record ol lour thousand confinements, and Miss Anna J. Seifert, of 18 King IHlkls forward to years of useful service. In one family she brought ' street,. -Was-eae—of—three—employes Will Seek Reelection Leslie R. Tichenor, 'Sr., of. 1235 ftree generations Into the world. directed by City Commissioner Byfiie Salem avenue, Is still confined at At the recent testimonlal~dtoner, given under the1 auspices .of of-Newark yesterday to move Into lioihe as the result of the explosion Democrat of the motor ill an-electric .refriger­ To Avoid the Essex Oottoty Midwife’s Association, she was given a. gold Newark If-tftey totoe-to avoliiriia,Vr. to. their pay checks, withheld. - Miss. Schnabel, First Elected In ator about two months ago. watch and' a traveling alarm olook,and fifty—red rosesw erepre- : While botli eyes were, affected a t Suited to her. She organized this association In 191? and is Its Seifert is a telephone operator in J929, Stands on Record Byrne's' department. -She has told first, the left ‘eye has responded to prcncn’ president, Mrs. Lind is a graduate, pf Columbia University. Selection; department' officials 'that she hns Township Oomfluttefeman Harry treatment, but*the right eye remains n—mn.hl,pr fhr ftrmt>eYp, fnr Tax Sale had dlfflcuity disposing of her home Schnabel today matje public his ln- here. — Tichenor is still receiving constant Sometimes it appears th at human nature h a s , its falling at Lention to seek renomination in. the attention. • : ; the wrong moments. The stony reaches % of the thoughtlessness Republican primary election Septem­ He was taking.ups Holy’s Illness and Absence ber 19, an announcement which had *the 0; a resident who. calmly accepted' return of his wallet withhi atsua1 sum Collector Reports One of of Lee Hold-Up Definite been expected in most politioad Largest August 1 Pay­ of money and a good sized oheok Inside- merely by saying "T^’ Removed For Trial '-circles. tn S e out-of-towner who spent hours trytog to locate him .1 Action On Candidates , Scfuiabel As the. ve^ran of ther ments In History It seems the person Who found the Wallet in a theatre went In Holdup Of Bank havl^ g '- a ^ io the address given on cards to It, only to discover the loser of SEVERAL BELIEVED been ’elected’‘in i92&. Hfe was de­ Ua wallet had moved “somewhere in . Elizabeth* Purthor. .in­ feated fur lunmniiralfoh in- 1992, RECEIPTS BASED ON vestigation revealed the Elizabeth address, but more timaf was Sptat BEING CONSIDERED Romeo Ronrnna; alias -Julius RO' .Robert ©..Thompson, now-chairman, A LOWEILTAX RATE of the Township'Committee, nosing, repeating- the process' because another removal had' taken place, mauo, of Brooklyn, )^sto! three'men V.F.W. Band Will arrested for ■ partl'cipation I n . him ‘'out. j^ to ab el regained his trom Elizabeth hack to another address/to Hillside. Definite selection of a second place by election, to the governing The tax office has been deluged— candidate for the Township Qom- holdup and robbery Novembe Give Concert Here Based on& e shpft and sweet ’/ffifttiks” for the time and 'trou­ M^Br-of—tho—fomer-Hlllside—Trust body in 1933, haw-e-veiv-and—was-re~“ by one pf the heaviest August 1 tax ble comes the comment th a t It Is hitta. wonder that people Who mlfcte&and a Choice^for tax collector tumed. again iii 1930. rushes in the township’s history, was deferred for *a week by Demo­ Company, was. Removed to New Jer lose pallets -seldom get them badk. ' Maybe solne people just take sey ;this week for trial • He was re. i t was. indicated that -he1 will fol- ax Gollector Arthur L. Theurer re­ cratic leaders who met last night at -low his ciKtom of*former campaigns The newly organized band spon- ported y e s t e r d a y . It forgrantegranted’that they will have lost articles returned. , the home of Emanuel Oersten, 10OC cently arrested by FBI agents while soiled-by Hillside Post No. 1722, Vet­ operating* a store' at 014 Fourth ave and do little ■ if any camixiignlng'; He said' 'the .August 1 receipts Orescent, avenue; Gersten has al­ standing non the belief that the vot­ erans of Foreign Wars, will give a Tuesday were .about $40,000, some­ ready entered 'the race as one Town­ nue, Brobklyn,' band concert at the Hillside Elks i patrolman Lawrence xreger was sent to -one'of Hillside's resi­ The :other two men have already ers will know whether they want to what higher than last year’s total ship Committee aspirant. - return him dr not. .Outside of his open air pavilion on Tuesday eve­ >r the same day. Last year’s ev ­ dential thoroughfares early Sunday morning in answer to,; a call Illness of Democratic Chairman been convicted for their part in the ning, August 8, from 8 to 10 o'clock ..fijm a resident who had a complaint. He didn't have to, ask crime, and are now serving prison initial bld'Jor public office ten years ictions were on the basis of a much >seph W. Hely and the fact that ago, Schnabel has made few politi- HARRY SCHNABEL The Elks—pavilion, can _ be, reached higher rate than this year's. Two- 0hat it ww», Hp could hear lto. Another resident nearby Jiad. a... County JBQjBction Board Commis­ sentences. Romano w&s held in from Highway No! 29 and also from tail, w hich. he' was - unable "to i cal- speeches and has -made his re« years ago4 the total for the entire -jlglp going full-blast. -The woman of the house'w as waiting for sioner A r ta r T. Lee, fonner town­ [ marks brief. League, formed by many friends of Hiliside avenue. ~ This Will he m mdnth of* August was oiily about ship c^mmittee.mah, was out of town, raise.- In .addition to the Hillside band's' firsts public appearance as a hlm -on the porch, ready to give her story and explanation. holdup and robbery, he faces charges Finance Chairiman ScKSabel, serving as the means 10T $J0T,000. ■ - she pototed to another nearby home. "They had a party last business caused“ ;aie~^^,oup of As Committeeman Hugo S. Gen- converting, many Republicans to tiie concert band, although it lias, ap­ 'Tlie rush as reflected also.in the arising from the robbery of the peared In several parades. The pub- sight. N.obody to my house got any sleep, before fi a. m. I don't representatives of the local county sel announced last w$ek' -that he Democratic candidates that year. July collections, which totaled $133,- committee, Roosevelt Democratic Woodbridge National • Bank J anuary 11(5, is invited to help make thlsitoi 019, which Is somewhat more than see why those .people* should get any sleep now.'’ The officer per­ U\ 1087. would be a ' candidate for a “new Returned With Hale Club and Woman’s Democratic Ciub term,, the present governing body The following year saw' Schnabel performance a success, which maj the total for „the same period in suaded her to tune down her radio and notify police promptly If to delay final selMttbn of the- re­ Hillside police were active in the result in many more enjoyable eve- early stages of the investigation of may be continued' intact , if bout returned to the Township Commit-1 1938. aay neighbor’s party gets too noisy the next time. * . maining,’candidates, to receive or­ committeemen survive the primary tee, as he and Benjamin Hale won the Theurer indicated his belief that ganization support. the local holdup, but afterward all election and then the November over Township Committee Chair­ Hillside. the prospect of a sale of properties Several residents have been re­ details were in the ha^lds of the man Stanley H. Weston in the pri­ for' unpald^l938 taxes and assess­ Now that all the Incumbent Republican candidates have an­ ■Federla Bureau of Investigation^ generaLelection.—Schnabel’ has been orge~iaongr ceiving much consideration, but it active in both civic and business life mary. By 1930. .the primary was r~and has i ments October 3 Is bringing more nounced tor re-election, It might be a good Idea lor local business- had been expected that all -but the which had a * search over several of the community for many years. merely the forerunner of the, real propriat•late progra In I ent property owners to his office in at- bsn to get. ready to ask them where they have stood in the past, two‘ besides “Gerstenrto- get support states, . .. He-was-Townsh-ip Gommlttee-Ghair- battle; The plans of- a group of Re- -will- tempts to^pay up delinquencies and- and where they Intend' to stand to the future, on --the question - would" b r eliminated last night.
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