Groundwater Banking Guidelines for Central Valley Project Water Effective Date: November 12, 2014 Updated May 23, 2018 Draft Proposed Revisions: April 4, 2019 Introduction The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) developed these Water Banking Guidelines (Guidelines) to implement water bankingBanking as authorized by the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA), and as authorized by certain Federal contracts. Reclamation recognizes groundwater bankingBanking as an important water management tool in optimizing the use of Central Valley Project (CVP) Water, while addressing groundwater overdraft in some areas. Historically, Reclamation has approved bankingBanking of CVP Water in acknowledged groundwater banks (Groundwater Banks) listed in Appendix "A". The process used to approve past bankingBanking actions served as the basis of development for these Guidelines. Authority Banking of CVP Water is authorized by Sections 3408 (c), (d), and (e) of the CVPIA, Title XXXIV, Public Law 102-575, October 1992. Additionally, certain CVP contracts allow for the bankingBanking of CVP Water, and the development of these Guidelines is required by the delegation of authority to negotiate and administer contracts for CVP waterWater supplies. Applicability These Guidelines apply to Contractors that have a contract with Reclamation for water service or repayment, water rights settlement, exchange, or other applicable contract(s) (herein referred to as contract) requesting to bankBank CVP Water outside of its Contract Service Area. Contractors are subject to these Guidelines and any updates thereof when bankingBanking CVP Water as approved by Reclamation. These Guidelines do not apply to within-district conjunctive useConjunctive Use, to a Contractor bankingBanking its CVP Water within its Contract Service Area, to annual transfers and exchanges between CVP Contractors, previously authorized transfers and exchanges under executed long-term contracts, or the bankingBanking of non-CVP waterWater, or water acquired under a Contractor’s own water right. Any non-CVP contractor acquiring CVP Water for banking by any means is not eligible to bank such CVP water outside of their service area unless otherwise approved by Reclamation. Thenon-CVP contractor is subject to all the provisions, terms and conditions as outlined in these Guidelines and any updates thereof. 1 Purpose Groundwater bankingBanking creates operational flexibility and water supply reliability to Contractors. These Guidelines set forth the standards under which Reclamation may approve the bankingBanking and recoveryRecovery of CVP Water outside of the Contractor’s Contract Service Area while protecting the integrity of the CVP. Contractors requesting approval to bankBank or recoverRecover CVP Water need to submit a water bankingBanking proposal (Proposal) to Reclamation and should use these Guidelines when writing the Proposal. General A Contractor is encouraged to consult with Reclamation before and during the formulation of a complete water banking ProposalBanking proposal. Reclamation analyzes all Proposals to ensure consistency with state and federal laws and that no bankingBanking action resultswill result in adverse third-party impacts to the CVP, other Contractors, other legal users of water, or the environment, as determined through the environmental compliance process. Proposals will also be analyzed to ensure it delineates how all CVP Water will be returned or otherwise put to beneficial use prior to expiration of the Contractor’s contract with Reclamation or the water bankingBanking approval. Appendix “B” is a guide to help Contractors develop a complete Proposal. After Reclamation receives a complete Proposal and it is reviewed by a contract specialist, the banking proposalProposal/action must undergo National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance before approval. Once approved, Reclamation will notify the Contractor in writing. Reclamation has acknowledged certain Groundwater Banks for bankingBanking and storing CVP Water (listed in Appendix “A”). Reclamation may update the list of acknowledged Groundwater Banks without modifying these Guidelines. A Bank Operator seeking to add a Groundwater Bank to the existing acknowledged list should contact their local Reclamation area office or visit http://www.usbr.gov/mp/waterbanking/ for more information. To ensure continued compliance with applicable federal and state laws and authorities, Reclamation will update or revise these Guidelines as necessary. Future bankingBanking approvals will be made pursuant to these Guidelines or any updates or revisions thereof. Approvals issued prior to these Guidelines are subject to Reclamation review for compliance with these Guidelines or any updates or revisions thereof. Definitions For the purposes of these Guidelines, the following definitions apply: Banking Action: The deposit of CVP waterWater into a bankGroundwater Bank and its subsequent withdrawal, return, and/or transfer from the bankGroundwater Bank. Bank Operator: A Reclamation acknowledgedAn entity that manages and/or operates a water bankGroundwater Bank. 2 Contract Allocation: CVP Water made available pursuant to a Contractor’s CVP contract, typically expressed as a percentage of contract total. Contractor: A party having a contract with the United States for the use of CVP Water pursuant to Federal Reclamation law. Central Valley Project Water (CVP Water): All water that is developed, diverted, stored, or delivered by the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with the statutes authorizing the CVP and in accordance with the terms and conditions of water rights acquired by Reclamation pursuant to California law. Conjunctive Use: The coordinated and planned management of both surface and groundwater resources in order to maximize the efficient use of the resources; that is, the planned and managed operation of a groundwater basin and a surface water storage system combined through a coordinated conveyance infrastructure. Contractor’s Contract Service Area: The area to which the Contractor is permitted to provide CVP Water under its contract(s) as described in the contract(s), which may be modified from time to time in accordance with the contract without amendment to the contract. Groundwater Bank(s) (Bank(s)):: An established groundwater storage aquifer managed by a Bank Operator or a Recharge area within groundwater subbasin (as identified in the current California Department of Water Resource’s Bulletin 118) acknowledged by Reclamation in which CVP Contractors bankas appropriate for the Recharge and Recovery of CVP Water. Groundwater Banking (bank/banked/bankingBank/Banked/Banking): A process whereby a Contractor’s CVP Water is deposited and stored in a Groundwater Bank outside of the Contractor’s Service Area and made available for beneficial use in a subsequent month(s) or period(s).) consistent with Reclamation’s CVP Water rights, permits, and/or licenses and provisions of the applicable CVP contract. In-lieu Banking: (In-lieu): Utilizing surface water rather than pumping groundwater and allowing groundwater to remain in the aquifer. Letter of Agreement (LOA): Written instrument entered into by Reclamation and the Contractor whereby Reclamation’s costs are paid for the reviewing and processing of a Proposal. Project Power: Electrical energy, and its associated ancillary service components, required to provide the full electrical service needed to operate and maintain CVP facilities and to provide electric service for CVP purposes. Recharge: The process of adding water to an aquifer to replace groundwater supplies. Ground water rechargeRecharge occurs either naturally or artificially. For purposes of these Guidelines, Recharge occurs as part of a Banking Action. Recovery (recover/recoveredRecover/Recovering/Recovered): Return of bankedBanked water from an acknowledged Groundwater Bank to a CVP Contractor through facilitated exchanges, physical extractions, or inIn-lieu transactions. 3 Guidelines for Banking CVP Water To bankBank CVP Water, a Contractor must have a contract that allows banking.Banking, the Banking must occur within a Reclamation acknowledged Groundwater Bank, and the Banking Action will not result in adverse third-party impacts. Banking of CVP waterWater is subject to the following: 1. Compliance – A contractorContractor requesting to bankBank CVP Water must be in compliance with the: a. Contractor’s previous banking actionBanking Action(s) approved by Reclamation, as appropriate. b. Applicable contract under which CVP Water is/was made available for bankingBanking by the Contractor. c. Applicable Groundwater Sustainability Plan and Groundwater Sustainability Agency Requirements. 2. Conveyance – Conveying water for bankingBanking transactions must meet the following: a. Conveyance of CVP Water to or from a Groundwater Bank shall follow the general rule of no harm (as determined in the environmental compliance process) to the: i. Operations of the CVP ii. Other CVP contractorsContractors iii. Financial status of the CVP iv. Environment b. The Contractor depositing CVP Water into a Bankproposing the Banking Action is responsible for: i. Coordinating with and acquiring written approvals or agreements for conveyance (if applicable) from the appropriate entity(ies) that may include but are not limited to, the Department of Water Resources, the local Reclamation Area Office, or a State Water Project contractorother water purveyors. ii. If a water banking actionBanking Action requires an exchange for
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