0 AUSTRALIAN MADE SUPPORTERS S()FT l>RINKS PTY. LTD. JACKETS • Wl·BSI l·.RS !·AMOUS SOFTDRINKS. FRUIT JUICES & CORDIALS • l'El'SI < '(>l,A BOTTLES AND CANS UALITY MANUFACTU----RING COM Q _------------; "��RS O ES TO • Sl'IIWEl'l'ES MINERAL WATER, FLAVOURS & MIXERS ---- W4GG �' � t ,11111111 w OFFICIAL V.F.L. CLUB SUPPORTERS ,,• 11h11 JACKETS. RIVERINA OOTBALL rw OFFICIAL W.A.F.L. CLUB LEAGUE SUPPORTERS JACKETS. Soun�ored Lly OFFICIAL S.A.F.L. CLUB Carlton. SUPPORTERS JACKETS. OFFICIAL AUSTRALIAN OLYMPIC SUPPORTERS JACKETS. AVAILABLE IN ALL RIVERINA CLUB COLOURS. @ ALL POWERS JACKETS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN MARKET, \ MANUFACTURED IN WAGGA WAGGA. OFFICIAL DISPLAY PRIDE IN YOUR PUBLICATION � CLUB BY WEARINGTHE WORLD'S HIGHEST OF THE --...____________ QUALITY SUPPORTERS RIVERINA FOOTBALL -- -�-,.JACKETS! LEAGUE and RIVERINA ORDER FORM DISTRICT FOOTBALL PRICE $49.50 plus $3 postage LEAGUE. ., �ATURDAY 2� & SUNDAY 29 �PRIL, 1984 GREAT FOR CLUBS - Please 11//ow 3-5 weeks for doJ,very BANKCARD MAIL ORDER AUTHORI rY SUPPORTERS TOO! (do no1 send your Bankcard I TO. Made 1n Australia from an exclusrve American POWERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY yarn first developed as a World Wa.r 1 combat Please deb,i my Bank Accounr number. cloth for open cockpit pilots Unavailable elsewhere in Australia the fabric ,s water resistant but breathes. and ,ts silken 14!9!61 I I I I I I I I I I I sheen makes it a fashion garment too Machine washable - no zipper can live as Amount$ ............................. Expiry0ate ... ./. ....... / ...... long. so we've used durable press studs You've seen these products many times on Signature of card holder ..... , .. ........................................ .. TV worn by top American sportsmen like the Cardholders name ........... ....... ................................. .. Washington Redskins. the Denver Nu,igets (block reners plHse) and the Boston Celtics VFL club colours and Olympic Willy Iackets Address available Post Code THERE'S MAGIC IN A SOLOMONS CARPET Men and women·s sizes from extra small !o Sito'); Colnut Pnu & Total cl=,, double extra larqe Orders over 10 can be Postage 6 ,.mblcm1 < < >N l ACT GREG SHEATHER OR JOHN BAGLEY custom made ,nCludmg swiss emhro1dP.red club emblem for the price 1nd1cated -=- ON (069) 25 3400 & 25 3040 �=-=--=---c--�---=-c-POST TO P.O. BOX 269, SOUTH-,-�-�· WAGGA, N.S.W., 2650□ ()I < /\I I I I l I l[II� SHOWROOM AT DOBNEY AVE , WAGGA WAGGA Powers Australia, 9·13 Lawson St., South Wagga Wagga, N.S.W. , 2650. Phone: (069) 21 6404 VIII J N11 • REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST PUBLICATION NO. NBP 0250 r---2 -------------------, 3 I JOIN THE RHEEM TEAM for . I I GAS, ELECTRIC & SOLAR WJt�ilp�tnttiiGtr I The local newspaper that's part of your home! I HOT WATER SYSTEMS I 48 TRAIL STREET, WAGGA WAGGA- PHONE (069) 21 2021 L __ _ _______PHONE____________ WAGGA 21 3360 J / CARLTON RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE FIRST GRADE LADDER [ UNDER NINETEENS LADDER On a brighter note it is pleasing to note the large gates which were recorded in the AllerRound Z: W LD For Ag % Pts AfterRound 2: % Pis A1·toriaI second round of matches. COOLAMON ........ 2 365 119 306.7 8'! TURVEY PARK ................ 2053.8 8 RIVERINA E.W.-KOORINGAL ... 2 273 212 128.7 8"3 E (,,{,'1 FOOTBALL Three of the five gam(•.1· attracted gates LEETO ......................... 610.1 8 \2 LEAGUE in excess of $1,000 and if membership NARRANDERA ..... 2 246 225 109.J 811. GANMAIN-G.G.-M.. ........ 481.3 8 12 payments were taken into comideration GANMAIN-G.G.-M.. I I · 265 185 143.2 4 � COOLAMON .................. , 108.7 4 then nearly all gates would have passed A.P. Mirrool ........ 1 1 - 237 231 102.5 4 -� Narrandera ...................... 83.8 4 the $1,000 mark. Turvey Park ......... 1 1 · 233 251 92.8 43 Griffith ............................ 56.8 4 4 It is disappointing to see so many clubs The battle between arch rivals Narran­ Griffith............... 1 1 - 201 285 70.5 44- Wagga ........................... 31.1 4 4- in the Riverina Football League have yet dera and Ganmain-Grong Grong­ Leeton ............... .. 2 · 235 277 84.8 04 Ardlethan ........................ 71.7 0 to furnish the RECORD with a full list of Matong attracted a $1, 700 gate which was Wagga ............... .. 2 - 182 299 60.8 0( A.P.-Mirrool ........, .......... , 27.3 0 player numbers in seniors and under 19s. the highest of the round. Ardlethan ......... , .. 2 - 182 335 54.3 01_: East Wagga-K .................. 12.6 0 The season has been under way for a It is also interesting to note all clubs couple of weeks and still some clubs have with the exception of Ardlethan have SECOND GRADE LADDER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP yet to submit a Juli list of players num­ opened their account in the Club Cham­ AOer-Roundl: his 2nds Ul9 Total bers. pionship Award. AllerRound Z: % Pts Narrandera 3 1 16 The RECORD is the officialpublica­ No doubt the Stars will crack it for a WAGGA ......................... 148.3 8 � ·········· 12 Coolamon ............ 3 l 16 tion of the Carlton NSW Riverina Foot­ win shortly. GANMAIN-G.G.-M .......... 147.7 8 12 12 E.W. Kooringal ..... ball League and plays a small part in the Al Coolamon today the Hoppers and LEETON ........................ 122.4 8 ,.2. 12 3 0 15 GanmainG.G.M ... 6 6 continued development of the code in this Narrandera clash and these clubs head NARRANDERA ............... 146.9 4 2 14 A.P. Mirrool ......... 6 part of the slate. the table in the Club Championships. E.W.-Kooringal .............. .. 10.67 4 � 3 0 9 Turvey Park .......... 6 Clubs are urged lo furnish a full list of This should provide added interest for A.P.-Mirrool .................. .. 91.9 4 -t- 0 2 8 6 players as soon as possible. what is an interesting round of matches. Coolamon ..................... .. 84.4 4 Leeton ............... , 0 2 8 Griffith ................ 6 Griffith.......................... .. 85.9 0 l"- 0 1 7 Wagga ................. 6 Turvey Park ...................... 71.2 0 0 1 7 ◄ OUR COVER: Ganmain's JeffShephard manages to get his kick away as Ariah Park's Tom Jones moves in. Ardlethan ...................... .. 47.3 0 Ardlethan ............ 0 0 0 0 his: 6 pls; 2nds: 3 pis; Ul9s: I pl. RIVERINA AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL CLUB LTD. FERN LEIGH ROAD, WAGGA WAGGA - PHONE 311511 (N.S.W.) PTY. BUDGET LUNCHES LTD. MONDAY TO FRIDAY FRIDAY, MAY 4: 12 noon to 2 p.m. for $3 . BO ZACHARIA BISTRO MEALS ... Heavy rockers, plus Disco. ONEOFTHE FRI. & SAT. 6.30 to 9 p.m. *· SAT., MAY 5: WORLD'S GREAT AND AFTER THE GAME * BREWERS SUNDA VS 5.30 to 9 p.m. JOHNNY ROBSON TRIO 50/50 Music Printed atThe Daily Advertiser, Commercial Printing Dept., 48Trail Street, Wagga Wagga, N,S.W .. for the Proprietors of Victorian Publishing Company (P.O. Box 281, Wagga-Ph. 22 4936A.H.) 4 5 R .. F .. L. RECTORATEDI 1984 SLOPPY JOES • T-SHIRTS District Director: LYLE o·BRIEN. R M,B 24. Ariah Park. 2684 Ph 843233 EXECUTIVE: SIGNS• STICKERS• CAPS• PENNANTS Prtsidenl: FRANK GAYNOR. 49 Bruce Street. Coolamon Ph 273152 151 FITZMAURICE STREET Secretary: GRAEME WOOLNOUGH. 7 Hannah Street. Ganmain Ph. 276226 (w). 276259 (h) Treasurer: VIC WOOLNOUGH. 25 Moore Street. Ganmain Ph 276226 27621)7 (h) WAGGA - PH. 21 1565 (w). BOOTH SIGNCRAFT WAGGA: President:RON BARBER. Mitchell Road. Wagga. ARIAH PARK-MIRROOL: President: BRIAN BELL. ·Yar­ 2650 Ph 225777 (225777 A H ) Secretary: RONALD rcnlca·, Ariah Park, 2665 Ph 84Hll6 Secretary: ELLIS HODGES, 46 Best Street. Wagga. 2650. Ph. (215574 JOHNSTONE. Ashton Street. Ariah Park. 2665, Ph CARLTON RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE A.H.). 841175 (841122 AH.). EAST WAGGA-KOORINGAL: President: BILL ANKERS. ARDLETHAN: President: ERIC SMITH. Moombooldool. 55 Geneva Crescent, Wagga. 2650 Ph.211834 (225]()1 2665 Ph Barellan 21-D. Secretary: GEORGE COX. GOALKICKERS I LASTROUNDRESUL::rs.J A H ) Secretary: as above "Wywurry". Beckom. 2668 Ph Yarranjerry 843229. Last TURVE\' PARK: President: JOHN SHEARER. 4811 FIRST GRADE (Rd. 1): Week Tollll FIRST GRADE Round 3: Kooringal Road, Wagga. 2650. Ph 216435 (261209 A.H ). Secretary:Mrs . LARAINE HILL. I Chiney Cres­ G.Carroll(Coolamon) .......... 8 8 East Wagga 23.8.146 ..... d Leeton 16.12.108 cent. Wap,. "650 Ph 225002 (225002A H ) COl'CING K. Williams (Ardlethan).... ..... 6 6 Narrandcra 15.16. I06 ..... d Ganmain 16.8.104 COOLAMON: President: TREVOR TIPPING. 69 Mirrool M. Crouch (East Wagga) ........ 6 6 Street, Coolamon, 2701 Ph 273426 Secretary:PH ILLIP EVENTS' AriahPark 23.20.158 ...... d Griffith 10.10.70 TOKLEY. 21 Devlin Street. Coolamon. 27111 Ph D. Meline(Leeton) .. ...... .. .. .. 5 5 Coolamon29.21.195 ...... d Ardlcthan 8.13.61 273012 (216555 w) COOLAMON ROVERS F.C.: Trivia Night GANMAIN-GRONG GRONG-MATONG: President: BAR­ on Friday, May 4th. More derails from SECOND GRADE: Turvey Park 19.15.129 .... d Wagga 19.10.124 RY LOGAN. Langham Street. Ganmain. 27112 Ph committee! P.Sargent(G.G.G.M.) ....... .. 4 4 276303 (276224 A.H ). Secretary: MICK HOWE. 4 De­ EAST WAGGA-KOORINGAL F.C.: Players D. Pledger (Narrandera) ...... .. 4 4 SECOND GRADE: vlin Street. Ganmain, 2702. Ph. 276424. Talent Night on Friday/ lrh May at the Leeton 14.13.97 ............ d East Wagga 10.10.70 NARRANDERA: President: KEN HOPWOOD. Riverine Thomas Blarneyat 7 p.m. Cost is$/O per M. Connop (Narrandera) ....... 4 4 Street. Narrandera, 2700. Ph. 591367. Secretary: RON head, includes supper Ganmain 17.17.119 ........ d Narrandera 12.7.79 O'KEEFFE. 19 Argyle Street. Narrandera. 2700 Ph R. Wintle (Wagga) .............. 4 4 (592183 A H ) GANMAIN FOOTBALL CLUB SOCIAL AriahPark 14.11.95 ....... d Griffith 11.10.76 DON KELLY. 18A Birch Avenue. CLUB: ·Back to the Fifties Night' will be UNDER NINETEENS: LEETON: President: held on Saturday.
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