Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Index to Volume 119 (2011) Bold page numbers indicate illustrations (Issue number 1: 1–104; 2: 105–208; 3: 209–312; 4: 313–416) A “Bacon’s Rebellion, the Grievances of the People, and the A Secession Crisis Enigma: William Henry Hurlbert and Political Culture of Seventeenth-Century Virginia,” “The Diary of a Public Man,” by Daniel W. Crofts, by Brent Tarter, 2–41 82–84 Bailyn, Bernard, 7–9, 21 A Summary View of the Rights of British America, by Baker, Alexander, 378 Thomas Jefferson, 43, 52, 56 Baker, Caroline Matilda Hite, 378 abolitionism, 337 Baker, Lawrence, 23 Adair, Douglass, 212 Baldwin, Cornelius, 377 Adams, Henry, 216 Baldwin, Isaac Hite, 377 African American women, 187–88 Baldwin, James Madison, 377 African Americans Baldwin, Letitia Jane Speck, 378 in Canada, 332, 338 Baldwin, Mary Briscoe, 359, 377 agricultural history, 46, 81–82 Baldwin, Mary E. Keckley, 377 Almond, J. Lindsey, 251 Baldwin, Nelly Conway Hite, 354, 359, 377 Alpin, Carrie May Rose, 387 Baldwin, Robert Stuart, 378 Alpin, James H., 387 Baltimore riots (1861), 283 Alston v. School Board of Norfolk City, 252 Bank of Virginia, 355 America Aflame: How the Civil War Created a Nation, by Barham, Baxter, 257 David Goldfield, 300–301 Barker, Gordon S., The Imperfect Revolution: Anthony American Colonization Society, 354 Burns and the Landscape of Race in Antebellum The American Dreams of John B. Prentis, Slave Trader, by America, 183–85 Kari J. Winter, 397–98 review by, 398–400 American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Beard, Charles, 108, 122 Colonial Virginia, by Edmund S. Morgan, 7, 35 Beard, Mary, 108, 122 Amherstburg (Ontario), 332 Beckert, Sven, 122–23 Anderson, Paul, 137 The Beginning, Progress, and Conclusion of Bacon’s Anderson, Robert, 282, 289 Rebellion in Virginia in the Years 1675 & 1676, by Anglican Church, 394–95 Thomas Mathew, 19 antislavery, 398–400 Bell, Ann Fitzhugh Rose, 385 Appalachia, 301–3 Bensel, Richard, 117–19 Appomattox Court House, 109 Yankee Leviathan, 117 archaeology, 76–78 Bentley, Martha, 335 Ashby, Mrs. Chester, 264 Bercaw, Nancy, 130 Ashby, Turner, 137 Berkeley, Sir William, 2, 18 Ashe, Victor J., 244, 258 Berlin, Ira, 126 Atkinson, Harry, 269 Bernath, Michael T., Confederate Minds: The Struggle for Intellectual Independence in the Civil War South, B 185–87 baby boom, 246 Bernstein, R. B., review by, 75–76 Bacon, Nathaniel, 2–41, 18 Berry, Sir John, 4 Bacon’s Proceedings, by John Cotton, 19 Bertrand, Michael T., review by, 190–91 Bacon’s Rebellion, 2–41, 18 Beverley, Robert, 6 historiography of, 5–9, 19–20, 34–35 Bibb, Henry, 326, 330–31, 336 The Big House after Slavery: Virginia Plantation Families Cameron, Simon, 279, 289 and Their Postbellum Domestic Experiment, by Amy Campbell, John, 366 Feely Morsman, 188–90 Capitol (U.S.), 118 Big Warrior, 321 Carmichael, Peter S., 113–14, 137–38 Biggins, J. C., 255, 265–67, 269–70 review by, 185–87 Billings, Warren M., 7–9, 35 Carter, John Armistead, 160 Bivens, A. L., 263 Carveth, Bruce G., and Kurt E. Leichtle, Crusade Against Blair, Francis P., 279, 281–82 Slavery: Edward Coles, Pioneer of Freedom, 398–400 Blair, William, 142 Cary, Mary Ann Shadd, 336 Blake; or, the Huts of America, by Martin R. Delany, 336 Catlin, Isaac, 339 Blight, David, 142–43 Causten, Anna Payne, 365 Race and Reunion, 142 Cave, Ellen Ann Macon, 384 Bloody Crimes: The Chase for Jefferson Davis and the Death Cave, Felix H., 384 Pageant for Lincoln’s Corpse, by James L. Swanson, Censer, Jane Turner, 136 87–88 Chambers, Edward R., 166 Boles, John B., and Randal L. Hall, eds., Seeing Jefferson Chandler, Alvin “Duke,” 249–50, 262, 268 Anew: In His Time and Ours, 78–79 Chapman, James Alfred, 379 Bond, Richard E., and Paul Rasor, eds., From Jamestown Chapman, John Madison, 379 to Jefferson: The Evolution of Religious Freedom in Chapman, Mary Edmonds McKinney, 379 Virginia, 394–95 Chapman, Rebecca Conway Madison, 379 Borderlines in Borderlands: James Madison and the Chapman, Reynolds, 379 Spanish-American Frontier, 1776–1821, by J. C. A. Chapman, Richard Conway, 379 Stagg, 79–81 Chapman, Susan Digges Cole, 379 Botts, Lawrence, 378 Chapman, William Madison, 379 Botts, Sarah Elizabeth Bibb Ransom, 378 Chernow, Ron, Washington: A Life, 75–76 Bradley, Mark, 112 Chesson, Michael B., review by, 182–83 Brady, Lisa, 123 Christie, J. Fred, 256, 264 Brittingham, O. J., 256, 257, 262 Christopher Newport College, 244–75 Brooke, James Vass, 164 buildings of, 259 Broomall, James, 139 founding of, 248 Brothers (Steamship), 334–35 proposed site for, 249–50 Brown, John, 337 Christopher Newport Hall, 259, 270 Brown, William Wells, 328, 330, 335 Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery (Orange Narrative of William Wells Brown, an American Slave County), 353, 357–58 (1847), 317 citizenship, 116, 133, 134 Brown v. Board of Education, 246, 251 Civil Rights Act of 1964, 245 Brugger, Robert, 215 civil rights movement, 108, 245, 247, 271 Brundage, Fitzhugh, 141–42 Civil War, 84–85, 87–88, 298–301, 400–403 The Southern Past: A Clash of Race and Memory, 141 commemoration, 140 Buck, John, 376 Crater, battle of the, 86–87 Buck, Mary Conway Bell Smith, 376 historiography, 106–53 Buck, Paul, 142 memory, 140–42 Bullis, Charles W., 166 military history, 86–87 Burk, John Daly, 6 naval history, 400–401 History of Virginia from Its First Settlement to the Petersburg Campaign, 86–87 Present Day, 20 Union soldiers, 401–3 Burns, Anthony, 183–85 veterans, 138–39 Bush, William, 316 Clare, John, 64–65 “The Mores,” 64 C Clark, Kathleen, 131, 142 Calhoun, Gordon, review by, 400–401 Clinkman, Daniel E., review by, 78–79 Calhoun, John C. Coffee, John R., 320 South Carolina Exposition, 218 Coffinberry, William, 334 Calvert, Charles Benedict, 285 Cohen, Benjamin R., 46 Cutts, Richard Dominicus, 365 Notes from the Ground: Science, Soil, and Society in the Cutts, Thomas, 365 American Countryside, 81–82 Cypress Land Company, 320 Coke, Sir Edward, 214–15 Cold War, 245–47 D Coles, Edward, 398–400 Dabney, Leila Bankhead Madison, 382 College of New Jersey, 354 Dabney, William Pope, 382 Community Federal Savings and Loan, 255 Daingerfield, Henry, 290 Compromise of 1850, 336 Dancey, William, 318 Confederate Minds: The Struggle for Intellectual Davis, Jefferson, 87–88 Independence in the Civil War South, by Michael T. Davis, John A. G., 229 Bernath, 185–87 Davis, William C. and James I. Robertson, Jr., eds., Confederate Reckoning, by Stephanie McCurry, 119 Virginia at War, 1864, 84–85 Confederate States of America Davison, Edward Jaquelin, 359, 377 intellectual life, 185–87 Davison, Eleanor Conway Baldwin, 359, 377 nationalism, 113–14 Delany, Martin R., 336 political culture, 119 Blake; or, the Huts of America, 336 seal of, 116 demographic history, 136 women, 119 Dennis, Michael, The New Economy and the Modern Conrad, Robert Young, 161 South, 190–91 Constitution (U.S.), 220–21, 226, 228, 232, 234, Diderot, Denis, 68 395–97 “The Divided Legacy of a Founding Father: Henry and constitutional history, 117 Beverley Tucker Confront Nullification and constitutional theory, 213–14, 216, 226, 228, 231 Secession,” by Chad Vanderford, 210–43 Conway, Lucy Hartwell Macon, 384 Douglas, Stephen, 298–300 Conway, Reuben, 384 Douglass, Frederick, 318, 328, 336, 338 Cooper, William J., Jr., 235 Downing, C. A., 260 Cotton, Ann, 34 Downing, Mildred, 260 Cotton, John, 34 Draper, James, 267 Bacon’s Proceedings, 19 Dreaming of Dixie: How the South was Created in cotton economy, 237 American Popular Culture, by Karen L. Cox, 403–4 cotton gin, 322 Dubrulle, Hugh, 124 Cowardin, Mrs. W. Carter, 264, 267 Duckworth, W. Fred, 253–54 Cox, James Henry, 160 Dulaney, William H., 157 Cox, Karen L., Dreaming of Dixie: How the South was Created in American Popular Culture, 403–4 E Cox, Richard Henry, 155 Early, Jubal Anderson, 157 Crater, battle of the, 86–87 Echols, John, 164 Craven, Avery, 369–70 economic history, 121–22, 129, 190–91 Soil Exhaustion as a Factor in the Agricultural History of Edwards, Laura, 136 Virginia and Maryland, 1606–1860, 369 Egerton, Douglas R. Crevécoeur, J. Hector St. John de, 66 review by, 82–84 Crofts, Daniel W., A Secession Crisis Enigma: William Year of Meteors: Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Hurlbert and “The Diary of a Public Man,” and the Election that Brought on the Civil War, 82–84 298–300 Crusade Against Slavery: Edward Coles, Pioneer of Freedom, Election of 1860, 298–300 by Kurt E. Leichtle and Bruce G. Carveth, 398–400 emancipation, 106, 124–25, 125, 126–29 Cullum, George W., 291 “Enclosing the Commons: Thomas Jefferson, Agrarian Cunningham, H. Westcott, 248 Independence, and Early American Land Policy, Cutts, Anna Payne, 362, 365, 367 1774–1789,” by Mark Sturges, 42–74 Cutts, Dolley, 365 Engle, Stephen, 114–15 Cutts, James Madison, 365 English enclosure movement, 48, 50, 65–68 Cutts, Mary Estelle Elizabeth, 365 Engs, Michael, 270 Cutts, Richard, 367 Enoch, William, 260 environmental history, 123 Goss, John, 383 ethnic history, 114–15 The Governor and the Rebel: A History of Bacon’s Rebellion Eubank, John Lewis, 161 in Virginia, by Wilcomb E. Washburn, 6, 34 European enclosure, 47–50, 67–68 Grant, Susan-Mary, 113 Gray, J. Harold, 267, 269–70 F The Great Valley Road of Virginia: Shenandoah Landscapes Farmer-Kaiser, Mary, Freedwomen and the Freedmen’s from Prehistory to the Present, edited by Warren R. Bureau: Race, Gender, and Public Policy in the Age of Hofstra and Karl Raitz, 89–90 Emancipation, 187–88 Green, Jacob D., 326 farming, 81–82 Greene, Larry A., review by, 187–88 Featherstonhaugh, George, 366 Gregg, Sara M., Managing the Mountains: Land Use Federal Housing Act of 1949, 253 Planning, the New Deal, and the Creation of a Federal Fendall, Philip, 285 Landscape in Appalachia, 301–3 Fiege, Mark, 123 Gudmestad, Robert, review by, 397–98 Fields, John G., 333–35 The Fifteenth Amendment, 133 H Finkelman, Paul, 213 Hahn, Steven, 127, 134 Fitzgerald, Michael, 111 Hall, John G., 386 Fitzhugh, Anna Maria Goldsborough, 288–89 Hall, Polly Ward Rose, 386 Flegenheimer, William, 160, 169 Hall, Randal L.
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