RARITAN MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" Vol. IV—No. 40 FORDS, X. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1039 PRICE THREE CEN'J> CORNERSTONE LAID Better Look At Your 20's! TAG DAY IN FORDS They May Be Counterfeits Rumor Says Farrell, Schaffrick To Shift Assignments ASBURY BID HIGH SCHOOL FOR NEW LUTHERAN WOODBRltJGE — Chief of REALIZES $162.85 Police George E. Keating today With Former Becoming Chairman Of Road Committee issued a warning to the residents FLAG STAFF CHURCHJN FORDS of the Township to be on the ; WOODBRIDGE — A shift in of the Administration Committee FOR LIBRARY FUND IS WEIGHED lookout for counterfeit bills. J committee assignments which will he is unwilling to assume the ad- Many Dignitaries Partake "If you are tendered a $20 i place the Department of Public ditional responsibility. Campaign By Legion Post Federal Reserve note, with the Works under the direction of Sam- Organization Insists In Ceremony On Sunday uel Farrell of the Third Ward af- Oversubscribed; Goal BY PRISCO CONDEMNED numeral "4" in the seal to the In addition, the Third Ward Re- On Ford Ave. Site left of the portrait and a check- ter the first of the year, is being publican organization is known to Was Set At $150 letter k-53, it is undoubtedly contemplated by Mayor August F. be insistent that Mr. Farrell be Shore City Offers Salary B. of E. Member To Move RITES ARE" IMPRESSIVE counterfeit," Chief Keating Greiner. placed in charge of the road de- EXPENSES WERE SMALI said. If the change is made, Mr. Far- partment on the strength of the Of $2,800, $700 More It Be Taken Down As FORDS—With more than 250 The police head also urged rell will succeed Committeeman fact that it has been some time FORDS — In a whirlwind ta' parishioners in attendance, many persons receiving a counterfeit jJames Schaffrick in this depart- since the place was given a Third day for the benefit of the Forr1 Than Is Paid Here Result Of Tests prominent church dignitaries par- jment and the exchange, it is be- Ward representative. ticipated in the cornerstone layin note not to return the bill to the library fund, conducted last Sat passer, but to delay the passer lieved, will be rounded out by the Mr. Rankin has proved an able urday bv ceremonies at the; new church of naming of the Second Ward man Legionnaires, member Our Redeemer LutheVan parish, and notify headquarters. He said and discriminating Police Commis- POLE, A GIFT TO TOWN, that counterfeit note passers are as chairman of the Finance Com- sioner, respected by the rank and of the auxiliary, junior auxiliary GRID MENTCR SILENT Ford Avenue and Fourth Street. mittee, a post now held by Mr. and frie Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. especially active during the holi- file of the department. The renom- »ds of the Harry Hanser IS NOW 28 YEARS OLD day season. Farri;!!. Committeeman Herbert B. ination of Mr. Spencer as head of Post No. 13, American Legion, th )N PLANS FOR FUTURE The prayer for the stone-laving Rankin will undoubtedly continue the Administration Committee is goal of $150 was exceeded b- was said by Rev. V. B. Skov of j.s Police Commissioner and Com- likewise taken for granted because 3.33 as the gross returns total Raritan Township, which was fol- mitteeman Frederick A. Spencer S3 lowed by setting in place of the of the high order of efficiency and i . IMS.» on 'lad Phenomenal Success Came From Tacoma By BARS IN RARITAN will be reappointed as chairman of discipline he has maintained among " large stone by Rev. A. L. Kreyling. the Administration Committee. rhe oulv pastor of the local church, who municipal employes and depart- expenses of the drive Here, Producing Many Way of Cape Horn, A Pres- ments. He has held this post for according to Arthur F. Giesine also conducted the services. GET EXTRA HOURS It is the practice to rotate the 1 ent From E. Demarest Public Works' supervisor among six years. chairman of the Legion tag da Championship Teams The services included reading of the majority members and since the Old Testament scripture by Dr. James Schaffrick • Besides the probabality he will committee, was $17.50 for printing ON NEWJEAR'S EVE the post has not yet been filled by Commissioner, incidental expenses, nettinp WOODBRIDGE —After stand- Carl Kreutzmann of Our Redeemer Mr. Farrell. it is likely he will be and ?3 WOODBRinGE—School board Lutheran Church of Orange, read- disposition to give this assignment Mr. Schaffrick also is expected to officials at Asbury Park yesterday ing in front of the high school for Amendment Permits Tav- named by Mayor Gveiner on New to Mr, Spencer, but because of the be made chairman of the Commit- a total of $162.85. This araoun' ing of the New Testament bv the Year's dav. There has been some was immediately turned over to 'onfivmed the report they are seek_ 28 years, the flap pole that weath- Rev. Walter Reuning, vector of the erns To Stay Open vast details of his duties as head tee on Lights and Transportation. •nv; the services of Nicholas A. ered a sea voyage around Cape Westfield Lutheran Church, and representatives of the Fords Wo- "risco, Woodbridffe High School Horn, will undoubtedly be taken the Apostle's Creed by Rev. Theo- Until 5 A. M. FIREMEN TO BE HOSTS man's Club, sponsors of the library ioach of athletics. down in the very near future, dore Keyl, of St. Matthew's Luth- DISTRICT IS EXTENDED KEASBEY FIRE CO. TO KIDDIES TOMORROW movement. Prisco, when questioned by a condemned as unsafe. eran Church of Newark. Assisted by the advice and sug- i-epresentative of this newspaper, gestion of Louis Rich, chairman of At the last meeting of the Board Assisting in the rites were Rev. RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The ANSWERS 91 CALLS nreferriid not to comment on the Annual Christmas Party To SHARE $350 COST the Perth Amboy Post No. 45 Pop- ;hore resort city's proposal. How- of Education, District Clerk Roy George Borncmann, of Bound board of commissioners of Rari- Brook; Rev. John Kavasch, of Ve- tan Township, at a meeting held Be Held In Amboy Ave- py Day committee and by the lo- •vcr, officials there revealed they E. Anderson took up the matter of rona; Ri-v. Fred L. Van Steen. of here Tuesday night, adopted on DURING _12M0NTHS cal post's most active worker. Mor- had offered the Barron mentor a repairs to the flag pole and he was Plainfield; Rev. Henry Koepchen, second and final readings two or- CLARA BARTON—Plans have ris Fleischman, a total of $40 had salary of $2,800. authorized to get Mr. Johnson, o£ been completed for a Christmas been collected by 11 o'clock Sat- of St. Luke's Church, Elizabeth, dinances. No objections were Secretary Makes Report Of party to be given for children of Equipment For Clara Bar- urday morning. The sum of $70 According to a statement by a Perth Amboy, the son of the man who preached the sermon, and Rev. heard on either of the two rul- Activities For Year; the Clara Barton section by Rari- ton School Approved was reported at 2 o'clock and by member of the Park school board, who erected the pole, to inspect C. K. Preusss, of Our Savior's Lu- ings. tan Engine Company No. 2 to be 5 o'clock the goal had been reach- Prisco was requested to appear be- it. Mr. Johnson made sevei'al bor- theran Church, Perth Amboy. The first, an amendment to the Dambach Honor Man On Monday Night ed. At 6 o'clock, closing time for fore that body last Monday. He Offering IsTaken held tomorrow evening in the Am- ings and it is understood that he township liquor ordinance, pro- boy Avenue firehouse. the drive, every report was in. was shown the entire athletic plant vides for the sale of alcoholic bev- CLARA BARTON — Supple- reported that "although the tests During the ceremony, a special ATTENDElT~87 BLAZES A special program of entertain- setup and, it is said, was greatly offering was taken and will be de- erages until 5 a. m. New Year's menting a fund of nearly $150 The twenty-six workers covered impressed by the proposal. showed nothing radically wrong, KEASBEY—According to Leon ment will be presented with a raised by the Clara Barton Parent- all areas and places of vantage voted to the pew fund of tin Day when that holiday falls on a prominent comedian scheduled to It was also stated, the Barron still the tests weren't so good." In church. Sunday as is the case this year. Jeglinski, secretary, Keasbey Pro- Teacher Association, the town- from early morning until dark, dis- tection Fire Company No. 1 re- attend. ship Board of Education at a meet- posing of nearly 2,500 tags. tutor would talk the matter over other words, Mr. Johnson diagnos- The stone contained many docu- The second ruling, amending Following the show, candy will with the Woodbridge school board is left it up to the Board of Edu- ments of importance for posterity, the municipality's refuse collec- sponded to ninety-one fires in this ing Monday night voted $200 to Woman's Club Aids i section during" the past twelve be distributed to the kiddies. Vari- purchase gym baskets and addi- and render a decision early in cation to make the final decision.
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