WEEKLY SEE PAGE 30 Candle-lighting/Shabbos Ends Friday, May 4: 7:37/8:41 Kew Gardens Hills • Kew Gardens • Forest Hills • Hillcrest • Briarwood • Jamaica Estates • Holliswood • Fresh Meadows Great Neck • Rego Park • West Hempstead • New Hyde Park • Five Towns • Long Beach • Oceanside • Plainview • Catskills Vol. VII No. 17 (#259) May 3, 2018 • 18 Iyar 5778 Free MMereditheredith FFarrellarrell OOU’sU’s CCitiiti FFieldield TTorahorah NNORPACORPAC 22018:018: RRememberedemembered BByy CCommunityommunity PProgramrogram DDrawsraws 22,000,000 TThehe OOrthodoxrthodox AAttendeesttendees WWorldorld IInteractsnteracts WWithith MMiddleiddle AAmericamerica CCharlieharlie HHararyarary sspeakspeaks ttoo a ppackedacked hhouseouse aatt tthehe OOUU CCitiiti FFieldield TTorahorah eeventvent SSundayunday SEE STORY ON PAGE 27 SEE STORY ON PAGE 32 SEE STORY ON PAGE 28 The Possibility Op-Ed From Our Rabbinic Consultant Your Say Poignant Principle And True Save Our Kotel Toirah Iz Die Beste Dear Editor: Aliyah Thoughts By Miriam Rollhaus, LCSW Schoireh By Del Simcha Regarding the front page “Apol- ogy” (Issue 257): No need to fl ag- By Cheryl Miodownik ongratulations to Prince By Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld ellate yourselves. Most people Harry and Meghan Markle ince its formal establishment did not catch the questionable Con their upcoming mar- as a modern state in 1948, Isra- visual in the ad. Mistakes happen. ix years ago, when our daugh- riage. Since beginning their court- Sel has always been governed have written more than once A more modest mea culpa inside ter Shayna made aliyah, I ship in 2016, Harry and Meghan by traditional Jewish concepts of my issues with organized would have suffi ced. Let’s keep Sshared some thoughts about have coordinated clandestine –Shabbos and all Yamim Tovim IOrthodox Jewry. Now it is my things in perspective; this was how we felt, foremost among them dates, traveled to Botswana, and are publicly observed, the laws of pleasure to write of one of their not the end of the world. Please pride and joy. Last week, one of grown their relationship in exotic kashrus are implemented in the great achievements. don’t turn us into Brooklyn. Shayna’s friends, Yael Raden, wrote and private locales. When I imag- Israel Defense Forces, and the com- There is an old Yiddish saying, Regarding “Where’s My Gen- of her feelings about being a recent ine their relationship, a dreamy plex laws of marriage, divorce, and “Toirah iz die beste schoireh,” which eration?” (Issue 257): Kol ha’kavod olah in Israel. What you are about CONTINUED ON P. 21 CONTINUED ON P. 24 CONTINUED ON P. 5 CONTINUED ON P. 13 CONTINUED ON P. 57 SEE PAGE 63 SEE PAGE SEE PAGE 60 SEE PAGE Vol. VII No. 17 (#259) • May 3, 2018 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 1 2 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 17 (#259) • May 3, 2018 This is where it all begins From your heirloom family recipes to your famous Lag Baomer barbecue, every incredible dish starts with Season’s expert-cut meats and poultry --bursting with freshness and flavor. So whether you’re preparing Bubbe’s famous brisket or sous vide rib eye, start your recipe with Seasons, and your family will thank you. BALTIMORE • CLIFTON • LAKEWOOD • LAWRENCE • QUEENS • SCARSDALE • MANHATTAN • LAWRENCE SHOP 24/6 SEASONSKOSHER.COM • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 17 (#259) • May 3, 2018 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 3 4 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 17 (#259) • May 3, 2018 MMessageessage From Our Rabbinic Consultant R’ Yoel Schonfeld Toirah Iz Die Beste Schoireh CONTINUED FROM P. 1 Knicks basketball players hung incongru- ously from the rafters, was an experience literally translated is “Torah is the best busi- I shall never forget. The same held true ness.” Cynically, this can come to refer to the for subsequent gatherings in the Garden price of matzos at $39 per pound. Or a lulav- and Nassau Coliseum, former home of and-esrog set for $150 (on the cheap). hockey’s New York Islanders. But what this really means is that there is Yet later came the Siyum HaShas in nothing as precious to Jews as the study of MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, home of Torah. Of all the places, some of the most cov- football’s Jets and Giants. Who can forget the eted sports arenas have put this on full dis- feeling of despair as the rainy day fulfi lled the play in recent years. It was somewhere in the weather forecaster’s prediction of all-day pre- late 1980s that Agudath Israel of America, un- cipitation? Then, as though on cue, precisely der the leadership of Rabbi Moshe Sherer z”l, at 7:00 p.m., at the start of the program, the announced that, for the fi rst time, the siyum clouds saluted farewell and the siyum went of the Daf Yomi program (the Siyum HaShas), on as scheduled. Clearly, Hashem gave a nod Enough with political discussions and meaningless resolutions OOUU PPresidentresident MMoisheoishe BBaneane ((R)R) aandnd EExecutivexecutive VVPP AAllenllen FFaginagin about the “future of Judaism.” Jews want tachlis Torah study with illustrious presenters. And of Judaism.” Jews want tachlis. They want to all was done in a timely, orderly, and magnifi - deal with substance. Nothing is more sub- cently organized manner! (Yes, we Jews can stantive to the People of the Book, than the which marked the completion of the entire to his loyal children celebrating His Torah do that!) My purpose here is not to detail the study of the Book. Talmud Bavli by Jews throughout the world, down below. program, which will be done elsewhere in As one participant told me: “The only thing would be held in a major sports arena, Madi- On Sunday, April 29, a related event was this paper. I can complain about it that there is nothing son Square Garden. The unimaginable was to held, this time in the inner sanctum of Citi What is so noteworthy about the program to complain about.” happen! Field, home to the New York Mets. The Ortho- is that this was conceived by OU President A great yasher koach is due to Moishe Bane I remember attending that event with dox Union organized a day of Torah study for Moishe Bane (a KGH native) as a replacement and Allen Fagin, OU’s Executive VP (also a my young son Simcha at the time, and men and women, given by men and women for the traditional convention held by the OU former Queenser), for making this special walking away with a feeling that I had on almost every conceivable Torah-related on a biannual basis. Mr. Bane correctly envi- event a reality. As trained lawyers in the busi- just experienced heaven on earth. It was topic. My guess is about 2,000 Jewish peo- sioned that what Torah Jews want most is… ness world, they hit upon the best business a surreal feeling of Jewish pride and spir- ple participated in this Torah extravaganza. Torah! Enough with political discussions and model for the Torah community. And it was itual bliss. Celebrating a monumental Daf Yomi, Musar, Hashkafah, Medicine and meaningless resolutions about the “future Die Beste. achievement in Torah study with 20,000 Halachah, Archeology and the Bible, Bibli- well-behaved Jews in a most orderly and cal Personalities, Responsa, etc., etc., were Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld is the Rabbi of the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, former President inspiring fashion as the jerseys of great all part of a very comprehensive program of of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens, and the Rabbinic Consultant for the Queens Jewish Link. Vol. VII No. 17 (#259) • May 3, 2018 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 5 Community PUBLISHED BY Calendar – Rebecca Wittert . .43 Queens Jewish Link, LLC Recent Happenings – Sergey Kadinsky, Susie Garber, QJL Staff . 6-39 RABBINIC CONSULTANT Snapshots – Shua Katz . 33/40 Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld Classifieds & Real Estate . .62/63 MANAGING EDITOR Naftali Szrolovits General Interest SENIOR CONSULTANTS Forecast Financially Forward - Gerald Harris . .17 Yaniv Meirov Style & Living Cynthia Zalisky FRI • MAY 4 TUE • MAY 8 Beauty Briefs -Risselle Naimark . .54 Helen Hoffman Dating Today – Goldy Krantz . .51 Estate and Wills – Monet Binder . .55 Rebecca Wittert 81° 67° Foodie Adventures - Bracha Serle . .59 Sergey Kadinsky Interior Design for the 99%– Zisi Naimark . .47 60° 52° On the Road – Terri B. Kalker, Esq. .48 ADVERTISING MANAGER Real-Life Reflections - Sarah Newcomb . .58 Yaakov Serle Style Myths Debunked - Meira E. Schneider-Atik . .53 Partly Cloudy Showers COPY EDITORS Light & Fun R’ Yisroel Benedek Musical Notes – Susie Garber . .56 Rivky Bergstein SAT • MAY 5 WED • MAY 9 Snippets of Strange – QJL Staff . 14-16 Emily Cohen The Fun Side – QJL Staff. 60/61 73° 66° Elissa Epstein Mental Health & Physical Wellness STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER 55° 52° Hooked on Healing – Caroline Schumsky . .22 Shua Katz SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Opinion Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy As I See it - Cynthia Zalisky. .18 Rachel Goldsmith Blue and White – Shmuel Sackett . .23 For What it’s Worth – Warren Hecht . .19 SUN • MAY 6 THU • MAY 10 Frontlines – Joseph Frager . .44 Message from Rabbinic Consultant – R’ Yoel Schonfeld . .1 66° 67° Your Say . .1 Torah/Tefilah/Parshah 51° 54° [email protected] Halachic Highlights – Rabbi Epfraim Glatt . .45 Rabbi’s Musings & Amusings – R’ Dani Staum . .11 718-880-2622 Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny A Shabbat Thought – R’ David Algaze . .8 147-25 70th Ave. Flushing, NY 11367 The Shmuz on the Parshah – R’ Ben Tzion Shafier . .10 www.QueensJewishLink.com Stories of Greatness – R’ Dovid Hoffman . .7 MON • MAY 7 FRI • MAY 11 Weekly Tefilah Focus . .45 Design by Design2pro.com Special Articles Design & Production 64° 65° The Possibility Principle - Miriam Rollhaus .
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