\'1i ic.,:L.L #99 617 E APACHE BLVD TEMPE Az 85281 fiiT C ~ E ll lCit F AR~E R ST ·~ TE,.. FE v Letters VOLUME 2, NUMBER 5 to the FRISBEE WORLD l pubhcatl011 of IN.! Editor lntern::tt onal Fn•,b P Assoc•at10n " Editorial Offices FRISBEE WORLD o The 1nternat10r. J\ Fusbee Assoc A GAME OF CENTIMETERS PO Bo~ 664 Frt::.bf port .. are 1n thr F trly stages but we can seo that they have A aml•ra C<.~•lornsa 91802 greul putt.nhal allraclton Many people look forward to worldwsde Subscription Rates snterest and mvolvement In our sports tn the futuro The organ•zallon S5 00 I " y& (6 S) st&ell chose the name lntotnatlonal Fnsbee Assoclahon, even though Article Submlt~lon Amoucans aro the 1n111ators and leaders sn the sport One small but Deadlsne lor ne> t s<- ue- October 15th ssgnsltcant way we could smprovc our leadership ss ussng metnc, not English, measures. Regardless of pol1l1cat npplos 1n th1s country thss Editor Dan Roddtck year, the future w1ll certasnly be measured by the metnc system and Assistant Editor JoCahow we should get Fnsbee sports onto that system as QUICkly and Managing Editor ShclrtHenlz completely as we can Wnte the rules for Frssbee games 1n meters, record records n meters wo hove o start from Wham·O m the world OonMauclo..y Graphsc Design Class scncs descnbcd In grams I am address ng th1s above all to BobOudey 1 FA and Fusbeo World, wh ch ore the organszahons that nave the greatest power to establish standards m th s area What do you thsnk? Eastern Edstor Gary Scuberl Brand Frentz Mid·Westem Editor Bruce "oger Davss. Calrlotn1a Southern Editor TOITI Monroe 1 agtoo We have made some advances m th1S area duflng '77 Western Editor lO'Tl McRann but mote wr/1 como soon Stotk SPECIAL ORDER p , " nJ 1 (or 1 Wham 0 Premium Fastback Frisbee Closeout Spu,.sal •41·0 Protuwpe Super Pro (money enclosed) Bruce Fugelstrom Table of Hauppauge, New York LEND A HAND Contents Ae tho Frisbee competitor gets better at their sporl. they expect more all my luggage appeared. Two tnlgs were stuffed with and more out of tho running ol the Frtsbee tourn1ments Thanks to the Wednesday the 24th trading discs. , 3 Rose Bowl Coverage efforts ol tile organizers of the competitions I have been to In the East, The bus ride to La Guardta was a real drag- had to The bus ride to Cal Tech was pleasant Coors 11 World Records Update tho events have been run protly smoothly p1ck 11 up at 5·15 AM I Once I got to the airport though, I doesn't seem much better than Hamm's- another myth 12 1977 Nalsonal Sones Review 1 would hke 10 posnt out though many non·compc\lt ve Fnsbee players 17 Going Down have not seen a Frisbee tournament Through venous people s efforts was really pumped - Fnsbee players everywhere. We destroyed. 26 Tne Factory Connect1on many local tournaments arc being sponsored by parks, beaches etc had plenty of time to shoot the bull - the plane was We arrived at Cal Tech about an hour behind schedule 27 In Future Issues for tocal communstles Often working by snstructrons on paper on how to delayed for an hour (seems everyone's delaymg too because of our delay in New York I checked in and Coming Up run tho events. they arc nevertheless promoting llle use of the Fnsbee much these days). We fmally got going at 11 :45. I spent went to the dorm lobby for a snack and the orientation 1 feel that we, who are most fam•har w1th the Fnsboe world, should do meeting What a crowd It was really wild to see all of us our best to help our local communtllcs 1n the•r contest Unfortunately the first hour or so reading over the competitor's manual. 1 have wstnessed our own people complasn and carry on about the way I also took a freestyle lesson by eavesdropping as together at once I guess 11 seems routtne in other sports a beach sponsored contest y,as run A sport is only as great as those Bloeme and Kollmar talked out their planning for their but I just couldn't handle all that Frisbee talent in one who part c pate m rt 1 hope a v.11ve of professsonahsm docs not undo A ug ts r rVC<l R prOductiOn n .,.. o c or n routme (you and I need to do more planning next year} spot. The group was complete now mcluding the Western the many efforts made to bnng Frisbee playing to the level it ts today part ws• oul wr tt n perm ss on s pron b teo We landed in Chicago and met about 50 more players. players and the teams from Sweden, Japan, England Scott Hfland Prn'cd n USA Lev/llown. New York As the plane took off, I had the rather sick thought that and Canada. Stork moved the meeltng along pretty • Fnsoce sa r g s1 r d tradema·k of Wham 0 1f we didn't make it, you would have a great shot to win quickly as we were running late Jim Kerrigan from 'Ng Co •or 1 y ng d scs used sn spoils games BINDERS Octad next season . Wham-0 announced that the endorsement money for Second cla'>S postJgo permtt IS pend•ng at San 1 h Jvo 0. ·n ordenng F11sbco World lor a lew years I am w11t1ng to The v1ew was great over the Western states and I the meet was to be $25.000 I should have practiced Gabr• Ca I rn 1 you to :;ee sf you would consider making binders to put these magazsnes swear I saw that little town in Wyoming where we broke more Can you really imagine my face on the packages? COVER PHOTOGRAPHY in It would help me keep them ln neal and proper cond1tlon and I Another Go 11 covN etches Joe Hudoktsn would not lose any Thank you down on the way to Boulder. Dad would freak. 811/ Potts Com1ng into L A the smog looked pretty bad but when Arter the meettng ended, we had about f1rteen minutes and h"' ,,d llysng sn the WFC sem•lmals Anmston Alabama Larry Horowtll provided the back cover we landed. the atr looked all right. Some of the New before gotng to the Conventton Center for d1stance. I ::.tudy ot Hal Enckson, young mag•csan lrom Sounds good Are others mterested? Yorkers wore surgical masks as they got off the plane. changed into my gear just tn case at the last minute the San Franctsco Bay area Stork We rnadc quite an impact on the airport! they discovered their error of not includmg me in the Then I experienced one of the miracles of ai r travel - Invitational distance event Obv1ously the I.F A has not 2 Fnsbce World, Scpi/Oct 1977 Fri.,b ,. WoriJ Sopt /Ocl t977 3 heard of our throws off of Turner's Hill back home. Oh Next stop was La Mirada for the preliminary round of well, the Convention Center was great for freestyle. I golf. It was about a 45 minute ride and I got a nice nap. played a little with Paul Thompson from Minneapolis and Part of L.A.'s smog problem is the lack of air movement did some co-op wtth another guy I didn't know. The -well, it moves at La Mirada. The course ts pretty tough event was something- five guys broke Johnson's old as ts but the wind made tt mean. It is bastcally open wtth record by a dozen feet It got over at eleven or so- a undulating fairways and most holes trapped by clusters 23-hour day counting time zones I fell asleep on the bus of palms. As usual, I had some putting problems with back. Someone must have gUided me to the room. I the pole. I was watchtng a local guy, George Morns putt kind of remember a guy knocking on the door about 1 :00 at the poles before we started- amaztng From about AM looking to buy Flapjacks- unbelievable. 30 feet tn, he was deadly. He throws a really weird low spin shot with a negative attack- when it hits, it stays. Thursday the 25th I had to pick him to win it. My sevensome (yes 7) was Someone was pounding the door down at 6:45 AM. a nice group. One of the guys was from Japan. It was a The fact that it was 9:45 Eastern time didn't seem to help. lot of fun trying to communicate. His English was not too My roommate was in better shape bemg from California. good but it was a lot better than my Japanese. I He came from Cotati -you may have heard of him­ rigured I'd show him some of the finer points of golf. Neil Delay (a pretty memorable name). He seemed He then proceeded to show me three pars and three pretty nice even though I was in a trance through birds on the opening holes. So much for Instruction. , breakfast and the bus ride to the fields. I hung at one over par for the first nine and then ran The preliminaries were held right outside of the Rose into the old putting problem. Three putts under 10 feet Bowl. The set-up was sharp with TR&C, MTA and fell out.
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