THE LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 5, 1857. 2013 Jobn Timaley, formerly of Morledge, Derby, in the county of Beer at Aire-street, Goole aforesaid, and also Keeper of of Derby, Dyer, then in lodgings in Hull-street, Derby a Register Office for Servants, and Dealer in British aforesaid, out of business or employment, afterwards of Wines, during the said period Treasurer of the Indepen- Tib-lane, Cross-street, Manchester, in the county of dent Chapel, Goole aforesaid. Lancaster, Eating1 House Keeper, then of Cheetwood- Robert Wood the younger (sued along with Robert Wood street, Strangways, Manchester aforesaid, and whilst_at the elder), late of No, 10, Merchant's-row, Scarbro', the latter place carrying on business in copartnership with Yorkshire, Tailor, Draper, Outfitter, and Dealer in Oil- William Sawyer and James Watson Donn, at Springfield skins, duricg part of the same period being partly out of Bridge, Salford, in the said county of Lancaster, as business and lodging at No. 10, Long West Gate, Scarbro' Manufacturers of Silk Small wares, under the firm of aforesaid. Tunaley, Sawyer and Company, afterwards carrying on Joseph Wilkinson, late in lodgings at Mr. Thorp's Coffee business in copartnership with Charles Joseph Wood, at Rooms, Bank-street, Sheffield, Yorkshire, previously in the Old Factory, Miller-street, Manchester aforesaid, as lodgings at the Plough Inn, Barnsley, Yorkshire, and Manufacturers of Silk Smallwares, under the firm of formerly residing at No. 14, Saint Thomas'-street, Shef- Wood and Tunaley, and late of Fleetwood-street, Ancoats field aforesaid, Joiner, being partly out of employ, and Vale, Manchester aforesaid, out of business or employ- previously of the Hussar Inn, Scotland-street. Sheffield ment. aforesaid,'Licensed Victualler and Dealer in Tobacco, James Morrow, formerly residing in Market-square, Dun- during part of the same period carrying on the business gannon, county Tyrone, Ireland, and having Limekilns of a Joiner, Carpenter and Builder. in Gort Morrow, near Dungannon aforesaid, Lime Burner Joseph Whit worth, late of Daw-green, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, nnd Contractor, afterwards a lodger on Cattle Hill, and previously of Boothroyd-lane, Dewsbury aforesaid, Dungannon, and late a lodger at No. 8, Portland-street, Confectioner, Grocer, Tea, Coffee, Tobacco and Spice Liverpool, out of business. Dealer, and also Dealer in Flour, Potatoes, Table Beer and General Provisions, Greengrocer and Fruiterer, Before the Judge of the County Court of during part of the said period working as a Journeyman Confectioner. Berkshire, holden at Reading, on Friday the Joseph Longbottom the younger, late of Hunslet, near 19th clay of June, 1857. Leeds, Yorkshire, Weighman and Clerk at a Colliery. James Millard, late of Nos. 17 and 18, King-street, Read- Thomas Clegg, late of the Garrick's Head Inn, Low Peter- ing, in the county of Berks, Ironmonger. gate, in the city of York, in lodgings out of business, previously of No. 13, North Bridge, Halifax, Yorkshire, Furniture Broker and General Dealer, theretofore of the Before the Judge of the County Court of same place and business, and of No. 14, North Bridge, Kent, holden at Canterbury, on the 19th day Halifax aforesaid, Licensed Retailer of Beer and Tobacco, of June, 1857, at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore- theretofore of the Blue Bull Inn, Bowling Dyke, Halifax noon precisely. aforesaid, Licensed Victualler and Dealer in Tobacco, theretofore of Nortbgate, and formerly of Woolshops, Jesse Kirby, formerly of Weavering-street, Boxley, Paper both in Halifax aforesaid, Furniture Broker and General Maker, then of the Square, Ashford-road, Maidstone, a Dealer. Paper Maker, theu of the Ship Inn, Gabriels-hill, Maid- Mark Shaw, late of Battley Carr, near Dewsbury, York- stone, Licensed Victualler, during part of the time hold- shire, Rag and Shoddy Dealer, occasionally Cloth Manu- ing the Victoria-gardens, Maidstone, then of the Town facturer. Arms Inn, Maidstone, out of business or employ, then of James Purchon, late of No. 13, Wellington-street, Leeds, the Flushing Inn, Horse Wash-lane, Rochester, Licensed Yorkshire, Auctioneer, Licensed Appraiser, Furniture Victualler, then of No. 3, Henry-street, Troy Town, Dealer, Accountant; Estate and General Agent, thereto- Rochester, and then and late of the Freemason's Tavern, fore of Kensington-terrace, Headingley, near Leeds Saint Margaret-street, Canterbury, all in the county of aforesaid, Auctioneer, Licensed Appraiser, Furniture Xent, out of business or employ. Dealer, Accountant, Estate and General Agent, occupying sale rooms at No. 32, Trinity-street, Leeds aforesaid, Before the Judge of the County Court of previously of No. 37, Lowerliead-row. Leeds aforesaid, Essex, holden at the Shirehall, in Chelmsford, Auctioneer, Licensed Appraiser, Furniture Dealer, Estate on Saturday the 20th day of June, 1857, at and General Agent, in copartnership with John llepper Twelve o'Clock at Noon precisely. Barker, carrying on business at N->. 32, Trinity-street, Leeds aforesaid, as Auctioneers, Licensed Appraisers. John Moor, late of Mistley, in the county of Essex, Baker, Furniture Dealers, Accountants, Estate and General Sail Maker, Ship Chandler, and Dealer in Marine Stores, Agents, under the style or firm of Barker :md Purchon, previously of Mistley aforesaid, Sail Maker, Ship Chand- theretofore of Saint Marks-stivet, VVoodliouse, near Leeds ler, and Dealer in Marine Stores. aforesaid, Auctioneer, Licensed Appraiser, Furniture John Boutcber Foster, (sued in the nume of John Boucher Dealer, Accountant, Estate aud General Agent, occupying Foster), late of Swiss-cottage, Clay Hill-lane, Loughton, sale rooms No. 14, Trinity-street, Leeds aforesaid, previ- in the county of Essex, out of business and employment, ously of the same place, Auctioneer's Clerk, and formerly and renting some Pasture Land there, previously of the of John-street, Bradford, Yorkshire, Auctioneer, Licensed same place, renting the same Land, and keeping Cows Appraiser, Furniture Dealer, Estate and General Agent, there. occupying sale rooms at Sun Bridge, Bradford aforesaid, and during the whole of the said period Insurance Agent Before the Judge of the County Court of and occasionally dealing in Cigars. Yorkshire, holden at York, on Monday the Thomas Humphrey, late of No. 26, Fishergate, York, Coach 22nd day of June, 1857, at Nine o'Clock in the Painter and Carriage Builder, having a workshop in the Red Lion-yard, Walmgate, York aforesaid, previously of Forenoon precisely. the Flying Horse. Inn, Coppergate, York, Licensed Jacob Moxon, late of likley, near Otley, Yorkshire, in Victualler, Dealer in Spirits, Ale, Porter and Tobacco, lodgings, out of business, theretofore of No. 19, Thornton- •Coach Painter and Builder as aforesaid, having a shop in row, Bradford, Yorkshire, Corn Factor, Dealer in Malt, Fetter-lane, York, theretofore of Trinity-lane, Bishop Meal, Flour, and German Yeast, theretofore of Birstal, Hill, York, carrying on the business of Painter and Builder near Leeds, Yorkshire, Traveller for a Corn Miller, as aforesaid, formerly of the Red Lion Inn, Micklegate, theretofore of Greaves-street, Little Harton-lane, and York, Licensed Victualler and Common Brewer, Dealer formerly of Little Harton-lane, Bradford aforesaid, oc- in Spirits, Ale, Porter and Tobacco, having workshops casionally Bookkeeper. in Fetter-lane, and previously in Haver-lane, York, for Joseph Fawcett, late of Town Gate, Northowram, near carrying on the said business of Painter and Builder. Halifax, Yorkshire, and theretofore of Upper-lane, North- William Haley, late in lodgings at Windhill, Shipley, near owram aforesaid, Stone Merchant. Bradford, Yorkshire, out of business, previous'y Draper's Joshua Burns, late of No. 23, Broad-street, and theretofore Assistant, mul formerly of Windhiil aforesaid, Linen and of Long Backside, Waterhouse-street, Halifax, Yorkshire, Woollen Draper, Mercer, Hosier, Dealer in Caps, Stays, Tailor and Woollen Draper. Bonnets and Millinery. Jesse Wass, late of High Tranmere, near Birkenhead, Stephen Bentley, late of Attercliffe, near Sheffield Yorkshire, Cheshire, out of business, at the same time carrying on Journeyman Bricklayer and Builder, previously of Well- business at Barge Dock Side, Goole, Yorkshire, as Bread gate, Rotherham, Yorkshire, and theretofore of Rocking- Baker, Confectioner, Grocer. Licensed Dealer in Tea, harn-street, Sheffield aforesaid, Bricklayer, Builder and Coffee, Tobacco, Pepper, Snuff, Cigars, and Patent Medi- Contractor, during part of the period vorking and carry- cines, Ham, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Lard, and Egg Factor, ing on business in Copartnership with Will'um Hattou.at Flour, Meal, Bread, Biscuits, Yeast, Horse Corn, Gr.iin, Wombwell, near Barnsley, Yorkshire, and Rotiierham Fruit. Brushes, and General Provision Dealer, previously aforesaid, theretofore of Saville-street, and previously of carrying on the business of Licensed Retailer of Beer and Brightmore-street, both in Sheffield, Yorkshire, Brick- Porter at Barge Dock Side aforesaid, in addition to the layer, Builder and Contractor, and formerly of The Odd said before-mentioned businesses, and during part of the Fellows Arms, Pitt-street. Sheftkid aforesaid, Licensed before-named businesses, with the exception of Retailer Victualler and Dealer in Tobacco. No. 22008. F.
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