MAILING 7( JAREA NEWS MEDIA Fayetteville Observer Local radio stations, WFAI, WFBS, WFLB, WFNC, WIDU Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES yJHOMETOWN NEWSPAPER(S) _^ O , SELECTED COLLEGES DSELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA STATE NEWS MEDIA OTHER methodist college Marcn 18, 1971 To: Hometown Papers fayettevilie, n.c. Students Named to Baseball T^am 28301 Jean Hutcninson, Public Relations Office NEWS 488-7110, Ext. 223 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. is playing on tne Methodist College jasejall team during tne spring season. is the son of The Monarchs began a Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference scnedule in a game versus Guilford College, March 17. Other season games run through April 30. Metaodist BaseDail Coach Bruce Sneiley said ne expects tiiis season to oe tne oest yet for tne Monarchs . ###### MAILING 3-22- 7/ AREA NEWS MEDIA Fayetteville Observer Local radio stations, WFAI, WFBS, WFLB, WFNC, WIDU Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES |VJ HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER (S) // LJ SELECTED COLLEGES SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA 1 STATE NEWS MEDIA j j OTHER methodist college March 22, 1371 To: Hometown Papers fayetteviile, n c. Student Named to Golf Team 23J01 Jean Hutchinson, Public Relations Office N.iWS 1OO /JL1U/ ijwM. 66O FAYETTEVILLE , N . C . joins the Methodist College golf team during the 1971 spring season. is the son of Monarchs open their season March 22 versus Pemoroke State University at 1:30 p.m. March 2 a oegins the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference in a triple-header at St. Andrews Presbyterian College. Methodist College's golf coach is Gene Clayton. ####### METHODIST COLLEGE 1970-71 GOLF ROSTER Philip Edward Bauguess Kernersville, North Carolina L. David Berry Chapel Hill, North Carolina Ronald Ray Bremer Fayetteville, North Carolina Thomas William Brown Durham, North Carolina Danny Ray Fowler High Point, North Carolina Griffin Hendon Fayetteville, North Carolina William Montelle Loyd Raleigh, North Carolina Gary Neal Thompson Dunn, North Carolina Gene Clayton: Golf Coach cd METHODIST COLLEGE Spring Golf Schedule 1971 DATE OPPONENT PLACE TIME Mon., March 22 Pembroke State University Away 1:30 Thur., March 25 Stc Andrews Presbyterian College St. Andrews 1:00 Greensboro College Lynchburg College Mon., March 29 N.C. Wesleyan College Home 12:30 Mon., April 5 U.N.C.-WiImingt on Away 1:00 Thur., April 15 Campbell College Campbell 1:30 Pembroke State University Wed., April 21 Virginia Wesleyan College Away 1:00 Thur., April 29 St» Andrews Presbyterian College Home 12:30 Mon., May 3 TEA TuesI, May 4 D.I.A.C. Tournament COACH: Gene Clayton PHONE: (919) 488-7110 ext. 255 MAILING AREA NEWS MEDIA 3~22-70 Fayetteville Observer Local radio stations, WAI, WFBS, WFLB, WFNC, WIDU Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER(S) rf DSELECTED COLLEGES SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA STATE NEWS MEDIA DOTHER methodist college fayettevilie, n.c. March 2J, 1371 To: Hometown Papers Students Named to Tennis Team 28301 Jean Hutchinson, Puolic Relations Office i N.iWS 488-7110, Ext. 228 FAYETTEVILLE , N. C. is serving as a member of tae Methodist Coiiege tennis team for tne 1371 spring season. is the son of Tae Monarchs .begin their Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic'.} Conference schedule in a match with Greensboro College, March 26 at 1:00 p.m. Other games run through April 27, with the D.I.A.C. Tournament oeginning April JO Tennis Coach Mason Sykes said, "the team has a lot of depth this year. Our number 4, a, and S positions are stronger tnan last year. Our oijgest problem is Jjiexperience when it comes to competition." Sykes said Si. Andrews and Methodist Colleges have potential for winning tne D.I.A.C. tine. ########*##»### 1971 TENNIS ROSTER HOMETOWN Cholwibul Bangkok, Thailand Robert S. Crossno - Oxford, North Carolina Owen Alexander Eager II Landis, North Carolina Jerry A. Jackson — 5*^-6-, _ //\~ Lumberton, North Carolina Vaughn L. John _ Winston-Salem, North Carolina Robert 0. Lee Carthage, North Carolina John E. Myers_ •* 3 . Alexandria, Virginia Larry W. Nunnery _ Elizabethtown, North Carolina David C. Sugg Raleigh, North Carolina MASON SYKES, TENNIS COACH MAILING AREA NEWS MEDIA _Fayetteville Observer Local radio stations, WFAI, WFBS, WFLB, WNC, WIDU Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Off ic e AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES ^HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER (S) DSELECTED COLLEGES DSELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA STATE NEWS MEDIA OTHER SPORTS INFORMATION Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina March 23, 1971 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Mr. Gene Clayton, Athletic Director and Basketball Coach of Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina, announces for immediate release that Brent Alfred Matthews has been accepted to attend Methodist and will participate in its varsity basketball program. Brent, a 6'2", 185 lb. graduate of Forbush High School, was under the coaching direction of Jack Williams. While at Forbush, he played basketball for % three years and was captain of his team his senior year. His honors while at Forbush were All-Conferene and Most Valuable Player. He also played baseball and ran track. He has attended North Carolina State Unviersit.y for a year, and he will enter Methodist in the fall of 1971 as a sophomore. cd MAILING NEWS MEDIA X" Fayetteville Observer radio stations, WFAI, WFBS, WFLB, WFNC, WIDU _jSpring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES | HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER(S) LJ SELECTED COLLEGES LJ SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA STATE NEWS MEDIA OTHER March 25, i971 To: Selected Area Media Students W in YRCCYR Offices Jean Hutcmnson, Puoiic Relations Office 4d8-71iQ, Ext. 228 FAYETTEVTLLE, N. C.- -Two MUnodist .ColL=d« students won offices at the North Carolina Colleges Young Republican canvention, Saturday (Mar. 20) in \Vinston-Saiem. James C , Gates, a freshman ;rom Charlotte, was ejected parliamentarian of the state executive council of the Nortn Carolina Colleges i' Young Republican Federation. He .s tne son jf Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gates', 1911-D Eastway Drive, Charlotte. Richard M. Bass, aasopnomore from Jacksonville was elected ' vice-cnairman in charge of the southeastern region of North Carolina, one of three state districts. Bass is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Bass, 100J Scaaii Place, Jacksonville. H^ is president of tae Young Republican ciuo at Methodist Coileje. Sam Currin, a student at V^ake Forest University, was elected state chairman of the federation. 107 delegates from 50 N. C. colleges elected officers and caose projects at tha spring otonvention. Dr. W~ .iliam C. Cooper is adviser of the Methodist College v Young Republican c iuo . #######*# methodist college fayetteville, n.c. March 25, 1371 To: Selected Area Madia Students Wai NCCYR Offices Jean Hutcninson, Puoiic Relations Office NEWS 48B-7110, Ext. 228 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Two Methodist College students won offices at tne North Carolina Colleges Young Republican convention neid Saturday, Mar. 20, in Winston-Salem. James C. Gates, a freshman from Charlotte, was elected parliamentarian of tne state executive council of the North Carolina Colleges Young Republican Federation. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rooert C. Gates, 1311-D Eastway Drive, Caarlotte. Richard M. Bass, a sophomore from Jacksonville, was elected vice-chairman in charge of the southeastern region of North Carolina, one of three state districts. Bass is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Bass, 100,3 Schall Place, Jacksonville. He is president of tne Young Republican Club at Methodist College. Sam Currin, a student at "Wake Forest University, was elected state chairman of the federation . 107 delegates from SO N. C. colleges elected offices and chose projects at tne spring convention. Dr. "William C. Cooper is adviser of tne Methodist College Young Republican Club. *********** MAILING -11 VJAREA NEWS MEDIA X Fayetteville Observer _X_Local radio stations, WAI, WFBS, WFLB, WFNC, WIDU _Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES 1 HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER(S) DSELECTED COLLEGES SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA STATE NEWS MEDIA OTHER March 2 J, 1}71 To: FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER Steve Tuompson Adoption OL N-w Academic /Calendar Jean Hutcninson, PuoliC Delations Office 488-7UO, G*t. 223 A revised academic caienaar aas o^en adopted for tne 1971-72 scnooi year at Metnodist College. Classes for tne fail semester will ,^egin on August 26, approximately two weeks earlier than m past years. Commencement =xaecises win conclude jn Adgysts^cacsording to coileje president L. Stacy V\oavar. Tii- calendar -names stuuents 10 complete iirst semester examinations prior to a Cnristaias vacation. Spring semester c±asses oejin January il, witn an Sasiter oreak oeyinhing at noon on Ma re a 24 and ending April 5. Stuaent Government Association president John Brown said, 'Wis aave stuaied carsfudy tne 'eany semsster' schedules used in otner colleges and ; univarsiii -s in uhe nation. Vv-o have developed tnis new calendar in tha jest interest • of tiie coiiega community. ! ; ; Tne revised calendar was favoraoiy acdepted oy students, faculty i and administrators at Metnodist College. Bladeoi countie,; S cou shai Pembroke's total older, ettevi Plans Set mana. Stud PEMBROKE — A revised milliov academic calendar will become their a effective at Pembroke Slate billion, University for the 1971-72 school benefit; year, with classes beginning Dillion. Aug. 26 and commencement set Thorn May 14. survey This new calendar will permit couples students to take their fall ex- Securit;. aminations before the showed Christmas holidays. Pembroke receive State University's calendar in month c the past has scheduled fall The s semester examinations in mid- about 2v January. couples Dr. English E. Jones, presi- benefits dent of Pembroke, said in mak- bracket, ing the announcement of the About 11 calendar's adoption that "This collect 1 calendar has been proposed for $140 bra some time by both students and cent in faculty.
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