BIS-CD-775/780STEREO Totalplaying time: 624'25 Von EYCK,JOCOb (1s8e190-16s7) DerFluyten Lust-hof CompleteRecording Don Lourin,recorders Contents TracklistsandMusicTimings ..........3 Instrumentarium .....12 JacobvanEyck/DerFluytenLust-hofDanLaurin (English) .......13 The Bridge Over Four Hundred Years Ruth van Baak Grffioen (English) . .25 (including a descriptionof eachpiece in numericalorder) Danlaurin (English) ........48 Thanks. ...........49 JacobvanEyck/DerFluytenLust-hofDanLaurin (Deutsch) .......52 Danlaurin (Deutsch) .......65 Jacobvan Eyck / Der Fluyten Lusrhof Dan Laurin (Franqais) . .66 DanLaurin tFrangaist .......7R ) EersteDeel / BookI luq) BIS-CD-775 Playing time:79'28 tr 1. Preludiumof Rosenborgbox 0'44 tr 2. OnseVader in HemelrYck Rosenborg box 6'06 tr 3. Doen d'over schooneMaeght One-pierc466 6'36 '7'39 tr 4. Psalm118 One-piece166 maple 5'09 tr 5. Malle Symen Rosenborg 3'32 tr 6. Psalm 140 ofte tien Geboden Rosenborg maple 3'47 tr 7. Aerdigh Martyntje Rosenborgmaple 166 9'04 tr 8. Pavaen Lachrymae Two-piece 466 9'04 tr 9. Lavignone fwo-piece tr 10.Rosemont One-piece 466 2'21 E 11.Courante. of Ach treurt @ 12.d'Lof-zansh Marie tr 13.Frans Ballet Rosenborg box 1'25 E 14.Stil, stil eenreys Rosenborgbox 1'30 box l'48 tr [5. Fantasia & Echo Rosenborg box 2'02 tr 16. Geswinde Bode van de Min Rosenborg qlto 11'00 tr 17. Onan of Tanneken Whinrar Rosenborgbox 5'35 @ 18. Psalm 6E BIS.CD.776 Playingtime:75'21 tr 19.I'Amie Cillae Rosenborgbox 2'58 tr 20.Bravade Rosenburghot 2'53 tr 21.Psalm 103 Rosenborg box 5'46 tr 22. Van Goosen Rosenborg box 5'05 youles tr 23. Si vous me guerir 115 soprano 2'54 TU 24. Courante 115 soprano 2'25 tr 25.Ghy Riddersin het prachtighRomen Rosenborgbox 4'44 tr 26. BalletteGravesand Rosenborg maple 4'39 27. Engels Nachtegaeltje Rosenborgmaple 5'18 28. tr Ach Moorderesse Whinrayalto 7'08 29. E Lanterlu Rosenborgbox 1'59 @ 30.Philis schooneHarderinne Rosenborg box 4'12 tr 31.Vande Lombart t'42 E 32. Comagain Whinrayalto 8'29 tr 33.Courant Rosenborg bo.r 2'41 34. T$eede tr Daphne Rosenborg box l'41 35. Amarilli tr mia Bella Rosenborg maple 6'06 36. Lus tr de mi alma 115 soprano 2'09 BIS-CD-777 Playing time: 73'37 tr 37.Engels Lied 'l)5 soprano 4'38 tr 38.Philis quam Philander tegen 415soprano 2'39 tr 39. Al hebben de Princen haren (wensch) Whinrayalto 2'26 tr 40. Tweede Rosemond Whinray-alto l'10 r bor 5'01 tlt 41. De zoete Zoomer tyden Rosenborg tr 42. Wilhelmus van Nassouwen Rosenborg bor 4'54 tr il3. Meysje wilje by myn slapen t'14 tr 44. Courante Mars 1'18 6'25 tr 45. Batali [Battle] Rosenborg box @ 46. SchoonsteHerderinne 3'06 E 47. Rosemond die lagh gedoocken Rosenborg box 3',53 @ 48. Ballette Bronckhorst Rosenborg bot 5',55 tr 49. Wat zal men op den Avond doen Rosenborgbor l0'07 E 50. Sarabanda Rosenborg bo.r 2'51 tr 51. Repicavan Rosenborg bor 2'08 alto t'44 tr 52. Jannemanen Alemoer Whinray tr 53.O Heyligh Bethlehem Whinra\ qlto 5'05 tr 54.Tweede Courante Mars Rosenborg maple 1'01 @ 55. Tweede Lavignione Rosenborg bot BIS-CD-778 Playing time:73'04 tr 56.Pavane Lacryme Rosenborgmaple 17'19 g 57,Een Schots Lietjen Rosenborgmaple 2'17 58. Derde, Doen Daphne Rosenborg box 8'43 tr 59. Amarilliken doet myn williken Whinralaho 8'09 tr 60.Eerste Carileen 115soprano 6'07 tr 61. TtveedeCarileen 4t) soprano + lJ tr 62, Stemme nova Rosenborgbox 4'26 tr 63. Stemme nova Il Rosenhorg bot 2'49 tr 64. Derde Carileen 115 soprano 5'02 @ 65. Amarilli mia bella Rosenborgbor 9'22 E 66. Courante Madamme de la moutaine Rosenborgbox 2'30 BIS.CD.779 Playingtime: 72'14 tr 67.O slaep,o zoeteslaep Whinray alto l0'13 tr 68.Gabrielle Maditelle Whinray alto 2'19 tr 69.Een Spaense Yoys Rosenborg maple 3'18 tr 70.Een Courant Rosenborgbox 4'15 tr 71.Bien heureus Rosenborg box 4'16 tr 72. Vierde Carileen 415soprano 6'03 tr 73.Een Frans Air Rosenborg maple 4'34 tr 74.Kits Almande Rosenborg maple 5'06 tr 75. Schasamisievous re veille Rosenborgmaple 2'O0 @ 76. Prins Robberts Masco Rosenborg box 3'44 E 77. Waeckt op Israil Tenor / -t-) @ 78. Philis schoon Herderinne' met 2 [$ ith SusannaLaurin' recorder] Roseuborys 2'07 tr 79. EngelsLiedt. met 2 luithSusanna Laurin. r.corderl Rosenborgs 1'24 @ 80. More palatino' met 2 [withSusanna Laurin. recorder] Rosenborgs 1'3 1 tr 81, Amarilli mia bella, met 2 fwithSusanna Laurin, recorderl 2 Ganqssi46o 2'17 tr 82. Prins Robberts Masco' met 2 lwithSusanna Laurin' recorder] Rosenborgs 1'33 tr 83. Princessehier koom ick by nacht Rosenborg bot 3'09 @ 84.Wel Jan &c. Rosenborg bot 4',03 BIS-CD-780a Playingtime: 73'05 tr 85.Psalm 150 Rosenborg box 9'52 Tweede Del / Bookll 1ias+y tr 86.Preludium Rosenborg box 0'20 tr 87. Phantasia Rosenborg box tr 88. Psalm l Rosenborgbox 7'51 tr 89. Silvesterinde Morsenstont Rosenborg bor z',40 TU 90. Almande Verrvt Rosenborg hox 5'.25 tr 91. Psalm 9 Rosenborg box 5'00 tr 92. La Bergere Rosenborg box l'l 8 ftit 93. France air Rosenborg box 3'49 @ 94.Princes roaeyle Rosenborg box E 95. Psalm33 Rosenborg box 1't < @ 96. Philis en son bel Atente Rosenborgbox 6'13 @ 97. Ho ho op myn brack en winden, &c Rosenbot g bot @ 98. Postillon Rosenborg bot tr 99. Na dien u Godlyckheyt Rosenborg bot 9'5r BIS-CD-780b Playing time: 64'34 tr 100.Onder de Linde groene Rosenborgbox 3'32 tr 101.Bockxvoetje Rosenborgbor 2'18 102.Psalm 119 Rosenborgbox 6' 18 tr 103.En fin I'Amour Rosenborgbox 5'36 tr 104.Lossy Rosenborg maple 2'30 tr 105.Boffons Rosenborg box I'44 tr 106.Psalm 133 Whtnrayalto 6'32 tr 107.De lustelyckeMey Rosenborgbox 13'55 tr 108.Excusemoy Whinray alto 4'25 @ 109.Verdwaelde Koningin[ne] Rosenborg maple 2'10 E 110.Malle Svmen Rosenborg,maple 6'3O E 111.Blydschap van myn vliedl Whinrayalto 1'53 tr 112.Den Nachtegael Rosenborgbox 5'20 BIS-CD-780c Playingtime: 64'27 tr 113.1. Balet,of VluchsteNimphje vande Jaght Rosenborg box 3'41 r g 114.Janneman en Alemoer R,tsenhorgbor 4'I I rn g 115.2. Ballet, of Ay Harder hoort Rosenborg box 2'58 tr 116.Een Kindeken is ons gebooren One-piet'e 466 A'A' LIJ ll7. 2. Courant, of Harte diefje waerom zoo stil Rosenborg box 2'13 r tll 118.Courante 1 Rosenborg box 3'47 tr 119.3. Ballet Rosenborgbox 1'59 tr 120.Wel op, wel op, ick gaeter jaght Rosenborg bot r'41 tr 121.4. Ballet Rosenhorgbux l'54 tr l22.Lanterlu Rosenborg box 1',21 E 123.Psalm 15 Rosenhorg box 2'30 tr l24.Laura Rosenborg box 4'36 @ 125.Puer nobisnascitur One-piete 166 2'34 @ 126.Psalm 116 One-piete166 4'09 tr 127. Questa dolce sirena Rosenborg box 3',05 @ 128. Ballet de Grevelinge Rosenborg bot t1)/ tr 129. Almande prime roses Rosenborg box 2'59 tr 130. Lavolette Rosenborg box 2'35 l0 BIS-CD-780d Playing time: 48'29 tr 131,De eerstelicke-pot One-piete110 2'40 tr 132.De tweedelicke-pot One-piete110 4'42 tr 133.Ick plach wel in den tydt voor dezen One-piete410 8' l 6 tr 134.Een Frans Air (PourmoJ') MissingLink 1'25 tr 135.Orainge Missins Liilk 2'29 tr 136.Sarabande MissingLink 2'11 tr 137. Beginnende door reden ons gegeven Whinray alro 5'01 tr 138. Stemme nova Missing Link 3'21 tr 139. Bocxvoetje Missing Link l'07 @ 140. Fantasia Missing Link l'14 E l4l. Psalm 101 MissingLink 3'22 @ 142.De FranceCourant One-piece440 2'38 @ 143.Psalm 134 One piece 410 1'12 INSTRUMENTARIUM Fred Morgan, Daylesford, Australia: Hand-fluit,boxwood, after an original in RosenborgSlot (1995): 1,2, 11-16,18-22,25,29-30,33-31,4I-42' 45,41-51,55,58,62-63,6566,10-11,76,78-80,82-103, 105, 107, 112-115. ll'l-124,121-130 Hand-fluit,maple, after an original in RosenborgSlot ( 1980?):5-7 ,26-27 ,35, 54, 56-57,69, 73-75, 78-80' 82' 104.109-110 Sopranoin c, maple,a=415, according to Ganassi'sspecilication (1989): 23-2'+,36-38, 60-61,61'72 Altos in g, according to Ganassi's specincation: a=466,maple, one-piece (1988):3-4, 10,81, 116, 125-126 a=466,maple, two-piece ( 1994):8-9, 8l a=440,maple, one-piece (1997): l3l-133, 142-143 'Missing Link'soprmo, boxwood, a=440 (1998): 134-136,138-141 Paul M. Whinray, Te Henga, New Zealand: Alto in f. kmuka (Tea tree), a=410: 17, 28, 32, 39-40, 52-53, 59, 67 -68, 106. I 08, I I l, 137 The 440 alto is made from a local wood growing in Paul's garden. I saved it when he wanted to throw lt out becausehe didn't like it. Paul used to throw his rejects in the air and let the dog run to catch them, but this 'Ombre', time the dog, had to sit and wait in vain. Tenor in c, kanuka (Teatree). a=44O:31,43-44,46,77 Jocob von Eyck Though he was blind from birth, Jacob van Eyck pursued a truly remarkable career. His lack of sight was compensated for, in some measure, by his highly developed hearing.
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