U.S.- China Transpacific Foundation

U.S.- China Transpacific Foundation

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit -07/26/2018 11:55,43 AM US-China Transpacific Fowidation & Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs CongNssional Staff Delegation to China August2018 Briefing Book ...; Part 2 -:--....""'"' .. ·".""\-11!-'· . --~,-:.~·~,.,7.,::': ,, ... ,,,~l)~ - - . ' o/· • /:-;" (' ,,,,y/f; >" _/ ,~;,;---.,r,: .,--••_'. .. ::::::';ff30~;:,,: ,'·~;:;,~.~ _. ,.{ ,1,t,:,.,; ::,, !, ,.,_.,...~ ...~,~~-r•- .,..{'f.·· ;-,· :;.~,,, .. ....~~,.. ~-·/,, ~ir _.-~l· .. ;,,Jll,li,-."t.·,{ :o ~---· ,, J 1·,-~ ~~r."'iii' -,~1\ \. ',, , __;_ .... ii. ir ' -- "".:·_''<,;::~::'L, ., ·' .. This material is distributed by Capit9I Counsel-LLC on behalf of U.S.•China Transpacific foundation . Additional information is available at the Department of Justice'. ·Washington, DC. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/26/2018 11:55:43 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/26/2018 11:55:43 AM . I i' THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK This material is distributed by Capitol Counsel LLC on,behallofu.S.-China Transpacific Foundation. Additiorial information iS available at the Department of Justice, Washington, DC. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/26/2018 11 :55:43 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/26/2018 11 :55:43 AM. lntro·duCtio·n . 5 The Grand Master's lnsia:hts·on China, the United States.·and the World Lee Kuan Yew (Introduction on Pa11:e 7\ 9 -- _,_ Dr. Gr.iliam'Allison TeStinfonV • 'AffieriCah'Leadefshio·iri the 'ASia-P.:iCifiC senatci-Fofci2tl RC'latiOOs Cintii. H&.- 11 14/17, - ·19· - Aiitb. Miix' Bilu"c'US ~ Ariiericifii.' L'CadCr5hih in··tne Asia" P.icific - .. Se"ri.ite Foi-ei2Jl Re!atioiis Cinfe. Hrii,:.11 14/17 .43 _ Dr. Michael Pillsbur',' -American Leadership in the Asia Pacific Senate Foreign Relations Cmte. Hr~. - 11 14/17 51 ·, Trade . Secretarv Wilbur Ross Testimonv Wllbur Ross 73 . - . - TrufriJ)'Sti.idii Wai-Was df!cides·in ·tlie in"'akiil.·g - . - - Ben WhitE!," Nantj, COoK, AiiclreW Restuccia~ oo·ug ---- ··77_ . Palirier fPolitiCo'/ SCMPl US and China:Who tried to avert a trade w.ir and who forced it?_ __ Sourabh Gunta· (South China Momin" Post1 81 ... WVderiStarell'J.eiifon Cliiria.Tfai:le EiiforccmCiifAimOU.ii"i:ifrl"J-e·nt -·- ----- SCn.itOr Riiii W-Vderi f PresS stafofuentl · - ~ '" - 87 Corker.Evnress"es oeei::i co·ricern AbOU:t.Tariff Exclusion·Proce"Ss· _ _ SCriator:Bob C(frkei-.(Pr'eSs StitCme"ritl .. -· - ··- 89. Robert'Atkillson Stafe'rriirit -"Chiria'S PI"edatorV_.Tr3.c!e and liivestmerlt Sti-ateuv HOllse·Forei1m Relations Cmte. Hra - 7/11/2018 91 Willi.im-Alaii ReiriSCh St3.te·ment·- Chiria's Pied.itoiv:Ti-ade·aiid lnveSi:riie-rit Sfr.ifeliv Hrillsii Fciieii:fri RelatiO.ns Criite.· Hr2- - 7/11/2018 115 Amid trade war fears, an unresolved issue~ how to RCt China to play fair Mai"k Trumbull (Christian Science Monitor] 119 Is BeijillR R;oini{ back to the· futt£r'e.with its muC:h-hVIle·d Made in China 2025 Oran·11:e Wall11: fSoUth China Mornin11: Postl 127. Beiiin1t tries to nlay down 'Made ln China 2025' as Trumo escalates trade hostilities Sidnev Len" rs. China Momin" Post/.Politico1 .131 .. --- -- - . - --· Wliv DOCSEverYOnC Hate MidCiri~CliiOa2025?-- . Adinf se·a,;ncourl.s"elOffForei 1rrt ReiatationSl : 137. How 'Made in China 202S'_became the real threat iri a trade war . - - essica Mevei-s fLA.Timesl_ ..... - ·-- 143 China un<lefDfeSsure,to Ii Ve· UD.ti:iODeii. Inai-ketDledizes as·us ·cans foi-'·'reCkOhimi' · WendV WU fSOU.tti Chiria"Moinin.e: POstl 149 US;Chin.i Trade War: HoW.We Got Hiire .. .. - - - -· - - Brad Setiier.fcciiiiicil o·n FOr"eiiri Relation's 157 Chiria-U.S. Trade Issues CRS Summarv 171 The U.5 ..,-Chiiia Ec·oriomk.Relatiorlshici: TiinC for·a Chane:e in.Tone Ri!Cv Walters (He·ritae:e Follndittiolll 173 Intellectual Pronertv- . China's Intellectual Pro"Pertv Theft Mu'stStoP oeiirtis C. Blair and Kt!itli AJe"iari'dc'r fNYTl - - ·- 179. Intellectual orone..-t-., the bi!! risk in US-China ties ohn Edwards (Lowev Institute1 183 - - . .. Piit"Cliiii.i'S liifelle'ctual Prone"'"'' Tb"effin-a: Larl!:er"ContC'it: ariiCs ADdfeW(CSISl - 187 Ti-umo steel' tariffs ha Ve nrithiruz On Chii'tas intellectual rirooernr. theft ---·· ·- .. AleX LOckie fBusinesS Insider) - -- . - .191 What'St.ake China Has in'American Intellectual Prooerro Scott Keilnedv Interview fNPRl 195 Wh"iit'S Jrltellei:nial Pt'Oriei'n:v"a"rtd DOiS Chiiia·ste·a1 It? Gra'nt Cl<lrk & Shelly Haga·n· (Blocifubei-e:l 199 Why is the US accusinR China of stealin~ intellectual property? Sunny Ch (Market Watchl 203 LaWmake"is tii"CJ:!:"et CnirieSe securitv comn3rlies over 5..;., feari Katie·so Wi!Ha"riiS &"MO?iiiln.tlialfantrtliiHill1. ·-· -· .207 How China acauires 'the crown iewels' of U.S. technOJonv - Investi1Zative Reno rt Corv Bennett & Brvan Bender. (Politico l .211 ,.,,.., .--· -··· 1 . - ··- -· - . -- - --._ -- - - - - - . --- . ---- -·· FOie cin Direct Iiivestineiit~ _ - -· - . - 231 Thti COmmitiee· oil Frireiim Irive·strrient iri th·e.United States fCFIUSl - -- - - - CRSSUmm"al"V M3tthe"w'Go'odrriil.n·statement- A Multilateral and Strategic Response to)nterrlational Senate Foreign Relations Cn:ite. Hrg. -"S/9/2018 233 Predatoni Eco'n()mic Practices Michael Wess·e! state'!le"nt- A Multilateral .ind Str3t"e8ic ReS"porise" tOJrite·i-nitiOrial senate Fcifeigi, ~eJ;J.tioris Crrife. Hrg. - 5/9/2018 245 Predatorv Economic Practices. __ ·- ·- - .. -- -· . - - --- - - -- . - .. - - - -· - HOuse·PasSes·Foreiari.JnVestment Reform'Bill House Financial Services Statement 261 US~Chinil fciiehzD:iilVesfin-e"iit fell 28-oCrC:e"ifr 102017: RepOrt SYivan Larie (The Hill) 265 US-China Direct Investment Trends - l_lepo_rt Report by Rh_odiu_m Group·&_ Nilt'I Cmte.- US-CJ:lina ?_67 > Relations Scciit Kc"lllle'dy Statem·erit ~ EVilluiltirig·umS: ·ch-alle"i{ges· PosC"d b}'_ it Cha"iiginif Global Ho'use Firia'ndal Sel'Vices Ctnte. Heariiig - 1/9/2018 273 Economv - ··• - . _,.__ __ .J ·, . >- •• ... - --· - - - - - . - - - -- _"SeclifflU - " ·- -. --- -- - -·· ----·- -- - Makin.ii Sense of.the"Sciiith Chiria Sea·msDute - - . - - - - ·- WUliin.ii.-PCSek rFcfrbCsl 281 The senkakus fDia"ciVu/DiaoVutan Disiilltfi: U.S. Tre.itv Obli2ations , CRS Summar~• 287 What Kind of South Chiria Sea Does China Need? Cheng ZhanPXi (China-U.S. Focus} 289 WhV a SOU.th- Cliiila Sea Dirilonlittic BreaktnfOu-!!ti Is Urllik'e!V" Gfel!'o,.,:; POlinll rForeillri Affaii-51 -· - .293· Ch_ina N_a_v:a! Modernizatio_~: _hl?,plic_ati_ons for U.S. Navy Capabilittes-Background and CRSSumrriary 297 Issues for Con-ss - - . - . - -· ·-· . --- .. ·- -· . -- - - -- .. Souridiffiitne W.imin"ii.i:"DOD R€Oifrf Eltarriineis tlie Gr~OWiri.lZ Securitv Challemre froffl Dean Chen2 f Hlirita2e Foundati(in l 299' Th-ci.Chiniise· MilitafV: OVCivieW ·and ls'suei for· Conifes-s CRSSiiITl.ffl"ai-v' 303 Taiwan .. - - - SPECIAL.NOTE AS TO PENDING LEGISLATION AFFECTING TAIWAN Mirtiit B. Gold ·305· Royce Statement• Reinforcing the u.s:~ Ta_iwa_n Relationship Sub<;o_mm!ttee Hearing House Foreig!J. J_le]atlons Ci:nte_. Heari_ng- 4/17 /2_018 309 Chii13,:.Taiw3ii: EvOluticiii Of tlie·.:-oIJ.C Chin·a~ PolicV. CRS Summary ·-· 3ff U.S:, TaiWan: Whv a Militarv Conference Matters to China Stratfo'rl 313 - --~- __ ,, __ - --·-· ,..- --- -·---· KOi'ea . - Kim Wins in Sinu:more Nicholas Eberstadt (National Reviewl 315 HOw.th'e,U.S. irid Chin:i. Diffe·r On NOrth KOfea Tho·maS Beflmfr"rTliC At:l.iritiCf - ·- ·- 33f The China-North Korea Relationship Eleanor Albert (Counsel on Forei'"' Relationsl -· .337.. -- ... - --- . - ·- - . This ri:Jate~al !~ distributed_ by Capi_torCc:,:1:,1n.~I ~-~C -~n' be~alf ~f y:S.--C;:_hina.Tr~"n~~~cifi~,FOu_l'ldation. ·Additional information is available at the Depart1r1ent of Justice, V',,'.ashington, D_C. Received by NSD(FARA Registration Unit 07/2612018 11 :55.:43 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit . 07/26/2018 l l:55:4JAM THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK i. This material is distributed by Capitol Counsel LLC on behalf of U.S.•China Tr8nspacifi_c F.oundation. Additiohal information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, DC. Receivefi by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/26/2018 11 :55 :43 AM Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 07/26/2018 11 :55 :43 AM Briefing Book" 5 MEM0RANDUM: TO: THE STAFF DELEGATION FROM: MA.RTIN B.. GQLD .AND AL.LEG.RA HAN RE: ISSUES MATERIAL IN THE BRIEFING BOOK We attach readin.g materials on issues we believe may be discussed dudng your journey to China. They fall .into several categories: 1. The general state of bilateral relations When PresidentRichard Nixon wentto China. in 1972, he opened the door to the revival of diplomatic ties frozen for ·more thiln two decades. hi 1949, Chiarig.Kai-shek and his Nati.orialis.t C.h.inese Governr:nent fl~c:Uhe mainJ.a.nd for Ta.i'IJa~.- On Oc:t.obe.r 1 of that ye.ar, Ma.o Zedong stood atop the Gate of Heavenly Peacein the Forbidden City to:proclaim the People's Republic of China. The United States refused to recognize the PRC, continuing to support Chiang's claim that his Republic ofChina in Taipei was the legitimate government of the.entire country. MeariYihile, Mao declared that in the Col.d war, Ch.ina would "le:an to one side." At t.he ~nd of 1949, he traveled ~o Moscow to .seek assist.ance"from Stalin (it was one of only two times Mao ever left China; the other was a second trip to the USSR to celebrate the 4CJth anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution). Mao's.trip resulted in a 25-year friendship treaty between China and .the USSR, and the cementing of relations between the two Communist giants. The strong ties did not .. last for the duration of th.e treaty, dJsin.tegrating later in the 1950s ancl t.h.rough th:e 1960.s.. Tensions between the.iRC and the United States quickly took a turn for the.worse with the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950.

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