THE LONDON GAZETTE, 1 JULY, 1921. 5255 square, Devonshire-place, Dickson-road, Diolc- bury-road, Brook-street North, Browning- son's-street, Dodgson-road, Douglas-street, road, Cadley Mill-road, Carr-street, Chapel- Downing-street, Ducie-plaoei, Dymock-road, street, C3iapman-road, 'Qharlotte-street, Chel- Eastlake-street, Eooles-street, Elijah-street, tenham-road, Orescent, The, Nooklands, .Ellesmere-road, Ely-street, Ennerdale-road, D|erby-road, Douglas-road, Duchy-avenue, Ephraim-street, Etty-street, Evans-street, Fenton-road, Fowler-street, Garrison-road, Exeter-street, Fairclough-street, FaJoon- Grafton-road, Grafton-street, Hall-road, street, F'azakerley-street, First-avenue, Hardcastle-road, Harland-street, Harrison- -Fermor-road, Fishwick-parade, Fishwick-view, road, Hereford-road, Highfield-avenue, High- Foundry-yard, Francis-street, Fraser-street, gate-avenue, Houldsworth-road, King's-drive, .Frenchwaod-avenue, Gathurst-road, Gay- Lauderdale-road, Links-gate, Little Sisters- thorne-avenue, German-road, Glen-avenue, road, Liouisa-street, Lytham-road, Manor- Gower-street, Granville-road, {irasmere-road, avenue, Mill-lane, Myrtle-grove, Norris-street, Gregson-streiet, Grimsargh-street, Halsbury- Park-avenue, Park-road, Queen's-road, Robert- jstreet, Hampton-street, Harling-road, Hart- noad, iRobinson-street, Savick-road, )St. Vin- ington-road, Hastings-road, Hawarden-road, cent's-road, (Somerset-road, Talbot-street, Hawkhurst-road, Heather-avenue, Heaton- Taylor-street, Tennyson-road, Victoria-road, road, H.ermon-str«et, Hersohell-plaoe, Windy .Nook. Hersohell-street, Hesketh-road, Hibbert- (3) In the Preston Rural District:— • street, Hillside-avenue, Holford-street, Holme Township of Penwortham: Back-lane, Blun- Slack-lane, Holmrook-road, Honeysuokle-row, dell-lane, Broad Oak-lane, Buller-avenue, Hulton-grove, Humber-road, Illingworth- Cromwell-noad, iCrookings-lane, Dove-avenue, road, Inkerman-street, Isherwood-street, Eccles-avenue, Fairhaven-road, 'Gaskell-road, .John William-street, Kane-street, Kenton- Hav<elook-road, Hawkhurst-road, Kingsway, street, Kenworthy-plaoe, Kilruddery-road, Lark-atvenuel, Manor-lane, Mangaret-road, "Kitchener-street, Knowles-street, Landseer- Mornington-road, Penwortham-hill, Pope- street, Ldndow-road, Linnett-street, Lorraine - lane, Priory-lane, Queensway, road from, Pope- avenue, Lowt.her-street, Mad'dy-street, Mafe- lane to Middleforth Brow, road running from king-road, Malcolm-street, Mallard-street, Liverpool-road near Fish House Bridge to "Manning-road, Mar esfield -road, Margaret- Hurst 'Grange .Lodge Gate and thence in a • street West, Markham-street, Matthew-street, northerly and southerly direction to the high- .Mayfield-road, Maynard-street, Meads-road, ways in those respective directions, Rose Fold- Meath-road, Mersey-street, Mete-street, Midg- lane, iSwallow-avenue, Talbot-road, Wren- hall-road, Miller-road, Mona-place, Montague- avenue. road, Moore-street, Moorside-avenue, Morning- ton-road, Mulgrave-avenue, Nares-street, Nep- Township oj Lea, Ashton, Ingol, and -.tune-road, .Nevett-street, Norris-street, North- C attorn: Cottam-lane, Greaves-lane, road from • cote-road, Oakenhead-street, Oaklands-avenue, Hoyles-lane to iCottam Hall and Tag-lane. Ormerod-road, Ostrich-street, Oxheys-street, Railways. Oxley-road, Parker-street, Parkville-road, Penguin-street, Pilkington-road, Portland- The London, and North Western and the -.street, Powis-road, Poynter-street, Plant- Lancashire and Yorkshire Joint Railway street, Platt's-yard, Queen's-road, Raglan- (Preston and Longridge Branch); tihe Lanca- street, Raikes-road, Raven-street, Redmayne- shire and Yorkshire Railway (West Lanca- • street, Randall-street, River-parade, River shire Branch). View-terrace, Robin-street, Roebuck-street, Tramways. rRoefield-street, Rook-street, Ropsley-street, The Tramways of the Corporation of Row-green, Royan-street, Ruiidle-road, Rydal- Preston within ,the county borough of Toad, (St. Andrew's-place, St. Andrew's- Preston and. the: Fulwood Urban District. avenue, Salisbury-road, iSamuel-street, Sed- "bergh-street, .Selbome-street, Sellers-street, And notice is hereby also given that every •fieymour-road, Shakespeare-road, ,Shelley-road, local or other public authority, company or SkeflBngton-road, Sherbourne-cresoent, iSnipe- person being desirous of bringing before the street, Southern-parade, Stanley-terrace, Electricity Commissioners any objection Stocks-road, Strand-road, iSwallow-street, respecting the application may do so by regis- 'Swansea-street, iSymonds-road, Tait-storeet, tered letter addressed to the Secretary, Elec- 'Talbot-street, Tay-street, Thorneville-roiad, tricity Commission, Gwydyr House, White- 'Tiber-street, Trent-street, Tudor-avenue, Tul- hall, S.W. 1, and despatched before the 31st Iketh-crescent, Tullis-road, Tunbridge-street, day of July, 1921, and a copy of such objection Tweed-street, Ullswater-road, Vidal-street, must also be forwarded to the undersigned Waddington-street, Wadham-road, Walcot- Town Clerk or Parliamentary Agents. -road, Waldon-street, Walker-place, Walter- Printed copies of the draft Order as applied street, Warbury-street, Warner-road, Wau- for and of thei Order when made may be ob- chope-street, Waverley-road Waverton-road, tained at the price of two shillings for each "West Cliff-terrace, West View-terrace, copy at the offices of the undersigned Town Wetherall-street, White-street, William Clerk and Parliamentary Agents and at the Henry-street, Willis-street, Willowfield-road, office of tihe Preston Rural District Council, 'Wimbournei-road, Winokley-road, Winder^ Walker-street, Preston. "mere-road, Winmarleigh-road, Winsor-road, Wolseley-road, Woodgate^street, Woodhouse- Dated this 29th day of June, 1921. grove, Woodlands-avenue, Woodpecker-street, IVoodside-avenue, Woodville-road, Words- ALFRED HOWARTH, Preston, Town •worth-road, Wyre-street. Clerk. (2) In the Fulwood Urban District: — •SHERWOOD AND Co., 22, Abingdon- Ainslie - road, Banksfield - avenue, Beacon- street, Westminster, S.W. 1, Parlia- , Beech-street, Blundell-road, Bracken- J47 mentary Agents. No. 32376. C.
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