' 0 . DOCUMENT RESUME . -,0 t 'ED 149 753 1 R 0 0 5 5 6 1 . TITLE Advisory List of'Instrudtional Media for-Occupational 1 Education. , ,.' INSTITUTION North Carolina State Dept. df Public Instruction; Raleigh. Div. of Educational Media,. , PU DATE 77 . NOTE' 40p.; For related documents, see IR 005 5507569, . , ,N EDI& PRICE MF-$0.83 Ht -32.06 Plus Postage. DRSCR1PTORS *Annotated.EiblibgraPhies; *Rook ReVieVS; *Career' Education; Elementary Grades; *Instructional Media; *Library. Collections; *Odcupational-Guidance; Primary Grades ;. School Libraries; 'Secondary Grades % f ABSTRACT Instructional-medda appropriate to school occupational education programs for primary through senior high. school grade levels are described in this advisory list. Entries included on the list were selected from those materials submittedby publisherS which received favorable reviews by educators.Entries are arranged'by type of medp: books, film loops, films, filmstrips`}and, kits. Information for each item includes citation, prideif available, grade level, and annotation: (Author/KP) L. ol) t"( a 44*************4444*******#****####14c*********44********************### Reproductions -supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made 'from the original document. * ****i;**********f*********************4*********************************- , 1, YI U S'OEPARtMENT OF HEALTH, EOUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTEpF 1. EDUCATION 0 THIS DOCUMENT HAS PEENREPRO. IDUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEWOR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILYRERRE r SENT OFFICIAL NATIONALINSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION ORPOLICY ." 1 ADVISORY LIST OF INSIPCT L MEDIA tr, FOR . OCCUPATIONAL EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS , MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Rita G. Graves. t TO THE EDUCATIONA( RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER 1ERIC)AND USERS OF THE ERIC'SYSTEM." . State Department of Public Instruction Division of Educational Media' Raleigh, North Caralina Jan. 1977 9 1. 4 . Materiaisleview & Evaluation Services . Raleighorth Carolina Division of Educational. Media January 1977 , State Department of Public InStrdttion I YADVISORY LIST 012-INSTUCTIONAL MEDIA FOR OCCUPATIONAL EDUCATION -This bibliography included insEructional media appropriae to the Occupational . Education program in the schools. he items are listed y type df media. The order of the listinvis as follows: 4 . activity-cards filmstrips cailent) pro rammed materials , art prints, filmstrips (sound) puzz es books 'games / real books with recordings,. recor ings (cas e tapes)- books (for teacher use) "kits, record s c) books (reference) manipulative devices recordings. (reel-to-reel tapes) ,books (supplemetaryieXts), maps reprints calendars measuring tapes shortstflps. charts microforma' I slide sets (2"x2") dictionaries Mini-Units slide sets (sound) duplicating matters models 1 study prints film loops, (silent) periodicals transparencies film bpops (sound) pictures ',. videotapes films 1(1.6mm) posters wotkbooks with recordings, The absencp from this list of 'a given type of media indicates thatno media of that type were reviewed or that nonewere deemed worthy of being calledto the attention of .achoola...The name of h school administrative dnitappearing after an annotation indicates that educators in that 'school.system reviewed the item annotated and submitted the information for inclusionon tilt ADVISORY LISTS., Occa'Sionally, such items may not appear on display.at the Materials Review and Evaluation Center in Raleigh. Educators anduld bdar in mind that materials' included on thiseliai,were selected from those which publishers choseto submit for evaluation and may assume that materials available for purchasenot appearing on the list either were not submitted forevaivation or receivednfavorable A reviews. 5InformationIaboUt negative reviews, which do not appear on'this bibliography, can be obta ebY writing or calling the Materiats Review and Evaluation, Center. At the end of this bibliography may be found n unannotated ,list of books which have d favOrabIe reviews in reriable revieng sources. f - The le'vels at which theme ia may be most effectively used are indicated by "prim'primary: Grades IC 3), I'elem" (elementary: Grades 4-61, "jhs" (junior high school: Gfadea 7-8[9 Yana '4shs" (senior high school: Grades [911Qr12). The insertion of an arabicumeral after the grade level indicates that the item is especially pertinenat that specifjcsrade level--e.g., "elem-6." .;.. v In sori,99es prides were ntavaj,kable. Prices shown are those quoted by publishers and producera. rices Ooted do not inclUdgwpostage and are.subj tosohange. x-, . :-40e .. All items included on this bbliographyxcept 16mm films and some items .for inclusion by local sChLoadnOistratee units are displayed in the Reviet5 and Evaludtion Centerat 620 NOrthlieSli Stfeet in Raleigh. 3 r t PLEASE DO NOT ORDER BOOKS ON THIS L; MATERIALS REVIEW AND EVALUATION CENTEk OR FROM THEDNSION OE TEXTEOOKS*Spurces pf the coks ate'listed on the cplored sheets at the end c1 this bibliographyNend in he DIRECTORY OF . PUBLISHERS AND'PRODUCERS PARTICIPATING 1N THE,MEDIA REVIE ROGRAM, a separate publication accompanying tle.complete set of ADVISORY- TS OF_ INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA. An abbreviated or code name fortbe publisher/produc app cheltibi log-mphic entrycn this list appeai-s in the DIRECTORY,Nwhe the,cd.dPleteaddress foll:ws the code name. ,.w , O4..', , 2 ., ". ..., Schools may' use this'llst to al( tn see- = son ofinarer.ials but arezn n) way restricted.to purchasing items znclu on this list. ., GI" BOOKS i I \ . X 1 Abisch, Roz, andBoL Ka 'Ian. THE MUNCHY, CRUNCHY, HEALTHY,KID S SNACK BOOK. , \ \,..: Walker o.; r i:., $6.39c, elem N--- ', Th tyfive n cc,skrecipesusing natur.alOngredients to interest :.hildten in uttitioris inchieS -(snacks) that are ftm to make, authi:rs contend that the / recipe's ate simple,'biAg adLlt supervision wouldbe necessary with some,fc,cd( preparation equiRmentyrkni-ves. mixers 41endtrs, focd-reDated riddles, jokes, and/iimericks,04'interest; might challenge Reginning chefsin k,reative use of , leftovers/ to.6 .bma11 teat! --4 , -'' Achtihs,4an.,,'THE BAKERS: A SIMPLE BOOK ABOUT THE PLEASURES OF BAKING BREAD. ScyibnerS 1975. 32 p. $5.95, ihs:9 shs Informative his'.cry and methods of breadbaking accompanied by exelienten-and- ' I ink d ;awings Ohich immediately identify period, basis_ Bfead states that whole' wheatJr, white flour can be used ,interchangeably a this7on.eption 'to be Corierted by teacher, good recipes fz,r herb bread bagels: ship's bigruirs, pi a,, and cornbread, _hasty manner, step-by:step directions - -sari of galliplpg goerec style, several drawings flavor ea:h page. ' / Alth,.Max. ALL ABOUT.MOTORCYCLE* Hawthorn, 1975. 209 p., $6.95, jhs-4 s s A Basically n...nrecbnical treatise un how to get an economij start in movrcycilng recreation; a-,:u-are informationpictures rather scant, but diagtams':1?,rify; instructions, not atechnical manual but reader will understapd fulr. tin. of major units cr a motoiccycle, adequate introduction for beginners and ofIvapor for students searching for a new hobby r,. ./ BETTY CROCKER'S COOKING AMERICAN STYLE A SAMPLEk.OF HERTTAGE.REC 00,1clen., .1975. 160 p. $4.50. ihk:9 shs ,Bicentennial flavor in culinary ccntributiong of.ethnic and egicrifl grclp from all ever America, traditional recipes--Boston baked beams; apple hoppin° John, fried chickenas, well as neWer'opes like jambalaya,-ccrn Ogs,. Caesar salad, Introde:tion highlightsilistofical developm ntg in food,'t ste's t and customs, recipes that rollow,reval, ingenui!ty,,of col nists and,w,id 1,aiiety of 4. influences producing favorkte me464tems; all tategorieof food.-bak goods, meats, fish, stewg, vegetables, Druits, candies, paldi gt; no,i6rd1t--find ingredients-ralldins uttioris updated for.moderd'kitc ens, each sec ion of recipes introduced wit .ba:kground-onregionel.cukoMgof colonial America, cooking students'wilI ak:sciate deliCious reciResand ,mightalso be.t.,inspired to adapt ideas; excellent colbr photographs; index ,, , v. Boeseh, CAREERS'IN /HE OUTDOORS. Dutton, 1975. 240 p." $11095. $4.95 paper. jhs-9 shs . , . Useful supplementary Material for outdoor recreationalprograms in vocational' agricurturelimited coverage of total number orcareers available Outdoors, 'concentrating on jobs available through -Civil 2ServiCp; place this hook in , school library'and in the otational agriculture.department library. (This item N also appears on the Gulden e Advisory Liat;) . , . ., - J ., . , Borghese,Anita. THE INTERNATIONAL COOKIE JAR COOKBOOK.- Scribners, 1975. -190p. $7.95. elem jhs . , shs . , c Good'title ebpecially for Social -studieb classes who liketo try recipes from areas.,cstudied; detailed Illustrations and'easy-to-followdirections for over 0 cookie iecippes' representing more Oar' 65 countries; eachrecipe introduced ith- 4 interesting tUbits about cookie%s history aSd ingredients,notes about untry of origin, and phonetic pronunciation 9f rookie; delightfulto read, ipiring to use; the true beginner might choose another cookbook,-but almost y rook with . some experience (or assistance) could follow explicit directionsw no difficulty (Wines County). (This'item also appears on the Socia Studies Advisory List.) Burch, Monte.. '--BASIC HOUSE WIRING.-' Harper, 1975. 228 p& $9:9 shs Basic electricity, blueprintg, tools, materials, circuits, andold and new house wiring; includes wiring far heavy-duty appliances ands cial,-indoor'and outdoor wiring; pictures and diagrams complement written,mater
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