— HOME- or the SPARTA FOUNDRY CO. WATCH World'k Largest Producers of Piston Ring CuUop THE SENTINEL-LEADER PI7P1'UKLISHEI IGUCDn H,TL'I/WEEKLI Y LI«.\T ON/vmrEn OF MICHIGAN'S MOST PLEASANT AND PROSPEROUS AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITIES VOLUME 36—ESTABLISHED 1876 SPARTA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1935 Number 26 MANY FORMER GRABS ATTEND Scenes and Persons in the Current News CAMP LAKE ALUMNI BANQUET PEACH RIDGE PLANS FRUIT ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN ft DAILY V ACATION BIBLE SCHOOL TO COMMENCE FORMER CASNOVIA Purse Presented To RESIDENT DIES AT SPARTA. CONKLJN AND BAL- MONDAY. J U L Y LARDS ) LIVINGSTON. MONT. 1 HAS 3M4M-BUSH- EL CROP IN SIGHT Balyeat at Jubilee The annual Dafcy Vacation Bible i School at the Baptist Church will Mrs. J. A. Barnes. 80. a resident of One hundred and fifteen Alumni of commence next Monday morning at Montana for 35 years died Sunday evening at the home of her daughter. <By D. L. Runnells, G. R. Press Sparta High School Riled to capacity 9 a. m. Sessions will be held daily for Staff Reporter) the dining room at Castle Pines. Camp ^"1 Mrs. Ralph Babbitt of Livingston two weeks from 9 to 12 o'clock. Montana, following a four years' ill- Lake last Priday evening at their an- Mrs. Odegard will superintend the With a 300.000-bushel peach crop in nual banquet. The banquet this year ness. Her husband, the Rev J. A. sight cm Peach Ridge, a fertile horti- Barnes who taught many years ago in cultural area southwest of Sparta, the was in honor of Supt. O. E. Balyeat: ^e^cn/p of" t^chS^Pr^pafaSSs I i VT.-* *** Casnovia. died five years ago. They _cor"P,'et^ * quarter of a are being made for a larger enrollment Peach Ridge Fruit Growers association century as Ihe head of Sparta's had celebrated their golden wedding has begun raising an advertising fund than ever before. Hymns, special 1 w ' anniversary two years prior to Mr schools. The "Silver Jubilee" idea was choruses. Old and New Testament I to use next September in coaxing carried out In the decorations and the I i o » Barne's death. buyers to beat paths to the orchard Blbie Stories, etc.. will feature each entire program was centered around day s program together with plenty of Mrs. Barnes was born in Casnovia. clad hillsides in the Sparta-Conklin- this long and efficient service of Mr. surprises. There will be very little Michigan, the daughter of Mrs. Chris BaJards Corners section. Balyeat to the schools and community hand-work. All boys and girls be- tine B/ownell and her maiden name A harvest festival, featuring the In general. tween the ages of 4-16 are invited to was Ella Bennett. She was a sister of selection and crowning of a peach Lucie Mills McCall of Grand Rapids attend. Children in rural districts the late Edgar Bennett of Casnovia queen, may be staged on Labor day as acted as toast in aster and presided In wishing to attend should get in touch and a first cousin of Mrs. Charles part of the association's program to her usually brilliant manner. Wealthy with Mrs. Odegard to secure transpor- Amidon of Sparta. make the consuming public peach- Carlson gave a very excellent toast to tation. minded. Mrs. Balyeat in the form of an origin- At a meeting on the farm of H. J. al poem, recalling her many contribu- Schaefer & Sons Friday night, at - tions to the various activities over a Only Way To Test tended by 126 orchardists. the adver- long period of years. tising movement was launched in a Dr. Lynn Ferguson of Orand Rapids Bible Pictures big way. Contributions equivalent to representing the class of 1910. the first Alfalfa Seed Crop a half cent a bushel on the basis of to graduate under Supt. Balyeat. re- the prospective crop were made by the called the school days of twenty-five Will Be Shown, S growers on the ridge. The Grand Rap- years ago and the many changes of 8 P p,ane the iIa UNLESS PLANT?'. FORM PLENTY ids Growers, Inc.. Grand Rapids the intervening years. - "mail plane, 40 lives being lo«L ' *lna Gorky" which fell after colllslor with OF PODS CROP WILL BE MOKE started the fund with a $25 donatlcj. Merritt Lymbumer in a tribute to A series of programs of the Bible , PROFITABLE FOR HAY Extends Bid to .Mart Fete Mr Balyeav. presented him with a gift in pictures, "from Adam in Eden to MODERN HFKVir'P ct » "The business interests of Irand Paul In Rome." will be shown at Mam-1 ri.TV. STA- l'rom the Alumni of twenty-five silver EROSION EXPERT Rapids recognize that what he.ps the relund Lutheran Church beginning dollars, one for every class that gradu- TION TO HAVE GRAND "THE WEDDING NIGHT," "Hie corr&ct test to determine farmers also benefits them." said P. D. June 30?h and continuing until July ated under him. Music was furnished OPENING SATURDAY FEATURE PICTURE AT whether alfalfa should be cut for hay Leavenworth, manager of the oo-oper- oy John Lauffer, who as always 5th. The programs will begin at 8:30. or ,ert /or is tl,e THEATRF THIt u/put' I number of seed atvel. In expressing the Furniture pleased his audience with vocal selec- Lee Jackson Tabor. Fort Wayne ,,l,h T. L. Speaker, formerly of Cedar WEEK pudi formed before the plants reach City's interest in the fruit growers- tions. Bible lecturer, will present the series. ' ^e full bloom stage, according to the whlcl Spilngs, states that his D-X Super welfare. About two hundred and fifty at- ' , , '"eludes a complete Bible story Service Station on the corner of Rail- ine wedding Night," featuring i farm crops department at Michigan J lored art In thp In wishing the Peach Ridge grow- tende• d> th. • e Alumn- _ i Dance that fol-!I itnt ™/VtmraH n <r* T_ it. _ Old • Testamen>*. t road and Division Streets will cele- Oary Cooper and Anna Sten. will be- State College. sL rr J ers success in their front door selling lowed ! .. « P covers the creation to brate its grand opening all day Satur- 8 and 1715 ^turdavVv^n.Jof ^ ***¥* department receives hundreds J project. Leavenworth urged th* or- Ihe newly elected officers of the ^ Lsaac. The sec- day, June 29. Association are President Harold Hoff- , /rom the "mf of Isaac ; ror meyer; vlcc president. Mrs. Ruth Kei- ugfl •WrPUan slavery to the death The 8ervice Station has greatly im- proved the south end of Main St.. by p-rr^ "£p^v*£ isst S ,TT I y'«E»™=W5ST ™ & logg; secretary. Mrs. Ruth Kent; and Pr0 UCt 0n the Installation of modern pumps and The sto£ wLTrt t ' f ! Nation of seed pods is the only re- U of Gra ,d treasurer, Floyd 8mlth. Lives of a Bengal Lance r tove and Ann! ' wd Sin « m f ?L f Rapids in its efforts to equipment The station is well lighted aSte Nen wI s wvr^?,.at her h*»«i i in ihi. story ol ! liable^ indicatora prontabl, and leavire seedg thcrope plant. Thse bu'Jd a big buyers' fruit trading center at night and Is expected to prove a fand Tarm^ Lf fag' UnU1 lh< furm detra/ts from the on the municipal wholesale market lhe BETTER KENT ROAD boon to the business Interests of this sharnp contrasconrnat W »< crop for hay However, it where evening sessions are to be in- ne'ghborhood. to her previous per- is more valuable for hav even at that augurated Tuesday following the IS URGED AT RALLY forman'-es in Nana." and We Live stage than for seed unless pods are Mr. Speaker states that the station Again.' It is a dramatic story, ro- grand opening" celebration Monday 1 numerous. Petition of Kent City and Cedar will offer guaranteed gas. oil and mantic and colorful and Incidentally night. He Invited the farmers to at- Springs residents for resurfacing M43 grease In add'Uor to greasing and tragic. Ralph Bellamy and Helen Vin- First cu-Ungs held for seed are not tend the celebration and hear the between the two villages, a distance of washing cars. He N cooperating with son also play outstandin_ g parts harvested until August so there is but Grand Rapids market plans dlscusoed lll chance ol The growers indicate:! they plan to 10 miles, was heard at a rally hen- the merchants of Sparta during the Next Tuesday and Wednesday Julv H? securing a second Thursday night attended by State cuttln oI ha patronize t.ie Grand Rapids market in summer drawing campaign and is of- 2 and 3, James Dunn and Allre Pav»» i . K y- the first growth Highway Commissioner Murray D. a big way, but they felt crop conditions fering tickets. appear In "365 Days in Hollywood " CuL few huy' theie * 5tlii tlmc Ior VanWagoner. who explained the fed- 1 lhe ot a also warrant a little sales effort of eral-state method of handling high- He has always lived in the vicinity and the picture ' Charlie Chan of ^d crop in favorable their own to move aa much fruit as way projects. of Sparta and has been engaged In the Paris," wUl also be shown. i Growers in the northern possible right at their farms. The o/l business for the past two years. parts of the State have not been very Village President A E. Galbraith of Peach Ridge association is four years He plans to make this community his ANVmmrv ; "uccessful in si curing seed crops from old and its past experience in the ad- Ken' City presided and State Ser.ator HOLKS FOR SUMMER the second cutting but the plan suc- home as soon as suitable living juar- a H.
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