E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019 No. 85 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Through this tragedy, our commu- Has your family dinner been inter- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nity came together, not only to re- rupted by a local call, only to realize pore (Mrs. LAWRENCE). member Officers Zerebny and Vega, but that it was spam? f to do more for their families and the This is incredibly frustrating and be- entire law enforcement community. coming all too common. In 2017, under DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Together, we found that families of 4 percent of cell phone calls were spam. TEMPORE fallen first responders, those who gave In 2018, the number jumped to almost The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- their all to protect us all, are being 30 percent. fore the House the following commu- shortchanged. That is why I introduced This year spam calls are expected to nication from the Speaker: the Heroes Lesley Zerebny and Gil rise up to the point of half of all cell WASHINGTON, DC, Vega First Responder Survivor Support phone calls. That is why I am cospon- May 21, 2019. Act, to honor those who have passed by soring the TRACED Act. This bill gives I hereby appoint the Honorable BRENDA L. serving the living. the FCC broader authority to find LAWRENCE to act as Speaker pro tempore on My bill will increase the Public Safe- scammers and increase penalties for this day. those who are caught. NANCY PELOSI, ty Officer Benefit from $350,000 to $500,000 in order to pay off the cal- If you have a cell phone, this legisla- Speaker of the House of Representatives. tion will save you a lot of frustration f culated national average debt most families have; it will increase the and make those times at home with MORNING-HOUR DEBATE monthly education benefit from $1,024 your family maybe a little bit more en- per month to $2,000 per month to en- joyable. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- I hope my colleagues will join me in sure they can afford the actual rising ant to the order of the House of Janu- supporting this commonsense legisla- costs of an education; and it will fix a ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- tion. nize Members from lists submitted by bureaucratic loophole that, due to un- THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DON’T TRUST necessary red tape and delays in receiv- the majority and minority leaders for WASHINGTON, D.C. morning-hour debate. ing benefits, can cost families up to Mr. BOST. Madam Speaker, the The Chair will alternate recognition tens of thousands of dollars through no American people don’t trust Wash- between the parties. All time shall be fault of their own. ington, D.C. And I know that shocks equally allocated between the parties, I urge all Members of Congress to do everyone, but it is a perception that and in no event shall debate continue the right thing: to follow words with every one of us deals with back home, beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other action, to follow praise with pragmatic and after what the majority party than the majority and minority leaders solutions that will improve the lives of pulled last week, it is easy to under- and the minority whip, shall be limited fallen first responders’ families. I hope stand why. to 5 minutes. that all Members will cosponsor and Three—get it, three—bipartisan pre- f support my bipartisan Heroes Lesley scription drug pricing bills made it Zerebny and Gil Vega First Responder MEMORIALIZING POLICE OFFICERS through committee and were ready to Survivors Support Act. WHO LOST THEIR LIVES IN THE vote on. I urge the Speaker to bring it up for Now let me say that one more time. LINE OF DUTY a vote immediately. Let’s support this Bipartisan healthcare bills, three of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill and stand up for the families of them; that is unheard of around here. Chair recognizes the gentleman from fallen officers who have sacrificed so But then politics got in the way. The California (Mr. RUIZ) for 5 minutes. much for us. majority decided to add an unrelated Mr. RUIZ. Madam Speaker, I rise poison pill to drive away the Repub- today in the wake of National Police f lican support. This healthcare package Week to memorialize our officers who now has no chance of being considered INTERRUPTED FAMILY DINNERS lost their lives in the line of duty. in the Senate and will never become Nearly 3 years ago, on October 8, 2016, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The law. Officers Lesley Zerebny and Gil Vega Chair recognizes the gentleman from That is why I urge the majority to from the Palm Springs Police Depart- Illinois (Mr. BOST) for 5 minutes. bring to the floor H.R. 2700. This legis- ment were shot and killed in the line of Mr. BOST. Madam Speaker, a ques- lation includes only the three bipar- duty responding to what appeared to be tion for those watching at home. tisan prescription drug pricing bills, no a routine domestic disturbance. Do you have a cell phone? poison pills. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4013 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 May 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21MY7.000 H21MYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H4014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 21, 2019 Let’s come together to address the countries in Africa; that there are very us every day of the 1 percent of Ameri- problem. The American people deserve fine people among those who were in cans who were willing to sacrifice ev- better than the cynical political games Charlottesville where a person lost her erything in defense of our freedom and that we are playing. life; the whole notion that the Chief security. CELEBRATING THE 19TH AMENDMENT Executive Officer of the United States For some, they serve as what Presi- Mr. BOST. Madam Speaker, Susan B. of America, the President, will stand dent Lincoln called ‘‘a final resting Anthony once said: ‘‘There will never before law enforcement personnel and place for those who gave their lives be complete equality until women say: You don’t have to be nice when that our Nation might live.’’ themselves help to make laws and elect you are bringing people into your care, Yesterday, I had the privilege of lawmakers’’—and serve as lawmakers custody, and control. meeting with several distinguished vet- and actually serve in the chair. And last night, to go to a rally—this erans who have made it their mission One hundred years ago, Congress is the President of the United States at to see this vision become a reality. moved one step closer to equality by a rally with people behind him saying, b 1015 passing a constitutional Amendment ‘‘lock her up,’’ or some equivalent. Among them were four generals, who granting women the right to vote. This is not some outlaw, renegade have chosen to reside in a little slice of This week, we celebrate the 19th country. This is the United States of heaven that Chairman MIKE CONAWAY Amendment. To honor the courageous America. Do we want the President of women who ushered us toward a more and I call west Texas. I am so honored this country to go before the public that they are with us here today in the perfect Union, we wear yellow roses. and have throngs of people shouting, I have two daughters. I have seven gallery. ‘‘Lock her up?’’ General Edgar Murphy was the com- granddaughters. I am thankful that This is a great country. I love my they can shape their government be- manding general of the 49th Armored country, and, for this reason, I want to Division of the Army National Guard cause of the generations of women who assure my friends that I am going to came before them. for the State of Texas. In his distin- thank all who are coming on board. guished 42-year military career, he was f And the question is not, now: Who is awarded numerous medals, including IT IS JUST A MATTER OF TIME going to be the first to come on board? the Legion of Merit. Today the Armed The question really is this: Who will be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Forces Guard and Reserve Center in the last to come on board? Who will be Chair recognizes the gentleman from Lubbock is named in General Murphy’s the last person to say: ‘‘I believe that Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. honor. Mr. GREEN of Texas. Madam Speak- no person is above the law’’? Who will General Anne Sobel is a former major er, and still I rise, with love of country be the last to say: ‘‘I am going to do general in the Arizona Air National in my heart and a belief that the Con- what I believe the Constitution re- Guard who served as the first female stitution ought to be honored. quires when we have a person who has homeland security director for the Today I rise, some 34 days since the demonstrated that he is a lawless, State of New Mexico.
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