
ST/LIB/SER.B/S.23 Index to Proceedings of the Security Council Forty-tirst Year - 1986 ,g Harnmarskjold Library New York, 1987 United Nations. ~-_........ _-~."_._.' .....~.'-_.~_...... _~.".,." .. -_ .. ~-., ._. ",,,,~ ....,,".---~-~~_ ....,~.- r r I ! DAG HAMMARSKJOLD LIBRARY Bibliographical Series, No. S.23 ST/LIB/SER.B/S.23 t UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION ~ , Sales No. E.87.I.6 1 I 1 01200 I i ISBN 92-1-100313-5 1 I~ 1 ! t j I I 'I I ' ...'~_,._ .t...~_. _.' ... .;. ..~~~ C~TENTS INTRODUCTION • • ••••• • •••••• • • • • • • • v ABBREV IATI ONS •••••• ~ •••••••••••• •• vii SESSll':WAL INFOR~TION ••••••••••••••••• CHECKliST OF MEETINGS ••••••••••••••••• AGENDA ••• • •••••••• ••••• • •••• • • 5 SUBJECT INDEX ••••••••••••••••••••• 9 INDEX TO SPEECHES ••••••••••••••••• •• 53 t I ST Of DOCUMENTS ••••••••••••••••• •• 87 RE nUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE SECUR I TY COONC IL, 1986 • •• 95 VOTING CHART OF RESOLUTIONS, 1986 • Co •• ~ •••• •• 97 -111- This page intentionally left blank I MTRODUCT I ON The Secu~lty Council Is the United NstlCl's the subjct and the meeting and date 'ItIen ttle o~gan which has prlmar, responslblll~, for the Nsolutlon was adapted. ma I ntenance of I nt.nst Iona I peace and secur It, of the Charter of ttle United NstlCl's. The The Voting Chart IndIcates the YOtlng for Council, which Is composed of 15 membe~s, Is so resollJtlons adapted by the Councl •• organtzed as to be able to function continuous I,. lJXUrENTATlat ~ TME SECURln COONCIL The Index to PrdC~dlnss of the Securltl Council Is a guide to the documentation and AI' dacu"""ts of tfte SecurIty Counc1I are proceedI ngs et the Secur I'~y Counc 11, and of Its first Issued In mlrneographed form. A selected conmlsslons, committees an~ ad hoc committees. number of them are subsequently printed In the The p~esent I ssue covers the forty-11rst year quarterly Supplement~ to the Official Records, (1986> of the Security Co~ncll and Its one where they re arranged chrono IogIee I Iy• Some sub-body wh Ieh met dur ~ ng thI s year. The I ndell special reports are Issued Individually as D~g Llb~ary Is prepared by the Hammarskjold as numbered Special Supplements. Resolutions adopted o,le of the prac:tucts of the United N8tlons by the Security Council, first Issued In Blblloaraphlc Information System (UNBIS). mlnBographed form. are later' collected 8'(",g with decisions taken, In a separate volume 01 the ARRANGEft£NT OF THE INOEl Off Ic I a I Records of the year. Afte,. theI r republlcatlan In tfIB Official Records. the TPle Inde. consl sts 0' the fOllowing perts: pro., slonaa mlllllOgraphed dOi:lIII8nts ant no longer «wallele. The Sessional InformatIon proyldes a Clst of both membe,..s and of f Icars and Informet ICl' CI'I QI&:RI) 1.'fIIII)I dcl:Ulilftts bEt.Ing beth SI- and rules 0'1 procedure and f"esolutlons and declslans. 1/- s,.ntIDI. were subm Itted to both the SecUi"I ty Counc I' and ttIe Gera1ra I Asserrf) I, • The Checklist of MeetI nss I s a II st of tfte meetings of the Council and of Its sUbsldlar, AII ..-betI fit "eccrds Of lIIt8t Ings 01 the bodies that met during the year. Secu,.lty Council appear fIrst In provls!onal mlll'8Ographed form. T~, me, be !dentlfied b~ The .8..qenda II$ts ma'N'af"s consI dared by al'Vd theIr symbol. which consl sts of th-s series brought before the Coune eI together with the corresponding to that of the IOB6tlng, e.g., he~dlngs under whIch t~se Items ere listed In SIPV .2724. V4frbDtlm !records 01 meetings are later the Subject Inde.. printed as seperate ftisclcles In the Official Records. The SL!bJect I ndex pro~ldes tClp Ic~ I access 1'0 S.9Curlt~' Council doculrl&ntatlon. It contains HQW TO OBTAIN DOCUrENTS an alphabetical arrangement of agenda subjects and provJ des for each a list of documents Printed c*:1cu~/IBf1tetlan far the Security Councl I subm Itted to the Counc II and I ndIeeres the 1986 may be obtained or purchased from authorized meetIngs at wh I d~ the Itoms were consI wed and lales agents by prOViding the following the actIon taken by the Counc 11. Information: Speeche~ Too I ndErIC to proyl des access to Offl",:lal Recards of tt18 Security Counel I, speeches that were ",ade before the Security Forty-first Year: Counc I I. The I ndex Is subdIvI dad Into three sections: speeches by corporate name/countrl as, Meet I nA. • • (198CIf, ....1ng number> for verbat,m speaker and subject. records fascicle•• The List of Documents lists docYlll8nts SUPR lement far ••• (1p8CIfy quarter of year or arranged by symbol. special supplement no.> ResoI ut Ions Adopted by the Sec urfty ResolutlCl'ls and decisions (for the collected Councl I, 1986 lists the resolution number, edition of resolutions and decisions adopted - dur Ing the year). -".. ~- _.-".__.~._-----. ...> -,.;.- .C··,_ -; ....__;:;;:::- ~' __ --,::--:.::.~-':"._:--=-";:.;: This page intentionally left blank ABBREVIATI~SABBREVIATI~S Add.Add. AddendumAddendum (Addende)(Addende) Art.Art. ArticleArticle ASEANASEAN Assocl8tlonAssocl8tlon ofof South-E8stSouth-E8st AsIanAsIan N8tlonsN8tlons ch.ch. Ch8pterCh8pter Conf.Conf. Confe~tlnCeConfe~tlnCe Corr.Corr-, CorrlgendumCorrlgendum (CorrIgenda)(CorrIgenda) GA~GA~ t)ener81t3ener81 AssemblyAssembly OffIcIalOffIcIal RecordsRecords IAEA IAEA IInternatlon81nternatlon81 AtomIcAtomIc EnergyEnergy AgencyAgency ICJICJ Intern8tlon81Intern8tlon81 CQurtCQurt of JustIceJustIce j ILOILO Intern8tlonalIntern8tlonal L8bour organIsatIonOrganIsatIon j I~Ir-F j Intern8tlon81Intern8tlon81 Monetary Fund No. Number I ~U l Q\U Org8n'z8tlonOrg8nlz8tlon of AfrIcan UnIty OAS OAS Org~n'28tlonOrg~nl28tlon of AmerIcan States PLO PLO P81e3tlne Llber8tlon OrganIzatIon Rev. RevIsionRevIsIon SCOR Secur'tySecurIty CouncCouncIlI I OfOffIcIalf Ic I a I Records 'J sess. sess'onsessJon SuppI. Supplement ,'II SWAPO SWAPO South West Afrlc8AfrlC8 People's OrganIzatIon UN I UN UnIted N8tlons UNDOF '/ UnIted N8'tlons Disengagement Observer FOI"ce UNFICYP UNFICYP UnIted N8tlonsN8'tlons Peace-KeepIng Force In Cyprus 'j UNIFIL Unl1'edUnIted N8'tlonsN8t'ons InterImInterIm Force InIn Lebanon UnIted KIngdom UnIted KIngdomKIngdom of Great Brlt81nBrItaIn and Northern IrelandIreland UnIted sreresSt8tes UnItedUnIted St8tesSt8tes ofof AmerIca UNRWAUNRWA UnItedUnIted N8tlonsN8tlons ReliefRelief andand WorksWorks AgencyAgency forfor PalestInePalestIne RefugeesRefugees InIn thethe NearNear EastEast USSRUSSR UnIonUnIon ofof SovIetSovIet SocIalIstSocl811st RepublIcsRepublIcs -vt-vll-t- \. \ This page intentionally left blank SESSIONAL INFORMATION r.E~RS AND TERMS OF OFF ICE Members ~ Date of lectlon by the Term of Off Ice Genera 1 Assemb I y (I Jan. - 31 Dec.) Austral I a 22 Oct. 1984 BUlgarl a 1985-1986 17 Oct. 1985 1986-1987 China Permanent member under Art.23 of the Charter Congo 17 Oct. 1985 Denmark 1986-1987 22 Oct. 1984 1985-1986 France Permanent member u~der Art.23 of the Charter Ghana 17 Oct. 1985 1986-1987 Madagascar 22 Oct. 1984 1985-1986 Thailand 22 Oct. !984 Trinidad and Tobago 1985-1986 22 Oct. 1984 1985-1986 USSR Permanent member under Art.23 of the Charter United Arab Emirates 17 Oct. 1985 1986-1987 Un Ited Kingdom Permanent member under Art.2~ of the Charter United States Permanent member under Art.23 of the Charter Venezuela 17 Oct. 1985 1986-1987 A list of representatives and advisers for 1986 Is Included In the Issues of Permanent Missions to the United Nations (documents ST/SG/SER.A/258 and Add. 1-24 - 259 and Add. 1-9). PRESI DENTS In accordance with ru le 18 of the 'prov Isi ona1 ru les of procodure of the Security Councl I, the Presidency of the Councl I Is held In turn by Member States In the English alphabetical order of their names. Each President holds office for one calendar month. During 1986, the Presidency was held as follows: ~. i Month ~I - Pres Ident Meetings January China (LI, Luye) 2640··2450 (I February ~ Congo (Adouk I, M.) 2651-2666 j March ~1 Denmark (Blerrlng, 0.) 2667-2671 April 11 France (Kemoularla, C. de) 2672-2683 ~i May Ghana (Gbeho, J.V.) 2684-2687 June . Madagascar (Rabetaflka. B.) 2688-2693 1 JUly .'\ Thailand (Kasemsr-l , B.) 2694-2704 1 August Tr InIdad and Tobago (A Ileyne, D.H.N.) :1 September USSR (Belonogov, A.M.) October 2705-2708 United Arab Emirates (AI-Shaall, M.H.) 2709-2719 .1 November United Kingdom (Thomson, J.) December 2720-2723 United States (Waiters, V.A.) 2724-2730 -1- RULES OF PROCEDURE Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Security Councl I (S/96/Rev.7; Sales No. E.83.1 .4) MeE were In effect during 1986. 2( 2f RESOLUTI ~S AND DECI SI ONS 21 2f 2( Resolutions adopted and decisions taken by the Councl I during 1986 are collected In 26 a volume of the Official Records of the Security Councl I, forty-first year (document 2( S/INF/42) (to be Issued). ai 2( Resolutions Initially Issued separately In mlmeographed form under symbols ai S/RES/581-593 (1986), are listed on page 83, entitled "Resolutions Adopted by the 2f Secur Ity CouncI I, 1986". 26 ?( 26 2f 26 2f 26 2f 26 21: 26 21: 26 21: 26 21: 26 2f -2- AD HOC C0t+11 TrEE SECURITY COUNCIL COt+1ITTEE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION 421 (1977) CONCERNING THE QUESTION OF SOUTH AFRICA (Symbol: S/AC.20/SR.-) EstablIshed at the 2052nd meetIng 9 Dec. 1977. Terms of reference: ResolutIon 421 (1977) of 9 Dec. 1977. ChaIrman: D.H. AI leyne (Trinidad and Tobago). VIce-ChaIrmen: RepresentatIves from Ghana and United Arab EmIrates. MeetIngs: AI I meetIngs were held In closed sessIon. MeetIng Date 1986 'I MeetIng Date 1986 j 67 25 Apr. 72 26 Aug. 68 19 May 73 27 Aug. 69 21 May 74 28 Aug. 70 20 Aug. 75 24 Nov. 71 20 Aug. 76 15 Dec.
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