1 -- NORWICH . BULLETIN,' - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20V1915 TNSURANCfe have net been so emphatic In thel public utterances as has- - Gilmore, r.lORAN KNOCKS OUT COFFEY would be welcomed into the 'ranks of organised tjaseball. provided they were free front the Pteaetsu league er that organ!atlon ceased to exist. That Insurance On .Your. Horn the Philadelphia conference maty be the h STOTCWGTH of onrJompttJ Lands Right meanj to that solution of the baseball snakea certain the prompt Pittsburgher a Cross on Dublin Giant's Jaw in war" Is mora than mere! imagination, lstactory adjustment of lo ul - The Philadelphia 'conferenee laid Third Round Moran Shows Superior Generalship the foundation for a further meeting iu apparently, although nothing specific J. L. L&thrcp 288hetuoketSt. was) .done In this) direction! However, Ring and by Hii Victory WW Meet Jess Wfflard, Heavy- the best terms ' that the Federal league will-receiv- -- will .be an ucon-dition- f . ' . J weight Champion. - aiafender," mitigated fer seme in that. they will have theiY place in organixed baseQail. - ; .iV-e-'- - was peace New . York. Oot. 19v Frank Moran sources. Press despatches from Cam- when In asked about the of Pittsburgh knocked out Jim Coffey. bridge today, indicating that Harvard conference ' President Gilmore wu In the Dublin Giant. In the third round would be willing to waive the Intcrool-leglat- e one of his unsatisfactory moods. He t r i did not say he would not approve .' of a ten round match here tonight. agreement.' owing-t- the tech- r .that A A. right cross to. the Jaw In the. third nical violation, were read with Inter-eat- .. of any Federal League owner bav- round sent Coffey to the floor with a It was stated, however, that. Yale, ins' stock In a club of organised base- count of five; Apparently - helpless. having taken its stand, would not ball. To all other" Questions ha Coffey' scrambled to his feet and held change its policy. answered, That's my' business' which onto .the ropes. Moran rushed at him It was learned on good authority was a blackhanded way - of savins. and struck him again. Referee- Phil that the five players (practically re- It's 'none - of your business." Oil- - Clear skins.;. vyH well ;and-perfe- ct sanitation are due to tha? - :lept; hands; Brown stepped between the men,, giv- ceived permission to play summer more was plainly nettled when the ing Moran the technical knockout. baseball from one or more members subject of peace was broached. Moran weighed zw pounds, motley zoi. of the Tale baseball committee. What seaoe would mean for the proper' choica an 'a'nd thV .bestcnly. VYe have made' it a' The Pittsburgh boxer owed his vic LeGore said tonight he had received Federal league players Is questionable - tory to his superior . ring generalship. offers to play professional baseball, out tr.ey would- not be blacklisted, it Coffey was the aggressor at the be but would complete his collers course. is bolieved.' Borne are said to favor int toicarry lonl which haver ginning of the bout, but Moran, con- He will play footoball on the second returning; them to the original clubs belonged, AN INSURANCE POLICY serving his strength, waited for "the team and render what assistance he to which they whl!e others ueen, iime-ine- o opportune moment. ' can in rounding out the varsity' eleven. say that they should no to the mi- ana nave mei vtne TUii requirements fc or tne. most tastiaious, ana . exacting. In, the event of fire Is a mighty good nora. on 'hand, worth two The first round, began with Coffey For the clubs which would be bird to have and rushing at Moran. "He sent a right up-per- dropped out there would perhaps be in the bush '"of thinking about It, as to Pittsburgher's LOOKS LIKE BASEBALL. soma adjustment whereby money- many do." THINK ABOUT IT. but the face and the you a; hard left to his stomach. IMoran i..,-WA- NEAR.ENDINQ. ed Interests In the Federal league ACT AS WELL, and let ua write struck few. effective blows in the ini would assume some of the burden. Or- up a, policy TOD AT. intone of our tial round. ganised baseball could - srlve' no relief, strong companies. , Coffey's long reach, kept Moran Reported . That Negotiations " Have as it would not want .the or BuyYour Winter Save Honey f , ISAAC 8, JONES away at the beginning" of. the second. Taken Plaee Pointing ' to - Settle- the plants. Insurance and: Real Estate Agent The Pittsburgher, however, adopting ment. For those men who would .be wel Richards Building, 91;Majn Street rushing tactics, sent right to Coffey's ...... comed into organized baseball there . : . ' v ribs and a hard right to the" Dublin Despite emphatic denials from the are several clubs In each of the Toilet and Cold Creanu . Soaps '.., Antiseptics Etc. Talcum and Toilet Povrders Cof. '' ' BEAR IN MIND when placing your Giant's head. These blows forced Federal league there is positive proof leagues which would be available f01 Daggett fey to ropes, . s Rasnedrlls Diexagen Oalciand Chamicaf l&o violet, INSURANCE for, the coming year. the where Moran then available that negotiations have taken entire or part purchase. Small price 19o 10c Palmolive 45oap. 7o Williams' In rose and sent successive rights . to his aiie .Sale. lOo Munyon'a 7o earxtatloo. Sale peSca 12o three place pointing to a settlement of the Medluto also . .'. .Sale .price 2o-Irg- Witch Hasel 8oao also .. ...Sale price 15o n.. THE PACT that during the last five head. Coffee appeared very weak as RHODE ISLANdXt 8TORR8 OCT. 23 lie ackor'a Tar Soap 1 So lc lac MantinCa Sana Dormal......12v - baseball war before another playing Sale priee S9o years 92 Insurance Companies the bell ' rang. : size ......... Pear's ITnscented 10o 19c, alia" . ...Sale priee 2S 15o Wrisleya Florentine Rose. .12e - - season begins. One of the conditions 8oa.: have either failed. reinsured or Moran got right to body Two Pempeian 'Maeaag Cream l8o 14o -. Mesnen's Borated and Vio- ' a hard the of these negotiations was Sohools Restore Relations on the . Pear'a Scented. Boap.. t9c sise- . ...SaVerprtea 9 Itc that' the 37c ..j-- ...... 32o -- quit; ". "; at the opening .of the third round. At Federal league would cease to Gridiron Lapse of Five Years. slse .. .Safe prise Turkish Bath Soap- - So let ...Sale price 12e' THE FACT that "no oompany can af- close range he shot two rights and a exist After 69c size 8al prioe.40 Colgate's-- . Caahmer Bouquet, Listarine 1 15c Babcock'a Corylopsls.. 12a hs a major organization. - Organized ' 76c .;! ford to sell Gold Dollars .for 90 left to Coffey's face. His next blow baseball original, (Special Bulletin.) " else ale prio 69o largo aire Bradley's Woodland Violet. 11a $1.20 every Do- was Coffey went is firm in its stand to The ' Colgate's' 23c alia .. ..'.....Sale price 19c 15alc Raid A Hughes Co.'s "cents or pay for a right to the jaw and that there is no room ma- 19. 25c 'Pompeian' Night Creoon. .. ..J1o Transparent Olycerlaa 9o Violet - for a third Storrs. Oct. When the football - 46 S9e llar taken In and down after only one minute and 32 Woodbury's Facial Oeam....: .1oe Coigate's Oatmeal and White . alsa.'. .'......Sal, priee and Trailing Arbutus 10o fighting. jor league, and this was undoubtedly manas;ement1 announced that the 1915 Amolin 11a , TH E' FACT, that we sell INDEMNITY seconds of known to the men of the younger or- schedule Agricul 40c Hind'a Honey suid Almond Clematis '.:... ttc also .'.... 8 ale price 75c lac Deodorant not. a mere promise to pay. By - his victory. Moran earned the of the Connecticut Cream...'v.' ..Sale price 33o 10c Woodbury's facial Soap...18o Revert'a Talcum. Sale price 19c ganization who had a conference with college only games -- right to meet Jess Willard, present tural would contain Stlllman's Freckle Cream... 31 o Roger eV GslleC ( odors........ 2So Clye Teiymeliwa ' Comfort Powder B. P. LEARNED .heavyweight the .National Commission in Philadel- with teams of college standing, much - ' 19c price 15e & CO. holder of the, world's phia after the first game in world long DeMeridor'a Cream le Olivilo 7e ' . : . .". ' Sale price 19o aic Sale . - championship. was be the enthusiasm was shown and a 1 3c aise ' .."-.S- priee Tuscany Castile Soap 4e tic' also .'. U alze ...... .. .Sale price 29e Agency Established May, 1848.: It announced series. Tnat the conference was string of men, both old and new, re- 1k' fore the fight that Willard would meet sought by league 4 So sire ....tale price 39o Will lama' Barbara' Bar So 45c'alae' ..'....'..'....Sale price SSa Roger OaUet Rice Powder, victor.- the Federal is known ported for practice. The schedule con . pink or 8ale prioe 21 e the only in so as is by .games - .Poly Pond's Extract Cold Craim or tftc sise Sale price 79a .white... ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- far indicated the tained with Worcester Vanishirrg Cream.... 8ale priee 20o' i Jlo Woodburjr'a Face Powder in conditions which existed at that con- technic institute. Stevens Institute of Peroxide er HydrogaS 6aarnaa pink or white Sale pries 19e BARRED YALE ATHLETES ference and they held the implication Technology. New Hampshire State col- atse" Swanadown Powder 1&e Brown & Perkins, ittnitp-it-U- ff that some of the Federal league club lege. Fordham university, Springfield Hair Tonics and Shampoos 10c .:...;..i...Sara price 7e Face WILL AID COACHES owners were willing Y. Satin Skin Face Powder 19a Over'Uuea Natl Bank, Shetuckct St.
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