Sport and Society Section EL PASO HERALD Sport and Society Section Batting Slump Sends Cardinals Toward Cellar; Giants Fatten on Pirates AD THE CUB TIMKEEFE'S GREAT VICTORY SPf REPORTER It's a Hard, Cruel World "After All By "Hop" Little Stories-Tol- d About Baseball . B W. A. Phdon. WAS long ago--near- ly a quarter off, passing back among the boxes. of a century Only a foul no foul strikes in those IT and the Giants for days. Zlss the next one bent way out. so they called them, even then "One Whirr Buck Swing vtre grappling with the mighty Bos- scooped the next one on the sod. tons In a death struggle The season Twoto- - ba-alls- !" . "Steady. Tlmr of 1889 grunted Swing but the ball went was near a close; a game taken overhead, and Buck's ham -- hand either way meant everything and it dragged it down. "Three vas Tim Keefe against John Clarkson, Ping across, the platter. "Sturrike vs Kelly. one." Two and two the score stood as, the Zoom Waist high and centered. eighth bgan and then there was & "Sturrike two." crackle of bats, a scurry of flying out- The Boston batsman swung like a field figures, a long slide at the plate flapping clothesline at the next, and and Billy Moans the ball sank into Swing's hand. Nash was home "Sturrike one." and waitings from the stands: then top, a heartening cheer from the optftnls-- 1 The batter spun like a' but the c and the Giants rallied. Two down. balrwas already past strike two. and Ward at second. Roger Connor Whopp! The glove closed firmly on T ulled a raking hit through center; the ball "Sturrike three." the !all leaped fiendishly away from It was King Kel himself that stepped w.e ciutcning hands, and cpnnor went up now and as he danced and mocked, ail the way around, almost stepping by. on Word's heels as John loped easily strike one flashed "'Nother like home. that, Tim!" laughed the king and one was but king . " ' Roston's final chance and how tney such another it the i - 1 missed clean. Keefe straightened up aped to the work, and how they and held the ball for the fraction of flogged that leather! Arthur Whitney a minute. A red ray from the detaining EL PASO BOY WINS stooped one up at third and threw king too high. Keefe bent one close, and sun caught the full across the Zeider Strengthens Yankees ATHLETIC HONORS j New Men With Yankees Show Speed the ball glanced off a batter's knee. eyes. Through the blurred mist some- A thing drove, whisring whirring and hit crashed savagely, but Mike Ke- swung heavily. f Medal at Binary Frank Chance Think His Improved Infield Will Hold Up CakrweM Develops lt's warning word held back the man he Ana Porter, "Winner R on. inn rtJWjH ii BOsV ' College. Will Spend Summer I ' Into a fast Sprinter. ho was Just turning third. "Take no "Sturrike three!" With three El Pane. c nances yet, bo!" cried King Kel. none down, and three balls called, Tim liMlt flfpT rtfri isSSSV Vaeatloa la By ALLBK SAKGKEE ' Wait er minit--anythin- at all will Keefe had pitched nine successive Asa Porter has won the all around even foul Emory college, Ox- -- no rins in!" Sacks full, and no one strikes and not a had been v athletic medal at EW YORK, June 13. Though I observed Chance, and "Husk" is 'gone iou called among the nine! Copyright, by Ga. athlete excelled phonograph. iBBSSnVPBSSSSSSSSSSnB ford, The El Paso Hal Chase has been severely Keefe drove one in, andvlt clicked T. Keefe. sss IH All UL tue v w. If Sweeney could only kill that tennis, stood high in his class work N' criticised this season, there double steal which an hands are pull- and was selected tor me menu nra seems.no particular call to pan him ing, he'd contribute to the ayety or over three other applicants. Asa, who gone. nations. Lord and Rath engineered Mr. Mrs. W. C. Por- now that he's scoring. appeared games is the son of and very an- it. the latter Peck BASEBALL RESULTS Thursday ter, 828 Prospect avenue, will return From the first Chance to be a little slow on the return throw. home Sunday to spend the summer va- nounced that he wuld trade Hal or at that. The Athletics have this play cation with his parents. down to a science, and Ty Cobb will Jou-na- l, anybody else on the club if he could .BtBisSsHlGHB9EBisflBGHEBBSb 44lV A clipping from the Atlanta hardly take a chance pulling the de- AMERICAN LEAGUE. Waco . x..l 4 under an Oxford. Ga.. date line, has get something more than a bat bag in lay with Collins and Barry on the At Philadelphia. ' Batteries: Houston. Dries and Rey- following to say of young Porter's exchange. Anybody can see this Job. a the that Cleveland , 1 6 nolds; Waco. Ton man and Carson. JbbsV prowess: club requires an entire vacuum sweep- - An incident worth recalling in the ' - Second game. R. H. K. BSSBi9Bf9Sl9cBBkr Porter, of Paso, Texas, was on the Philadelphia - "Asa El I men first victory domestic turf was v ."A 0 ing. The were "sot in their Batteries: Cleveland. Falkeaberg. Houston . 4 awarded the Oliver Quimby Melton ways. They one. thought appearance of Ray Caldwell as a Blanding and Cartach; Philadelphia. Waco medal for the best all around athlete had line of pinch runner. By all tokens the tele- Plank Lapp. Batteries: Houston. Ware and Allen; and student. Porter Is a member of and action. graph tapper from Tidote should make and Chase was hissed and booed by a 1 Waco. Jost and ReiUy. the sophomore class, and since his en- Matty a second Cy Seymour or any other goo K. ago bunch who would do the same to At Washington. K. H. sssssssssssssssssssssssssHHBlHr LssssBssssBosssf trance in college two years has he couple days in fielder developed from a pitcher Not Chicago ' 4 1 3 Texas League Standing. an E in every branch if fiwered a of bus name Is Ray though Won. Lost. aa9BB9Hl been awarded succession. because the Washington 10 2 Pet IssBsV ILsHsHniVsFVawHF JHMe of athletics except tennis. His class same Ray, Ray, Ray lads all are goin 27 4rir At the time it is better that -- Batteries: Chicago, Cicotte. Scot Houston ...36 K-9ah- , aIh room work has ben good, which gives nicely now but because he is fast as m -- sW- us, had been too 35 27 .585 OssssssssssO bssssT- A - fssssHOssslsssssssssB sbbsssssbsssK Chase has left for he and Schalk; Washington, Groom and Dallas hianlBslsW' M him eligibly for the medal. He was is of some- scared coyote skipping from buoy to Henry. San Antonio I....S4 28 .548 'H chosen over three other students long in one corral. His a buoy, and a sweet hitter. Waco J3 32 .58 com- what eccentric temperament, and Wol-te- r ...I, . whose names were presented to a may be as flossy as Ton can't take out Hartzell or At Boston. R.H.E. Austin .... .. .. .. .31 32 .492 mitted." while Borton not very well", and certainly not 2 Galveston 28 34 .452 Harold at the early cushion, he'll be St Louis 4,2 Fort Worth, 27 35 .435 of more service , "Woodsman" Cree, who, although he '.op ton ... .3 9 1 .17 34 .443 manager; new men. That's has temporarily lost his swatting orb. Batteries: St. Louis, Baumgardner Beaumont v. ARTICLES ARE SIGNED New is the best of the out gardeners. Bui Carrl-pa- n what the club needed, and. it occur3 rnd Aguew. Boston. BdStent and Where They Play'' Saturday. FOR JUAREZ BOUTS to us. that Chance is doing about all one other smart efficiency outfielder Galveston. wZs5rl expected. is badly needed, and it would seem Austin at rmsm posted ar- that could be judgment to forget' about Cald- Waco at Beaumont. ft' T7y taBBSsssBssassVBBBE&?'esssnBjsNssa w Weight forfeits were and This present infield is no world's fair At New York. R. H. K. Dallas at San AntonioT flBH f'TPf ticles signed in Juarez Thursday night you observe well ever being a twirler and gia Ietroit 1 6 2 boxing champion outfit, but do him plenty of batting practice. S Fort Worth at Houston. for the show to be held at the Sweeney is pegging about 50 per- New York 2 WM . arena on June 22. Instead of that SpriMer. Ron-dta- u, MBmmMmT Juarez cent more skilfully than in years? Caldwell Fair Batteries: Detroit, Lake and WESTERN LEAGUE. l 135 at 10 oclock. it' was agreed to make can n New Schulz and Gossett. The answer is that Peckinpaugh Caldwell showed himself a spnnte"-o- York. At Des Moines Des Moines, 1J St. 156 by both fighters in the main event. handle a throw and touch a runner. heavy tracks when he tied tbe Joseph, 4. seven hours before the fight. Gordon He short than any one American Leagae Standings. Topeka Topeka, 2; 4. weight looks better at score, running for Hartzell. who had They At Wichita, declared that his best fighting we've' ogled since Kid Elberfeld. singled. At that, if Caldwell can hit If At Omaha Omaha. IS; Lincoln, 7. was 150 pounds at 10 oclock. Herrick whose legs and feet were spiked W. L. Pet. Win. Lose. any weight was agreeable to him. consecutively be might give some of 8 said every' other square inch.
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