The Notre Dame Scholastic ["Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailinsrl Lat special rate of postage. Section 1103, October 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918.J VOLUME LXVIII DECEMBER 7, 1934 No. 11 I. C. 0. PLANS TO HOLD STUDENT THEATRE PRESENTS FIRST TRIALS AFTER HOLIDAYS PRODUCTION OF YEAR DEC. 10,11 Plans for the Indiana Catholic Oratorical contest for high schools, which is to be held at Notre Dame December Number of The CURTAIN TO RISE AT 8:15 next February, are moving along Alumnus Contains Many rather smoothly at present. Numer­ Interesting Articles ous Indiana secondary schools have On next Monday and Tuesday eve­ submitted their intention of enter­ nings in Washington Hall, the newly ing the contest, and the tournament The association program is the formed Student Theater will present promises to be a veiy interesting af- featured article in the December is­ its first performance. The show will • fair as a result. The I.C.O. commit­ sue of the Alumnus. Action, with or consist of a series of vaudeville acts tee, however, hopes to induce still without prosperity, has been decided more schools to take part in the con­ upon as the 1934-5 program. The ten test by postponing the district elimi­ major plans for the year are elab­ nations until after Christmas. orated and explained in detail. So far the Catholic high schools of The decisions were evolved at a the down state area have been slow meeting of the Board, held in Chica­ to join the growing number of en­ go, on the morning of Nov. 17. A trants because they are at such a Universal Notre Dame Night over a great distance from Notre Dame. As national hook-up, is one of the pro­ a result. Professor Clarence E. Man- posed plans of action. ion has been encouraging the alumni Another article reports the confer­ of the southern section to provide ring of the Catholic Boys Brigade some means of transportation to the decoration for distinguished service in University for the representative or­ the cause of youth on the Rev. John ators of each of the schools and to F. O'Hara, C.S.C. Along with four help these institutions in any way other recipients, Fr. O'Hara received that they iind possible. his award from the president of the Brigade in New York City. Among those schools already en­ TOM FLYNX tered are the Cathedral High School G. Albert Lawton, editor of Scrip, He has tivo parts. of Indianapolis, the Central Catholic announces that in the future, contrib­ High School of Fort Wayne, and the utions from alumni will be accepted supported by The Collegians and Central Catholic High School of for publication. climaxed by the presentation of the Hammond. Timothy P. Galvin de­ opera, "Five Nuts in Two Acts." serves a great deal of credit for help- The late Warren A. Cartier, '87, is After an opening group of popular . ing the Hammond institution to get commemorated in a story which com­ numbers by The Collegians, the Notre started and organized in choosing its ments on his contributions to, and his Dame Tumblers will make their ap­ representative orator. He has stimu­ place in Notre Dame history. pearance. The Tumblers, a product lated so much interest in the coming Judge John Eggeman, '00, recalls of the Physical Education depart­ contest at the school that eight or his acquaintance at Notre Dame with ment, have thrills galore to offer. nine boys from there are preparing Pat O'Dea, former Wisconsin football The second skit, "Striped Poetry," to enter it. star. Pat, the 'forgotten man' of grid­ Avas written by Sam Goldman, who will take the leading role and will be The success of the tournament, the iron history, who disappeared for 30 years, coached at Notre Dame from supported by Tom Flynn, John Lyiich, finals of which will take place some and James O'Boyle. It is a takeoff time in February, may warrant the 1900-02, and was a close friend of Mr. Eggeman's. The Judge expressed on a poetiy class as held in jail. establishment of tuition scholarships The Rev. Thomas Burke, C.S.C, at Notre Dame next year for those his conviction that Pat O'Dea is Pat O'Dea and not another imposter. contributed a song entitled, "The Pre­ boys who win. The I.C.O. committee fect," which will be "sung" by Roy hopes that this tentative offer of the Scholz. University will warrant a greater in­ PRE-REGISTRATION The final act will be the opera terest in the contest on the part of Pre-registration for Juniors and "Five Nuts in Two Acts." Alberto, the Catholic secondary schools of the played by John Ryan, a debted father state. Seniors in the College of Arts and Letters which began Monday, De­ desires to marry his beautiful daugh­ ter, Lueciletta, Mark Finocchairo, to At present arrangements are being cember 3, will continue till Mon­ made to provide for the entei"tain- Walsh Hall's Tom Flynn as Bucero. day, December 17, inclusive. It is Bucero, however, is really in love ment and comfort of the winners of imperative that registration for the the sectional contests when they come with Fernando, Fred Zabarosky. The second semester be taken care of plot thickens when Ama, the witch, to Notre Dame to compete in the as soon as possible. finals. (Continued on Page 7) December 7, 1934 One Committee Draws Up Varied SEAHnSHACHANUS GIVES Program. For Senior Smoker INTERESTING LECTURE FIRST EVENT OF ITS KIND Interhall Debating Will "Ireland is the greatest story-tell­ Be Held at Saint Mary's ing country in the world"—^thus did The committee of the Senior Class Seumas MacManus, famed Irish lec­ meeting and smoker made public its College on January 8 turer and author, preface his talk in program for the evening of Wednes­ the Engineering Building, on Decem­ ber 3. day, Dec. 12, during the past week At the time of printing all but one after its final meeting to complete of the semi-finals of the Interhall de­ His opening statement was proven arrangements. The affair will be held bate contests has been run off. The in a most delightful and interesting following are the results to date: manner by the recitation of a few St. Edward's negative over Badin typical folk-tales, which, he said, affirmative; Alumni affirmative for­ "have been transmitted through thou­ feited to Walsh negative. sands of years by word of mouth, from generation to generation." Proof Dillon will meet St, Edward's and of their antiquity lies in their coin­ the winner will debate Walsh Hall at cidence all over the world. St. Mary's College the latter part of next week to determine the cham­ Mr. MacManus disclosed that he pionship of the University. has been a shanachie, or story-teller The annual banquet, sponsored by since he was seven years old.'" He the Wranglers and tendered the two accumulated his rich store of legends' teams going to the finals in Interhall by listening to the old shanachies of his birthplace. County Donegal. On DOCTOR DANIEL C. O'GRADY debating, will be held on the evening He is no Rotarian. of January 8, 1935. Eugene Malloy, winter nights, the people gathered in a junior in the College of Commerce, cottages, by a peat fire, and regaled promptly at 8 o'clock in the Law was appointed chairman of the ban­ one another with ancient stories. It Building auditorium. quet by Arthur Korzeneski, president was from these assemblies that Mr. Below is a copy of the evening's of the Wranglers. MacManus acquired his fund of tales. events: A sentimental, deep-rooted account 1 The address of welcome by Thomas Proctor, of the presence of fairies, or 'gentle senior class president. Korzeneski Attends Polish people,' as they are called in Ireland, 2 The business meeting at which the following was given by the speaker, who re­ topics will be discussed: Club Ass*n. District Meet peated the belief of the Irish that the a The lethargic condition of the Notre Dame sprites are angels who were neutral spirit; In answer to two letters, one from during the conflict between Lucifer b The problem of caps and gowns; Anthony J. Fettych, president of the and Michael the Archangel; the c The presentation of a more durable flag first district of the Polish Students' fairies could neither be punished nor to the University on Washington's birth­ association, and one from Marion J. day; rewarded at the end of the battle, so d The Senior Class Ball—where will it be Grochal, president at Headquarters they were exiled from Heaven. They held, what will the price be, and in what of the association. President Arthur chose Ireland as the next best dwell­ shall the general arrangements consist? Korzeneski, of the Charles Philips ing-place. 3 The program which will include the follow­ Cracow Club of the University, at­ "At times of story-telling," said ing numbers: tended the first annual district con­ Mr. MacManus, "all Irish people are a Piano accordion solos by James Marohn. vention of the Polish Students' Asso­ children — from the age of four to b Tap dances by John Dasso ciation of America. Korzeneski was fourscore." No matter how often a c Address Tjy Doctor Daniel O'Grady of the Sergeant at arms at the convention, department' of philosophy tale has been repeated, neither the and was also chosen a member of the listeners nor the story-teller ever lose d Tenor solos by John Ryan resolutions committee.
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