North A1 abama Re gulators And the Single Action Shooting Society Present The A1 abama State Championship AmbushAt Cavern Cove October 3rd, 4th and 5th 2003 Speciol Thonks To Woody Anderson Ford WOODY ANDERSON FORD 2003 FORD F150 2OO3 FORD EXPEDITON OVER 1OO F SERIES NOW IN STOCK GREAT SELECTION 0% FoR 60 MOS. 0% FoR 60 MOS. *w.A.c. * w.A.c. 256-539-9441 2s00 JORDAN LN (CORNER OF SPARKMAN DR & JORDAN LN) Arnbush At Cavern Cove ?003 Bonguet sponsor Shooters Handbook By Welcome To Ambush at Cavern Cove 2003 Our rnoin rnotch sponsor for The Aloborno Stote Chornpionship Ambush ot Cavern Cove 2003 Lorry's Showroorn locot ed ot 2405-c North Mernoriol porkwoy Hunts- ville Al Th ey hove o large selection of Firearrns f or the cAs shoo ter 256-534-1000 Welcome to Ambush at Covern Cove 2003! The North Alobomo Regulotors ore proud to host the SASS Alobomo State Chompionship ond we hove o fun-filled weekend plonned for you! Enjoy the festivities ond remember to support the sponsors ond vendors thot moke this o speciol event. Our theme this weekend is "Stors of the Old West", so wotch for your fovorite chorocters. qnd Please 6e saf e this weekend help promote "the spirit of the gome" . Ambush Committee 2003 Fonnie Lee, Motch Director Sowyer, Co-Director Blue Wolf Hairtrigger Floyd Shownee Dokoto Di Brozos Bill Kiowo Kqte Shotgun Honno Bushwocker Johnson Little River Rose 5ix String Col. Folcon Tuscororo Morobou Leech Sweet Soroh Jone Cool Woters Morshql TKD Tullomore Dew DeSoto Jim Moy Lillie Two Ponies Droke Roby Montono Roy Two Ponies 6ol Flirty Flo Pistoleer Uncle Fronk 6ronno Rip Ford Speciol fnformotion Buy one free miss for $5 when you register. Use it on ony stage. This must be done prior to the stort of the shoot Soturdoy morning. We will use totol time scoring ot Ambush. This will be o lost bross motch. The bross will be ouctioned off Sundoy qfternoon ond the proceeds will to the locol soccer teoms who will setve os volunteers during Ambush. The Shooters meeting Soturdoy morning is mondotory. Ammo Reguirements for the Moin Motch: 125 Pistol 125 Rif le (pistol coliber) 80 Shotgun Fridoy's Side Motches Eoch chonce $1 "Hove A Boll" - Shoot colored bolls off of numbered posts with o s hotgun. "Mon On Mon" - Two shooters use knockdown torgets. "Gunfighter Friendly" - Gunfighters shoot o string of ten torgets. "This One Shoots A Mite Forther" - Long Ronge big bore rifle. "He Con't Hit Us This For Awoy" - Long range pistol caliber rifle. "Fill Your Honds You 5.O.8." - Fostest three gun competition. A gun cort corrol will be ovoiloble of Ambush. Side Motch es Sponso red By Mr. Butch Potrick Midronge Doto Corp. 2003 Ambush Schedule Thursdoy October 2 9:00 o.m. Ronge Officers If Course 12:00 p.m. Lunch ovoiloble (cold sondwiches onry) 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Registrotion ot povilion 72:OO p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Vendors open 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Hospitolity Suite ot Jomeson fnn (no dinner ovoiloble ot the range) Fridoy October 3 8:00 o.m. No breokfost ovoiloble 10:00 o.m. - 6:00 p.m. Registrotion qt povilion 10:00 o.m. - 6:00 p.m. Vendors open 10:00 o.m. - 12:00 p.m. Side Motches 12:00 p.m. Lunch ovoiloble 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Side Morches 3:30 p.m. "End of the Feud" Shoot Out between Blue Wolf & Knifemaker 6:00 p.m. Sociol hour ot the povilion 6:15 p.m. Ambush Cabaret & Side Motch Awords 7:00 p.m. Dinner ovoiloble Soturdoy October 4 7:OO o.m. - 8:00 o.m. Breokfost ovoiloble 7:OO o.m. - 8:00 o.m. Registrotion qt povilion 8:00 o.m. Opening Ceremonies ot log cobin 8:15 o.m. Mondotory Shooters Meeting 8:30 o.m. Shooting Begins, shoot 3 stoges, toke lunch breok 7?:OO p.m.- 1:30 p.m. Lunch ovoiloble 1:00 p.m. Shoot lost 3 stoges ond poss e event 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. 2003 Ambush Bonguet, Goosepond civic center Sundoy October 5 7:00 o.m. - 8:30 o.m. Breokfast ovoiloble 8:00 q.m. - 8:30 o.m. Cowboy church ot log cobin 9:00 o.m. - 1:00 p.m. Shoot 4 stages ond poss e event 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Lunch ovoiloble 2:00 p.m. Awords Ceremony Fridoy Night ot the Povilion Ambush Coboret Theotre Feoturing the Covern Cove Coguettes 6:00 p.m. Join us for some great entertainment Soturdoy Night Ambush ot Covern Cove Bonguet The Goosepond Colony Civic Center 6:00 p.m. Smoked Chicken & Prime Rib Dinner Grand Entry & Doncing Costume Contest: Mountoin Man Donce Holl 6irl Best Militory Lodies & Gentletnen's Town Clothes Lodies & Gentlemen's "8" Western Movie Lodies & Gentlernen's Notive Americon Lady of the Boll & Gentlemon of the Boll working cowboy & cowgirl (judged soturdoy during the shoot) Please regtster to porticipote in the Costume Contest of sign in. Directions to Goosepond Colony: From the Ronge: Go eost on Highway 72 opproximotely 8.5 miles then turn right on HighwayTg. Go1.5 milesond turn right (you will remoin on HighwayTg). Gol mile ond you will see a large Goosepond Colony sign on the left. Turn lef t and go 1 mile to the Civic Center. From Scottsboro: From Highwoy 72 go south on Highway 279/79 (this inter_ section is neor K-Mort ond McDonolds). Trovel opproxim ately 5 miles ond look f or the Goosepond Colony sign on the left. Turn left ond go I mileto the Civic Center. A gun cort corrol will be ovoiloble of ombush. Vendors Row Lorry's Pistol & Pown DL Curtis Los e? Eng ?ove? Woody Anderson Ford Eo?gosrnic Eorplugs Huricane Rod Kibler Sod dle?y Little River Loke & Lo dg" Sod dlebog Bullets Texos Trod e? Kirkpotrick Leather Kel ly Loster Engroving Dutch Henry's Merchont ile Kiowo Kote Photogrophy Rules & Reoulotions The Ambush of Cavern Cove is run in occordonce with thelatest 5455 rules, os set forth in the Shooter's Hqndbook ond the RO Level f ond ff courses. Anyone not obiding by the rules will be disgualif ied and osked to leave the motch. The decisions of the Motch Directors ore finql. ' No one will be ollowed to shoot if , in the judgment of the Ronge Of f icer, they ore impoired. No olcohol is to be consumed until shooting ends for the doy ond f ireorm s o?e saf ely stored. ' Pistols must be holstered, octions open on rifles ond shotguns ot qll times, except on the f iring line, or in "sofe qreos". Store f ire- orms in gun cort when possible. ' Fireorms moy only be loaded of the looding tobles. ' Cap ond Boll pistols moy only be copped ot the looding tobles. ' All shooters ond spectotors must weor eor ond odeguote eye pro- tection in the shooting areo. ' Unsof e f irearm hondling will not be toleroted. ' Cross-drow holsters moy not deport from the verticol by more thon 30 degrees. Off ending holsters must be removed. ' The L7O-degree plone rule will be strictly enf orced. Cross-drow holster users must "do the donce" or be DQ'ed. ' Under the orm, shoulder holsters thot sweep others will not be ollowed. ' Rifle ond shotguns must be empty of live or fired rounds when re- stoged. ' All shooters must conform to minimum dress requirements: cow- boy boots, cowboy hot, jeans ond long sleeve western shirt. ' Cooching is encouroged. The timer will help the shooter through the course of fire unless requested not to by the shooter. The shooter is ultimotely responsible f or their shooting. Penolties Eoch missed torget: 5 seconds Procedura!: 10 seconds (limit one pe? stoge). Any uninfentional procedural errors caused by "brain fade", confusion, tgnorance, or misfakes. Accommodafions are offen al/owed for those unable fo comply with specific stage procedures due fo physical limitafions wifh no procedural pena/ties assessed. Disguolified Stoge: highest time on thot stage plus 10 seconds Did Not Finish: 5 seconds per tor get not engaged The shoofer fires af leasf one round and for some reason does not complefe fhe course of fire. This may be eifher from a firearm malfuncfion or a physical limifafion. Sofety Violotions: Mojor - f irst of f ense is o stoge DQ Second off ense is o motch DQ Minor - 10 seconds per off ense Mojor Sofety Violotions occur when o shooter disploys uns af e gun hondling. These include but ore not limited to: ' Cocking o pistol with the borrel pointed in on unsofe direction. ' Firing o round in on unsofe direction os deemed by the Ronge Of f icer. ' Not turning to drow or re-holster cross-drow guns (breoking the 17O degree plane). ' SweePing anY Pe?son of ony time with on unlooded gun is o stoge DQ. ' Sweeping any pe?son with o looded gun it is o motch De. ' Dropped unlooded gun is o stoge De. ' Dropped lood ed gun is o motch De. ' Wolking (moving more thon one of your f eet), with o cocked, looded gun. ' Leoving a live round under the hommer of o holstered pistol or in the chomber of o long gun. Minor Sofety Violotions ore octs thot do not diractly endanger persons. These include but ore not limited to: ' Foilureto open o long 9un oction.
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