ED 2004/06 International Coffee Organization 4 December 2006 Organización Internacional del Café Organização Internacional do Café Original: English Organisation Internationale du Café E Office holders Coffee year 2006/07 1. The Executive Director presents his compliments and, for the information of Members, attaches a document containing details of office holders and Members of the Executive Board with their usual representatives for coffee year 2006/07. The composition of the Private Sector Consultative Board (PSCB), Quality Committee, Finance Committee, Statistics Committee and Virtual Screening Committee is also included together with office holders for the Promotion Committee and the Working Group on the Future of the Agreement. 2. Members are requested to keep the Executive Director informed of any subsequent changes as they occur. An updated version of this list will be posted on the Office Holders section of the ICO website (www.ico.org). INTERNATIONAL COFFEE ORGANIZATION COFFEE YEAR 2006/07 OFFICE HOLDERS INTERNATIONAL COFFEE COUNCIL1* Chairman EC – Italy Mr. Mauro Orefice Ministry for Productive Activities 1st Vice-Chairman Japan Mr. Hiroshi Aimoto First Secretary (Agriculture) Embassy of Japan 2nd Vice-Chairman India Mr. G.V. Krishna Rau Chairman Coffee Board of India 3rd Vice-Chairman Indonesia Mr. Dewa Sastrawan Minister Counsellor (Economic Affairs) Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Chairman Guatemala Excelentísimo Señor Embajador José Angel López Camposeco Presidente Asociación Nacional del Café (ANACAFE) Vice-Chairman Honduras Señor Iván Romero Encargado de Negocios Representante permanente ante la OIC EXPORTING MEMBERS Angola Representing: Angola, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana and Togo Representative: Excelentíssimo Senhor Gilberto Buta Lutucuta Ministro da Agricultura e do desenvolvimento Rural Alternates: Sr. Manuel de Almeida Mateus Dias Sr. Bonifácio Manuel Sr. Isaias Menezes Sr. Vicky Mateso Sra. Carolina de Fátima Caetano * The Council is composed of all Members of the Organization. - 2 - Brazil Representing: Brazil Representative: Sra. Ana Maria Sampaio Fernandes Ministra Conselheira Embaixada do Brasil, Londres Alternate: Sr. Mauricio Fávero Colombia Representing: Colombia Representative: Sr. Gabriel Silva Luján Gerente General Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia Alternates: Sr. Roberto Vélez Vallejo Sr. Diego Pizano Costa Rica Representing: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Honduras Representative: Sr. Ramón Ulate Montero Presidente Junta Directiva Instituto del Café de Costa Rica Alternates: Sr. Ronald Petrers Seevers Sra. Sylvia Elena Ugalde Fernández Sr. Adolfo Lizano González India Representing: India and Indonesia Representative: Mr. G.V. Krishna Rau Chairman Coffee Board of India Alternate: Mr. S. Jagadeesan Mexico Representing: Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala and Mexico Representative: Excelentísimo Señor Juan José Bremer Representante Permanente de México ante la Organización Internacional del Café Embajada de México Alternates: Sr. Rodolfo Trampe Taubert Sr. Victor M. Villalobos Arámbula Sr. Héctor Rodríguez Arellano Rwanda Representing: Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania Representative: Son Excellence Monsieur Claver Gatete Ambassadeur Ambassade de la République du Rwanda, Londres Alternate: M. Ephrem Niyonsaba - 3 - Vietnam Representing: Vietnam Representative: Mr. Nguyen Huu Anh Commercial Counsellor Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, London Alternate: Mr. Doàn Triêu Nhan Adviser: Dr. Le Van Minh IMPORTING MEMBERS European Community: Representing European Community (Austria, Belgium/ Luxembourg, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) EC Representative: Mr. Enzo Barattini Directorate General for Development European Commission Belgium Representative: M. Jacques Thinsy Conseiller général Direction de la Mondialisation SPF Affaires étrangères Alternates: M. Joren Vandeweyer M. Luc Lefere Germany Representative: Mr. Josef Schraven Head of Division IV A3 International Commodity Policies Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Alternates: Mrs. Ina Grohmann Mrs. Evita Schmieg Italy Representative: Mr. Stefano Santacroce Ministry for International Trade Alternate: Mr. Stefano Stefanile Spain Representative: Sr. Fernando Lanzas Consejero Económico y Comercial Jefe de la Oficina Comercial Embajada de España, Londres Alternates: Sr. Manuel Altimira Sr. Félix Garrido - 4 - Japan Representing: Japan Representative: Mr. Hiroshi Aimoto First Secretary (Agriculture) Embassy of Japan, London Switzerland Representing Norway, Switzerland Representative: Mr. Max Schnellmann Counsellor, Economic Affairs and Commodities Embassy of Switzerland, London Alternates: Mr. Beat Kaufmann United States of America Representing United States of America Representative: Mr. Mark Linscott Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Environment and Natural Resources Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Alternate: Mr. David Brooks OFFICE HOLDERS PROMOTION COMMITTEE2* Chairman ISIC Dr. Ernesto Illy Chairman, Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee Vice-Chairman Papua New Guinea Mr. Mick Wheeler Papua New Guinea Coffee Industry Corporation Ltd. Overseas Representative OFFICE HOLDERS WORKING GROUP ON THE FUTURE OF THE AGREEMENT* Chairman Côte d’Ivoire M. Saint-Cyr Djikalou Représentant permanent de la Côte d’Ivoire auprès de l’Organisation internationale du Café Vice-Chairman Switzerland Mr. Max Schnellmann Counsellor (Economics Affairs and Commodities) Embassy of Switzerland * The Promotion Committee and the Working Group on the Future of the Agreement are composed of all Members of the Organization. - 5 - MEMBERS OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR CONSULTATIVE BOARD Chairman Mr. Christian Rasch Topke Vice-Chairman ANACAFE, Guatemala Vice-Chairman To be confirmed EXPORTING MEMBERS (2005/06 – 2006/07) Colombian Milds Asociación de Exportadores de Café de Colombia (ASOEXPORT) Representative EXPOCAFE (Sociedad Exportadora de Café de las Cooperativas de Caficultores) Alternate Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia Alternate Eastern African Fine Coffees Association (EAFCA) Representative Kenya Planters’ Co-operative Union Ltd Alternate Other Milds Asociación Mexicana de la Cadena Productiva del Café (AMCPC) Representative3* Instituto Hondureňo del Café (IHCAFE) Alternate* Asociación Nacional del Café (ANACAFÉ) Representative Coffee Exporters Association of India Alternate Brazilian and Other Natural Arabicas Conselho de Exportadores de Café do Brasil (CECAFÉ) Representative Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Café Solúvel (ABICS) Alternate Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Café (ABIC) Alternate Conselho Nacional do Café (CNC) Representative Confederação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil (CNA) Alternate Robustas Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters (AEKI) Representative Uganda Coffee Trade Federation (UCTF) Alternate Vietnam and Coffee and Cocoa and Association (VICOFA) Representative Cocoa and Coffee Interprofessional Board (CICC) Alternate IMPORTING MEMBERS (2005/06 – 2006/07) All Japan Coffee Association Representative European Coffee Federation (ECF) Representative ECF Alternate * To be designated by the Council at its next Session. - 6 - European Coffee Federation (ECF) Representative ECF Alternate European Coffee Federation (ECF) Representative ECF Alternate Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC) Representative ISIC Alternate National Coffee Association of USA (NCA) Representative Coffee Association of Canada Alternate Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) Representative Speciality Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE) Representative European Decaffeinators Association (EDA) Alternate MEMBERS OF THE STATISTICS COMMITTEE (2006/07 – 2007/08) Chairman To be appointed Vice-Chairman To be appointed Experts designated by exporting Members Mr. Alberto Duque Portugal (Brazil) To be appointed (Colombia) Experts designated by importing Members Mr. Rob Simmons (LMC International Ltd., United Kingdom) Mr. Neil Rosser (Neumann Kaffee Gruppe, Germany) Representatives of the Executive Director Mr. David Brooks (United States of America) Mr. Corneille Tabalo (Democratic Republic of Congo) MEMBERS OF THE QUALITY COMMITTEE Chairman Executive Director Exporting Members Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Indonesia Importing Members EC, France, Italy, United Kingdom Private Sector representatives ECF, ECF, AMCPC, VICOFA - 7 - MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE (2006/07 – 2007/08) Chairman To be appointed Exporting Members Brazil, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Papua New Guinea Importing Members EC – Spain, Japan, Switzerland, USA MEMBERS OF THE VIRTUAL SCREENING COMMITTEE Exporting Members Brazil, Guatemala, Indonesia Importing Members Germany, Italy, USA .
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