University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Mechanical & Materials Engineering Faculty Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Publications Department of 2000 The State and Future of Mars Polar Science and Exploration Stephen M. Clifford Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX David Crisp Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA David A. Fisher Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa Ken E. Herkenhoff U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ Suzanne E. Smrekar FJetollow Propulsion this and Labor additionalatory , worksPasadena, at: https:/ CA /digitalcommons.unl.edu/mechengfacpub Part of the Mechanical Engineering Commons See next page for additional authors Clifford, Stephen M.; Crisp, David; Fisher, David A.; Herkenhoff, Ken E.; Smrekar, Suzanne E.; Thomas, Peter C.; Wynn-Williams, David D.; Zurek, Richard W.; Barnes, Jeffrey R.; Bills, Bruce G.; Blake, Erik W.; Calvin, Wendy M.; Cameron, Jonathan M.; Carr, Michael H.; Christensen, Philip R.; Clark, Benton C.; Clow, Gary D.; Cutts, James A.; Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe; Durham, William B.; Fanale, Fraser P.; Farmer, Jack D.; Forget, Francois; Gotto-Azuma, Kumiko; Grard, Rejean; Haberle, Robert M.; Harrison, William; Harvey, Ralph; Howard, Alan D.; Ingersoll, Andy P.; James, Philip B.; Kargel, Jeffrey S.; Kieffer, Hugh H.; Larsen, Janus; Lepper, Kenneth; Malin, Michael C.; McCleese, Daniel J.; Murray, Bruce; Nye, John F.; Paige, David A.; Platte, Stephen R.; Plaut, Jef f J.; Reeh, Niels; Rice, James W.; Smith, David E.; Stoker, Carol R.; Tanaka, Kenneth L.; Mosley-Thompson, Ellen; Thorsteinsson, Thorsteinn; Wood, Stephen E.; Zent, Aaron; Zuber, Maria T.; and Zwally, H. Jay, "The State and Future of Mars Polar Science and Exploration" (2000). Mechanical & Materials Engineering Faculty Publications. 17. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/mechengfacpub/17 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Department of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mechanical & Materials Engineering Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Authors Stephen M. Clifford, David Crisp, David A. Fisher, Ken E. Herkenhoff, Suzanne E. Smrekar, Peter C. Thomas, David D. Wynn-Williams, Richard W. Zurek, Jeffrey R. Barnes, Bruce G. Bills, Erik W. Blake, Wendy M. Calvin, Jonathan M. Cameron, Michael H. Carr, Philip R. Christensen, Benton C. Clark, Gary D. Clow, James A. Cutts, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, William B. Durham, Fraser P. Fanale, Jack D. Farmer, Francois Forget, Kumiko Gotto-Azuma, Rejean Grard, Robert M. Haberle, William Harrison, Ralph Harvey, Alan D. Howard, Andy P. Ingersoll, Philip B. James, Jeffrey S. Kargel, Hugh H. Kieffer, Janus Larsen, Kenneth Lepper, Michael C. Malin, Daniel J. McCleese, Bruce Murray, John F. Nye, David A. Paige, Stephen R. Platte, Jef f J. Plaut, Niels Reeh, James W. Rice, David E. Smith, Carol R. Stoker, Kenneth L. Tanaka, Ellen Mosley-Thompson, Thorsteinn Thorsteinsson, Stephen E. Wood, Aaron Zent, Maria T. Zuber, and H. Jay Zwally This article is available at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/ mechengfacpub/17 Icarus 144, 210-242 (2000) doi:lO.lOOdlisar 1999.6290. available online at http:Ilwww.idsalibrarycomon IDE L;$ The State and Future of Mars Polar Science and Exploration Stephen M. ~lifford,'David David A. t is her,^ Ken E. ~erkenhoff?Suzanne E. Smrekar,2 Peter C. ~homas,~David D. wynn-~illiams,~Richard W. ~urek,~Jeffrey R. ~arnes,'Bruce G. ~ills,~Erik W. lake,^ Wendy M. Cal~in,~Jonathan M. Camer~n,~Michael H. Can;" Philip R. Christensen," Benton C. Clark,12 Gary D. Clow,13 James A. ~utts,~Dorthe ~ahl- ens en,'^ William B. ~urham,'~Fraser P. an ale,'^ Jack D. ~armer,"Francois Forget,I7 Kumiko Gotto- ~zuma,'~Rejean Grard,I9 Robert M. Haberle,20 William Harri~on,~'Ralph ~arve~,~~Alan D. ~oward,~~ Andy P. ~n~ersoll,~~Philip B. ~ames,~~Jeffrey S. ~ar~el:Hugh H. ~ieffer,~Janus Larsen,I4 Kenneth ~epper,~~Michael C. ~alin,~~Daniel J. McClee~e,~Bruce ~urra~,~~John F. ~~e,~~ David A. ~aige,~~ Stephen R. ~latt,~'Jeff J. ~laut,~Niels Reeh,31James W. Rice,32 ~r.,~'David E. Smith,8 Carol R. ~toker,~'Kenneth L. Tan~ika,~Ellen ~osley-Thomp~on,~"horsteinn~horsteinsson,'~ Stephen E. Aaron ~ent,~'Maria T. ~uber,~~and H. Jay Zwally8 ~unarand Planetary Institute, 3600 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77058; 2~etPropulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Culvixnia 91 109; j~errainScience Division, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0E8, Canada; 4~.~.Geological Survey, Flagstafi Arizoria 86001; S~epurtmentof Astronomy, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853; 6~ritishAntarctic Survey, Natural Environmental Research Council, Cambridge CB3 OET, United Kingdom; 'college of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Oregon 97331; 8~eodynamicsBranch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Centec Greenbelt, Maryland 20771; 91cejeld Instruments Inc., Whitehorse, Yukon Canada, YIA 5H4, Canada; "u.s. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California 94025; I' Department of Geology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287; I2Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denvec Colorado 8020; l3 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver Federal Centec Denvec Colorado 80225; 14~eofLsiskAfdeling, Niels Bohr lnstitut for Asfronomi, F.~sikog GeofLsik, DK-2/00 Kmbenhavn OE, Denmark; lS~awrenceLivermore National Laboratory, University of Ca1,fornia-Berkeley, Livermore, California 94550; '6~awuiiInstitute of Geophysics and Planetology, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822; "Laboratoire de Mktkorologie Dyrtamique du C.N.R.S., UniversitP de Paris 6, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France; 18~agaokaInstitute of Snow and Ice Studies NIED, 187-16 Suyoshi Nagaoka Niigata, Japan; 19~uro/7eanSpace Agency/ESTEC, NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands; 20~paceSciences Division, NASA Ames Research Centec Moffett Field, California 94035; Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, 903 Koynkuk Drive, Fairbanks, Ala.~ka99775; 22~epartmentof Geological Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106; 23~epartmenrof Environnzental Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903; 24~ivisionof Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technologq: Pasadena, California 91 125; 's~epartmentof Physics and Astronomy, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606; 26~nvironmentalSciences Program, Department of Physics, Oklahoma Stclte University, Stillwatec Oklahoma 74078; 27~alinSpace Science Systems, Irzc., Sari Diego, California 92191; 28~epartmentof Physics, H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 ITL, United Kingdom; 29~epartmentof Earth and Space Sciences, University of California at Los Angles, Los Angles, Culifornia 90095; 3n~nowand Ice Research Group, Universin)of Nebruska- Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583; "Danish Centerfor Remote Sensing, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark; 32~unarand Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721; 33~yrdPolar Research Cerzte~ Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210; 34~lfredWegener Irtstitut fur Polar- und Meeresforschung, Columbusstrasse. 0-27568 Bremerhaven, Germany; 35~epartmerztof Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195; 36~epartmentof Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technolog): Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 E-mail: [email protected] Received July 20, 1999; revised October 25, 1999 catastrophic floods, solar luminosity, supernovae, and perhaps even As the planet's principal cold traps, the martian polar regions a record of microbial life. Beyond their scientific value, the polar have accumulated extensive mantles of ice and dust that cover in- regions may soon prove important for another reason-providing a dividual areas of -lo6 km2 and total as much as 3-4 km thick. From valuable and accessible reservoir of water to support the long-term the scarcity of superposed craters on their surface, these layered de- human exploration of Mars. In this paper we assess the current state posits are thought to be comparatively young-preserving a record of Mars polar research, identify the key questions that motivate the of the seasonal and climatic cycling of atmospheric COz, H20,and exploration of the polar regions, discuss the extent to which current dust over the past NIO~-IO~years..For this reason, the martian missions will address these questions, and speculate about what ad- polar deposits may serve as a Rosetta Stone for understanding the ditional capabilities and investigations may be required to address geologic and climatic history of the planet--documenting varia- the issues that remain outstanding. @ 2000 Academic press tions in insolation (due to quasiperiodic oscillations in the planet's Key Words: Mars, surface; Mars, atmosphere; Mars, climate; ices; obliquity and orbital elements), volatile mass balance, atmospheric exobiology. composition, dust storm activity, volcanic eruptions, large impacts, THE STATE AND FUTURE OF MARS POLAR SCIENCE AND EXPLORATION 21 1 1. INTRODUCTION they may preserve a stratigraphic record of climate change that ranges from months to millions of years, modulated by quasi- Thirty-five years of investigations by robotic spacecraft have periodic changes in the planet's orbit and obliquity (Murray et al. provided substantial evidence that the atmosphere and surface 1972, Cutts 1973, Toon et al. 1980, Howard et al. 1982, Cutts of Mars have undergone a
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