Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 2-15-1968 The rsinU us Weekly, February 15, 1968 Herbert C. Smith Ursinus College Alan Gold Ursinus College Byron Jackson Ursinus College Frederick Jacob Ursinus College Richard Meals Ursinus College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Smith, Herbert C.; Gold, Alan; Jackson, Byron; Jacob, Frederick; and Meals, Richard, "The rU sinus Weekly, February 15, 1968" (1968). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 184. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/184 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Mhe Brsiuus meekly FEBRUARY 15, Volume----~~~-------------------------------------T~H~U~RSDAY, LXVII _____________19~ ~~ No. 8 ThirdKingdomSwings Dispute, Voided Contract Cancels To Enliven Weekends Strawberry Alarm Clock Show The disquo-set blew their minds last Saturday night to a smashing By Alan Gold psychedelia of sound from the Electric Eclec.tic in U. C.'s all new In recent months there has been much tslk on the Ursinus campu concerning the appearance of the THIRD KINGDOM. Trillion decibcl psychedelic pe~aded the camp~s 3trawberry Alarm Clock in concert at the college for the Winter Inter-Fraternity Weekend. ow, with from the former Freeland dining hall. Atmosphenc bombardment m Winter IF Weekend just a few days away, it has been revealed that the trawberry Alarm Clock will not the form of flashing area lights, go-go girls, and flash collages brought lppear here. In fact, no one will. new life into an otherwise empty weekend. The 3tory explaining the reason for this occurrence is bt)th long and complicated. ~loreover, the Where did this revolutionary blame for its occurrence rests upon many shoulders. A bit of history concerning the Agency. the organ­ weekend phenomenon come from? ization which schedules live enter- ,- The midnight oil has been burning tsinment at Ursinus, is decidedly berry Alarm Clock for $2500. in the old dining room for many College Evaluated in order. Consequently, the Agency con- weeks and rumor was that the . tacted the group' booking agent, Freel~nd A-Go-Go was being re­ The Agency, under the directIOn Iand asked for a nullification of vived by the Freshmen after a two For Accreditation ?f Neal Meritz, was originally an their previous agreement by tele­ year dormancy. Overnight the Ten members of the Middle md~pendent an.d autonomous g?V- gram. The booking agent refused back windows turned yellow, blue States Accreditation Association ernmg b.ody, Its members bemg to render the agreement void, and and red. Finally the official word have been invited to the Ursinus v~~ted Wit? the sole p~wer of de- threatened to sue the Agency for appeared in the form of a flashing campus in a culmination of two clslon-makm.g concerm~g all as- 2500. The booking agent, how­ THIRD KINGDOM atop the back years of self-evaluation by the col­ pects of live ~ntertamment on ever, presented an alternative wall. lege administration. ~ampus. Accordmg to ~ea~ Mer- course of action to the Agency: to Stu Sweet, president of the Class As Assistant Dean of Admis­ ItZ, the Agen~y was functlOnmg ex- proceed with their former plans, of 1971, was organizer and director sions and one who has worked tremely well m thiS manner. How- and schedule the concert at a re­ of creative energy for THE THIRD closely with the final report being ever, a "new" A~~ncy w~s recently duced rate of $2300. Upon subse­ KINGDOM. He shares credit with submitted to the committee, Mr. for~ed by the Jomt action of the quent legal advice, the Agency was, Joe Rogers, Bob McCollough, Art J ones says: "This self-study is Ursmus Student Government Asso- in effect coerced into scheduling Severance, Marianne Rozycka, most valuable to us. It causes us ciat~o? . (USGA). and t?e Student the conc~rt. Hence, the Agency Chery Peterfreund, Gene Searfoss, all to put into words what we are ~ctl~ltles Comm.lttee, With the ma- signed an official 1usicians' Union and Chip Lambert, the collage­ doing and trying to do." Among Jor dl~erence bemg that full repre- contract with the Strawberry maker. An electric collage in The Third the 100 detailed questions answered s~ntatlOn on the Agen~y board was Alarm Clock, and ent a deposit of Sweet promises to pack the holes Kingdom is pointed out by Stu in the report are inquiries on aims, given to each fratermty and each $1150. Also at this time, admis­ in the Spring Calendar with more Sweet, '71 president. services, programs, attainments, class. sion tickets and pUblicity po ters of the same. With increasing at­ expenditures, and courses. Most of Indeed, the Agency was fortun- were printed. tendance more bands of the quality the committee members are exper­ ate in making money on the two Despite the signing of a written of The Electric Eclectic will be pos­ probably be strobe lights and a ienced in small schools and are se­ concerts this past fall, the Soul contract, the trawberry Alarm sible. The decor will be improved full light show in addition to an­ lected by the Middle States Asso- Survivors and the Soul Brother Six. Clock recently announced that they as THE THIRD KINGDOM ma­ other mind-jamming band. dation. However, the Agency encountered have been booked for another en­ difficulties when the Strawberry gagement on February 17, and con­ tures. Next KINGDOM there will If opening night is any indica­ In his assembly speeches con­ Alarm Clock was chosen over the sequently voided the contract. (It tion, THE THIRD KINGDOM add' cerning the evaluation, Dean Pettit Buckinghams and Spanky and Our may be conjectured that the Straw­ a whole new dimension to Ursinue. reminded all students that "as Gang, and signed for $2500. Never berry Alarm Clock are being paid Volunteers Needed doldrum weekends. It has the po­ members of the Ursinus family" before had the Agency offered so more than $2300. for this other en­ tential of attracting a few suit­ they are welcomed to examine the casers to join in the eclectic, prepared evaluation report, which large a sum of money for live en- gagement, and, therefore, cancelled For Blood Mobile tertainment. (The Soul Survivors their agreement with Ursinus for freaked-out U.C. may be found in the Dean's Office. On Monday, March 4, between had cost only $1000, and the Soul financial reasons.) Hence, the 12:30 and 5:00 p.m., the American Brother Six had cost even less than Agency was confronted with the Red Cross Blood Mobile will be on that.) dilemma that no entertainment was campus at the T-G gym. Students, New Instructors Join After the Agency had decided to available, and that Winter IF faculty and staff are requested to book the Strawberry Alarm Clock, Weekend was less than two weeks donate blood as a civic and patri­ Ward Vaughn, an influential mem- away. The Agency was unsuccess­ otic gesture toward the community. History Department StaH ber of the Agency, sent a telegram ful ill its subsequent attempt to Such a contribution is of benefit to the group's booking agent stat- book either the Buckinghams or the both to oneself, one's family and Two additions have been made to history at St. Paul's School, Con­ ing that the Agency agreed to pay Platters on such short notice. As one's community. By donating the faculty of the History depart­ cord, N. H. in the Advanced Stud­ the sum of $2500. for a concert on a result, the $1150. deposit is be­ blood to the Red Cross, one's fam­ ment, it was announced by Profes­ ies Program and at the United February 17, at Ursinus. How- ing returned to the Agency. Pro­ ily is always assured of this service sor J. Douglas Davis, recently ap­ States Armed Forces Institute in ever, this agreement was based up- motional expenses, however, are in case of emergency. pointed head of the department. Madison, Wisconsin. on another understood agreement not recoverable. Blood is desperately needed in Edward Henry Platte, Jr., of Col­ at Ursinus-that each fraternity Neal Meritz postulated that "Ur­ John Newman, a professional ar­ Vietnam and volunteers may spe­ legeville, will teach "The Age of brother on campus would automati- smus would never back the Agency tist who is studying for his Mas­ cifically designate their donation Romanticism" and several sections cally purchase two tickets to the in a legal contest," and hence the in the History of Civilization ter's Degree in the Graduate School concert (as they have done for all Agency did not bring suit against for this purpose. of Fine Arts at the University of This program is being sponsored course on a part-time basis. John previous concerts), thus insuring the Strawberry Alarm Clock. How­ Pennsylvania, has also joined the by Dean Rothenberger and Mr. Bai­ C. Newman of Uwchland, Pa., will the Agency of approximately 500 ever, Meritz also states, "The con­ History department as a teaching guaranteed ticket sales. The diffi- cert would have lost a fortune be­ ley who is a member of the Board teach Fine Arts and the History of Fellow.
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