United Nations A/68/ PV.104 General Assembly Official Records asdfSixty-eighth session 104th plenary meeting Thursday, 17 July 2014, 3 p.m. New York President: Mr. Ashe . (Antigua and Barbuda) The meeting was called to order at 3.05 p.m. implementation of the African Union’s New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and recognizes the Agenda item 63 (continued) progress in its implementation. It also welcomes the commitment of African leaders to Africa’s political, New Partnership for Africa’s Development: progress social and economic integration agenda and to the in implementation and international support ideal of pan-Africanism and African renaissance, as (a) New Partnership for Africa’s Development: reaffirmed in the solemn declaration adopted in May progress in implementation and 2013 on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the international support Organization of African Unity/African Union. The draft resolution also welcomes the progress made in the Draft resolution (A/68/L.41/Rev.1) development of the African Union Agenda 2063 as a The President: Members will recall that the strategic vision and action plan for ensuring a positive General Assembly considered, in a joint debate, agenda socioeconomic transformation in Africa within the item 63 and its sub-items (a) and (b) and agenda item next 50 years, particularly through regional integration, 13, at its 36th and 37th plenary meetings, on 25 October industrialization, diversification of the economy and 2013. job creation. I now give the floor to the representative of With regard to the topic of governance, the draft the Plurinational State of Bolivia to introduce draft resolution welcomes the commendable progress that resolution A/68/L.41/Rev.1. has been achieved in implementing the African Peer Review Mechanism, in particular the completion of Ms. Vilaseca Chumacero (Plurinational State the peer review process in 17 countries, and welcomes of Bolivia): I have the honour to introduce, on behalf the progress in implementing the national programmes of the Group of 77 and China, a draft resolution of action resulting from those reviews. The draft entitled “New Partnership for Africa’s Development: resolution also recognizes and welcomes the sustained progress in implementation and international support”, efforts of African countries in mainstreaming a gender contained in document A/68/L.41/Rev.1, under agenda perspective and the empowerment of women in the item 63 (a). The Group of 77 and China would like implementation of the New Partnership. to express its appreciation to all delegations for their constructive deliberations on and contributions to the The progress made thus far by Africa must draft resolution. continued to be supported by developed countries. In that regard, the draft resolution expresses concern at The draft resolution presented today reaffirms Africa’s disproportionately low share in the volume of the support of the international community for the This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the translation of speeches delivered in other languages. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-0506. Corrected records will be reissued electronically on the Official Document System of the United Nations (http://documents.un.org). 14-47140 (E) *1447140* A /68/PV.104 17/07/2014 international trade, which stands at approximately 3 per that it contains agreed language that was borrowed in cent, also expresses concern that official development its entirety from previous and current trade resolutions assistance to Africa fell in 2013, and further expresses adopted by the General Assembly, it has brought into concern at the increased debt burden of some African sharp focus some issues currently being deliberated countries. In that context, the draft resolution presented in Geneva in the context of World Trade Organization today calls for the fulfilment of the official development negotiations. assistance (ODA) commitments, including the For close to a month, a compromise on the commitments to allocate 0.7 per cent of gross national paragraph seemed almost elusive. We eventually product to ODA. reached the conclusion that paragraph 39 must neither Finally, Africa’s efforts to eradicate poverty and divide us nor scuttle our collective efforts, since our hunger, create jobs and ensure sustainable development core focus remains the full and effective support of the must be completed by sustained support from developed implementation of NEPAD programmes and projects. partners. In that vein, the draft resolution urged the Consequently, I wish to make an oral revision to international community to give due attention to the paragraph 39 to have it end after the word “negotiations” priorities identified in the context of NEPAD in the and to delete the subsequent wording. The revised formulation of the post-2015 development agenda. version of paragraph 39 would therefore read: The President: I call on the representative of “Notes the progress made at the Ninth Ministerial Kenya to make an oral revision to draft resolution Conference of the World Trade Organization, held A/68/L.41/Rev.1. in Bali, Indonesia, from 3 to 7 December 2013, and looks forward to the timely implementation of Mr. Ogweno (Kenya): At the outset, I thank you, the ‘Bali package’, including the trade facilitation Mr. President, for convening this meeting on the agreement, and calls for a balanced, ambitious, adoption of a very important draft resolution on the comprehensive and development-oriented outcome New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). of the Doha Development Agenda multilateral Similarly, I thank you for giving me the opportunity, in trade negotiations”. my capacity as the facilitator of the draft resolution, to deliver this statement. I wish to state that the revised paragraph 39, as I have read it out, is agreed language in the context of The core mandate of NEPAD is to facilitate previous General Assembly resolutions on this item, but and coordinate the implementation of regional and because we sought consensus agreement, we requested continental priority programmes and projects and to the oral revision that I have just proposed. push for partnerships, resource mobilization, research and knowledge management. It is a mandate that all I also wish to clarify that this is the agreed win-win African States take very seriously and for which they solution for all. In that connection, I would add that seek the support of all development partners towards the consensus on paragraph 39 was reached on the its full realization. Accordingly, the NEPAD resolution understanding that the paragraph, as it stands with the has always been negotiated and adopted by the General oral revision I have just read out, shall not be used to Assembly by consensus. prejudice either future negotiations in the context of the World Trade Organization or resolutions on trade issues I am pleased that the same procedure has been negotiated and adopted by the General Assembly. In followed in that regard today. As facilitator of the other words, the amendment is NEPAD-specific and draft resolution, I take this opportunity to thank all does not set a precedent for resolutions addressing delegations for their constructiveness and flexibility future agreements. during the entire negotiating process. I am particularly grateful to all participants for providing me with the In conclusion, I wish to share with the Assembly a delicate compromise reached in elaborating the draft Swahili proverb of wisdom, which says that it is useless resolution. for me to recognize a person who does not recognize me. I thank all delegations for recognizing each other’s Turning to paragraph 39 of draft resolution red lines and for adjusting accordingly, particularly on A/68/L.41/Rev.1, I wish to state that it has been the most paragraph 39. I also thank all for the trust bestowed difficult paragraph to resolve. Irrespective of the fact on me as facilitator of the draft resolution and for the 2/5 14-47140 17/07/2014 A /68/PV.104 support rendered for its successful conclusion and for a term of office beginning on 18 October 2014 and adoption. ending on 31 December 2017. The President: The Assembly will now take a Accordingly, may I take it that the General Assembly decision on draft resolution A/68/L.41/Rev.1, entitled wishes to re-elect Mr. Joan Clos as Executive Director “New Partnership for Africa’s Development: progress of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme in implementation and international support”, as orally for a term of office beginning on 18 October 2014 and revised. ending on 31 December 2017? I now give the floor to the representative of the It was so decided. Secretariat. The President: I now give the floor to the Mr. Botnaru (Department for General Assembly representative of Libya. and Conference Management): I should like to announce Mr. Dabbashi (Libya): I have the honour to make that, since the submission of the draft resolution, in this statement on behalf of the Group of African States. addition to those delegations listed in the document, At the outset, the Group thanks you, Mr. President, for the following countries have become sponsors of convening this important debate in order to take action A/68/L.41/Rev.1: Austria, Estonia, France, Hungary, on the important agenda item before us. Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Turkey. The Group reaffirms its continuing support to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme The President: May I take it that the Assembly (UN-HABITAT). In that regard, the Group takes decides to adopt draft resolution A/68/L.41/Rev.1, as note of the appointment of Mr.
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