Council Reviews Coming Year's 6rttnbtlt ca,ital Improvements Projects by Leta Mach How to spend $291,000 was the pleasant subject city council considered at a July 31 work session. The money has been designated for fiscal year 1984-85 capital improve­ ment projects. ltws Rt1Jitw Some projects had already been approved in FY 1983- AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER 84. Totaling $49,500, the projects are Attick Park entrance road reconstruction, work on stairs and sidewalk to the post Volume 47 Numbez: 39 P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Thurs., Aug. 16, 1984 office, Greenhill drainage work and Centerway resurfacing 1 with new curb and sidewalk. A large portion of the money get but instead listed as future would be used for street resur­ needs. The projects included facing on Julian Court, Lastner Northway resurfacing from Ri<tge 61-11 Considers Plans for Reconstruction Lane, Rosewood Drive, Periwin­ to the Northway fields (estimate kle Drive, Hamilton Place, Lake­ $19,000), lake dredging (estimate crest Drive (Lakecrest Circle so $85,000), Eastway reconstruction .Of Plateau PL and Ridge Road Sidewalk Lakeside), Lakeside Drive (West­ (estimate $30,000), Hillside re­ way to Lakecrest), Westway construction Northway to Cres­ by Mavis Fletcher The discussion about the Ridge Cooperative League of the USA. (Ridge to resurfaced section), cent (estimate $55,000), resur­ Greenbelt City Manager Ro:id reconstruction centered vri­ CLUSA is currently working on Springhill Lane ( Breezewood to facing of half of the North Cen­ marily on whether a sidewalk drafting tax legislation which resurfaced section) and the At­ ter parking lot (estimate ~l'l,- James K. Giese appeared be­ should be installed along the would exempt from tax interest tick Park lot and road. The city 000), turning wall for the pool fore the Board of Directors south side of Ridge. Since it income gained by a cooperi:,t1ve estimate for this work is $142,- (estimate $90,000) and heat of Greenbelt Homes, Inc., at would be on GHI property, an from funds collected from mem­ 000; however, it may be possible pump/air conditioning for the a meeting on Aug. 2 to dis­ easement would be required. Aftt:r bers to do the work under a county Youth Center gym (estimate $25,- cuss city construction plans discussion, the board voted un­ Personnel Decisions contract for $90,000. 000). for Plateau Place and for animously to grant the easement Personnel matters occupied the Tennis Courts Since the Eastway and Hill­ Ridge Rd. between South­ after consultation with membi'rs board for part of the meeting. One group, the Greenbelt Ten­ side Road reconstructions were way and Westway. Giese in the 14 and 16 Courts. With Narasimhan's imminent de­ nis Association, was present to candidates for Community De­ Both construction projects are parture, it became necessary to help council make up its mmd. velopment Block Grant funds, presented three plans for being funded by a Commumty Plateau Place; two of these appoint someone to replace him The group, explained associauon Giese recommended they not oe Development Block Grant from as one of GHI's two representa­ president James A. Harbaugh, considered for capital improve­ had been presented at a pub­ the Department of Housing and tives on the board of directors "wish to see our tennis courts, ment projects. Council also de­ lic hearing on July 9 and the Urban Development. of the Share Loan Service C.:or­ Braden Field Nos. 5-8, restored cided to hold off on the turning third had been devised later IRS Ruling poration. Leo Hool, a member of to a playable condition as soon wall because a consultant's report in response to suggestions One of the urgent items .:>n the the Audit Committee, had ex­ as possible." Barbara Moore pre­ is expected on the subject. made at the hearing. agenda concerned a GHI income pressed interest in serving on sented a petition on the subject No Concensus In Plan A, the roadway would tax liability which resulted from this body. However, some question with approximately 300 signa­ Of the remaining items, tne be 40' wide with parallel park­ an IRS ruling that cooperative had been raised about the pro­ tures which the group had hur­ Northway resurfacing received ing on both sides; .in Plan B, corporations must pay corpo1ate priety of a member serving sim­ riedly collected over the weekend. the support of W eidenfeld, Wh,te, the roadway would be 20' wide income tax on so-called "non­ ultaneously on the SLSC board Reconstruction of the tennis Pilski and Bram. However, 1t with perpendicular parking on assessm~nt" income; that is, in­ and the Audit Committee. Di­ courts was one of five priority was more difficult to obtain a the north side and parking spaces come which did not accrue to the rector Don Volk indicated that projeots listed as possibilitks m consensus on the 1·emaining items. moved directly in front of the corporation from members or he would be comfortable about the FY 1984-85 budget. The $5:i,- Street work, including worh. on residences. In Plan C the road­ from transactions with members. this if Hool were the board's 000 estimate for this project, ex­ roads not listed originally, was way was planned at 24' wide with In GHJ's case, this is primarily choice but Directors Deborah plained City Manager James a favorite item. Recalling a c1Li­ perpendicular parking on the interest income from investme11ts. Hartwiek and Janet Cantwell ex­ Giese, would involve tearing up zens' request, Pilski stated his north side, parking betwee]l resi­ GHI, which got an extension of pressed some concern about the the courts to put irt underdrains, desire to widen the two-lane sec­ chmees a-nd green space directly its 1983 tax filing date, 1s now situation. On a motion by Hart­ improving the drainage and redo­ tion of Hanover Parkway. Esti­ in front. The number of parki11g faced with paying income taxes wick, seconded by Cantwell the ing the base. Mayor Gil Weiden­ mated at 64,000 the project spaces varies with each plan. estimated by Comptroller Don bo!l'rd unanimously voted to' ap­ feld and council members Ed Pu­ was more than remained in the The street currently has 68 per­ McGinn at 40 to 45 thousand point Comptroller Don McGinn to tens and Toni Bram supported the fund. Therefore, he looKe<i .for pendicular· spaces. Plan A wou,d dollars. replace Narasimhan on the SL3C tennis association's request. Coun­ ways to find more money. Giese result in 94 parallel spaces; Plans Pursuant to advice from l..xen­ board. cil member Richard Pilski ex­ allowed that the city would have pressed support for doing two an as yet undetermined excess B and C would have 74 and 62 eral Manager Shekar Narasim­ See GHI, page 4, col. 1 perpendicular spaces, respective­ han, who had opinions from GHl's tennis courts. ( Council member of revenues. While in favor of ly. Members who expressed an tax attorney and auditors, the Thomas White arrived as the the. Hanover Parkway project, opinion on the options at the board voted to authorize payment ;;ession was ending.) Even with W e1denfeld felt it should be done August 2 meeting appeared to of the tax due. Narasimhan point­ Cable Facilities Available th:s support, Giese was not cer­ as part of a bond referendum. favor retention of perpendicular ed out that the IRS ruling will ta:n whether the project could be ~ram felt it would be appro­ parking and green space in front continue to have an impact on For City Programming done this fall because time would priate to resurface as many re­ of residences. The board voted to GHI budgeting since GHI will !le needed for developing speciti­ maining Boxwood streets as pos­ recommend that the city proceed earn more interest income in SJorer Cable provides oppor­ cations and obtaining bids. sible. Other projects she men­ with Plan C providing the road­ 1984 and will have to pay taxes turu.ty for non-commercial com­ Priority Projects tioned were more Attick Park way could be increased to 26' and on that income in 1985. In this munity programming on local Coancil quickly reviewl!d and work and the North Center pai-k­ ing lot. additional parking spaces ;:ould connection, the board voted to and public access channels. A-6 .,up ported the remaining priority be carved out at the end of the donate $750 to the Cooperative is a coun,y..- iue (11ori.h1::.i1 l:'.1.,. projects - Centerway sidewalks Weidenfeld also supported tne street. Housing Advocacy Fund of the County), public access channel and curbs (estimate $ls1,i>0u), North Center parking lot. In while A-10 is the City of Green­ Attick Park entrance landscai,ing addition, he felt a heat pump/air ( estimate $14,000) and resuri'ac­ conditioner would be useful for Bloodmobile belt local government channel. "Clam Chowder" in Benefit Storer also provides camera :ng of the Youth Center roof the Youth Center gym in view of the senior citizens who use the at Fire Dept. ~quipment, _ &tudio and editing (estimate 22,000). Although the Appearance at Arts Center roof is not leaking, Giese felt a facility. Citing heat as a stre.is The Bloodmobile wm be at l ..Cdt.1e:1, v1<1eo.ape, 11.nd tra,n.ng factor for seniors in the sum­ the Greenbelt Fire Depart­ "Clam Chowder," a five meni­ classes for the use of their equip­ resurfacing was needed. Pilski melllt on Cresoont Road on ber musical group featuring tra­ ment.
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