1992L0092 — EN — 23.04.1993 — 001.001 — 1 This document is meant purely as a documentation tool and the institutions do not assume any liability for its contents ►B COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 92/92/EEC of 9 November 1992 amending Directive 86/465/EEC concerning the Community list of less-favoured farming areas within the meaning of Directive 75/268/EEC (Federal Republic of Germany) ‘New Länder’ (OJ L 338, 23.11.1992, p. 1) Amended by: Official Journal No page date ►M1 Commission Decision 93/226/EEC of 22 April 1993 L 99 1 26.4.1993 1992L0092 — EN — 23.04.1993 — 001.001 — 2 ▼B COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 92/92/EEC of 9 November 1992 amending Directive 86/465/EEC concerning the Community list of less-favoured farming areas within the meaning of Directive 75/268/ EEC (Federal Republic of Germany) ‘New Länder’ THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Com- munity, Having regard to Council Directive 75/268/EEC of 28 April 1975 on mountain and hill farming and farming in certain less-favoured areas (1), and in particular Article 2 (2) thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (2), Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (3), Whereas Directive 86/465/EEC (4) indicates what areas of the Federal Republic of Germany are included in the Community list of less- favoured areas within the meaning of Article 3 (3), (4) and (5) of Direc- tive 75/268/EEC; Whereas the German Government has submitted a request to the Com- mission, in accordance with Article 2 (1) of Directive 75/268/EEC, that the Community list of areas annexed to Directive 86/465/EEC be amended; Whereas the German Government has, pursuant to Article 2 (1) of Directive 75/268/EEC, notified the Commission of the areas considered eligible for inclusion in the Community list of less-favoured farming areas, together with the relevant information on their characteristics; Whereas the criteria adopted are the existence of very difficult climatic conditions, as mentioned at the first indent in Article 3 (3) of Directive 75/268/EEC, and a minimum altitude of 800 metres (central point of district or average altitude of commune); Whereas, where there is a combination of poor climate and steep slopes, as mentioned at the third indent in Article 3 (3) of Directives 75/268/ EEC, the criteria used are a minimum altitude of 600 metres and slope of atleast18 %; Whereas areas with infertile land and economic results from farming appreciably lower than the mean, as mentioned at (a) and (b) in Article 3 (4) of Directive 85/268/EEC, have been delimited using a composite criterion, namely the agricultural comparability index (Landwirtschaf- tliche Vergleichszahl, LVZ); whereas, in the case of cantons (Kreise) considered to qualify in part, the index values submitted are the average for the communes of the Kreis considered to qualify, weighted in pro- portion to their sizes; Whereas the maximum average index value for each area as indicated above has been setat28 for less-favoured farming areas, i.e. 70 % of the national average value (40); whereas, however, this average value has been setat32,5 for less-favoured farming areas where permanent meadow and pasture makes up more than 80 % of the utilized agricul- tural area (UAA) and at 32,5 per commune in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania where 20 % or more of the active population, a rate more than five times higher than the national average, is still engaged in agri- culture. (1) OJ No L 128, 19. 5. 1975, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 (OJ No L 93, 30. 3. 1985, p. 1). (2) OJ No C 251, 28. 9. 1992, p. 1. (3) Opinion delivered on 30 October 1992 (not yet published in the Official Journal). (4) OJ No L 273, 24. 9. 1986, p 1. Lastamended by Commission Decision 91/ 26/EEC (OJ No L 16, 22. 1. 1991, p. 27). 1992L0092 — EN — 23.04.1993 — 001.001 — 3 ▼B Whereas, as regards low population density as mentioned at (c) in Arti- cle 3 (4) of Directive 75/268/EEC, the index value adopted is for the relatively high level of 130 inhabitants per sq km; whereas the popula- tion density in each Kreis was worked out from figures for 1989; whereas, however, since then a reduction of population and inter-regio- nal movementhave been observed in thenew Länder; Whereas, for delimitation of areas affected by specific handicaps that can be treated as less-favoured areas, as mentioned in Article 3 (5) of Directive 75/268/EEC, the criterion adopted is the existence of both unfavourable natural production condition (LVZ generally below 25) and coast or landscape protection constraints; whereas the total extent of these areas is not more than 4 % of the areas of the Member State concerned; Wheras the nature and level of the abovementioned critera used by the German Government to delimit two types of area notified to the Com- mission correspond respectively to the characteristice of mountain and less-favoured areas as indicated in Article 3 (3) and (4) of Directive 75/ 268/EEC, HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: Article 1 The list of less-favoured areas of Germany annexed to Directive 86/ 465/EEC is hereby supplemented by the list of less-favoured areas in the new Länder annexed hereto. Article 2 This Directive is addressed to the Federal Republic of Germany. 1992L0092 — EN — 23.04.1993 — 001.001 — 4 ▼B ANNEX ▼M1 LESS-FAVOURED AREAS WITHIN THE MEANING OF ARTICLE 3 (3) OF DIRECTIVE 75/268/EEC: LAND SACHSEN NUTS- LN (abgegrenzt) Nummer Kreis-/Gemeindename Code ha R1E1 CHEMNITZ R1E14 1401 Kreis Annaberg 649 140113 Hammerunterwiesenthal 210 140121 Oberwiesenthal 439 R1E15 1402 Kreis Aue 179 140208 Carlsfeld 179 R1E1F 1412 Kreis Marienberg 524 141232 Satzung 524 R1E1K 1417 Kreis Schwarzenberg 9 141715 Tellerhäuser 9 R1E1E 1418 Kreis Klingenthal 568 141805 Klingenthal, St. 529 141809 Muehlleithen 39 LESS-FAVOURED AREAS WITHIN THE MEANING OF ARTICLE 3 (4) OF DIRECTIVE 75/268/EEC: LAND BERLIN NUTS- LN (abgegrenzt) Nummer Stadtbezirke* Code ha R1B 011000 BERLIN *Hellersdorf 800 *Pankow 2 000 *Weißensee 900 *Marzahn 200 *Hohenschönhausen 200 *Köpenick 801 LAND BRANDENBURG NUTS- LN (abgegrenzt) Nummer Kreis-/Gemeindename Code ha R1C0Y 0208 Kreis Perleberg 58 804 020802 Baek 2 457 020804 Bendelin 1 400 020805 Bentwisch 878 020806 Berge 2 135 020808 Boberow 915 020809 Breese 343 020812 Dergenthin 832 020814 Cumlosen 1 572 020815 Dallmin 1 187 020820 Garlin 2 747 020823 Glöwen 1 937 020825 Groß Breese 912 1992L0092 — EN — 23.04.1993 — 001.001 — 5 ▼M1 NUTS- LN (abgegrenzt) Nummer Kreis-/Gemeindename Code ha 020831 Groß Warnow 995 020833 Grube 948 020841 Klein Gottschow 1 161 020850 Laaslich 1 178 020851 Legde 1 685 020853 Mankmuß 1 290 020860 Netzow 1 253 020862 Perleberg 3 734 020867 Pröttlin 1 925 020868 Quitzöbel 675 020872 Reckenzin 1 092 020874 Retzin 1 223 020877 Rühstädt 2 206 020892 Viesecke 1 528 020893 Weisen 875 020895 Wilsnack Bad 2 782 020896 Wittenberge 2 375 020897 Wolfshagen 2 799 020504 Besandten 870 020516 Eldenburg 1 529 020537 Lanz 2 811 020538 Lenzen 3 062 020574 Mellen 941 020569 Wootz 2 552 R1C18 0311 Kreis Templin 36 797 031102 Beenz 688 031104 Beutel 299 031109 Densow 824 031112 Funkenhagen 1 804 031113 Gandenitz 719 031114 Gerswalde 2 113 031116 Gollin 264 031117 Groß Dölln 392 031120 Grunewald 338 031121 Hammelspring 909 031122 Hardenbeck 1 518 031123 Haßleben 1 496 031124 Herzfelde 1 031 031126 Jakobshagen 753 031127 Kaakstedt 2 036 031129 Klosterwalde 1 335 031132 Lychen 1 451 031134 Milmersdorf 2 459 031135 Mittenwalde 1 889 031136 Petznick 772 031139 Ringenwalde 1 212 031140 Röddelin 802 031141 Retztow 359 031142 Rutenberg 1 357 031143 Stegelitz 1 513 031144 Storkow 843 031145 Temmen 719 031146 Templin 3 884 031148 Vietmannsdorf 1 128 031149 Warthe 727 031150 Wichmannsdorf 1 163 R1C0D 0402 Kreis Brandenburg 49 955 040201 Bensdorf 2 061 040202 Boecke 377 040203 Brielow 692 1992L0092 — EN — 23.04.1993 — 001.001 — 6 ▼M1 NUTS- LN (abgegrenzt) Nummer Kreis-/Gemeindename Code ha 040204 Briest234 040205 Buckau 1 143 040206 Bücknitz 825 040207 Butzow 1 305 040208 Damsdorf 818 040209 Deetz 1 130 040210 Dretzen 542 040211 Emstal 464 040212 Fohrde 999 040213 Glienecke 1 016 040214 Göttin 499 040215 Götz 936 040216 Gollwitz 1 010 040217 Golzow 2 593 040218 Gortz 664 040219 Gräben 548 040220 Grebs 605 040221 Hohenferchesar 503 040222 Hohenlobbese 663 040223 Jeserig 872 040224 Ketzür 641 040225 Klein Kreutz 913 040226 Köpernitz 494 040227 Krahne 1 387 040228 Lehnin 580 040229 Lünow 906 040230 Marzahne 716 040231 Michelsdorf 472 040232 Nahmitz 327 040233 Netzen 1 041 040234 Oberjünne 216 040235 Päwesin 1 260 040236 Pritzerbe 1 451 040237 Prützke 860 040238 Radewege 862 040239 Rädel 378 040240 Reckahn 856 040241 Rietz 699 040242 Rogäsen 732 040243 Roskow 1 390 040244 Rottstock 607 040245 Schenkenberg 516 040246 Schmerzke 668 040247 Steinberg 493 040248 Trechwitz 777 040249 Viesen 1 023 040250 Warchau 982 040251 Wenzlow 780 040252 Weseram 1 125 040253 Wollin 1 254 040254 Wust665 040255 Wusterwitz 1 232 040256 Ziesar 1 931 040257 Zitz 1 222 R1C0L 0403 Kreis Gransee 45 176 040302 Altlüdersdorf 1 365 040303 Altthymen 431 040304 Badingen 1 627 040305 Barsdorf 590 040306 Baumgarten 644 040307 Bergsdorf 1 136 1992L0092 — EN — 23.04.1993 — 001.001 — 7 ▼M1 NUTS- LN (abgegrenzt) Nummer Kreis-/Gemeindename Code ha 040308 Blumenow 700 040309 Bredereiche 583 040312 Burgwall 84 040313 Dannenwalde 257 040314 Dollgow 783 040315 Falkenthal 1 751 040316 Fürstenberg Havel 705 040317 Glambeck 484 040318 Gransee 2 546 040319 Grieben 649 040320 Großmutz 1 882 040321 Großwoltersdorf 1 025 040322 Grüneberg
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