Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consultation 10th July 2015 Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 CONTENTS Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consultation 10th July 2015 Chief Executive Paul Reid Director of Services Gilbert Power Senior Planner Rachel Kenny Design & Publishing Technical Section Fingal Development Plan Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consulation July 2015 2017-2023 CONTENTS PART ONE AN EXPLANATION OF THE LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MAKING OF THE NEW DEVELOPMENT PLAN & CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT, A DESCRIPTION OF THE CONSULTATION PROCESS, AND AN OVERVIEW OF ISSUES RAISED 1. Purpose and Contents of Chief Executive’s Report 1 2. Legislative Background for the Fingal Development Plan 1 3. Legislative Requirements for Chief Executive’s Report 2 4. Description of Notification Procedure / Consultation Process 3 5. Overview of Issues raised at the Public and Stakeholder Meetings 5 6. Overview of Issues raised from Written and On-Line Submissions 7 7. Approach to Consideration of Submissions and results of Public 9 Consultation/stakeholder Meetings PART TWO ANALYSIS AND SUMMARY OF THE ISSUES RAISED IN THE SUBMISSIONS RECEIVED BY THE COUNCIL AND AT THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETINGS 1. Introduction 11 2. Submissions from the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly and 12 National Transport Authority 3. Cross Cutting Themes 18 4. Settlement Strategy 32 5. Placemaking & Communities 40 6. Infrastructure & Movement 51 7. Economic Development 71 8. Green Infrastructure 82 Fingal Development Plan Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consulation July 2015 2017-2023 CONTENTS 9. Natural Heritage 84 10. Cultural Heritage 88 11. Impacts on the Environment 92 12. Miscellaneous 95 PART THREE CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS BY TOPIC 1. Main Aims of the Development Plan 101 2. Strategic Policy 102 3. Settlement Strategy 103 4. Placemaking & Communities 104 5. Infrastructure & Movement 106 6. Economic Development 108 7. Green Infrastructure 110 8. Natural Heritage 110 9. Cultural Heritage 111 APPENDICES Appendix A i Development Plan Timeline Appendix B ii Lists of written submissions by number and name of persons bodies Appendix C xv List of Prescribed Bodies who were informed of the Review of the Development Plan under the statutory process Appendix D xvii List of those invited to the Stakeholder Meetings Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consulation July 2015 Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 GLOSSARY A AA Appropriate Assessment (see also HDA and NIS) ACA Architectural Conservation Area AILG Association of Irish Local Government B BRE Building Research Establishment (UK) BRT Bus Rapid Transit BS British Standards C CCMA City and County Managers Association CEDRA Commission for the Economic Development of Rural Areas CSO Central Statistics Office D DAA Dublin Airport Authority DAHG Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht DART Dublin Area Rapid Transport DCC Dublin City Council DEP Dart Expansion Programme DLR Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council DMURS Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets DOCENR Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources DOECLG Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government DOEHLG Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government DP Development Plan DTA Dublin Transport Authority DTO Dublin Transportation Office Fingal Development Plan Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consulation July 2015 2017-2023 GLOSSARY E EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMRA Eastern and Midlands Regional Assembly EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERBD Eastern River Basin District EU European Union ECFRAMS Eastern Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management Study EV Electric Vehicles F FCC Fingal County Council FDI Foreign Direct Investment FEMFRAMS Fingal East Meath Flood Risk Assessment and Management Study G GDA Greater Dublin Area GDD Greater Dublin Drainage GDSDS Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Study GFA Gross Floor Area GI Green Infrastructure GSI Geological Survey of Ireland H HDA Habitats Directive Assessment (see also AA and NIS) HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consulation July 2015 Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 GLOSSARY HLC Historic Landscape Characterisation HSA Health and Safety Authority HSE Health Service Executive I IALPA Irish Airline Pilots Association ICW Integrated Constructed Wetland ICT Information and Communication Technology IDA Industrial Development Authority IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change L LAP Local Area Plan LECP Local Economic and Community Plan LEO Local Enterprise Office LCDC Local Community Development Committee LCDP Local Community Development Programme LCA Landscape Character Assessment LO Local Objective M ML Megalitre N NAMA National Asset Management Agency NBP National Biodiversity Plan NGO Non-Governmental Organisation Fingal Development Plan Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consulation July 2015 2017-2023 GLOSSARY NHA Natural Heritage Area NIS Natura Impact Statement (see also AA and HDA) NPF National Planning Framework NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Services NRA National Roads Authority NSS National Spatial Strategy NTA National Transport Authority O OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OPW Office of Public Works P PE Population Equivalent pNHA proposed Natural Heritage Areas PSV Public Safety Zone PV Photovoltaics Q QBC Quality Bus Corridor R RAPID Revitalising Areas by Planning Investment and Development RAS Rental Accommodation Scheme REPS Rural Environment Protection Scheme R&D Research and Development Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consulation July 2015 Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 GLOSSARY RFF Refuge for Fauna RMP Record of Monuments and Places RPG Regional Planning Guidelines RPS Record of Protected Structures RSES Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy S SAAO Special Amenity Area Order SAC Special Areas of Conservation SDCC South Dublin County Council SDZ Strategic Development Zone SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SFRA Strategic Flood Risk Assessment S.I. Statutory Instrument SICAP Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme SID Strategic Infrastructure Development SIU Social Inclusion Unit SME Small and Medium Enterprise SMS ‘Sutton-Malahide-Swords’ Cycle Route SNR Statutory Nature Reserve SPC Strategic Policy Committee SPA Special Protection Area SQ M Square Metres SUDS Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems SWRR Swords Western Ring Road Fingal Development Plan Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consulation July 2015 2017-2023 GLOSSARY W WFD Water Framework Directive WFDRPA Water Framework Directive Register of Protected Areas WMU Water Management Unit WSSP Water Services Strategic Plan WTP Water Treatment Plant WWD Waste Water Discharge WWT Waste Water Treatment WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consulation July 2015 Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 PART ONE LEGISLATIVE BACKGROUND AND PROCESS Fingal Development Plan Chief Executive’s Report Pre-Draft Consulation July 2015 2017-2023 PART ONE AN EXPLANATION OF THE LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS & CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT 1. PURPOSE AND CONTENTS OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT The purpose of the Chief Executive’s Report is to present the outcomes of the initial consultation process carried out prior to the preparation of the Draft Development Plan. The preparation of report forms part of the statutory procedure for the preparation of a Development Plan set out in the Planning and Development Act 2000-2014. The report is made up of three Parts and four Appendices. Part One: provides an explanation of the legislative background for the making of a Development Plan, including a description of the steps in the process of making the Plan. The legislative requirement for the Chief Executive’s Report is also outlined, followed by a description of the notification procedure and consultation process. The consultation process, which resulted in 325 submissions together with hundreds of views and ideas recorded at four public consultation evenings and three stakeholder meetings. A broad overview of issues raised at the public and stakeholder meetings, and those raised in the submissions are given. Details of the approach taken in considering the issues raised and submissions received are outlined, before concluding with a description of the next stages in the process towards the making of the new Plan are also outlined. Part Two: consists of a summary, analysis, and Chief Executive’s Opinion in respect of the issues raised in the written submissions received by the Council, at the public consultation evenings and stakeholder meetings. Part Three contains the Chief Executive’s Recommendations on policies to be contained in the Draft Development Plan. Four Appendices are presented at the back of this document: Appendix A: Development Plan Timeline Appendix B: Lists written submissions by number and name of persons/bodies. Appendix C: List of prescribed bodies who were informed of the Review of the Development Plan under the statutory process. Appendix D: List of those invited to the Stakeholder meetings. 2. LEGISLATIVE BACKGROUND FOR THE FINGAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The prescribed process and timetable for the preparation of the Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 is outlined in Appendix A of this report. The process set out in the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended gives a ninety-nine week period for the adoption of the Plan and involves public consultation at three separate stages which are indicated on the Timetable. The first
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