Volume 10 - Issue 41 / May 2021 199 DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.41.05.20 Constitutional guarantees of the right to work due to the COVID-19 pandemic Конституційні гарантії права на працю в умовах пандемії COVID-19 Received: May 3, 2021 Accepted: June 8, 2021 Written by: Yuliia Chupryna69 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7394-4227 Alina Murtishcheva70 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6520-7297 Danylo Kravtsov71 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4110-7181 Olena Poproshaieva72 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3910-964X Kateryna Zakomorna73 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9124-9570 Abstract Анотація In the conditions of proper functioning of В умовах належного функціонування society, the settlement of labor relations is a суспільства надзвичайно важливим питанням є remarkably relevant issue, especially during врегулювання трудових відносин, особливо під global crises and shocks. Significant changes in час глобальних криз та потрясінь. Значні зміни the regulation of this issue in almost all countries щодо регулювання цього питання в майже усіх have introduced the initiation of quarantine due країнах світу внесло запровадження карантину to the quarantine regime. Fulfilling the duty of внаслідок пандемії COVID-19. Виконання states to guarantee the protection and realization обов’язку держав з гарантування захисту та of the right to work in special conditions is a реалізації права на працю в особливих умовах priority in ensuring the proper functioning of є пріоритетним у забезпеченні нормального human life. The object of the study is the функціонування життєдіяльності людей. constitutional guarantees of the right to work due Об’єктом дослідження є конституційні гарантії to the quarantine regime. The purpose of the права на працю в умовах пандемії COVID-19. work is to analyze the constitutional guarantees Метою роботи є аналіз конституційних of the right to work in a COVID-19 pandemic. гарантій права на працю в умовах пандемії During the study, the following methods were COVID-19. Під час проведеного дослідження used: historical, generalization, formal-legal, використовувалися такі методи як: історичний, analysis of normative documents, articles, and узагальнення, формально-юридичний, аналізу monographs, comparative-legal, and the social- нормативних документів, статей та legal experiment. As a conclusion of the study, монографій, порівняльно-правовий, та the peculiarities of the transformation of соціально-правового експерименту. В constitutional rights in the context of the Covid- результаті проведеного дослідження 19 pandemic were analyzed. In addition, the проаналізовано особливості трансформації results of the analysis of regulations and opinions конституційних прав в умовах пандемії Covid- of several scientists established an extensive 19. Крім того, результатами аналізу system of guarantees of the right to work, нормативно-правових актів та думок низки clarified problematic issues in the field of науковців встановлено розгалужену систему гарантій права на працю, з’ясовано проблемні 69 Head of the Research Department, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. 70 Ph.D., Assistant Lecturer at the Department of State Construction, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. 71 PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Labor Law Department of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. 72 PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of State-Bilding, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. 73 PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of State-Bilding, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322 - 6307 Chupryna, Y., Murtishcheva, A., Kravtsov, D., Poproshaieva, O., Zakomorna, K. / Volume 10 - Issue 41: 199-210 / May, 2021 200 ensuring the right to work in a pandemic питання у сфері забезпечення права на працю в COVID-19. Україні в умовах пандемії COVID-19. Keywords: constitutional guarantees, right to Ключові слова: конституційні гарантії, право work, employer, employee, labor relations. на працю, роботодавець, працівник, трудові відносини. Introduction The end of 2019 was a challenge for the world. has not become an exception in ensuring the Humankind has faced a new test in the form of a fulfillment of the rights and responsibilities of coronavirus pandemic, which has made citizens. adjustments in all areas of human life. Such adjustments have become crucial for the state, Hence, several new normative legal acts were businesses, and employees. adopted, and existing norms were amended. For example, the resolution of the Cabinet of The right to work is one of the fundamental Ministers of Ukraine "On prevention of the human rights established by international legal spread of coronavirus COVID-19" (Resolution acts and recognized by all countries. This right No. 211, 2020) introduced quarantine in Ukraine; belongs to the group of socio-economic rights the legal regulation of labor relations in and, in a general sense, reflects the need of man quarantine is provided by the Law of Ukraine to create and acquire sources of livelihood and "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Of family, realize his creative potential, and express Ukraine, aimed at providing additional social and his/her personality. The right to work and economic guarantees in connection with the protection against unemployment is proclaimed spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)" by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Law No. 540-IX, 2020), the Law "On (United Nations, 1948), the International amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of Rights (United Nations, 1966), the Conventions, coronavirus disease (COVID-19)" (Law No. and Recommendations of the International Labor 530-IX, 2020), etc. Organization (1964, 1988). At the European level, the right to work is established by the In addition, more and more companies and European Social Charter signed by Ukraine upon government agencies have switched to remote accession to the Council of Europe (1961) work. Thus, the employer received the right to instruct employees to perform work remotely (at Of particular value, for the recognition and home) if it does not contradict the nature and protection of the right to work, is the activity of characteristics of the duties of employees. Also, the International Labor Organization (hereinafter this option is acceptable if the employee can – the ILO). During the years of its existence since perform other work, which, although it can not 1919, the ILO has adopted a large number of be performed online, still does not require a recommendations on various labor issues. personal presence in the workplace. To declare such work, the employer must accept the relevant Therefore, the right to work as the most order of the enterprise and indicate to whom it significant element of socio-economic relations will apply (which positions/departments, etc.). in the fight against a dangerous disease, from All employees affected by the order must be which no one is insured, requires a clear familiar with it. The consent of employees to definition of guarantees that allow it to be used transfer to this mode of operation during effectively. During the pre-quarantine period, the quarantine is not required. According to the state created a system of legally established adopted Laws of Ukraine No. 530-IX of 2020 principles, which are the basis for ensuring all the and No. 540-IX of 2020, remote work was rights of citizens. The COVID-19 pandemic legalized, and the employer has the right to forced adjustments to the state's legal framework. instruct employees to work remotely only on its initiative. But employees following long- Consequently, all states have undergone standing rules of Art. 139 of the Labor Code of transformations in the field of ensuring the right Ukraine (Law No. 322-VIII, 1971) are obliged to to work. Ukraine, as a sovereign and comply with the instructions of the employer. independent, democratic, social, and legal state, www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322 - 6307 Volume 10 - Issue 41 / May 2021 201 The same innovations have been imported introduced certain tax benefits, accelerated the abroad. registration of unemployed, to persons – entrepreneurs. Also, measures to preserve jobs Given the changes in the implementation of the and the labor market are clearly insufficient, as constitutional right to work, it is necessary to evidenced by statistics on rising unemployment investigate the implementation of the since the beginning of quarantine. constitutional right to work due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the peculiarities of the regulation Besides, Radchuk (2021) examined how of labor rights. employment changed after quarantine in Ukraine in 2021. Thus, the researcher analyzed that, in Theoretical Framework some countries, with a high standard of living, the government is increasingly concerned about Primarily, it is worth to pay attention to the works improving the emotional state of citizens, which of Yakymenko (2006), and Lukyanova & helps to strengthen family relationships by Zaitseva (2021), in their work, analyzed the legal reducing working hours. In Denmark, for mechanisms of protection of labor and social example, a working week lasts an average of 37.5 rights of workers. As a result of the study, the hours. And in February 2021, the Spanish researchers found that the crisis caused by government approved a national pilot project, COVID-19
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